Fortress (Forde Family Series Book 2)

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Fortress (Forde Family Series Book 2) Page 29

by nikki blaire

  “You want me to stop?” He asked haughtily, already knowing the answer.

  She shook her head no, hoping he never stopped. “Then what’s your answer?”

  “I’m almost done…” Her words stalled for a moment because he was now rubbing and stroking her. “I’m almost done with the payments on my mortgage.”

  The words rushed out of her mouth like a freight train. She wouldn't risk losing her thought again. Marcus could get her to sign her life away like this.

  “I’ll buy it for you.” He took his fingers away to lift his shirt over his head.

  “Marc, I don’t need you.”

  He put a finger up to her lips to shush her. “I know you don’t need me to. I want to. You can keep it, but let me buy it for you. Does that mean you’ll move in with me?”

  She watched him lower himself between her legs. “Marc, I think we should talk about it more. You can’t just go buying condos. It has a lot of money left,”

  His tongue connected with her and she screamed.

  “I can buy anything that I want.” He wrapped her legs around his shoulders then dove in with abandon.

  Pleasure shocked every part of her system. It consumed her and rippled through her body to her toes, which curled around Marcus’ neck.

  She grabbed for anything that she could, but only found Marcus’ back. Her nails dug into his skin. She wished that it would make him ease up his relentless torment. Instead, it egged him on. Coherent words would not form. All she could do was scream.

  After what felt like forever, Marcus came up to hover over her. He kissed her deeply and then greedily pushed himself inside of her. He paused for a moment to let out a guttural moan before finding a steady pace. Every stroke seemed to pierce her soul. He was tearing down her walls, both physically and emotionally.

  “We’re gonna have a beautiful baby.” He whispered in her ear right before she succumbed to his passion.

  “I need you to cum again. Give me another one.” He lifted her legs to his chest then slowly drilled in and out.

  In and out turned to circles and Charlisse almost lost her mind. It felt like she split in half, as she came again, just like he told her to. Her body was completely under his command until he decided to release her.

  “I love you, Charlisse.” She could feel him letting go, which sent her over the edge again.

  She wanted to respond to him, but was out of breath. And her mouth was dry, likely from her screaming. All she could do was rub his back once he fell onto her chest.

  But she hoped that he knew it meant that she loved him too.


  “I can’t even believe this shit.” Dwele’s voice was audible from across the room.

  Marcus looked up across the showroom floor to find his brother staring at an array of diamond rings and shaking his head.

  “Let me see this one.” Marcus turned his back to the jeweler that his family had used for decades.

  He had called for a special appointment to privately view all of the jeweler’s collection. This way, Charlisse’s engagement ring would be special and unique - just like her.

  “I like these two. I don’t know how to combine them, but that’s what I want. The oval cut with the rose gold set.” Marcus pointed to what he felt best fit Charlisse.

  He knew not to get anything too gaudy, despite his own propensity for flash and flair. Simple and classic would take her breath away.

  “Good choice, Mr. Forde. I think I have something that you’ll like.” The jeweler stood up then disappeared to the back.

  His brother finally mosied over to him, still wearing the same forlorn expression he had on all day.

  “If I knew you were going to be like this then I would’ve brought Ayda.”

  “No, you wouldn’t have. All she was going to do was squeal at everything.” Dwele sucked his teeth.

  “And don’t even say you would’ve brought Tremaine. Someone has to work, while you’re out here losing your damn mind.”

  “Losing my mind? Really?” Marcus had to laugh at his little brother.

  “How come it’s okay for Ayda to have a relationship, but I’m crazy? You were telling me not to be so hard on her. Were you saving it for me? What’s the difference?”

  “Because you were just at your booty call’s wedding saying that you didn’t plan to take the plunge any time soon. Now, look at us.” He waved his hand around the jewelry store.

  “I mean, since you’re clearly not thinking, get her a Harry Winston diamond. Why settle for something in here?”

  “It’ll take too long. You know anything that custom is going to take four to five weeks. She might be showing by then. And I’ll never get her down the aisle then.”

  “Down the aisle? So, you’re already thinking about the wedding?” Dwele sighed.

  “Yes. Isn’t everyone who gets engaged thinking about the wedding?” He smirked at his brother’s expense. “And actually, what I said was that begrudgingly I’d have to get married soon. So, basically I predicted this.”

  “You’ve lost it.”

  “Quite the contrary, Dwele. I’ve found it.” He smirked.

  His sister had done a great job of planning the proposal, but she was proven to be terrible at keeping secrets. Ayda told Marcus that she had accidentally told Dwele his secret when Marcus called to tell her the list of things that Charlisse mentioned she would like to have at her proposal.

  “But I only told him about the engagement.” She promised that Charlisse’s pregnancy was still a secret.

  And that was all that really mattered to him.Plus it was nice to have his brother to share in this moment. Even if he was being disagreeable.

  Excitement tingled through him when he thought about getting down on one knee. He was nervous, yet anxious to hear her say “yes” surrounded by their family and closest friends.

  Which reminds me, I have to call her father.

  That made Marcus more nervous than anything. Part of him worried that her father would disapprove and, even worse, not come. He was the single most important person in Charlisse’s life and all she asked was for him to be there.

  Marcus took a deep breath. Getting Charlisse’s family from New Orleans to Washington, D.C. was the one thing that his sister asked him to do, so he had to get it done.

  Ayda had planned a theme, invited their friends in the city, and even came up with the best lie to lure their guests there. According to the invitation, everyone, including Charlisse, believed they were attending a celebration of Marcus’ Sports Illustrated interview.

  It was perfect, given that Marcus’ only request to his sister was to incorporate the pictures they had taken during the photoshoot.

  He had loved them enough to have the photographer send them to him, but now, they meant even more knowing they were the first pictures of them as a family, including their baby.

  “Look at this one, Mr. Forde.” He placed a beautiful ring down on the table. “What do you think?”

  “That’s it.” Marcus knew as soon as his eyes landed on the ring in front of him.

  He turned to his brother, genuinely wanting his opinion. “How’s this one, Dwele?”

  Marcus was the older brother, which meant he was used to having his opinion sought, not the other way around. Still, he was standing in front of his little brother needing him to say that he was happy for him.

  Dwele’s glance darted from his brother to the ring then back to Marcus.

  “It’s a good choice.” He nodded and then held his hand out for Marcus to slap. “I’m happy for you, bro. Really.”

  “This is it then.” Marcus turned back to the jeweler. “Put it on our account.”

  “Of course, Mr. Forde.” The jeweler smiled at both of them. “She’s a very lucky lady. Now, I’m going to rush this for you, but I’m still going to need a few weeks.”

  “That’s fine.” He was on cloud nine just to have the ring picked out.

  The ring made it feel real. Finally, Marcus ha
d a reality that he actually wanted to experience.

  “You have no idea how much that costs, do you?” Dwele sighed.

  “Does it matter?” Marcus shrugged before putting his hand on his brother’s shoulder.

  “Let’s go get something to eat. On me. I’m in a good mood.”

  “I’m sure.” Dwele couldn’t help but shake his head before they thanked the jeweler and left.

  They walked out onto the busy sidewalk in search of a restaurant for lunch. Marcus eyed his brother closely. He could tell that Dwele had something else on his mind. That was why he was so salty. Dwele was generally an optimist, so Marcus knew that his brother’s sour mood was about more than he let on.

  “You know, you’ve gotta get over the shit from law school, man. It’s not healthy. Charlisse got me into talking about my feelings. Maybe you should. It helps.”

  “What? Excuse me?” Dwele was caught off guard. “I’m over that shit. Been over it.”

  But Marcus wasn’t convinced. “You sure? I mean, I don’t know what it’s like to be cheated on, but I’m sure it hurt. It would make anyone bitter.”

  “I’m not bitter.” Dwele said through clenched teeth. “And there’s nothing to talk about.”

  “Okay.” Marcus decided to let it go. “But if you ever change your mind, I’m around.”

  He motioned towards a steakhouse that they both enjoyed to change the subject. “Let’s eat here. I try not to eat meat in front of Charlisse since she’s a vegetarian, but today calls for a good steak.”

  Dwele nodded in agreement then followed him inside. They ate lunch together, but then parted ways. Marcus couldn’t keep using his brother to delay the inevitable anyways. He needed to call Charlisse’s father.

  Marcus walked into his house and tossed his keys and phone aside. He needed to gather his thoughts and figure out just what to say before he made this call.

  “And a drink. I need a drink.” He walked over to pour himself one then strolled out to his back patio. “Fresh air should help.”

  He looked out over his back yard. And his mind began to play scenarios of a little boy running around it, while Marcus chased him.

  “Okay, I’m just going to get straight to it. Mr. Lageaux, my name is Marc and I love your daughter.” He suddenly had the courage to do what he needed to.

  “Let’s do this.”

  He went back inside to grab his phone. Marcus took a sip of his drink then dug in his pants pocket for the business card Charlisse’s father gave him when they met. He had torn his office apart to find it and then kept it in his pocket until he worked up the nerve to use it.

  “Here goes everything.” He dialed the number then held his breath while the phone rang on the other end.

  “Hello?” Alphonse Lageaux's unmistakable accent picked up.

  Marcus half hoped that he wouldn’t. “Mr. Lageaux, good afternoon. My name is Marc Forde. I’m not sure if you remember me, but,”

  “You’re dating my daughter.” His response was direct, yet unexpected.

  The last Marcus knew, Charlisse was still struggling with sharing their relationship. He had been prepared to prove the validity of his asking her to marry him by going over their relationship. Now, since their dating was already established, Marcus didn’t know where to start.

  “Um.” He tried to find something to say, but he was dumbstruck.

  Emotion hit him and he felt his heart burst with the reassurance that she cared enough to tell her father about him.

  “Hello?” Alphonse repeated.

  “Yes, sorry. I just...didn’t know that she had told you. She was a little hesitant. Your opinion matters a lot to her. And it should, I mean, if I were a father,”

  He had started to ramble, which was very unlike him. He looked down at his hand and saw it shaking, so he put his glass down.

  “I’m sorry, Mr. Lageaux. I’m just nervous.” He hadn’t planned to admit that, but his entire plan was out the window so he may as well be honest.

  “Only a guilty man is nervous, Marc.” Alphonse replied and then erupted into laughter.

  “Î'm kidding, look, son, we’ve already met so I missed my chance to really be on your case. And you’re in D.C., so I’ll save my threats of bodily harm for when you’re not thousands of miles away.”

  “Well, that’s just it, sir. I’d like for you to come to Washington, D.C. as soon as possible. Before the end of the month.” Marcus tried to wet his mouth, which had grown impossibly dry.

  “I want to ask Charlisse to marry me.”

  Dead silence was all that Marcus could hear on the other end.

  “If that’s okay with you.” He quickly added.

  “Marc, short for Marcus.” Her father’s voice finally returned to the conversation. “Marcus James Forde, Jr.”

  “Yes, sir.” He wasn’t sure where this conversation was going.

  “When my daughter called me and said you two were dating, I did a little digging. You do know I’m a judge, right.”

  “Yes, sir. I do.” He suddenly felt like a teenager who had been caught in a girl’s bedroom.

  “So, you know I can find out anything on anyone. And I found out a few things about you. Now, I planned to ask my daughter these questions, but since you seem so taken with her that you called my phone...I’m gonna ask you.”

  Marcus thought it was best to just stay quiet, while her father began to lay into him. “Now, Marc, you’re the son of Marcus Forde, Sr. and Claudette Forde, oldest of three children. You have an exorbitant amount of money.”

  “Um, yes.” He wasn’t sure of what else to say. “I am the CEO of,”

  “A wealth management firm, yes. I’m aware. I’m assuming that’s how my daughter came to meet you. She mentioned that you were a client of hers when we met. And given that your father has been the subject of a federal investigation.”

  “Yes, but I had nothing to do with my father’s,”

  “Uh, huh.” He cut him off. “You’ve never been married and no children,”


  Marcus said to himself.

  “You can’t seem to drive the speed limit, but have no criminal record otherwise. Are all of these things correct?”

  “Yes, and about the speeding, I,”

  “That was a yes or no question, Marc. You’ll know when I want more than that. Now, tell me why you think you’d be a fit husband for my daughter? You’ve accomplished a lot for 36, but it seems to me you’ve spent your life focused on everything other than having a family.”

  He paused to think of a good answer. Ideally, he would say something to wow her father, but nothing impressive came to mind. The only thing that he could think of was the truth.

  “She’s my world, your honor. I mean, judge, I mean, Mr. Lageaux.”


  He cursed himself.

  “That’s it?” Her father responded.

  Marcus clenched his fists, preparing himself for a major blow. Her father didn’t seem too satisfied. And as an “almost father” himself, he wasn’t sure that he would be either.

  “Yes, sir.” Another moment of silence passed between them.

  “She better be.” He finally replied. “And if at any moment I ever feel like she’s not, I’m snatching my daughter up and bringing her right back here to New Orleans...after I tear you a new asshole.”

  Marcus unclenched every part of his body that had tensed waiting on her father's response.

  “Of course, I mean, no I would never, I mean,” He was still processing her father’s approval.

  “When do I need to come in town?” He called out over Marcus’s yammering.

  “Oh, yes, I’ll have my sister contact you with dates and details. Charlisse doesn’t know you’re coming, so if you could keep it a secret…”

  He was trying to remember everything. “Oh, and if you could make sure anyone else who should be here comes. I’ll pay for everything. I just want it to be perfect for her, ya know.”

  “Well, shoot, sounds
like you may need to get a private jet.” Her father chuckled.

  “We can do that. That makes sense.” Marcus was serious. “If you think everyone would be able to come at the same time,”

  “That was a joke, son. I’m sure we’ll get it all figured out.”

  “Okay, well, call me if you need anything else.” He paused to take a deep breath and slow down his racing heart.

  “I’m just really thankful. I really do love her. I’m going to take care of her, protect her,”

  “That’s all well and good,” Alphonse cut in again. “Just be sure she’s gonna say yes. Are you sure? I’d hate to pile us all on this jet for disappointment. My daughter’s got a mind of her own, that one.”

  “I’m sure, Mr. Lageaux.” Marcus could finally laugh at his jokes, now that his anxiety had passed.

  “I’ve never been more sure of anything in my entire life.” He said before hanging up.

  “Thank God.” He flopped down on his sofa, glad to be done with one of the most intense moments of his life.

  But I survived.

  He had completed everything - the ring, her family, and planned a flawless proposal. Everything Charlisse needed to cherish and remember this moment forever.


  “Hey, Charlisse.” A very cheery Ayda Forde stood at Charlisse’s front door.

  She had rushed to answer the spirited knocks that she could hear from the shower.

  “Ayda, aren’t you here a little early?” She up and downed her.

  Bags filled her arms and a rack of clothes stood behind her. Ayda had offered to help her get dressed for the evening, but she hadn’t expected this.

  “Girl, I just couldn’t wait.” Ayda pushed her way into Charlisse's condo revealing several other people in the hallway.

  “This is my assistant slash bestie, Renee. And I brought my glam team. You know, just to help us out. I hope you don’t mind.”

  Charlisse smiled at each person as they walked in.

  “Sure.” It was too late for her to decline. “Um, can I get you a glass of wine? Water?”

  She couldn’t drink, but there was no reason to deprive her guests.

  “I’ll pour the wine.” Renee grinned. “Just show me where you keep it. You all can focus on getting dressed.”


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