Need Me

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Need Me Page 25

by Shelli Stevens

“They are not all bad,” Brendon said gently, while pulling her back into his arms. “In truth I met a very agreeable one when I landed. He was the only way I found you.”

  “Nevertheless, I’d rather not run into another one anytime soon,” Nika said fervently and slid her arms around his waist, pressing her cheek against his shoulder.

  “Understandable. You’ve been through quite a bit today.”

  Gods, he couldn’t even begin to imagine how traumatizing the last hour had been for her. He pulled back just enough so he could slide a hand between them and pressed his palm against her belly.

  “Is it true?”

  Her eyes widened before her gaze shifted away. “I do not see how it could be possible. I told you of the injection I was given.”

  “Regardless, we will have a test done when we return to Belton.”

  Her gaze jerked back. “You intend to return me to your planet?”

  “Of course.”

  He glanced around the room at the two deceased bodies. A plan had been formulating since his journey over. One that would hopefully free Nika from any guilt in what she’d done.

  “I see. Yes, I suppose that is best.”

  “Have no fear, Nika. All will be well.” He kissed her forehead. “I promise.”

  Chapter 23

  Gods, she really hoped she wasn’t going to get sick. Again.

  Nika gripped her seat in the tiny pod. Surely they couldn’t be much farther from Belton. Her head ached and her stomach churned, combining for a most unpleasant nausea.

  “Are you feeling well?” Emmett asked, casting her a sideways glance.

  “Well enough.” She gave a wan smile.

  Outside of the physical ailments, she wouldn’t confess to being upset that Brendon had stayed behind to “deal with the clean up?” as he’d put it. He’d given her a quick kiss good bye, before placing her on the pod with Emmett the moment his friend had arrived. No preliminaries. No explanations.

  “How are Molly and Talia?” she asked, after a period of silence.

  “They are doing well,” he replied curtly.

  Nika chewed on her bottom lip, her cheeks flushing with regret. He blamed her for their condition. It was clear.

  “I did not encourage them to try and free me,” she said huskily. “I would never have put them in danger.”

  Some of the tension eased from Emmett’s shoulders as he steered the pod. His lips quirked.

  “I realize that, Nika. Molly and Talia do quite a good job at putting themselves in danger.”

  “But you are still not happy with me.” It wasn’t a question.

  Emmett was quiet again before he finally said, “I am not sure you deserve him.”

  Nika made no effort to pretend she didn’t know of whom he spoke. Her throat tightened with emotion, because she knew he spoke the truth.

  “I know I do not,” she managed to say, though the tears burning her throat made it difficult.

  “He risks his life. His career for you.”


  “But he loves you.” Emmett shook his head. “So do not hurt him.”

  A bit too late for that.

  Nika closed her eyes and turned her head to look at the blackness outside the window of the pod.

  They arrived back on Belton quite a bit later. Emmett had made several stops on the way, insisting that Brendon needed to arrive first on Belton before they did.

  Once they finally did arrive back on the planet and went through the decompression chamber, Emmett took her to Molly’s lodge. Nika didn’t bother to hide her surprise, having been convinced they were to go straight to the base.

  “Watch her,” Emmett ordered Molly with a pointed look as they stood in the room Nika had stayed in just a few days ago. “I need to go retrieve Brendon.”

  “Of course.” Molly nodded eagerly. “We shall have some lovely girl-bonding time.”

  Emmett’s mouth twisted into a wry smile. “Yes, not much like the last time, I hope. Where you all nearly ended up dead.”

  “We ended up fine. After a bit of a bump in the road,” Molly scoffed and leaned forward to press a kiss to his lips. “Go, my love, and bring Brendon back to Nika soon.”

  Emmett sighed and gave a sage nod. “Indeed. Please perform the test we discussed.”

  “Test?” Nika asked sharply as Emmett left the room. “What kind of test?”

  Molly scurried over to her dresser and pulled out a small black case. “Oh just a little test. Shouldn’t take a moment.”

  “Yes, but what is it?” Nika asked, watching the other woman pull a few small objects from the case.

  Molly smiled and walked back to her, grabbing Nika’s hand. “We’re going to see if you’re pregnant.”

  “If I’m—ow!” Nika tugged her hand back, scowling at the drop of red blood that now swelled on her finger.

  “Yes, it will just take a moment.” Molly took the sample of blood and began to mix it in a tiny container in the black case.

  Nika wiped the drop of blood on her shirt—or Brendon’s—and watched Molly uneasily. It was impossible. She’d been given the injection. The same injection that had kept her from creating a child on Zortou for years. It was simply impossible that she could be—

  “Pregnant. You’re definitely pregnant.” Molly set the black case back down and grinned. “Congratulations, Nika!”

  The room spun, and the nausea that she’d successfully kept at bay during the second half of the journey home returned in a rush.

  “Brendon will be so thrilled,” Molly said with a sigh. “And he will also be a wonderful father.”

  Nika shook her head and bolted to the bathing chamber to clutch the sink. Sweat broke out on the back of her neck and her stomach churned like mad.

  Pregnant. There was truly a child growing in her. A child who would suffer with her while going through endless questioning by the military. Who would likely be taken from her the moment it was born, for no criminal incarcerated would be allowed to raise a child.

  Slipping a hand over her stomach Nika stared at herself in the mirror. Gods.

  Molly clearly did not realize the extent of Nika’s crime. How could she be excited about this? Fate certainly had a sadistic sense of humor. There was no idealistic future for her or Brendon, and especially not for their child.

  Her head moved back and forth in denial, and before she realized what she was doing she’d left the bathroom and was striding toward the door to the room.

  “Nika?” Molly stepped forward, concern in her gaze. “What are you doing?”

  She didn’t answer, just shook her head faster as she pressed the button that would open the door to the room. She had to get out of here.

  Molly rushed forward. “Nika! Wait a moment!”

  The door hissed open and Nika darted forward, running smack into Brendon as he stepped into the doorway.

  “Going somewhere, love?” He raised an eyebrow, amusement on his face.

  “Step out of the way, Brendon,” she said fiercely. “You cannot stop me.”

  Brendon sighed, even as a smile played around the edges of his mouth. His gaze lifted behind her to Molly.

  “Did you perform the test?”

  “Yes. She’s pregnant.”

  “Indeed!” Brendon’s smile widened. “Would you give us some time alone, Molly?”

  “Of course.” Molly stepped forward, giving Nika an encouraging squeeze on the arm and then disappearing from the room.

  Brendon didn’t remove his gaze from Nika and pressed the button to shut the door to the room again.

  He stared at her for a moment, his gaze still amused but now considering as well. “You were about to run. Weren’t you, love?”

  How dare he make light of their situation? Nika’s chest rose in frustration, her cheeks reddening.

  “Would you have me be incarcerated while carrying our child?”

  Brendon clucked his tongue and nodded. “I agree, not the ideal choice.”

  “You jest
?” She slapped his chest with an open palm, while inside her heart seemed to be ripping in half.

  What had gotten into him? Was he not at all worried about the future of their child? Or, it was silly to even hope, but worried about her fate?

  “Not at all. It is no jesting matter,” he said solemnly and slid her hand up to cover his heart. “A very skilled thief infiltrated a highly secure lab on the military compound, assaulting several soldiers in the process. Then she stole priceless specimen samples right out from under our noses.”

  Each word he uttered was just another nail in her sealed coffin of future imprisonment. He had changed his mind, realized there was no other way and had come to take her back to face charges.

  Her mouth trembled and tears pricked at the back of her eyes.

  He was far too honorable a soldier to not turn her in. Of course, she had been expecting this. Her stomach clenched and she closed her eyes. She had not been expecting the baby.

  “That woman should be punished. Should be accountable for her crimes,” he went on severely and lifted her hand to brush his lips across her knuckles. “But sadly she never will, because she is dead.”

  Nika blinked, only vaguely aware of the tremble of pleasure that rocketed through her body at his lips’ caress.

  “Dead?” she repeated uneasily.

  “Yes, quite tragic, really.” He turned her hand upside down and placed a kiss on the inside of her palm. “Had her throat ripped out by the blood drinker she was working for.”

  Nika’s jaw fell as his words began to sink in. Was he implying…?

  “It was rather convenient,” Brendon said lightly, “when we returned her body to Belton and found a few of the specimen vials in a pouch tied about her waist. The military is closing the case as we speak.”

  Her heart slowed and then picked right back up again, thudding with excitement.

  “What are you saying, Brendon?” she asked on a whisper.

  He pulled her against him and lowered his head, his lips almost brushing hers as he murmured, “I’m saying I just saved your ass.”

  Her knees went weak with relief and amazement. “How…why…?”

  “Because I love you, Nika.” He slipped his hands beneath her knees and lifted her into his arms, moving to the bed to lay her down. “And I need you like I’ve never needed anyone.”

  He undid the first button on her shirt and then the next, finally plucking the shirt off her and tossing it aside. “And I will not lose you because you made an incredibly stupid decision to rob my planet.”

  “Incredibly stupid,” she agreed and gasped when his mouth sought her breast, his lips closing over the tight nipple. “Gods, I love you, Brendon.”

  “You had better,” he teased, flicking his tongue over the tip.

  She lost all ability to think as his hand moved between her legs and he slipped his fingers inside.

  He suckled her breasts while penetrating her slowly with his fingers, bringing her higher onto that plane of pleasure. When his thumb touched her clit, she arched off the bed and came with a soft cry.

  Brendon settled between her legs and then entered her swiftly. He caught her hands in his, intertwining their fingers as he began to move them in their familiar rhythm.

  Nika wrapped her legs around his waist, drawing him closer. Needing that contact of body to body. To feel his hard strength on top of her and know that everything was going to be okay.

  “Love you…so much,” Brendon murmured as he moved faster inside her. “So damn…much.”

  He groaned, his fingers tightening around hers, and she felt him come inside her.

  Her head fell back against the pillow as the pleasure spiraled upward, finally erupting in a release that left her shattered.

  Tears rolled down her cheeks as she choked out, “I love you, too. Gods, Brendon, I am lost without you. Never leave me.”

  “Never,” he agreed with a whisper. “Never, Nika.”


  Ten months later

  “Is she asleep?” Nika asked, sitting up in bed, clutching the blanket beneath her breasts as her husband came back into the room.

  “Out to the world.” He smiled and climbed onto the mattress beside her. “I think we tired her out after having dinner with everyone tonight.”

  “It was good to see them all. Molly and Emmett seem so excited about their upcoming nuptials,” she murmured. “And Ryder and Talia’s little boy is simply adorable—crawling already. I do think he will be a suitable husband for Briana some day.”

  “Hush. I want to hear nothing about my daughter and marriage,” Brendon scoffed and pressed a kiss to her naked shoulder. “Gods, I’ve missed you.”

  She smiled and let the blanket slide free from her, almost shy in her nudity. Her body had changed so much after giving birth to their daughter.

  “Oh, but you are a sight.” Brendon breathed and cupped her fuller breasts. “Are you sure it is not too soon?”

  “The physician assured me it is fine.” She closed her eyes as pleasure swept through her body at his touch. “Make love to me, Brendon.”

  Needing no further encouragement, Brendon pressed her back onto the mattress and followed with his body, his lips seeking hers.

  * * * *

  An hour later she lay with her head upon his chest, her heart still pounding from their lovemaking.

  “I have been thinking about it,” Brendon murmured. “Do you think Tresden will attempt to send another mission to Belton some day?”

  “No. They will not attempt again. They assume I was captured or killed here and it would be too risky.”

  “Pity, it would have been some excitement.”

  “As if you need it. You’re not even guarding the lab anymore,” she teased and grazed her teeth against his nipple. “Promoted since last year, might I add.”

  “Indeed.” His tone turned smug.

  Nika laughed and laid her head against his chest again. Her amusement faded. “I’m glad they think I am dead. Especially knowing now that Rachel lied about me being given the injection to prevent pregnancy, hoping you would impregnate me.”

  “Yes, that was a bit of a shock,” Brendon agreed. “I think we were both surprised when your physician announced that in your blood test she’d found trace elements of a drug that would actually kill off the Y chromosome in my sperm. It seems Rachel wanted to ensure if you became pregnant with my child, the baby would be a girl.”

  “Yes…and Rachel must have hoped I’d return to Tresden carrying the female child of a strong, amazing soldier,” she murmured and lifted her head, reaching a hand up to stroke his jaw.

  “I would have never given you up.” He caught her finger and nipped at the tip.

  Her heart swelled with emotion and she inhaled unsteadily. The love between them was so strong at times she could barely remember what life had been like without it.

  “When I was on Zortou I never even let myself imagine I could have a life like this,” she said softly. “That I could be so happy and have wonderful friends. Have a child and a husband, both of whom own more of my heart than I ever thought to give away. You have truly changed my life, Brendon.”

  He smoothed a hand down her back and kissed her forehead. “And you have done the same for me. Never doubt it, love.”

  “Oh, I never would.” She grinned. “If I remember correctly, before we became involved, you seemed to enjoy climbing into women’s beds—”

  “That’s a bald-faced lie.”

  “It is not in the least!” She slapped his chest playfully and let out a soft laugh.

  “Ah, you are right. I was a bit into the sport of it.” He hugged her tighter against him. “But I cannot imagine anyone but you in my bed now, Nika. When you entered my life my vision became focused. There was only you. Always will be only you.”

  “You promise?” She lifted her head and met his gaze.

  “Do you doubt me?”

  “Not at all.” She smiled, her heart pounding a little fas
ter as such complete happiness slid through her. “You need me as much as I need you, Brendon.”

  “Truer words were never spoken,” he murmured and lowered his lips to hers again.

  The End

  Preview another book by this author

  Anybody But Justin

  Chances Are, Book 1

  Shelli Stevens

  Chapter 1

  Gabby dove behind a display of cereal boxes and nibbled her bottom lip. She eyed the exit some thirty feet away and wondered if she could ditch her groceries and make it out the door without him spotting her.

  Her pulse quickened and she counted to ten before leaning forward just enough to peek around a box of Lucky Charms.


  She snapped back and winced, glaring at the floor of the market. Damn. He’d seen her. So much for bolting.

  Dusty brown leather shoes appeared in her line of vision as he rounded the corner. She lifted her gaze up the length of his tall body, lingering on the broad shoulders beneath his faded flannel shirt.

  Her heart fluttered in her chest and she swallowed hard before tilting her head that last inch to meet the blue gaze of her old roommate.

  “Justin.” She forced a bright smile and switched the basket of food to her other hand. “Hey. How’ve you been?”

  “Been all right.”

  His gaze, warm and knowing slid from her head to her toes in a lazy caress that made every damn inch of her body tingle. Irritation pricked and her smile grew more brittle.

  And this was why she avoided him, didn’t answer his calls and had basically tried like mad to forget he even existed. If she got within two feet of him, her hormones went on the fritz and her mind went spongy. Which would be fine if it were with any other guy. Anybody but Justin.

  “Did you get my messages?”

  “I did.” Her gaze slid away again and she felt her cheeks warm in a telltale sign of guilt. “Umm. Sorry, I’ve been crazy busy. I recently stepped up in my position at Second Chances.”

  “So I heard.” The note of admiration in his deep voice had her snapping her focus back to his face.


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