Need Me

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Need Me Page 8

by Shelli Stevens

  Lifting her head she ran her gloved hand across the wall of the lab. Looking for something. Unevenness in the panel. A hidden chamber. Anything.

  Her finger brushed over a slight ridge, so small she almost missed it. Crouching down, she eyed the panel, pressing on each corner. When she hit the bottom left side the panel hissed inward, spinning around to display the keyhole.

  Her pulse quickened and she licked her lips. By the gods, she’d done it. Gripping the key she’d lifted from the guard, she pressed it into the hole.

  A series of beeps sounded in the lab, almost jarring in the quiet. And then another whine of noise came, signaling the door to the lab was opening.

  She froze, realizing something was off. If the second whine of noise was the lab opening, what had the first beeps been from?

  “Yates, where are you?” Footsteps sounded. “It’s damn quiet in here.”

  No! Gods, what was he doing here?

  Nika rushed to her feet just as Brendon rounded the corner. She only had a moment as his eyes narrowed and he reached for his weapon.

  She charged him with a growl and launched into a side kick, knocking his weapon down before he could activate his electro-mace.

  “Son of a bitch,” he cursed and crouched down into fighting position. “What did you do to that soldier back there?”

  She didn’t reply, dared not use her voice in any manner except the guttural roars she made while on the attack.

  Brendon lurched forward swinging his fist hard at her head. She ducked and planted her foot in his ribs, sending him stumbling backward.

  “Nice move, boy,” Brendon taunted, gripping his side. “Did you learn that from your nursery instructor?”

  He made fun of her size. Anger sparked in her gut, even as she tried to remind herself it was a good thing that he believed her to be a man.

  She wished she could talk with him. Taunt him that he must have the stamina of a teenager to have finished so quickly with that girl to be here now.

  But if she gave herself away, then she’d have to kill the asshole. And though the idea certainly held a small amount of appeal, she had no intention of taking a life unless it was absolutely necessary.

  “What’s the matter, kid?” Brendon goaded, circling her. “Can’t produce enough spunk of your own, so you have to steal someone else’s?”

  Oh gods, he had no idea how close he was. Her lips quirked beneath the mask.

  Brendon swung at her head again, and when she went to block it he kicked her leg out from under her.

  She fell to the ground, rolling to the right when he made an attempt to straddle her and pin her to the ground. From a distance she could pass as a skinny man, but hands on was stretching it.

  “If you killed that soldier in the hallway, I will kill you.” His words were perfectly calm as he advanced upon her again. “To hell with the orders to bring you in alive.”

  Bring her in alive? Had they been anticipating this mission? A shiver of unease ran down her spine. How come her instructor had not warned her of the possibility? Had Rachel known?

  “You’re worried now, aren’t you, boy?” Brendon gave a soft laugh and lunged at her. “You should be.”

  She stepped to the right, spinning into a kick that connected with his back.

  He didn’t stumble this time, didn’t even make a sound of pain. Instead he was ready, bouncing back from the kick and landing one of his own against her ribs.

  “Oomph.” She stumbled back and grasped her side.

  Pain ricocheted through her body, but she ignored it, adrenaline forcing her to remain in fight mode.

  “Surrender,” Brendon said softly and she saw the regret in his eyes. “I have no wish to hurt you, kid.”

  Nika could not say the same. She ground her teeth together. Gods, she wished she could grab another syringe and plunge it into him. Knock him out and good. But that would mean baring her leg for him to see. And he would not mistake her for a man after that.

  She needed to get out of the lab. Get back to the lodge and recoup. Try for another night. Likely several nights, for she would need to discover a new plan of attack now that they were aware of her presence.

  “Surrender. This is your last warning.”

  She shook her head slowly, knowing she had to fight dirty if she was going to escape.

  He came at her again and she slammed her elbow into his face. When he roared in surprise, covering his eyes, she took the moment to jam her foot into his chest and send him flying back against the edge of the doorway.

  His head connected with an unhealthy thud and he slumped to the ground.

  Her stomach clenched and she swallowed with difficulty. She wanted to go to him, ensure he was not injured too severely. But she didn’t have time to feel sympathy for him!

  She looked at the lab, wondering if she could get inside and take the samples quickly. But before she could grab another syringe Brendon stirred on the floor, groaning as he made a move to rise.

  Her unease faded. Gods, but the man was thick in the skull.

  Nika spun away, fleeing the building and any chance of success.

  * * * *

  “I have failed you, Rachel.” Nika closed her eyes, her fingers clenching around the communication mobile. “Have failed Tresden.”

  “You have not failed me, dearest Donika. You have simply encountered your first trial,” Rachel said sagely. “We knew this mission would be full of them.”

  “I know. I just had hoped…”

  “To have success on your very first attempt? It’s not always done, Donika. You put too much pressure upon yourself.” Rachel paused. “But I must say it worries me a bit that they have been expecting our presence.”

  “They have no idea who we are,” Nika assured her. “I am certain.”

  “Very good. Perhaps, though…we should use all means possible to make this happen. To penetrate this lab.” Rachel’s voice turned thoughtful. “Would it be possible to acquaint yourself with someone who works there? Gain their trust?”

  Nika stilled, felt a wave of cold and then hot rushed over her as she thought of Brendon.

  “I…there is someone I’ve met. He’s a guard for the lab.” She swallowed hard, wanting to lie but unable to. “He’s quite taken with me.”

  “Donika, this is wonderful. It could be the exact means we need,” Rachel said urgently. “You must encourage this soldier’s advances. Do whatever it takes to earn his trust.”

  Whatever it takes. Nika’s stomach churned and she sat down on the edge of her bed. “Are you…asking me to sleep with him, ma’am?”

  “This is the mission you have trained for, Donika,” Rachel said softly. “Often the means by which we succeed goes beyond fighting. In the past the chosen one has used seduction as a viable weapon. In fact, one of the injections you should have received before leaving was a form of birth control.” She paused. “And surely with your history this seduction should not be a problem.”

  Nika flinched as if the other woman had slapped her, surprised that she would be so insensitive as to fling such an awful reminder in her face.

  They wanted her to bed Brendon. Rachel thought that since she’d been forced to act as a whore on her own planet, she would have no trouble doing the same here on Belton.

  “Are you still there, Donika?”

  “I am here.” She forced the response out calmly.

  “Are you unable to complete your mission?”

  “No, ma’am. I will complete this mission.” She barely hesitated and then added, “I will do whatever needs to be done to ensure the continuation of our kind on Tresden.”

  Rachel didn’t respond for a moment, and Nika wondered if perhaps she was entertaining a woman again.

  “I know you will, Donika,” Rachel finally said. “If I hadn’t believed in you to complete this mission, I wouldn’t have sponsored you. It is best you do not contact me again unless absolutely necessary. There is too much risk.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”
/>   “Be well, Donika.”

  Nika held the communication mobile in her hand long after her sponsor had disconnected the call.

  Gods. Would she have chosen this mission if she’d known seduction might be a part of it? Perhaps not.

  But to sleep with Brendon… The idea sent both a rush of arousal and a wave of unease through her body at the same time.

  She stood from the bed and rubbed her ribs, wincing at how tender they still were. Thankfully, she guessed them to be just bruised and not cracked.

  Walking to the closet in the small room she searched for another dress. Tonight she would begin a new part of the mission. One she could never have imagined. And one that might risk so much more than her safety.

  Chapter 7

  “Your face looks awful, my friend.” Emmett shook his head and slid the plate of yard bird wings across the table toward him.

  “Thank you for the unwanted reminder.” Brendon scowled and touched a hand gingerly to the black swollen area above his eye. Gods, he looked like he’d gone two rounds with a giant. “But it’s all right. I think I may have broken a couple of the other man’s ribs.”

  Brendon took one wing, sinking his teeth into the meat. His gaze wandered the room and once again he noticed the blood drinker sitting alone in a corner. Watching him. What an annoying creature.

  Scowling at the other man, Brendon turned his attention back to the snack.

  He’d almost skipped meeting his friend at The Crow’s Nest for dinner. After the day he’d had, the urge to go home and sleep sounded all too impressive.

  His morning had been full of meetings and the debriefing about the incident last night. The entire lab was on high alert. Security would be tighter, more men would be stationed. The chances of someone getting past them again would be slim.

  His lips curled in disgust. Talk about a major failure. He’d fucked up and good. Had his ass handed to him by a scrawny little boy.

  Which was basically all the description he could give of the perpetrator this afternoon. The damn boy had been covered from head to toe. Even his eyes had been disguised by some damn eye shield that turned his iris black.

  “Where is she?” Emmett muttered suddenly, slamming down his drink.

  “Where is who?” Brendon grabbed another wing and took another swig of wine, hoping it would cure some of his surliness.


  “Molly?” Brendon arched a brow. “The owner of the lodge? I have no idea. Haven’t seen her all night. Why do you ask?”

  Emmett didn’t answer, but his frown deepened.

  “Gods!” Brendon sat back in his chair and laughed. “Was it her? Was she the one you—”

  “Do not say it, my friend. Just close your mouth now.”

  Brendon laughed and lifted his hand in surrender. “Say no more.”

  Quite interesting, actually. Never could he have imagined the driven little lodge owner and Emmett becoming bed buddies. But now that the idea had been planted, it made perfect sense. They were both so serious and career focused. Perhaps the perfect couple, indeed.

  “There she is,” Emmett said suddenly.

  “Who? Molly?” Brendon’s lips quirked and he sipped another bit of wine.

  “No. Your object of lust. Though I don’t believe I know her name.”

  Brendon’s fingers clenched the glass of wine as he lowered it slowly back to the table. His gaze sought hers as she crossed the room.

  Damn her. Once again, she looked gorgeous. She wore a thin red gown that clung to every sweet curve on her body. And she never looked away from him as she approached, her gaze confident. Almost defiant.

  She finally stood in front of him and gave a slight sniff. “A moment of your time so that I might have a word with you, sir.”

  It wasn’t even a request, more of a demand. His irritation with her faded into something akin to amusement. Just who did this woman think she was dealing with?

  “I think not,” he murmured lazily. “If I give you a moment of my time, there will be no words needed.”

  Emmett let out a choked laugh next to him, which he quickly converted to a cough.

  Her mouth tightened even as he saw the odd mix of heat and wariness in her gaze. “All right.”

  Brendon froze. “Pardon?”

  “If those are your terms then I accept.”

  Anger flared hot in his belly. What the hell kind of game did she play now? He pushed back his chair and strode forward, grabbing her elbow.

  “Take me to your room.”

  She didn’t pull away or tell him to go to hell, simply nodded and turned to lead the way.

  Still clutching her arm, he followed her. Confusion and anger warred inside him. If this was another attempt at cock teasing him, then she had pushed him too far, because the moment he stepped foot into her room, he had no intention of leaving until he’d thoroughly fucked her.

  Watching her ass swish beneath the gown and imagining her supine and submissive had his cock jumping beneath his trousers.

  She turned and made her way up the stairs, each step bringing him closer to her room. Before she reached the top of the stairs, he finally broke.

  He pulled on her arm, spinning her around. “What game do you play?”

  She gave him a slow smile and licked her lips, but her gaze was not so unperturbed. “I play no game.”

  The hell she didn’t. He half suspected he’d go into her room and find someone there ready to assault him.

  His jaw hardened and he exhaled harshly. “Lead on, woman.”

  Nika spun from him and strode on down the hall. He followed her, wary as she opened the door to her room. She strode in first and then turned, waiting for him to enter.

  He entered slowly, one hand on his pocket-sized electro-mace. Glancing around the small quarters, he found it empty. Still suspicious, he closed the door and listened to the electronic lock click.

  Then he lifted his head and met her gaze. In her eyes there was desire, but beneath it was something else. Maybe even…resentment? But that would make no sense. Why would she resent him when she’d been the one to agree to his terms?

  “Perhaps you’ll tell me what happened to your face,” she finally asked, her lips curling upward in amusement. “Was your lady friend last night a bit on the rough side?”

  “No lady did this to me.” His eyes narrowed at the reminder of what had happened at the lab. “Nor did I bed that woman last night.”

  He regretted the last admission when her expression slipped from derisive amusement to surprise.

  “Why did you bring me here, Nika?”

  She lifted one shoulder and pulled a strand of hair forward to wrap around her finger. “Because you requested we meet in my room.”

  “Yes. So I did.” He stalked toward her slowly, waiting to see if she’d retreat. She did not, but held her ground quite solidly.

  He caught her chin between his fingers and held her still. Hunger flashed in her gaze, replacing any sign of another emotion that gave him doubt, as she ran her tongue across her lips.

  “Twice now you have left my cock in a dire state, love. It won’t happen again.”

  She did not reply, but he saw the muscles in her throat work.

  “What have you to say, Nika?”

  For a moment she said nothing and then, still holding his gaze, she reached behind her and unfastened her dress. It slipped down her body, catching on one pert tit before pooling onto the floor.

  The air hissed from his lips. Gods. It was amazing he didn’t come in his trousers.

  He let his gaze explore her body. Tall and slender, her breasts were small and perky, a good mouthful. He moved his attention lower, over her toned belly to the smooth lips of her pussy.

  His cock pressed hard against his trousers, straining to get out. With a deft hand he freed himself and stroked the hard length.

  “Gods, I want you. Turn around,” he commanded softly. He would fuck her now, before she pulled some silly stunt and tried to run o
ff again. “Lean forward against the bureau.”

  She swallowed hard, but obeyed, turning away from him. Her palms splayed on the wood surface, her ass pushing out toward him.

  “I think we’ve had enough foreplay over the last two days,” he murmured against her ear, pressing himself into the curve of her body. “Don’t you agree, love?”

  “However you want me, Lieutenant,” she agreed in a breathless voice.

  Her slim body trembled against him, despite her flirtatious words. She insisted this was no game, yet something felt not quite right.

  His cock throbbed against her buttocks, and he ground his teeth together. Why the hell was he overanalyzing? He needed to be inside her. Now.

  Brendon slid a hand down her back, his breath catching at how soft her skin was. He moved lower, before sliding his fingers between her legs and inside her.

  Her pussy was soaked, clenching around him as he added a second finger and worked them in and out of her tight channel. Her body was hot and slick, undeniably prepared for him. She let out a soft moan.

  He pulled his fingers from her and placed his hand against her back, urging her to lean forward more against the bureau.

  She complied, and he watched her ass raise higher, the swollen lips of her pussy in perfect view now. Gods, she was a sight. All moist and pink. And submissive.

  Gripping his cock, Brendon placed the head of his erection between her legs and pushed an inch into her. He stopped for a moment to let the slick cream welcome his cock, to enjoy this second before he took her. Claimed her.

  “Tell me no again,” he challenged hoarsely. “Tell me you want me to stop.”

  “I don’t want you to stop,” she whispered, her voice cracking. “Fuck me, Brendon. Now.”

  Possessiveness and triumph slammed into him. Her words were all the encouragement he needed. He moved his hands to grip her hips and then, closing his eyes, plunged his cock deep inside her.

  Nika let out a high soft cry in the quiet room. He barely heard it. Every part of him went taut with the pleasure of having her tight body surrounding his dick. Finally.

  So blazing hot and wet. He sank deeper, stretching her, discovering her. Her walls hugged his cock, dragging him to her very core.


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