The Dragon Within

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The Dragon Within Page 61

by SlyOkami

  And at his words, she abruptly rose to meet his face with her own surprise. The proximity, and her human form not helping one bit, causing Alan’s face to rush crimson. “W-What?” He asked.

  “My Lady…I never thought I’d hear those words from you again…” Findri said, tearing up further as her eyes sparkled with the tears. “I’m sorry Alandru…”

  Alan shook his head, “I should be the one apologizing…I’ve been waiting to for so long…That night, I went against your wishes. I failed you, I couldn’t save him, not from himself.” He said, dread clear in his tone as he looked away. Unable to, unwilling to meet her eyes.

  When Findri suddenly flicked her index finger onto his forehead, “I might be the one running like a river but it is you who is always blaming everything on yourself…” she said, regaining his attention as she pouted in annoyance. “I gave you too much for you to carry alone, the promise you made me…I shouldn’t have had to rely on you. I was foolish, so were all the rest of my people. Erikathyr was not your kind’s problem, it was ours and we failed to stop it before it was too late.”

  She then smiled, a warm smile that broke all of Alan’s walls. “You did everything you could, Alandru, I will never hold that against you.” She said.

  And it was Alan’s turn to flood with waterworks, as his eyes opened wide, as his tears gushed out uncontrollably.


  The earth shook.

  And the sky rumbled.

  Freezing Alan’s emotions in place as a cold fear replaced them.

  “W-What the hell was that?” exclaimed one adventurer in question as panic filled the crowd.

  “Dylan calm the crowd down, Jennifer search the city.” Kai immediately began barking orders at his highest of rank, his adventurers nodding in brief response before rushing off to gather others.

  But as he turned to meet the already confusing scene he had been gazing at before, his own eyes widened at the sight.

  The sight of his own father, a man he thought to be fearless.

  Alan’s eyes were void of hope, and filled with dread as they gazed into the sky. Seemingly caught breathless, as he stood frozen.

  “Alandru, what is it? What was that feeling?” Findri asked in similar confusion.

  Feeling Alan shaking in her grasp.

  As his gaze fell back to them, his face almost as pale as her own. He glanced at the confusion of the rest, but Alan had nothing to be confused about.

  No, only fear filled him.

  As he knew exactly what that sound meant, as it had happened only once before. “That…That wasn’t no earthquake…that wasn’t just thunder…” he mumbled out, answering the obvious questions he heard the crowd around him speak. “That was reality itself shuddering, as something broke through the veil in between…” He explained in a grim tone.

  “And what in the world does that mean?” Elena asked in confusion, taking a step back as Alan’s haunting eyes fell upon her.

  “It means…” Alan said, before glancing at the crowd around them. “We cannot speak here…” He told them, shaking his head.

  (“Alandru, what is happening?”) Findri asked through their bond, as Alan’s gaze dropped to meet hers.

  (“One of…them…has arrived.”)


  * * *



  Sinbeni, Lahihr Desert Plains

  Moments Earlier

  Pyra burst through the falling debris, crashing through wood and iron as she tried to evade the Fae’s levitated projectiles, Umbra was using the caravan’s remains as ammunition to keep the faster Dark Elf at bay and at a distance.

  Dark energy forming at the shadow’s fingertips, as he’d target a broken wall or crate, raising the object as the same energy engulfed it. The debris would rise, as if gravity had reversed, before suddenly flinging itself into Pyra’s path as she tried to approach Umbra.

  Pyra was struggling as there was no end to the Dark Fae’s resource for ammunition, but he also wasn’t making much progress in killing her either, she was too quick to be hit with anything heavy enough that would actually injure her.

  And as Umbra flung the remains of a ballista at Pyra, his attention suddenly moved over to a nearby dune, as Makaela stood over it with a bloodied blade.

  Pyra’s gauntlet smashed through the flung siege weapon, ready to evade but then noticing the Fae’s distraction. Grinning as she followed Umbra’s gaze, before turning back to her task and lunging at it.

  She planted her feet steadily into the ground, before suddenly sprinting forwards. The wind whistling as she ran past, the debris below her shattering as she passed over. Pyra ran as fast as she could, seeming like nothing more than a streak of light as she leapt off a mound of broken crates and up towards Umbra.

  The mound exploded under her leap, gaining the Dark Fae’s attention.

  As Umbra turned to find Pyra soaring towards him, lightning surging through her gauntlets as she lay mere feet away. “You should pay more attention during a fight, Tree Born.” Pyra hissed, whilst striking forth with her right fist.

  “You’re not worth my full attention, Drakon.” Umbra spat back, raising his shadowy hands to meet Pyra’s fist.

  As her bright light clashed with his warped darkness. The two magiks pushed into one another, twisting and turning into each other before suddenly and violently exploding.

  Sending Pyra and Umbra flying apart.

  Umbra opened his wings wide, slowing his descent into the ground. But Pyra tumbled over and through many kinds of debris before suddenly slamming into an iron board, groaning in annoyance and slight pain as she slid down to the ground yet remained standing.

  “Hmph, is this everything you mortals have to offer? Desperate I would say,” Umbra scoffed, “You come at us with lesser numbers, and I’m about to make that lesser even less so!” He exclaimed, as his wings of shadow suddenly shook, sending out a shockwave of darkness that enveloped the entire battlefield.

  Pyra glanced around as dark shadows began appearing out of nowhere, too many to count amongst the utter chaos that surrounded them. But enough to turn the tide against them, as the guards found pause to regroup and the Wyrms enough cover to chant.

  “Lust might have fallen, but I won’t fail.” Umbra chuckled wickedly, as his violet eyes widened “You’re outnumbered, and outmatched. And once all the Dagen wake up, even more so. You lose this, Drakon.”

  But Umbra faltered, as Pyra did what he did not expect.

  Pyra laughed, “I hate overconfident men.” She mused before meeting the Fae’s eyes. “Isn’t that right, Ascal?” she asked loudly, their battle having moved close to his caravan.

  As the Xilfir Captain stood on the ship’s railing, his large ethereal hourglass hovering behind him whilst dozens of guards moved in to cut off his escape. Yet Ascal’s grin only widened at her words, “Now sister, that sounds like you’re demeaning me! I have reason to be overconfident, unlike these spineless twerps!”

  “Damnit Ascal, are you ready yet?” Zentha’s voice asked with annoyance as one of her serpents of smoke slither by.

  Ascal chuckled, “I’ve been ready for a minute now, but I wanted to enjoy their frustration for just a minute longer!” he exclaimed in amusement.

  Umbra grew confused as he glanced between Pyra and the large hourglass up top.

  “Apologies for the wait, he’s got severe anxiety issues when it comes to crowds.” Pyra said as she popped her left shoulder.

  “Anxiety!? More like attention whoring issues! Just activate the damn thing!” Zentha shouted, as her tendril of smoke hissed at Ascal.

  “Fine, fine. Then it’s time to raise the curtains!” Ascal exclaimed, opening his arms wide, as his eyes and smile did so too. “Let the show…” He laughed, it quickly turning into a warped cackle as he bowed.

  As the hourglass behind him turned upside down.

  The blood that had gathered at the bottom, suddenly beginning to flood back into the other half.

sp; As tendrils of dark green energy began forming out of the new bottom.

  Ascal flicked his fingers, and the tendrils rushed into his hands, forming what seemed like a spectral musical instrument. A guitar which hung off Ascal’s neck, as he held it with his left hand. With its bottom end still growing a thick tendril of dark green energy, which like a cord it connected the object to the hourglass.

  Into his right hand also flowed a single tendril, forming a guitar pick which he grabbed before putting it to the instrument’s strings. “Haha!” Ascal giggled maniacally, playing a few harsh notes before suddenly leaping off the railing, flipping backwards and then landing over his conjured hourglass.

  * * *

  Disclaimer; No he isn’t actually playing this song…I’d like to think he is though xD

  * * *

  “Let the show begin!” Ascal exclaimed, and he continued on with the notes, playing a harsh and heavy tune.

  Filling the battlefield with panic.

  As off each corpse, oozed out a spectral green energy, that shuddered to his notes.

  And as he played, the corpses took in breathe.

  Reanimated, with a dark greenish light in their eyes, only the guard and Wyrm corpses rose to their feet. But as they grasped their weapons, it was enough to turn the tide. As they screeched incomprehensibly, snarling and growling too. Their behaviour just as animalistic as their attacks, they rushed their former allies with that bestial fury.

  More and more rose, for as far as Ascal’s instrument could reach, undead standing up and sending the enemy into disarray. Dead who walk, sending the guard and Sin Wyrms into chaos, as they lashed out.

  “W-What is this…Necromancy?” Umbra mused in surprise, glancing about as the rebels and Dreadblades used the undead as fodder while they struck the gathering enemy quick and hard.

  Devastating the guard’s forming lines.

  “You’re not the only one who’s expanded their horizons on magic,” Makaela said as she appeared next to Pyra, “Necromancy is just another sub-school of the Dark Arts. Arts our people were awakened to use.”

  “Hmph, an Art with a glaring flaw.” Umbra said, spreading his wings wide before suddenly soaring up towards Ascal.

  Stopping immediately as a massive serpent of golden smoke rushed into his path, hissing all the while.

  “You were saying?” Zentha hissed, her voice reverberating out of her summon.

  Then evading back, as Pyra with her fist outstretched, flew past his previous position. Missing the attack, she fell back to the ground and landed with a hard crash.

  “You’re not touching our little brother.” Pyra also hissed, her eyes cold and tone harsh as she glanced up at the Dark Fae, planting her feet into the ground and readying for another leap.

  Umbra grumbled under his breathe, “This isn’t happening…” as he glanced about at the battle.

  “Surrender, and your life may be spared!” Makaela exclaimed, her voice echoing throughout the convoy, followed by a terrifying roar as one of the dead Dagen also rose back to life. The bloodied undead goliath moving to stand behind her as its large tail bashed into another approaching Dagen, dislocating the other beast’s lower jaw with the attack.

  Pushing the guards’ rising fear to its limit, as many began to drop their weapons and fall to their knees.

  “Tsk, you won’t get far with this little rebellion of yours. You’ll never take Lahihr, much less Abu Katra.” Umbra said before warning snidely, “And if I were you, I’d be warier of home. We-”

  When his voice was suddenly cut off, as the ground shook, as the air quaked.

  As the sky rumbled, the sound of thunder reverberating across although not a single cloud was visible.

  “M-Makaela…” Pyra whispered, as she pointed off into the distance, “Isn’t that…towards Seeri?” she asked.

  As she pointed towards where the desert turned into yellowish hills.

  And behind those hills, a pillar of darkness rose, far off into the distance but clear as day. A rush of dark energy rising up into the sky before dispersing into a wide circle of black clouds.

  “Thea…” Makaela said quietly, while she gazed off at the rising darkness, her hands clenching into fists as her eyes widened. (“Focus on the task at hand!”) She then chided herself, returning to face Umbra…


  The Fae was long gone, and so were his shadows.


  * * *


  Mieri Island

  Delirio The Black’s Liar

  The Pit’s Bottom, Moments earlier.

  Erik glided off the Black Dragon’s remains, stumbling on his landing as he came to stand before Thea, Nerick and Ivara. Who gazed at him with awe. Breathing heavily, Erik grinned as he met their gazes. “Where’s Shizuka and the youngling?” he asked, seeing neither as he glanced around.

  “U-Oh, they’re…Where are they?” Nerick then asked, snapping out of his daze and stumbling on his words.

  “H-Here!” Shizuka suddenly exclaimed from above, where she lay hovering down slowly. Dim red spiritual energy flowing out of her and surrounding the two others about her, an unconscious Sinbeni human and the green drake.

  Her expression was pale and eyes wide with struggle as she did her best to slow their fall, letting go in relief once they reached the bottom. Her spiritual energy rushing back into her body as Shizuka feel to her knees. “Tha-That was a p-pain…” She managed to say, before collapsing onto her back, breathing heavily as she lay there.

  Thea and Nerick, much to Ivara’s annoyance, rushed to check on her.

  “Well done,” Thea said with a warm smile as she kneeled next to her, “I knew you had it in you.”

  “Not bad at all.” Nerick added, whistling as he looked over at the massive drake.

  “I’m not the amazing one here…” Shizuka said with a weak chuckle as she glanced at Erik who now approached the green drake.

  Coming to stand before the green youngling’s snout, as runic formations still covered its body.

  Erik placed his palm over the drake’s snout, “Ivyieth.” He said, her name flowing into his mind which he then spoke.

  But the drake did not move, instead, the Sinbeni slave woman visible shuddered.

  Erik grimaced, “She’s too far gone,” he said with disdain in his tone, “Most of her soul has already been transferred over to the other vessel, she won’t survive the transfer back…And if nothing is done, she won’t survive this at all.” He explained, studying the runes that still floated out of the rubble below and onto the drake’s body.

  “I…Some of these runes I don’t…recognise.” Erik mused, in both surprise and annoyance. “The characters aren’t using base Elvin, not by a long shot. And they’re too…harsh, to be anything Fae. But I get the basics of the ritual, I can sever it.” He said before glancing over at them, “Shizuka I need you to grip what remains of her soul and pull it into the human vessel. Can you do that?” he asked.

  “I can try…” Shizuka said weakly as she tried to rise, almost falling over as Thea caught her.

  “Don’t push yourself…” Thea said as she helped her alongside Nerick, the both of them aiding Shizuka to walk over to the drake.

  She held onto the creature, using its snout as support as she laid onto its scales. Through her touch, she felt the soul that still remained bound to the physical vessel before her. “I’ve…never saved anybody before.” She mused quietly, smiling at the thought.

  “What did you say?” Erik asked, not fully understanding her as he gazed at the runes.

  “N-Nothing,” Shizuka said, blushing in embarrassment at her own words. “I-I can feel it, so…I think I can grab onto it. But what then?”

  “Focus and you should see what’s happening, your eyes are better suited for this than mine.” Erik said, gesturing at the Sinbeni woman nearby.

  “R-Right, focus.” Shizuka repeated, turning to look at the unconscious
slave. Narrowing her eyes, and emptying her mind of other thoughts.

  She focused on her sight, willing her spirit to envelop her surroundings as thinly as possible, to cover as much space but with the least energy spent. And as she did, it began to become clear to her.

  The dim green flame that existed in between the two bodies, an ethereal tendril of fire that slowly flowed from within the drake and into the human. Glancing at both, Shizuka also saw the flame outlining each of them, but…

  The flame that covered the drake was pale and fading, while what covered the human was a raging green blaze.

  “I see it.” She said, caressing the drake’s snout and feeling the soul flowing beneath her touch.

  “When I tell you, grip it tightly and do not let go. I’m about to free her from the ritual, and there’s no telling in which direction it will move once I do. Souls are erratic like that.” Erik explained, turning to face the drake’s forehead and moving his palm to lay over a rune that strangely resembled a humanoid shape. “Ready?” he asked.

  Shizuka nodded, “I’m ready.” She said with determination.

  Erik closed his eyes, as lightning sparked at his fingertips, causing the runes around his palm to turn a pale gold. He began to speak, a language unrecognisable to anybody else.

  Erik spoke in Fae, “Dissolve the promise, break the vow. Unchain this soul from unwarranted contract. I, Lightning, command you so.” He said, speaking quickly and in concise succession. As lightning suddenly surged out of his entire arm, engulfing Ivyieth’s head as all the runes across her body turned pale gold.

  All but a few, which suddenly glowed a disturbing violet.

  The runes Erik did not recognise.

  “Now!” Erik exclaimed, and the runes which glowed gold suddenly shattered into thousands of sparks, showering them all in specks of light.

  Shizuka gripped the pale flame right then, suddenly feeling it tug at her own soul, as she saw a pinkish flame envelop her.

  As it slowly exited her, being pulled out with the green flame.

  She struggled, barely able to keep her own soul inside.


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