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The Dragon Within

Page 82

by SlyOkami

  Rolling his eyes, Nerick sighed, she had grown so much but still deemed his neck as her roost…

  “How did I do?” Erik asked, glancing at Kayle as her eyes suddenly filled with white.

  “Well, you only left four of them alive, so it’s moving slow.” Seer Kayle said, her eyes then returning to normal. “Will it work? Will they really surrender?”

  “It will work, you teleporting me in and out alongside the destruction I added in, it shocked them to the core. But even if they do, the bloodshed isn’t over.” Erik warned as he relaxed into his throne, “Zrosa might interfere, Nerick, Makaela, make sure we remain vigilant.” He said and both the Dragon Knight General Makaela and Wyvern Lord Nerick nodded in understanding.

  “Then I guess…you’ll just have to wait and see?” Shizuka said, stepping forth alongside Quinn.

  “You’re going? Made up your mind have you?” Erik asked, eyeing the two Spirit Beasts.

  Shizuka nodded, “This world has forgotten my kind, the kind I am now. And hers, needs a new perspective, together we will change that place. That, is my quest now.” Resolved she declared, turning to meet the Dragon Emperor’s gaze. “I…also wish to learn, I wish to know more of what I am now. With Kyllix’s training before, and Quinn’s guidance I’ve grown stronger, but I know there has to be more to us than just power.”

  “Wise, wise words those are.” Erik said in agreement.

  Shizuka’s hands clenched then, as her gaze fell. “I’m going to visit her one last time before I go, so you won’t see me after today. Not for a while probably.”

  Erik’s eyes narrowed, “I’m sure she’ll enjoy your visit, for some reason, she saw something within you I failed to see…”

  Those words filled both of them with dread, “She saw the same thing in you.” Shizuka then responded.

  Erik silently nodded, gesturing then for them to leave. “I wish you well in your quest, Shizuka, hopefully when you do return I’ll have finally fixed this one.”

  “Yeah…She’d enjoy that too.” Shizuka said, then each of them turned around to leave, Makaela disappearing in a burst of shadow.

  The doors closing behind them as Ivara’s long tail dragged out.

  Makaela reappeared outside the hall and next to them, forming out of nowhere as usual and startling Quinn. Further hurting Ivara’s pride. “He’s still…”

  “It will take time.” Nerick sighed, “But yeah, he hasn’t been the same since.” Then holding Kayle closely as he said that.

  “None of us have.” Kayle said.

  Makaela nodded, “And then there’s…”

  “I feel it too,” Kayle agreed, “Something with his mana…has changed, and keeps changing.”

  Shizuka sighed, “Maybe I shouldn’t leave yet?”

  “You couldn’t help even if you wanted to kitty.” Ivyieth chuckled as she appeared across the hallway, turning to walk towards them. “The nature of his change…even I know little of it.”

  “Yet you won’t explain shit.” Nerick growled.

  Ivyieth shrugged, “With the little that I know, you wouldn’t understand no matter how much I tried to explain it. All I can say is, it’s up to him how badly it affects his mind.”

  Makaela rolled her eyes, “It’s fine, maybe you can’t explain but I’m sure your elders can with ease.”

  Her words causing Ivyieth to look at her with a raised brow.

  “You and Erik aren’t the only dragons remaining, there is a third, and I’ve contacted her. Whenever she might decide to…reply…” Makaela cringed, she had heard stories of the Ice Dragon, and none of them spoke of her mood nor personality. She could only guess, and knowing Erik and how most Ice based creatures acted…Her hopes were dim, but there nonetheless.

  “Hm, I’d love to meet Elder Sister then~” Ivyieth mused, her eyes seemingly shining with excitement at the thought of another.

  “Ugh,” Shizuka groaned, the little brat still annoyed her. “We’ll take our leave then.” She said, turning to face Makaela, Nerick and Kayle. “Thank you, for everything. Is something I’ve only ever said to Erik and…Her, but you all have done much for me as well…” She leaned forth, bowing, a stance of respect in Zrosa.

  Nerick grinned, “It’s fine kid, go and have your adventure.”

  “I’ll be keeping watch on you too~” Kayle said, a cold thin smile across her face which always gave Shizuka a chill. She had changed the most, her strange powers utterly creeping Shizuka out.

  Makaela then stepped forward, putting her thumb beneath Shizuka’s chin and raising her head to face her. The Dark Elf stared into the young Spirit Beast’s eyes briefly, before smiling, “You’ll be alright, she’s always with you, isn’t she?”

  Shizuka’s gaze faltered, yet she too smiled. “Yeah, she is.” She said, rising away from them. “Farewell, for now.” She said her goodbyes, and they gestured back the same. Shizuka walked off, there was much still to be said, but not here…Not to them.

  Quinn followed, anxious as always by the Citadel’s dark theme, and even more so nearby those four. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen her smile like that…” Quinn mused after they reached the stairs, ascending them then.

  “Who?” Shizuka asked as they walked.

  “Miss Makaela…” Quinn answered, “She’s always so…Brash and chaotic…grinning like a madwoman!”

  “Ahhah…” Shizuka chuckled awkwardly, “She actually smiles a lot, that was probably her least freaky one though.”

  “She terrifies me.” Quinn admitted.

  “Good…Cause she might not have the sight Miss Kayle has…but she can still probably hear us.” Shizuka warned, chuckling as she saw Quinn’s expression pale.

  They chatted, for the length that took to reach the top of the castle they talked the time away. Until finally, they ascended the last flight of stairs and walked across the hall.

  A rich gold making up the very pavement, walls and ceiling…Erik held back no expense in the creation of this new level of the castle. They glanced at the design on the walls, emerald and other beautiful greenish materials forming the shape of vines which grew out from the ground and about the room.

  Merging on the ceiling, where the Selene household crest lay.

  And then, filling what the large stained-glass window on the back wall did not. The window taking the shape of a figure, a beautiful woman with unkept short blue hair and narrow light blue eyes. Armoured in plating of full white with drapes of blue, and wielding before her an ornate sword of white and gold.

  Shizuka and Quinn squinted their eyes due to the rays of bright sunlight that shone through the window, as they stared up at her visage. Their gazes then falling to what lay at the centre of the room.

  Laying on a pedestal of mixed gems, was a coffin of the deepest black onyx.

  They approached it, climbing up the gemmed stairs to stand before it.

  Glancing over the words inscribed upon its lid.


  Here lies

  Thea Selene

  Theaviss The Chosen

  Empress Of The Empire




  Shizuka lay her palm over the coffin, her eyes closing as she felt the coldness of it. “I’m leaving, Miss Thea, I’m off to start my life anew. This…This is all thanks to you. You who saved me, a mere street rat, you who took pity in me and held me close. You changed me, and my fate…” She said in a whisper, opening her eyes to look up at the visage of glass once more.

  “I’m ready, let’s go.” Shizuka said, turning to Quinn who nodded at her.

  Quinn closed her eyes and focused, as did Shizuka. Holding each other’s hands, they then raised their free ones forward and open wide. Feeling the thin veil that separated realities beneath their touch.

  Each Spirit Beast clawed their hands downwards, and the rift opened.

  Quinn stepped through first, but Shizuka glanced back at the coffin once more.

  “I’m sorry…Thank you.” She w
hispered those last words, before stepping through the rift herself.


  * * *



  6th Age

  Year 226, month of 6th Jade

  Two Spirit Beasts leave for another world.

  Three Dragons still live, one of them broken.

  One Devil still remains in hiding, awaiting the opportune moment…

  Another Devil’s ploys and plots continue on too.

  And as this age comes to an abrupt close.

  A new age…begins now.

  B2; Chaos - Ch 57; The Great War - Part 1; Wingbeat

  Five days later


  * * *

  Erik sighed as the morning winds blew past his lengthening golden hair, watching from the keep’s parapet walk and down at one side of the Dark Citadel’s city streets below.

  He watched as his Dark Elves began a new life within the city, families coming in and out of actual homes, guards roaming the streets, traders even coming with their own families from hidden villages all around the Sinbeni desert.

  Word of the Dragon Empire’s siege on Abu Katra had gone far and wide these past five days.

  Yet whilst the streets seemed peaceful, Erik knew the tension which lingered, he could see it on the faces of each of his children.

  Abu Katra had yet to send out a single slave, instead the Sinbeni capital had barricaded itself inside the walls, raising several magical barriers whilst siege equipment of each kind was prepared onto the walls themselves.

  Seeing such as he walked around the keep, the pulsating sphere of dark blue magic surrounding the entire city ahead.

  “Fools.” Erik hissed in annoyance.

  “It’ll be their own destruction.” Makaela mused in elven as she suddenly appeared behind him, leaning under one of his wings and into his arm. Erik showed no reaction, simply continuing to stare off at the enemy.

  Makaela’s gaze fell to his other wing, as it lay dragging on the floor behind him, his scales turning from white to a dark violet whilst the golden netting gained further patches of black with each passing day. Her eyes moving to his face, scales there too turning purple whilst strands of his golden hair gained a tinge of black.

  Most worrisome though was Erik’s left eye, as tendrils of black formed out of the side, growing closer and closer to the deep draconic blue iris.

  “You look worse with each day that passes,” Makaela mused, “Why won’t you let us gather the healers? You’re sick Erik, we can’t just leave you like this…”

  Erik chuckled weakly, “This is no sickness, I’ve already told you, no healer will even comprehend this. Only I can save myself now, and if I’m not strong enough to…So be it.”

  Makaela sighed softly, “I beg to disagree,” she said pulling away from him. “If no healer can help you, and if only your own strength can, then you wouldn’t mind coming to meet with our newest visitor?”

  Erik’s eyes turned to her, “Visitor? Who and where?”

  “I’ve left them to wait in the throne room, they expect you there. As for who, I’m sure you’ll understand.” Makaela said with a nervous smile.

  “I said no visitors, not while I look…like this. The pe-” He began to chide, but was cut off.

  “It is for your own damn good, also it isn’t anyone who would undermine you by your looks alone.” Makaela chided him back, “Do you not trust my judgement?” and finding no place to argue the growling dragon thought it wiser to simply back off.

  “Fine…General.” He sighed, turning to walk inside after which Makaela followed him. “I hold my right to disintegrate any offender though.” Erik grumbled as they reached the stairs.

  “But of course~” Makaela giggled in amusement, turning by the stairs and walking through the long hallway, reaching then the closed white doors.

  Erik moved to open them with his hands, but as he did pitch black veins grew about his arms, filling him with pain. He backed away, a flash of darkness filling his eyes as he did. “No,” he said to Makaela as she moved to help him, raising his hand towards the doors they then slowly creaked open on their own.

  Revealing within five individuals, four of which he recognised but…

  As Erik and Makaela walked in, he saw Nerick and Kayle talking with Alan, next to which Ivyieth hung onto a beautifully cold woman with long crystalline blue hair and bright cyan eyes.

  Draconic, cyan eyes.

  The excitement of both Ivyieth and the woman dying down as each turned to gaze at a sickly looking Erik. His own darkening blue eyes meeting the woman’s, it took him several moments to realise who stood before him.

  “I see you’ve finally gained your wings, Erikathyr.” The woman said in Draconic.

  “Although fate wishes to rob me of them still.” Erik mused back, “How long has it been Findri? It feels like an eon has passed since I watched you gain yours so quickly.”

  Findri chuckled, “My master was your brother after all, Ziethei the Sun Dragon, my it truly has been a while hasn’t it?”

  “I had heard that you’d returned,” Erik switched to speaking in common, “What happened?”

  Findri’s smile faltered as he asked so, “Grim brought me back, as it did with both you and Alandru. But, only days after that, the God of Death stopped communing with me. I am unsure why, but I was left lost in this new world, alone. I was found by Alandru’s child, the adventurer’s guild and met with him through there. A week ago though, I received a message from your…” She glanced at Makaela, “General, that you’d fallen sickly.”

  Findri then glanced over Erik and the colours which corrupted his body. “Fate truly is cruel…and here we thought you had already been corrupted before.” She said as her sorrowful gaze met his darkening eyes.

  “I was not corrupted before,” Erik said with a sigh, “Those were just ramblings of those old fools from my clan…No, I wasn’t corrupted. I was possessed by a Devil’s ilk. So do not blame yourself, neither of you.” He said, glancing between both Findri and Alan.

  “Corrupted?” Makaela repeated, anxious to learn what was happening to Erik.

  “Even we…Dragons, know little of it.” Erik admitted, “All I know, is that when corruption begins, it is fully up to that Dragon’s strength of body and will to retain their sanity.”

  “That…simply put is the truth.” Findri sighed as she stared at Erik’s dragging wing with sadness. “I…studied this affliction deeply, and that is the only conclusion I was able to come up with myself.”

  “Studied?” Erik repeated in question, a raised brow as he stared down at Findri.

  Who’s expression gained a blush from being stared at, “I…Uh, when I heard that you were corrupted I delved into our history and studies of our biology and arcanology to find or make a cure…”

  Makaela, keen as she was, noticed the Ice Dragon’s expression. “But…you failed?” she said scornfully.

  Watching then as Findri’s shouldered suddenly began to tremble, and her gaze fell to the floor. Frost began to form all around the Dragon as Alan suddenly moved to try and comfort her.

  Makaela, Nerick, Kayle and Ivyieth all backed away, expecting this Dragon to explode with fury at being called out on failure…

  But instead, they watched, as icicle-like tears began streaming out of Findri’s eyes.

  The Ice Dragon suddenly burst into tears, “I-I did! I-I’m sorry!” sniffling and apologising while Alan held her by the shoulders trying to calm her down.

  “I-It’s alright! She didn’t…” Alan glanced at Makaela, “She didn’t mean it like that!” he lied, he knew that she did…

  Erik sighed at the sight, stepping forth to stand before Findri as she wept and shook. Grasping her chin with his two fingers, Erik forced her to face his narrow cold eyes. “And here I thought you had become this Cold Queen of the Ice Clan I’d heard so much about, yet, you have not changed one bit. Have you, little weeping drake Findri?”

  Findri’s tears faltered
as did her sniffling, her cold expression freezing onto Erik’s. Alan glared at him from behind the entire time though, annoyance filling the hero.

  Erik smirked just as Findri’s foot found perch onto his right knee, kicking him before suddenly turning away. “Hmph, only master called me that! Pompous twerp Erikathyr.” She said, giving him her back as a redness filled her face.

  “Ah…” Erik’s expression immediately turned to annoyance at the sound of those titles, his grin turning to a grimace too as his knee burned with pain, “Yeah…I guess I haven’t changed much either from back then?” His expression turning to amusement as he watched Findri break down into tears once more.

  Turning to him, her quivering expression now drenched, “You…You’ll beat this right?”

  Erik chuckled weakly, “I’ve only ever been beaten once,” he mused glancing at Alan, “Yet here I still stand.” He said as he placed his hand over Findri’s forehead, ruffling her crystalline yet soft hair.

  Alan continued to glare at Erik with hidden annoyance the entire time, at this moment Ivyieth was looking at this gesture with some jealousy as well…Makaela on the other hand, was murderously staring daggers at Findri.

  Nerick and Kayle stood away from the entire awkward scene, Kayle trying her best not to break out laughing.

  Findri though stood frozen, the only one meeting the Dark Elf’s glare, as a shiver of cold strangely crawled up the Ice Dragon’s back. Findri then pulled back, fixing her hair as her gaze lay on the ground, “I-I’m sorry, I can’t help you…”

  “You should know above all, I’m not so easy to kill.” Erik said, chuckling when he saw Ivyieth’s pleading expression as she now stood next to him and on her toes. “Ah, you two have met already I presume?” He said, patting the little drake’s head next, who’s expression filled with joy and glee at the gesture.

  “Yes! Elder Sister was telling me of things Fae could not!” Ivyieth exclaimed with excitement.

  Erik smiled weakly, “Well, you’re both free to stay for as long as you wish, I’m afraid the scenery won’t remain as peaceful as now for much longer though.”


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