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Original Design Page 37

by William Latoria

  When he finally made it into the receiving area, he was happy to see how smooth the operation was going. When the Air Soldiers noticed him enter their building, they called the room to attention. He immediately put them at ease and asked if he could help. At first the troops looked at each other nervously, but after letting them know he was just there to help, they relaxed and put him to work. It was a very detailed process that the Air Soldiers had streamlined beautifully. The deceased were brought in on large transport conveyances, almost all of which were owned and operated by Sommers’ Conveyance. If the deceased had clothing on them, the Air Soldiers removed and discarded it. Then, every one of the deceased were fitted into a basic issue jumpsuit. Soft, cotton-based, one piece outfits that were olive drab or a pale tan in color. Personal items, such as jewelry or any other items of value, were placed into the pockets of their jumpsuits and then zipped closed so that they wouldn’t be lost in the bags or during the resurrection. Since no one knew what the resurrection would entail, it was deemed safest to remove all restrictive clothing and jewelry and store it safely on their person. The deceased’s feet were covered in cheap fabric booties and then they were respectfully placed inside the ‘body bags’ that would hold them until the Omegas revived them. It took two people to lift the deceased onto the rack hooks, and then an Air Soldier would stencil a designation number across the bag so that the individual’s name, and vital information could be easily referenced. It was important that the people were easily identifiable, because when millions of people suddenly came back from the dead, it was bound to be chaotic. It was during his time helping with this process that he discovered the bags were laced with a compound that would mildly sedate the person inside it. When he asked about it, one of the medical troops said that Colonel Vuloom had ordered it be added to the bags to mitigate the amount of panic a resurrected South American experienced. It would also make collecting the South Americans and getting them to their families or new homes much easier. He had to give Zahera credit for thinking of what should have been an obvious move; she and her team were making some outstanding decisions.

  He worked with the troops in the receiving area until the sun set, and they were relieved by the night shift. He talked with the night shift crew for a while going over what he said at the All-Call, and giving reassurances and advice where it was needed. Then he made his way to the patrol groups that were making regular sweeps of the encampment, ensuring no one impeded or sabotaged their work here. The Air Soldiers were glad to have him join them, and he happily answered their questions and gave them the same reassurances he gave the troops he worked with in the receiving areas. At first, they had him in a conveyance that made lazy circles around the perimeter of the encampment. Drones hovered over them feeding them infrared, thermal, and night vison views of the surrounding area as they patrolled. At one point, they saw a large snake take down some sort of nocturnal prey, which entertained them for a short while, but other than that they ran into no one and saw nothing that gave them any reason for concern. The walls were keeping unauthorized personnel out, the patrols and drones were monitoring the perimeter efficiently, and the message to anyone looking to break in was clear; they couldn’t do it. Blackshade let the troops know he was impressed and was pleased to see the swell of confidence in all of them. When the sun began to rise he said his goodbyes to the Air Soldiers and made his way around the rest of the encampment. He talked with anyone that called out to him, and left alone those that were too busy, or disinterested, to interact with him. At one point, he helped a group of Air Soldiers set up TDH’s for a small reinforcement unit that was due to arrive with fresh supplies later in the day. He talked with them about the Omegas and the situation there, just like he had with everyone else. He had always enjoyed his job the most when he was in the middle of an operation like this, pitching in where he could. Back when his career was just starting out, he had been too busy learning his duties and flying missions to partake in opportunities like this, but as his career progressed and he took on a command role, he saw the value of these situations and took advantage of every opportunity to work with his troops as he could. He never felt job satisfaction like this from behind his desk, or even when he was in the cockpit. Leading the troops on the ground like this was where he felt he belonged.

  He went about this routine for a few more days when Sergeant Wagner found him and asked him to report to Zahera as soon as he could. With the resurrection only forty-eight hours away, he had expected to be summoned to her office, so this was no surprise. He took a moment to talk with Sergeant Wagner to ask her how she was doing. She was polite, but after a few questions, she stopped him cold and told him in no uncertain terms that she was fine with the situation in the encampment, and that she was good with the Omegas. She told him not to waste his time reassuring her and then suggested he report to Zahera in all haste. Blackshade couldn’t help but respect the woman a lot more for that. He offered her a salute and then set off to do as she had suggested.

  He made his way to Zahera’s office without incident. By this point he was well known in the camp and was greeted with smiles and waves as he walked through the multiple ECP’s in order to get to Zahera’s Command Center. No one scanned him or asked for his credentials. They recognized him now and let him pass with a smile and a wave. He was even waived to the head of the line at one of the checkpoints when the guard on duty noticed him patiently waiting. When he made it to Zahera’s office, he checked in with her Primary Aide.

  “Captain Oldsin! How are you! How’s Matt? How are your kids?” he asked her, as he approached her desk. Captain Kara Oldsin had been one of his better officers when he first took over as a Unit Commander at Barksdale. She had excelled in her duties and been promoted to Captain in almost record time. She and Zahera had hit it off and become close friends shortly after Zahera had arrived as his Under Colonel. Blackshade was not surprised to see her as Zahera’s Primary Aide now. Every Commander had aides, usually three to five depending on their work load and the size of their command. The Primary Aide was a position of reverence though, as it was the position that young officers were chosen for in order to be groomed to take commands of their own one day. Both he and Zahera had been Primary Aides for powerful Commanders before getting their own positions of command. In fact, when he had tapped Zahera to be his Direct Officer, she was an acting Primary Aide at the Pentagon.

  A Primary Aide’s function was to organize a Commander’s life. They took all their calls, filtered out the important from the unimportant, scheduled and arranged their meetings and agendas, as well as kept them on time for their various appointments, and meetings. They did a lot of the research and background checks for all important events and gave them pre-briefings to keep them informed and up-to-date on pertinent information. In return, the Commander brought their Primary Aide into all their meetings, to watch how events unfolded and how those situations resolved, based on their decisions. This gave the aide invaluable experience they would be able to use in their future command roles. It also, usually, brought the Primary Aide and the Commander to an almost intimate level of familiarity, which was why the military had a strict rule about the individual chosen to be a Commander’s Primary Aide. The rule being that the individual could not identify as the gender the Commander was attracted to. So, since Zahera was a heterosexual female, her Primary Aide couldn’t be a male because of the close relationship that was fostered between the two. Even if Zahera had chosen a homosexual or an asexual male as her aide, it wouldn’t have been allowed. There had been too many Court Martials against Commanders accusing them of using their power and influence over their Primary Aide when they wanted to consummate such a close bond. Since the military had instituted the rule however, Court Martials of that nature had all but stopped. As it was, Captain Oldsin and Zahera were the best of friends, and Blackshade was very happy to see her here in the Primary Aide position. Zahera needed people like Kara near to her, now more than ever, for support and reliability.

>   Captain Oldsin looked up from the display on her desk and smiled warmly at him. “Colonel... excuse me... Ambassador Blackshade!” she said, standing up respectfully. Blackshade motioned for her to sit, but he knew her well enough to know she wouldn’t do that, and as he expected, she pretended not to see his obvious suggestion. “I am so glad to see you, and I know Colonel Vuloom was very relieved when you got here.” she said with a dazzling smile. Captain Oldsin had always been an extremely attractive woman, but Blackshade had never allowed himself to see her as anything other than a subordinate, and that was probably why they had gotten along so well. The words, “I can see what she meant” scrolled across her forehead and confused him.

  “How are you doing, Kara?” he asked kindly, “Are you ok with everything that’s been happening? Do you have any questions or concerns I can help you with?”

  Captain Oldsin laughed lightly at his question, “Has it been so long since I worked for you, Ambassador, that you think I could be so easily rattled?” she asked, amused, “The Aliens are here, and they’re making a mess of everything. Who could have expected anything less? My husband and I can barely live with each other without making a huge mess, and we’re the same species. The fact that the Omegas haven’t caused more problems is something we should be a lot more grateful for. People need to realize that mistakes are going to be made, and we have to come to terms with that. They also have to realize we’re at the Omega’s mercy, and they have to accept that too.” she told him confidently, then with a smirk, “Unless the Omegas have some sort of video game weak point we can exploit to defeat them, should they decide to stop being so amicable?”

  Blackshade saw the word, ‘doubtful’ appeared on her forehead, and he grinned, “No, no they don’t, I’ll give you that. Or, at least, not that I’ve seen.” he answered, shaking his head. He was pleased by her attitude and how quickly she had accepted and adapted to the situation. She would make an amazing Commander one day. He was about to say as much when her intercom went off.

  “Kara, who is it you’re talking to out there?” Zahera’s voice asked from Captain Oldsin’s desk. Kara rolled her eyes, but in a playful way, “Colonel Vuloom I have a secret admirer out here that claims he has an appointment with you? I’ve already alerted Security Forces and am buying time until they get here to arrest him.” she said jokingly. Blackshade couldn’t help but blush, because of her words, and the fact that the phrase, ‘secret only to him’ scrolled across her forehead as she said it.

  Blackshade smelled something irregular here. Commanders’ offices, like the one Zahera was in, were sound proof. They were made that way on purpose, so no classified information could accidentally be leaked, and so that no one could hear what was discussed inside. Before Commanders’ offices were sound-proofed, there were many leaks, and half-truths, that used to get out thanks to overly talkative Primary Aides or their friends who just so happened to be near the Commander’s office during their meetings. After a rather large leak that had compromised an entire squadron, the military instituted a strict sound-proofing policy for all Command level offices. So the fact that Zahera claimed to be able to hear them talking was a complete falsehood.

  “Colonel Vuloom could hear us, could she?” he asked skeptically, as he leaned over Kara’s desk to see what was going on. “Sounds like her office is out of regulation.” he chided impishly. As he leaned over the desk, he saw Kara move her hand away from the communication input on her arm. She must have hit it shortly after he arrived, and he missed it. These women must have planned this out before he came, or this was something they did occasionally when Zahera summoned someone to her office. With the practiced ease and smooth banter between the two women, he guessed it was the latter.

  Blackshade looked at Kara with a knowing grin, “That, or someone’s Primary has decided the sanctity of private conversations is an outdated regulation?”

  Captain Oldsin laughed, but her face paled slightly as she realized she had been caught. ‘Oh shit’ scrolled across her forehead as she leaned down to speak into the intercom, “Colonel Vuloom, your admirer is getting cranky out here. What should I do?” she asked into the intercom, feigning annoyance.

  Blackshade wasn’t mad at her, but he let her squirm a little anyway. Best she know he was now in on their little game, so she wouldn’t think him a total fool next time.

  Zahera’s laughter was music to his ears, “Well gosh, Kara, I guess you can send him in then. I’ll keep an eye on him until the SF’s arrive. They could take a little while to get here, you know.” she replied teasingly. Blackshade could do nothing but stand there and smile while the women had their fun. He didn’t mind; he was very pleased to see them being so familiar with each other, even with the stress of the situation that must be pressing on them both.

  Kara leaned down and pressed an input on her desk. The door to Zahera’s office opened with a click, “I’m sending him in now, Colonel.” Captain Oldsin said, her voice still playful, “I’d have your sidearm ready; he’s a big one.” she said, before switching off the intercom. She looked at him with merriment in her eyes, “The Colonel will see you now, Ambassador.” she said in a professional tone.

  Blackshade was chuckling at this point, “Thank you so much, Captain.” he said with an exaggerated bow, “I can see why the Commander is so fond of you. What other Primary Aide would send her stalker into her office?”

  “Only the best, Sir!” she replied with a salute. Blackshade returned the salute and made his way to the door. “Thanks, Kara.” he said with sincerity, “I’m glad Zahera has you here with her. She needs strong people like you now.”

  He saw the tears appear in her eyes at his words. She smiled at him, but didn’t reply. The words, ‘please treat her right’ scrolled across her forehead. With a nod, he walked into her office, not fully certain what the words on her forehead meant.

  He closed the door behind him and heard it secure itself with a click. He knew as a former Commander, her office would have no windows, and that the door would only open with her express, verbal command; that or Kara’s override. Zahera would have to be in dire duress for Kara to even consider enacting that protocol. He turned and looked around her office. It was smaller than the one she’d had at Barksdale, but it was surprisingly cozy. Her desk was regulation and positioned in the center of the room. She had a few awards and the chain of command on the wall, as well as her battle rattle, ammo, and gear behind her desk. There were a couple of plush arm chairs set up on the ‘guest’ side of her desk, and a modest, but somewhat luxurious chair set up on her side of the desk. Against the wall was a brown leather couch that currently had some books on it that looked like manuals for the bags the deceased were being stored in. Zahera was standing behind her chair, her hands on top of it, and she was scrutinizing him. The word, ‘Attractive’ flashed on her forehead.

  “So, are you the secret admirer Kara was telling me about? Cause I think I could do a lot better.” she told him mischievously.

  Blackshade blushed, it still confused him, trying to correlate what he saw on people’s forehead displays and what they actually said. Not to mention, he was still trying to sort out his own feelings towards Zahera. During his speech he had decided to pursue her and see what happened, but he hadn’t gotten the chance with everything that had happened immediately after. Now that she was standing in front of him, he had no idea how to actually pursue her. He hated himself for being so ignorant in romantic matters. He felt that he should know so much more. Zahera and everyone else seemed to, but he felt as helpless as a child, when it came to romance. He decided to pretend like he was ignorant of the situation and wait for a signal. Hell, with a little luck, she’d make the first move.

  He looked at her and shrugged, “I could go find someone better, if you’d like. I think there’s a Chief around here somewhere that could use a hobby.” he retorted with a wicked grin. “I don’t know what you’re into, really.”

  Zahera scrunched up her nose in a look of disgust, he found
it adorable and felt his blood begin to heat up. “Ugh, no! I’d rather be stalked by a politician.” she said, true revulsion in her tone. Then her demeanor changed, and she looked like she wanted something badly. There was a desperation in her eyes and he found himself wishing he knew what she wanted. The words, ‘touch me’ scrolled across her forehead as if to answer him, and still he hesitated. What if he misunderstood? What if it wasn’t him she wanted? What if this was all a mistake? Was he taking advantage of her? Was she taking advantage of him? Was she really attracted to him, or was he just seeing what he wanted to see? What did he want to see? So many thoughts went through his head, that instead of saying or doing anything he just stood there, stupidly, looking at her.

  She walked over to him, hesitated for a second, and then hugged him. Zahera was a very fit woman and her embrace was strong, and comforting. He wrapped his own arms around her, her perfume flooded his senses and furthered his desire for her.

  “I’m so glad you came, Bill.” she said into his chest, he didn’t need to see her face to know her eyes were closed, “I’ve really missed you.” she told him, almost sadly.

  Blackshade knew he had to say something, but it was suddenly very hard to think. His heart was hammering inside his chest and he felt his body start to tremble. He had never experienced anything like this before and was embarrassed. If Zahera noticed and said anything, he was pretty sure the humiliation would kill him. Digging down deep, he summoned his will to speak, “I’m glad I’m here too, Za.” he said shakily. He didn’t know what was wrong with him. He didn’t feel nervous, but it was so hard to think; he wasn’t really sure what was happening. Was this debilitating feeling love? Cause it was awful! He wasn’t sure if there was a God anymore, or if there ever was one, but in desperation, he sent a silent prayer to him begging for help. He was at a total loss.


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