A Mistletoe Match For The White Duchess (Historical Regency Romance)

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A Mistletoe Match For The White Duchess (Historical Regency Romance) Page 13

by Patricia Haverton

  He opened his mouth to protest, but knew it to be true, although he did not care.

  “I will say, from all I have experienced in the past few weeks since my return, it is perhaps not the worst thing not to be like our brethren.”

  She nodded and made a turn to the left. Up ahead, he saw the stables and the warm feeling he’d felt earlier returned along with the memories of their near kiss.

  “Your Grace is not just a member of the ton, however. Given your title you are among the highest ranking, certainly the highest ranking in the area. With that comes respect. As you saw at dinner.”

  He snorted. “I did see. It was for your benefit I spoke up, not anyone else’s. I simply wanted to ensure you were comfortable.”

  “I will never be comfortable in such an environment. I am most comfortable alone or surrounded by my friends. I will say, if I may, that since our encounter that very first night, I have taken your words to heart and become more self-assured, if not in my own mind and heart then in my outward appearance.”

  It warmed his heart to know that his words had been heeded and appeared to help her overcome some of the challenges she was often faced with.

  “I am glad to hear it.” A moment of silence passed between them, but it was an easy silence. He broke it when something she’d said came back to his mind.

  “How is your Cousin? You said you saw her just a little while ago?”

  She pressed her lips together and tilted one hand back and forth. “She is better. But she is consumed by dread for the morning.”

  “Why ever so? What happened to her? We were playing cards when we were alerted to some commotion in the drawing room. The next thing I knew was that Miss Henrietta was being carried away to her room.”

  She sighed and shook her head. “It was rather curious. We needed a fourth for our game of whist, and so Miss Eliza Downey joined us. She appeared rather hostile to all of us and especially Etta. As we came to discover, the reason Mister Downey is here is because my Father is assisting him in finding a wife. And his daughter implied that the wife is one desperately in need of a husband with money.”

  “By Jove–your Father intends to marry your Cousin to his business partner?”

  She shrugged, “It appears that way. We came to find out that Etta’s parents had planned to borrow money for a proper dowry from my Father, so it would only make sense that an arrangement was made. Given the circumstances.”

  “I take it your Cousin is not pleased with the news?”

  Despite herself, a chuckle escaped her.

  “You do not know her well. There are few things my Cousin despises more than commoners. The mere thought of having to wed one, and one so much older than her. It’s enough to make her vow eternal spinsterhood. She would be an ape-leader than marry someone like Mister Downey.”

  “What will she do?”

  “I do not know, Your Grace. I shall speak with my Father tomorrow and see if he will undo the arrangement. It would be difficult to do, for Mister Downey is his business partner and I’m certain breaking the promise will damage the business.”

  “A shame. Perhaps Miss Henrietta will grow to enjoy her life with a merchant, especially if she finds that money can buy a great many comforts to ease her sorrows.”

  “Perhaps. Etta is used to outshining everyone else, thus access to a greater wardrobe to maintain herself shall certainly ease the horror of being wed to a commoner.”

  They had reached the stables and Miss Gordon proceeded to push open a door at the side and indicated for him to enter. He noticed her looking around for any possible lurkers but, finding none, followed him inside.

  * * *

  Immediately, the warmth of the stable flooded his body. His fingers ached with the sudden change in temperature and he curled them into fists and opened them again to get the blood flowing.

  Miss Gordon meanwhile proceeded toward the back end of the stable where large bales of hay were being kept. She climbed atop one and he joined her.

  “By Jove!” He exclaimed when he turned around and was confronted with a large, beautiful brown stallion in the pen across from him.

  “Quiet, Your Grace, the stable boys often sleep in a chamber on the other side of the wall. They may hear us.” She got up and crossed the narrow path to the horse and began stroking his nose, which peeked through the barriers of the pen.

  “This is Princely. He is the horse my Father bought from the Regent. Isn’t he beautiful?”

  Jonathan rose and joined her, letting the giant horse sniff his hand. The horse was older, you could tell by the grey along his muzzle. He could see how, at his age, the horse would no longer be of use to the Regent.

  “He is a beauty.”

  “He is. And, with your help, I shall turn him into a riding horse yet. He has a calm disposition; he is just not used to a rider.”

  “We shall get him used to it post haste,” Jonathan promised. He remembered his gift to her and retrieved it from his pocket.

  “I meant to give this to you, but we were unable to meet earlier.” He held out his hand and she took the bracelet from him. It was made of leather with six pearls strung along at even intervals.

  “It is lovely!” She looked up at him and her eyes had a sparkle to them he had not seen before. Her entire face was lit up, with a smile almost from ear to ear.

  “I made it myself,” he suddenly felt overcome by shyness at the revelation.

  “You did? I had no idea Your Grace was so artistic!”

  He returned to the bale of hay and rubbed his hands between his legs against the cold when she joined him, the bracelet still clasped between her fingers.

  “I learned it in India. It is quite simple, really. You close it with the knot at the end. May I?”

  I shall be quite honest: she would have figured it out herself. I can’t help but want to be closer to her, and offering to help her close the bracelet is the best way to do it while still being respectable. Isn’t’ it?

  He took the bracelet from her and wrapped it around her wrist, closing it in the back by slipping the leather knot through the loop. His fingers gently brushed against the skin of her hand. As he did so, he felt her shiver. Although he was certain it was not from the cold.

  He felt the familiar warmth he experienced every time he was near her and when the bracelet was properly secured, he withdrew his hand.

  “Thank you, Your Grace,” she marveled at the bracelet as though it were made of diamonds.

  “I am pleased you like it. I am of the opinion that it is high time we called one another by our names, rather than our titles. Wouldn’t you say? At least when we are in private?”

  She glanced at him briefly. “I would like that, Your G…I mean Jonathan.”

  Her voice was quiet, almost breathless and she quickly returned her gaze to the straw-covered ground. The shy girl he’d always known was back.

  He reached out and lifted her chin gently so he could see into her eyes.

  “You are an amazing woman, Isolde Gordon. I just wanted you to have a token of my affection for when you feel less than, for I should hope it will remind you that to me, you are never less than. You are the one who has truly made me feel glad to be home.”

  Her lips parted but no words were spoken.

  Jonathan raised his hand from her chin to her cheek and stroked her soft skin with his thumb. Isolde closed her eyes. Jonathan's heart beat so hard he was certain she would be able to hear it, but he did not care. He leaned in closer and after what felt like an eternity, his lips found hers and they exchange a tender kiss.

  He’d kissed other girls in the past, certainly before his travels but this was–breathtaking. Her lips were soft and warm, despite the cold surrounding them. He felt her hand rise up and she ran her fingers through his hair. Then, as soon as their kiss had begun, it ended for she pulled back, a horrified expression on her face.

  “I am sorry, Jonathan. I should not have allowed myself to...”

  “Do not apologize.
It was I who asked you to join me at this late hour, and it was I who kissed you. I am sorry if you feel taken advantage off.”

  She shook her head, her loose hair sticking out from beneath her capote.

  “I do not. I simply did not expect you to be...I have not had the affections of a lord before and I feel somewhat overwhelmed.”

  “As do I. I did not expect to find myself in the position I am in. I shall tell you the truth. Since my return, I have been utterly overwhelmed with the responsibilities, with how much my life has changed. Coming back has been much more difficult than I had imagined for I no longer feel as though I belong. I do not know what my place in this world is that's become so unfamiliar to me.”

  Isolde sighed, “If only you knew how much your words sound like my own thoughts. It is how I have felt all my life.”

  Jonathan reached for her hand which was cold in his. “Then perhaps this is why it is only with you that I feel at home and comfortable. I feel like myself.”

  They looked one another in the eyes for a long moment when suddenly a voice rose from outside.

  “Charlie, ye useless louse! Where are ye? Shirking yer duties again?”

  Isolde's eyes widened in shock.

  “It is George, one of the grooms! Quickly, we must depart at once before he finds us.”

  Jonathan got up as quickly as he could and followed Isolde as she made her way toward the exit, in the opposite direction of the voice.

  Isolde glanced around at the stable door and appeared to wait for him when behind him he heard footsteps.

  “Go, Isolde, do not let yourself be seen,” he hissed quietly. If they were found, especially together, it would be utterly disastrous for them both, although much more so for her. She nodded at him and quickly rushed into the safety of the dark night.

  He was about to follow her when he stumbled against a bucket left in the walkway, causing it to fall over with a crashing bang.

  “Zooks!” he caught himself before he fell, but the noise was enough to alert the groom.

  “Charlie! Playing yer silly games with me at this hour–Hey! Stop where ye are! I see yer!”

  The groom's voice boomed just as Jonathan had reached the door. He turned, caught just before making it outside. He glanced out and, in the distance, saw her running under the stars. Despite having been caught himself, he sighed with relief that her reputation was safe. With dread, he turned and faced the groom. To his horror, he found himself face to face, not just with the groom, but with a rather large pitchfork which was being pointed in his direction.

  Chapter 15

  The following morning, Isolde woke early. It was light outside and she found that new snow had fallen at some point after her return. She hoped Jonathan had made it out of the stable unseen, but she had no way of knowing. She’d felt terrible to leave him behind, even though he’d asked her to. Still, she knew that, given his position, he would certainly be able to explain away his presence at the stable much easier without her there to compromise the situation further.

  Her head still rested on the soft pillow and her gaze was fixed to the top of her comfortable four-poster bed. She couldn’t help but want to remain here for it allowed her to relive the memory of last night. Without realizing she was doing it, her finger traveled to her lips where he’d kissed her.

  I, Isolde Gordon, have been kissed! It is unbelievable! I never thought I would ever be kissed in my entire life. I thought I would go to my grave never experiencing the kiss of a handsome lord, never having felt affection as I have now. And he is so wonderful, so dreamy. I cannot believe he would truly want me, yet, it must be true. He would not put himself in such a compromising position if he did not truly feel affection for me…

  She looked at the bracelet he’d given her. It was a simple leather bracelet with studs of silver. It looked lovely despite its simplicity, or perhaps because of it. She couldn’t believe he’d made it himself. Jewelry making was not one of the things typical for a Duke’s pastimes.

  She did not have much chance to think more of the events of last night, as Molly entered the room.

  “Good morning, Miss Gordon. I trust you had a restful night? After Miss Henrietta went to sleep at last, that is?”

  Isolde swung her legs out of bed. “I have rested well, yes. How is my Cousin this morning? Have you seen her yet?”

  Molly shook her head and began to gather Isolde’s clothes for the day.

  “I have not, but Dorrie attended to her and reported she’s still rather in a state.”

  Isoldes stood and began to dress herself. “I shall speak to my Father as soon as I am dressed. Is he in his study already?”

  Molly nodded, “He has been since early in the morning.” Resolved to do just that, Isolde finished dressing and braced herself for what she was sure would be a challenging conversation with her father.

  * * *

  Once Isolde was ready for the day, she left her chamber, stopping only at her cousin’s chambers to check on her well-being. She found her already awake but sitting in her bed, her red hair hanging in lose curls down her back.

  “Cousin, how are you feeling?”

  Henrietta sighed deeply and shook her head, her red hair moving gently like the ocean waves.

  “Oh la, Izzy. I am most upset. I cannot believe that my parents, and your Father, may consider it a good arrangement for me. Especially my Father. A merchant? As a son-in-law? I cannot believe my Father would….” she dropped back on her pillow and placed her forearm across her face.

  Isolde sat on the side of her bed. “Did you not ask your Mother about it yesterday?”

  Without removing her arm, her cousin shook her head.

  “I asked but she claimed she did not know a thing about it. She admitted that my Father spoke to yours regarding a loan to increase my dowry and your Father said he would consider it. That is all she says she knows. I do not know if it is true.”

  Isolde pursed her lips. It would not be unlike her uncle to keep secrets even from his wife. She hated seeing Etta so upset, although in heart she felt that being wed to Mister Downey might not be the worst thing for her. She certainly would never have to worry about money again. But she knew Etta well enough to know that she valued her station and a title more than money.

  “I shall go to speak to Father, perhaps his mind can be changed.”

  Etta removed the hand from in front of her face.

  “Oh, Isolde, you are truly the best of friends, the best of Cousins. Thank you. I shall remain here and wait on what you find out for I cannot go out into the world ever again if I am indeed to be wed to that old man. He must be ancient. He certainly looks it. And can you imagine being step-mother to those two children of his? The boy cannot even find his own mouth with a spoon and the girl…how high in the instep she is.”

  Isolde had to agree. Miss Downey clearly was aware of her father’s plans. She appeared bright, if unpleasant, thus she certainly had figured out without much issue that Henrietta was ideal candidate for her father. The very fact that she showed her displeasure so openly concerned Isolde, and on her way to her father’s study, she planned to ensure he knew all about it.

  * * *

  Her father was seated in the library behind a large, old desk adorned with elaborate carvings. She knew it had been in their family for several generations. Her father raised his head and smiled at her when she entered. His face looked kind, yet with a hint of apprehension. Certainly, he’d heard all about the events of last night.

  “Good morning, Father. I wonder if I could speak with you for a moment.”

  He indicated toward the chair in front of his desk.

  “Good morning, my dear. As you know, I always have time for you and your brother. As a matter of fact, I had planned to call on you today in any case as there are matters you and I must discuss.”

  Isolde took her seat, intrigued by her father’s words. Had he planned to tell her about Henrietta’s intended match?

  “You look troubled. Wh
at is on your mind, child?”

  Isolde took a deep breath and folded her hands between her knees.

  “I have come regarding my Cousin, Henrietta. We, that is to say Olivia, Etta and myself, have worked out the plan and it has most distressed her. I had hoped to speak with you to see if perhaps another solution could be found?”

  Lord Lincester frowned. “The plan for Henrietta? I am not certain I understand your meaning. In any case, as you well know, affairs of business are nothing for you ladies to concern yourself with.”


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