Need Me

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Need Me Page 5

by Shelli Stevens

  She had all the needed IDs and excuses to get onto the base, and once inside she was certain to have an escort to show her around. Today would be easy. She’d be learning the layout.

  It was when she went back… Tonight. Tomorrow night. Next week. Whenever the time was right to break into the lab. That was when the real challenge would begin.

  And when it did, she knew that the likelihood of hand-to-hand combat was high, the possibility that she might even have to kill just as great.

  The idea wasn’t something that settled well in her conscience. In fact, it had lingered heavy in her gut since she’d begun her training. But she knew if it came down to it she would do what needed to be done.

  An hour later she was at the gates of the compound awaiting an escort.

  “Ms. Owens?”

  She spun at the sound and smiled at the man who approached her. Her stomach twisted a little at the realization that it was again a man she’d have to spend time with.

  “Hello. Colonel Charleson?”

  “Indeed.” He closed the distance between them and grasped one of her hands in both of his. “Lovely to meet you, ma’am.”

  “Thank you for being so kind as to show me around the compound.”

  “Not at all. We’re excited to have an ambassador from the city of Glorus.”

  “And I am just as excited to be here.”

  His smile widened. “Come. Let us begin the tour.”

  An hour later, she’d toured a majority of the compound and encountered many soldiers in the process. The male population had seemed quite intrigued by her presence. Likely because she was a woman on base, made to look pretty, and wore no uniform.

  Fortunately, she hadn’t seen Brendon, which had been her fear all morning. If she were to see him, gods knew what she would do.

  Her stomach twisted at the very thought.

  “You’ve seen the entire compound, ma’am,” the colonel murmured. “Well, save for our specimen lab. But I can’t imagine you’d be interested in such and likely have other things to do.”

  Nika licked her lips and hesitated. How to reply? She did not want to seem too eager.

  “Colonel, I have no plans for lunch and would love the opportunity to spend more time in your presence,” she preened. “Perhaps we could tour the lab and have lunch after?”

  The older man flushed and nodded. “That would be lovely. Just let me place a call ahead to the lab and let them know of our arrival.”

  Chapter 4

  “Lieutenant Marshall. I’d like a word with you in my office.”

  Brendon jerked away from the wall he leaned against and cringed. Shit. He’d just been caught dozing on the job. Again.

  “Yes, sir.” Following the captain into the office located just around the corner, he inwardly let out a tirade of curses.

  How had he not realized that the captain had returned from his early lunch?

  “Please have a seat,” The older man gestured to the steel chair in front of the long, metal desk.

  “Thank you, sir.”

  Brendon curled his body onto the tiny chair and waited for the tongue-lashing he was sure to get.

  “Lieutenant, I realize being assigned this position must be quite a disappointment to someone who is used to seeing action.”

  Now how the hell was he to respond to that? Certainly not with honesty.

  Fortunately, the captain didn’t seem to expect a response, because he leaned back in his chair and sighed. “The truth is, I was excited to hear about your demotion. It gave me the perfect opportunity to request that you be transferred here. I need a man like you.”

  Excited about his demotion? Brendon tapped down his irritation and waited for the captain to elaborate.

  The other man leaned forward, watching him above steepled fingers. “You are exactly what I need for what is about to come upon us.”

  Brendon sat up straighter, interest piqued. “And what is that, sir?”

  “The anniversary. Every five years this lab is attacked by a very skilled thief.”


  “They send one person, Lieutenant. One person to infiltrate this lab and steal hundreds of specimens.”

  Brendon stilled, his head cocking as his brows drew together. “Someone is stealing semen from the lab?”

  Captain Teflick sighed and looked down. “This is why I have called you in here. I do not believe you quite grasp the gravity of what you are guarding. What is being taken.”

  “I understand well enough. It is—”

  “No, Lieutenant. You don’t.” He cut Brendon off sharply. “The specimens you guard are not just the cum from some random soldier dicks.”

  Heat stole up Brendon’s neck, because that’s exactly what he had always jested about.

  “In these specimens lie the possibility of an undefeatable army. Those samples come from royalty. From the greatest soldiers ever to walk the planet.” His voice grew louder and he spoke quicker. “Even from alien men—who have dark, unique sides that we know so little about. The potential of what could be done with such specimens is endless.”

  Brendon drew in a slow breath, holding the older man’s gaze. Royal specimens. That alone was enough to set his head spinning. Anyone could use the samples to create royal blood and create an heir. And then there were the alien men…he’d only heard of the planet where men drank blood. And another where men shifted into animals on occasion. At times he’d believed the planets to be nothing more than mythical nonsense. And yet now here was the captain confirming their validity.

  “The anniversary is upon us.” The man stood and walked to the small window that looked out over the fenced-in building. “Any day they could send another man to infiltrate this building. And we need our best guarding it.” He turned suddenly, his hard gaze landing on Brendon. “And this man will not hesitate to kill you. Or anyone standing in his path.”

  Brendon’s fists tightened in his lap. “How is it that I have never heard of this treachery?”

  The captain let out a soft laugh. “Do you think the military wants this known? It would be the joke that you saw it as. That someone has infiltrated our compound to steal semen.” His lips curled in disdain. “No, the military wants this kept quiet, though they are worried enough to have put out the word underground that there is a hefty bounty for anyone with information leading to the capture of this thief.”

  A reward? “And what if I capture this person?”

  Captain Teflick smiled. “Then you are simply doing your duty, Lieutenant. Your pay stub is your reward.”

  Quite unfair, if you asked him. Brendon made a silent harrumph. And yet, the possibility of danger, of catching this man, sent a rush of excitement through him.

  “I will not let you down, Captain. If this thief shows on my watch, he will not live to—”

  “Oh no, Lieutenant. We want him alive. He’ll have to be…questioned extensively.”

  “Of course.”

  The older man nodded and then sighed. “You are a good soldier, Lieutenant. I know you should be rising in the ranks, instead of being demoted. Though I will say in this instance your loss was my gain.”

  Brendon didn’t reply. He could not argue with the fact that he’d fucked up superbly by screwing his Colonel Rodgers while on duty. Gods. Did Captain Teflick know the reason for his demotion?

  The older man smiled again, maybe sensing his thoughts. He started to say something but then the communication mobile rang.

  “One moment.” The captain lifted the mobile and spoke to the person on the other end. A minute later he disconnected the line.

  “That was a call from Colonel Charleson. He is escorting an ambassador from Glorus over for a tour of the lab. Will you see to this for me?”

  “Of course.”

  “Thank you, Lieutenant. That will be all.” The captain nodded.

  Brendon rushed to stand again, unfurling himself from the cold chair as he saluted the other man.

  “Thank you, Captain.” H
e turned sharply and left the room again.

  Apparently, his job was not quite as lackluster as it seemed. Anticipation jolted through his blood and his mouth curled with the possibility of being the one to take on this thief.

  Yes. Things would certainly perk up if that were to happen. Well. One could only hope. For certainly the thief would realize he’d tangled with the wrong soldier. Nobody attempted to steal on his watch. Whether it was money or semen, it mattered not.

  When this thief showed up, he’d realize his days of larceny were through.

  Brendon resumed his guard, this time with a new outlook. When the call came through that the colonel and ambassador had arrived and waited at the gate, Brendon shouldered his weapon and went to let them in.

  A moment later he let out a sputter of disbelief, his feet almost tripping on the solid ground. Nika was the ambassador? His gaze moved over her and his cock immediately twitched in response.

  Gods, she looked amazing. If she’d been attractive last night, today she was stunning.

  His breath caught for a moment as he watched her approach. His shock turned to triumph and amusement when he watched her eyes widen in shock. Saw her gaze dart around as if seeking escape.

  Well, the little minx would find no escape from this moment they were about to spend together.

  “Lieutenant Marshall. Good to see you again, soldier.”

  “Thank you, Colonel. You as well.”

  The Colonel turned to Nika and smiled. “May I introduce you to Rebecca Owens? She’s an ambassador from Glorus.”

  Rebecca? His gaze jerked sharply back to her, and he noticed she’d stiffened slightly.

  “Lieutenant, I hate to do this, but I received a call that there is a problem in sector eight that needs my immediate attention. Would you mind showing Ms. Owens around the lab while I run over there right quick?”

  “Not at all.” Brendon’s smile widened and his blood rushed faster through his veins. Alone with her. “I would be honored.”

  To further his enjoyment of the situation, Nika’s—or was it Rebecca’s?—mouth flapped open in protest, but she issued no words.

  “I apologize, Ms. Owens.” The colonel squeezed her hand. “I will return after your tour and we can have lunch together.”

  “Thank you, Colonel,” was the faint reply she eventually muttered.

  Brendon waited for the other man to disappear, watching her and feeling very much like a predator who’d cornered his prey. And in a way…he just had.

  “Would you please follow me inside the lab, Rebecca?”

  She ground her teeth together and for a moment he was certain she would refuse and turn away. But instead she gave a sharp nod and strode past him.

  “So which is it?” he asked, a bit irritated that once again he trailed after her. “Rebecca or Nika?”

  “You think I would tell you my real name last night?” she scoffed over her shoulder. “For a moment’s indiscretion on a moonlit path?”

  “I have no idea, ma’am.” He increased his stride until he passed and then moved in front of her. “What I do know is you’re quite the little cock tease. Taking your pleasure and then running.”

  She gave a soft harrumph. “You should learn some manners.”

  Brendon leaned forward until his face, was just inches from hers. “And you should have at least sucked my dick before you left.”

  She laughed and shook her head. “Let me guess, Lieutenant. You don’t get told ‘no’ often, do you?”

  “Let’s just say I can’t remember the last time it happened,” he muttered.

  His chest tightened as he stared at her. Gorgeous eyes. He could finally see them up close and in the daylight. Green on the inside with a circle of blue around the outside. Very unique.

  “Will you be taking me on this tour?” Her tone remained neutral, yet seemed to taunt. “Or should I seek out the colonel instead?”

  Brendon scowled. The colonel had certainly seemed quite fond of her.

  “I’ll take you, Nika. And you’ll enjoy it.”

  “Rebecca,” she corrected him and glanced around. “And stop with the sexual jokes.”

  “It is no joke,” he murmured. “I take quite seriously my intentions to bed you. And seeing as you’ve given me two names, I think perhaps I’ll stay with the first you gave me as it suits you better.”

  “You are quite persistent.” She sighed and then stepped around him, continuing her path into the building.

  Brendon gave her a second’s head start. It offered him a moment to watch her sweet ass while she passed him.

  Her body was so enticing. Subtly curved and yet so firm. His fists clenched as he resisted the urge to slap her ass. Move up behind her and nibble on the back of that creamy white neck.

  Damn. He would have this woman. It was just a matter of when.


  Nika’s heart had yet to slow down from when she’d first seen Brendon standing outside the lab.

  Oh sweet gods. What were the chances he’d be the one guarding the lab? That she would have to even see him again!

  Fortunately he appeared to be working during the daylight hours, and she would not likely encounter him during the night.

  Just the thought of getting physical with him—and not in the good way like on the trail—sent a wave of trepidation through her. She was tall and fit, but not only was Brendon taller—by quite a bit, which was saying a lot—but he was obviously in good shape.

  It was not easy to maintain a calm demeanor as she spoke with him. Everything inside her relived their moment on the path last night. Her body hummed with awareness at his close proximity.

  Focus, Nika, focus.

  Brendon opened the door to the complex by pushing a code, but unfortunately she hadn’t been able to see the exact numbers. Still, she had a general idea, and that would be a good start.

  She followed him into the lab, her awareness at peak level now. Glancing around, she tried to memorize every last thing she saw before her. If she could get Brendon to slip away for a moment, then she even had a small camera to take pictures.

  Somehow she doubted that would happen, though. Brendon seemed to be quite well attached to her ass. Even now as they wandered down the hall, she could feel his gaze moving over her.

  He must have been so irritated after last night. Thankfully there was little he could do when they were in a public building.

  “So you guard a building full of specimens, Lieutenant?” Nika asked, inserting a bit of derisiveness into her tone. “Semen, is it?”

  If she came across as mocking that would certainly be better than appearing too interested.

  “Yes. I do.”

  If she’d hoped to goad him into feeling embarrassed, she’d failed. His hard response held little apology or humiliation.

  “Though I am wondering why you’d care to tour the lab.”

  His question chilled her confidence just a bit, but she forced a casual shrug.

  “I’m touring the entire compound. The idea of a specimen lab intrigued me.” She glanced through a glass window at the rows of silver refrigeration units. “And whose samples are they, Lieutenant?”

  “That information, Nika, is classified.” He stepped toward her, backing her up against the wall.

  Her pulse jumped just from the proximity of his body to hers. He invaded her space, filled every breath she dragged in with the masculine scent of him.

  She forced a light laugh. “No need to slap me with the classified bit, Lieutenant. I was simply curious.”


  Narrowing her eyes, she said softly, “I will address you by your rank. You are at work, and I am a visitor. To do anything else would hardly be appropriate.”

  Brendon’s hands slammed the wall on either side of her head and he gave a harsh laugh. “Oh, Nika, what I want to do to you right now is hardly appropriate either.”

  Her heart slammed against her chest, partly from surprise and partly from…gods, it could not be excit

  “You are on duty,” she scoffed.

  He winced and gave a soft laugh. “Yes. You’d think I would learn.”

  What could he possibly mean by that?

  A door slammed and Brendon stepped back from her, his face once again becoming a mask of indifference.

  Footsteps sounded before a man rounded the corner.

  “Lieutenant Marshall, I’m running out for a good hour,” the man stated, coming out of his office. “Don’t hesitate to contact me if you need me.”

  Brendon gave a quick salute. “Yes, sir.”

  The man gave Nika a warm glance. “Good day, ma’am.”

  Off balance from the sudden interruption, she lowered her gaze, falling into a curtsy. “Good day, sir.”

  Before she could rise, she froze. Oh gods. What had she done? She’d gotten distracted and had fallen back into her habits as a Rosabelle.

  Straightening again, she lifted her gaze and felt her stomach sink with apprehension. They knew it. They knew exactly what she had once been.

  The older man’s gaze turned sympathetic before he nodded, turned, and left.

  She swallowed hard and avoided looking at Brendon.

  “You were a Rosabelle.” It was not a question.

  Nika bit the inside of her cheek so hard she was certain it would bleed.

  “It’s nothing to be ashamed of,” he continued softly.

  “Don’t you dare,” she snapped, turning to face him. She knew her gaze spit fire. “You have no idea.”

  “No, I don’t.” His gentle gaze searched hers. “But I am not unfamiliar with what your life was like. My good friend is married to a former Rosabelle.”

  Oh wasn’t that just charming? She forced back the sarcastic response. She wasn’t surprised. Many Rosabelles—women forced to essentially be whores by the men who owned them—had sought refuge on Belton. Had probably sought immediate companionship with the nearest penis since that was all they knew. But not her. Never her.

  Gods, and now she’d lost her cool. She needed to keep in control. Could not afford such an emotional outburst again.

  “I wish to continue this tour and then leave,” she said firmly, not wanting this conversation to continue.

  “Did you become an ambassador after the liberation?”


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