Onslaught 1 (Vitrian Secrets Series)

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Onslaught 1 (Vitrian Secrets Series) Page 1

by Dele Andersen

  Onslaught 1

  (Prequel to The Healing Méndez)

  Dele Andersen

  Copyright © 2017 by Dele Andersen All rights reserved.

  This publication or any part of it cannot and should not be distributed, reproduced or transmitted in any form, nor by any means. This includes photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher. However, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the publisher, at the address below.

  Dele Andersen

  49 Belsetveien, 1348 Rykkinn, Baerum, Norway.


  Facebook: http://www.facebook/deleandersen

  Twitter: @deleandersen

  Instagram: @deleandersen

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Onslaught 1 (Vitrian Secrets)

  Part 1

  Part 2

  Part 3

  Part 4

  Part 5

  Part 6

  Part 7

  Part 8

  Part 9

  Part 10

  Part 11

  Part 12

  Part 13

  Part 14

  Part 15


  Novels by

  Dele Andersen

  Vitrian Secrets – The Healing Méndez

  Vitrian Secrets – The Chosen Unveiled

  Vitrian Secrets – The Curse Awakened

  Short Stories by

  Dele Andersen

  Onslaught 1 (A Prequel to Vitrian Secrets)

  Onslaught 2 (A Prequel to Vitrian Secrets)

  Part 1

  The night was cold as late snow continued to fall early in March in Norway. It was tranquil in Celina's winter home. The house stood alone at the top of the mountain; the house was some reasonable distance away from the next inhabited house. Celina was a member of the Vitrian community in Norway. The Vitrians were a unique set of people with special abilities that made them see demons and the power to fight demons. Although Celina was married to the respectable leader of the Vitrian in Norway, her visions of seeing Vitrian children being attacked and killed had disturbed a lot of people. Hence, she had been told to leave the Fortress, where all Vitrians lived and go rest at her family winter home in the mountains, so she could get better and not disturb the Fortress while her husband was away.

  At almost 3:00am in her winter holiday home, which is situated in one of the remote Norwegian mountains, Celina listened to a conversation. She placed her ear gently against the door and heard a man's voice that she recognized very well. What she was hearing was unbelievable, it seemed all her fears and the visions she had been having about children being captured or dying had just come to reality.

  “Now is the time to do it,” The man said.

  “Are you sure, sir?” The woman in the room with him asked for confirmation. “There is no going back now; she will be distraught when she wakes up and can't find her son.”

  “You and your sisters have said it is the only way to get what I want – I need to get rid of The Chosen,” The man said as if seeking affirmation.

  “Yes,” the woman in the room with him responded. “But you don't know who The Chosen child is,” the woman answered. “We can wait some more years, can't we?”

  “No!” The man shouted. “I will get rid of all the children with similar traits now. Get it done. When Celina wakes up, I want it all done ...” He stopped and looked back towards the door, urgently.

  “I thought you said Celina was fast asleep?” The woman asked.

  Pandemonium took over Celina's existence a moment later as she ran, hurried down a flight of steps in her pyjamas, sweating profusely and panting with a little boy in her arms. Regardless of how cold it was, the sweat on her was severe as apprehension took over her body.

  “What is it, mama?” The little boy watched as his mother placed him down quickly, and her hand shook like she had an intense fever. She tried to open the door to their winter holiday home. Fear began to creep into the boy's face like Celina had affected him with a disease or something. “We should go back," the little boy said.

  Celina ignored her son, knowing he couldn't understand what was about to befall him. Quickly, she closed her eyes and said a brief prayer. She opened her eyes - her prayer was nothing more than muttering words of 'help God, help!' She turned the knob to the door again, but the knob didn't move.

  “Oh, God!” She became terrified and tried using her slim body to force it open. Suddenly she heard her son scream. She turned and looked up to see that her son had been snatched by a woman.

  “No! No!” Celina screeched like a wild animal and rushed back towards the steps to get her son. At the top of the steps, she met the man who immediately prevented her from reaching her son.

  “Can't you see that even your prayers are not being answered?” The man scorned in the dark. His face and upper body were hidden by the dark, but he had on a pair of long, light brown trousers. “If they were, you wouldn't have come out here because I had this all planned long before now, and you cannot stop it.”

  “No, no,” Celina objected. “You are crazy ...” she hit the man with her hands, but her fists had little or no impact on his broad chest. “I beg you, don't do this,” she cried out the words amidst uncontrollable tears.

  “You are lucky, Celina, which is why I'm not going to burn you along with Adrian.”

  Celina raised her head up as she heard what he was going to do to her son. She was about to object when he pushed her aside; she staggered backwards and hit the wall.

  “Adrian is only a little boy. He knows nothing of the prophecy,” Celina pleaded for her child's life.

  “Celina, you'll have other children,” the man looked back, his lips wiggled like he was going to smile.

  “You know - I never gave the other parents this option. I killed them along with their children.”

  “But you can't prove Adrian is The Chosen one, can you?” Celina defended.

  “Adrian has the traits of The Chosen in his blood, and that is enough for me. The Chosen and those with traits of The Chosen must die.” His voice carried deep venom that shocked Celina, and then he stepped into the room he came out from.

  “Don't do this!” Celina rushed behind him, and the instant she stepped into the room, her heart fluttered in desperation. Adrian was floating a meter up in mid-air, still dressed in his pyjamas. Below him was a big circle drawn on the floor, and in the center of the circle was a pentagon with several other symbols within it. A blueish light radiated from the circle to the roof of the room; the light was only within the circle, and it was the only light in the room.

  “Sorcery,” Celina's eyes widened in disbelief of what the man she knew very well had gotten into. “She has poisoned your mind; this is not you,” Celina shouted out, pointing at the other woman who was dressed in a long red cloak.


  Part 2

  Celina's heart palpitated extremely fast, but she was weak from the drugs she had been given to calm her nerves and make her rest, so she didn't have much strength. Suddenly, she became apprehensive from the discussion that she overhead. In the winter's cold, sweat came over her, and the sleepy eyes she had previously immediately left her, though she was still weak. Sweat came over her entire body so much that one would think there was a heating unit on high temperature in the room.

  “Mama,” Adrian cried. The little boy was struggling to get free from the force that caused his lev
itation. He could only shake his body within where he hung in mid-air. Celina rushed towards him, but a force a few inches from the circle pushed her back.

  “Don't! Don't!” Celina shook her head and turned in haste as she looked at the other woman in the room. She was desperate to save her child.

  “Sir,” the other woman looked up.

  There shall be no more chosen prophecy. I shall put an end to it here, now... even if it means ending my own lineage,” the man said and then looked at the woman with a determined gaze. His eyes flashed like something else was in them. “Do it!”

  The other woman opened her palm, and a stone-like object appeared. She said something in a strange language that sounded like an ancient language, and suddenly fire erupted from the item. The fire burnt upwards out of the woman's palm.

  “No.” Celina screamed intensely and rushed to stop whatever evil the woman was consulting. The man caught her before she could get to the woman, and forcefully threw her back. Celina fell to the ground bruising her legs and hands as she slid back and then stopped by the door. Celina ignored the pain, the bruise, and the laceration on her skin and turned as the trauma of losing Adrian overwhelmed her. She watched in the most horrifying dismay of her life as the man took the stone from the other woman and threw it.

  Celina screamed like a woman who had lost her senses. She watched the stone, which was burning with unusual dark fire as it moved in slow motion towards the circle where Adrian was trapped - the entire area within the circle that Adrian was placed turned into flames. Adrian screamed with his full strength as the dark fire burnt.

  Relentless that she would lose her son, Celina got up and rushed again to the circle, but the force around the circle obstructed her from getting to her son. She hit the shield with all her power, screaming with all her strength, but nothing happened. Celina turned to the man in a wild rage and rushed towards him in a frenzied manner, ready to tear him apart. Celina's eyes and expression showed she was on the verge of going nuts as she wailed and cried horror rushing towards the man, but the huge man pushed her away; she fell to the floor like a bag of bones. Celina screamed with all her might, hitting the invisible shield again and again and wailing in a crazy mood.

  “I want Marcus' daughter, Wanda,” the man spoke to the other woman in the long red cloak ignoring Celina's wailing. “And let's not forget Zacharie's granddaughter 'Mia' too. Take care of them all.” Both their faces and expressions were still hidden away in the dark. Celina, who was howling, didn't hear them clearly, but she already knew what the man was planning - to destroy all The Chosen children. Celina knew the man would attack all the children that were connected to The Chosen one after the other.

  “I am on it,” the woman answered in the dark and then included, “what about Luciana's son Haakan. I mean Zacharie's other grandchild.”

  “Luciana, she has been faithful.” The man paused and moaned in a low tone like there was a reason why he didn't want Luciana hurt. “Include Haakan," he said gently.

  “Meet me in the city,” when you get your strength back?” The man turned and walked past Celina. “I have some other children to get to this night.”

  Celina continued to hit hard on the shield blocking her from reaching her son. She didn't even realize she was the only one left in the room. Watching her son in the horrific scene had made her lose touch with everything around her.

  She suddenly came back to reality, got up after a while and wobbled towards the door of the room. She fell down outside, unable to watch her son in the terrifying scene. She couldn't hear the boy anymore, only the noise of the burning fire. She covered her ears, squeezed her body together on the floor with her knees bent towards her face, and wailed bitterly in horror.

  She remembered Marcus while groaning. Marcus' little daughter came up in her mind, and without demur, Celina searched frantically for her phone.

  “Marcus, Marcus,” she scampered realising Marcus' daughter was another target for the man.

  “Celina?” Marcus sat up instantly, hearing Celina cry. “He ... he ... did it,” Celina said incoherently amidst bitter tears. “He killed Adrian...burnt him alive!” she cried out loud.

  “What?” Marcus spoke out, making his wife, Sofia sit up as Celina's call woke them up from sleep.

  “He is searching for The Chosen and any other child who shows traits of The Chosen,” Celina explained in tears that gushed out like heavy rain from her eyes. “You have to get your daughter away, get Wanda hidden away ...”

  “Wanda!” Marcus repeated, wondering why his two-year-old daughter was in danger. “Wanda is safe ...” Marcus broke off as he and Sofia suddenly heard their baby cry out. Sofia jumped off the bed and scurried to Wanda's room.

  Celina, hearing a weird sound behind her, suddenly jumped up and turned to face the room where Adrian had been. She screamed in fear staring into the room.

  “Celina, Celina,” Marcus called, hurrying behind Sofia but holding on to the phone against his ear. Something else was in the room now that Celina was staring at. She could not believe what was standing and looking at her; the creature was huge, and it had furiously red eyes, ready for a kill.


  Part 3

  Celina swallowed hard in bewilderment, knowing that the fire must have consumed Adrian and unleashed a demon never seen before from the Abyss. The creature took a step, leaped, and in a second crushed through the door frame, the door gave way. It appeared and stood in front of Celina - She squealed in trepidation.

  “Celina, Celina,” Marcus stopped and shouted loudly, looking at the phone in his hand.

  In a split second, another scream followed, but this time, it was Marcus' wife. Sofia ran very fast out of the room she had gone into. She was carrying their little daughter Wanda as she ran. She got to Marcus before Marcus realized what Sofia was running from.

  A massive, over seven-foot bat-like disfigured creature stepped out of the room, breaking through the wall. Its wicked eyes focused on Marcus, Sofia, and Wanda.

  “The Night Furfur!” Sofia called out the name of the creature inadvertently. Before it moved, Marcus had pulled out from the wall beside him a huge machete with an image of the Vitrian symbol engrafted on it; a symbol that brings healing to humans but deadly to demons. The symbol sparkled as Marcus launched at the beast.

  “Marcus,” Sofia cried out in fear as her husband rushed towards the creature that had appeared in their home. She held their little daughter Wanda tightly. Wanda had started crying due to the mayhem and noise around her.

  The Night Furfur opened its mouth wide, revealing huge fangs as Marcus launched at it. Marcus ducked the massive wing the demon swerved at him, raised his knife up, and tore the wing as the knife cut through like a pair of scissors cutting through a piece of cloth that had been pulled tight. The demon went after him with the other wing, but he ducked and slid towards the horse-type legs of the demon.

  Marcus was one of the most experienced Vitrians and knew the weakness of the Furfur demon was on the back of the demon, where the talons and fangs could not protect it. The demon kicked Marcus hard with one of its legs before Marcus could get a good position behind it. Marcus fell backwards and slid to an area where the other taloned-wing of the demon could reach him. He rolled around on the ground, instantly avoiding the talon that pressed towards him. Marcus grabbed his knife and knelt. He looked at the demon and saw the beast was struggling as one of its wings that Marcus had cut wobbled on the floor.

  “Call Xavier,” Marcus said, pulling back quickly towards his wife, but his eyes were still on the demon.

  “What! What should I tell him?” Sofia asked.

  “I want to know how many Vitrians are under attack," he replied, looking straight at the demon that was struggling to move due to its damaged wing.

  “You think this was planned,” Sofia inquired. “You promised me we would be safe, Marcus. You promised me demons didn't attack Vitrians even though Vitrians have the power to attack them.�

  “This is unusual,” Marcus turned to his wife to see the gloom on her face.

  “Is my Wanda safe?” Sofia asked. She could see in the silence that followed that her husband was not planning to answer. “I don't want my daughter involved in the Vitrians' stories or their prophecies that are dead and forgotten.”

  “This is not the time for that ...”

  “Is she safe?” Sofia shouted, her eyes were filled with tears and apprehension, knowing that she was not a Vitrian and would not be able to protect her daughter as would her husband or any other Vitrian.

  “No,” he said, closing his eyes. “I am sorry, I didn't foresee this. I didn't believe Celina.”

  “Celina?” Sofia called in deep disgust, her eyelids narrowed, indicating that Celina had been an issue in their home. “We agreed you'd keep away from her, but now she's calling you in the middle of the night.”

  “Take it easy, Sofia.”

  Marcus reacted speaking out loud while sweating profusely from the fight he had just had with the demon that was still struggling to crawl towards them. “Celina just lost her son.”

  “Adrian? ...” Sofia went numb for a moment. “Adrian is ... dead? I don't believe Celina... She's just trying to draw you in and get you away from me. Why didn't she call Bathe or Xavier or Alexis? Or she could have even called her female friends like Tine or Luciana. She didn't do that, but she remembered to call you?”

  “Sofia ...” Marcus complained when they suddenly heard a sound and turned back to the Night Furfur.

  “What is it doing?” Sofia enquired, staring apprehensively at the deformed creature that was struggling to move and was making some rather irritating sounds.

  Marcus did not wait to answer his wife; he pulled her by the arm and rushed towards their room.

  “What is happening?” Sofia asked, turning back sporadically to look at the demon that was struggling in a pool of its own ichor and screeching in an unknown language. “What is the Furfur doing?”


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