
Home > Other > Resistance > Page 16
Resistance Page 16

by Ell Leigh Clarke

  “Alright.” Jade grinned as she reloaded again, “Let's find some more of these scouts. It’s a scout hunting party!”

  “You got it,” Jelly Bean grinned, steering the ship through a quick figure of eight as she ran a proximity scan. “Looks like we’ve got a lone battleship just over the-”

  “Chesed this is Shango,” their captain’s voice came over the intercom. “I know what you’re up to, I just saw my ship on one of Blackfriar’s battle feeds, and my corteX has confirmed you’re out there fighting in it. It is too dangerous for the pair of you to be out there alone, and in any case, you heard Blackfriar; you could end up getting in the way of his formations. I’m ordering you both to land immediately and report back to his quarters. Is that understood? Turn around and come back to base.”

  There was a long silence.

  “Maybe if we’re quiet, he’ll think we’re not here,” Jade whispered.

  “Or sleeping,” Jelly Bean added.

  “I can hear you,” his voice boomed through the bridge. He audibly smacked his forehead, “…and why in the cosmos would you be sleeping in the middle of a battle? Just get back here, alright?”

  “What was that?” Jade shouted as she stood up and raced to the wall, pulling open a panel. She made some static noises with her mouth. “Sorry, you’re breaking up, can’t hear you! Women working here!” She tore a handful of wires out of the panel, effectively disconnecting the intercom. The young woman turned and skipped back to the weapons station, sitting daintily at the controls.

  “Nice work,” Jelly Bean approved. “Now get ready. I just found another Chad for us to make friends with.”


  Android Base, Orion Sector

  “They’re not coming back, are they?” Shango asked as he watched the Chesed shoot down another LaPlacian vessel on Blackfriar’s monitors.

  “It sure doesn't look like it,” Olofi shook his head. “We should be up there with them.”

  “Huh, looks like they’re doin’ just fine to me,” Loco shrugged and shifted restlessly in his chair.

  “Oh come on,” Olofi teased, “you know you wish you were on the Chesed’s weapons station right now, I know it.”

  “I do not!”

  “We’ve nearly decimated the LaPlacian fleet,” Barnabas reported over the intercom, “My personal kill count just reached a round dozen.”

  “Whoa!” Jade exclaimed over the communication network.

  “Chesed, how are you two doing?” Barnabas asked.

  “We’ve taken down six, we’re halfway there!” Jade declared proudly.

  “Excellent,” Barnabas replied. “Why don’t you join our formation for the final assault? We should be able to force what’s left of the enemy to jump to FTL or else face destruction with one last sweep.”

  “Yes!” Jade cried. “Jelly, head for the… Jelly, what’s wrong?”

  “Our scanners just picked something up,” Jelly replied for all to hear, “It looks like a fresh wave of LaPlacian ships just dropped out of FTL. They’re just getting into formation to join the attack, they’ll be on top of us in minutes.”

  “What?” Blackfriar gasped, losing his composure for the first time. “How was I not informed sooner? I want a visual on this new threat. Barnabas! Pull our forces back into a defensive position and then land your destroyer, I need you back below the ground with me.

  “It’s too late!” Barnabas shouted, and they watched on the walls as the android ships were blown apart by the incoming wave from LaPlace. “We’re going to have to fight to the last android!”

  “No you won't’!” Blackfriar exclaimed. “You get yourself safely to the ground Barnabas, that’s an order!”

  “Yes, sir,” Barnabas agreed, though his voice was distracted and uneven as if he were under strain.

  Shango hit his corteX. “Bean, same goes for you and Jade,” he commanded. “I mean it this time. You’ve had enough good luck so far today.”

  “Affirmative,” Jelly Bean confirmed. “Heading for the airfield now.”

  The remaining android ships fought valiantly as Barnabas and the Chesed flew down and landed. By the time the dogfighting trio arrived in Blackfriar’s quarters, Amroth’s fleet had finished destroying the android ships and turned to firing on the home base itself.

  The base was on red alert, and people raced around, busy doing whatever needed doing in an attempt to protect their home.

  The walls shook, more violently than before, and dust showered them from the ceiling. Jade was standing near one of the screens and nearly lost her balance, but Loco was quick enough to catch her and help her to a chair.

  All of the walls showed the same image, that of the airfield and surrounding buildings being bombarded from above by the LaPlacian fleet. Many of the ships had already been destroyed, but the Chesed remained intact. For now.

  Blackfriar looked on beside himself, yet trying to maintain command composure. “I fear all may be lost,” he announced. “I have sent crews to rescue our most vital computers - the machines I showed you, containing our files on Amroth’s app and actions, but those rooms may already be buried. We are more secure here, but-”

  He stumbled but then rigidly found his feet amidst the latest quake from above.

  “But we are not immune to a fleet of this size and their armaments. My friends, I am sorry. I have failed us all.”

  Just as the final word fell from his lips, the last explosion sounded off, and then there was complete silence.

  “What’s going on?” Jade asked, staring at the monitors. “I can’t see anything! There’s too much dust from the blasting.” She wiped at the screen as though she could somehow clear the air above.

  “Based on radar readings it appears that they mean to land. The flagship is descending overtop of us now.” Blackfriar grimaced. “I had not hoped to encounter Amroth under such circumstances as this.”

  The dust settled as the Geburah landed, and they got a good look at the big, ugly LaPlacian ship as it touched down in an empty space surrounded by flaming wrecks.

  Suddenly, they heard Amroth’s familiar voice, broadcast on all channels deep beneath the ground.

  “We know you’re down there,” he stated coolly. “I shouldn't need to point this out, but if you make any move against my ship, the fleet in orbit will carve you out of this planet like a bad spot from an apple. Now, there’s no need for all of you to die, so I’ve come up with a generous offer. Surrender the girl and the sword, and we’ll let you lick your wounds in peace. Refuse, and we’ll lick them for you. With fire.”

  Jade stood trembling, eyes fixed on the screen. “If I wasn’t terrified right now,” she squeaked, “I’d come up with something clever about how lame that was.”

  Blackfriar and Shango were looking at each other, a deep look of mutual understanding and respect. Shango nodded, and the android captain nodded back.

  Blackfriar made the announcement. “We will continue to fight, to the last warrior if necessary.”

  “To the last,” Barnabas agreed.

  Loco scoffed. “Like there was any other option.”

  Jade nodded at Jelly Bean. “We’re already warmed up.”

  Olofi looked to Shango. “What’s the plan?”

  “Well, there’s no point in telling Amroth we don’t have Bentley and the sword down here,” Shango mused. “The longer he’s digging away at this place, the better chance she has of eluding him.”

  “Agreed,” Blackfriar enunciated crisply. “Therefore it will be necessary that one of us remain behind, in order to operate the base’s defenses and give a realistic illusion that the battle is still being waged. The rest will be free to escape. As the ranking officer here, I nominate myself to undertake that honor, and naturally second my own nomination. The motion passes.”

  Shango and Olofi looked at one another in surprise. There was a look of confusion on the smooth-cheeked lwa’s face, but the bearded man seemed to understand, even though the announcement had shocked him.

/>   “Are you sure you want to do this?” Shango asked, “I’m sure it’s not entirely necessary. There must be another way-”

  “If it were only a matter of setting the base to defend itself automatically, perhaps.” Blackfriar relented, then shook his head, “But I must remain. I must ensure that our files surrounding Amroth’s apps are securely uploaded to the fleeing ships. That is where you come in my friends. Please take Barnabas with you and know that you will also be accompanying the most vital information housed anywhere in this universe. Barnabas, it’ll be down to you and Svend to continue our work. I know I leave it in good hands.”

  Both androids’ faces were tight with emotion as they shook hands one last time, bowing their heads respectfully. Jade rushed forward and hugged Blackfriar, and Jelly Bean put a hand on his shoulder.

  “We will remember you,” Shango promised the other captain, “in every battle, in every flight, in every-”

  “Hey, isn’t that Bentley?” Olofi was pointing at the largest screen which showed an image of Amroth’s ship.

  “Holy fuck!” Jade cried, “what’s she doing there?”

  Bentley had just appeared on the airfield next to Amroth’s ship. She was surrounded by a strange translucent bubble and carried a sword.

  She raised her hands slowly seeming to surrender herself.


  Android Base, Orion Sector

  For a long moment Bentley had no body; she was only agony and energy posing as a mind. Yet still, there was something comforting and familiar about Legba’s strange form of teleportation. She made a mental note to ask him about it later, but then watched as the note drifted away when her body began to reform.

  The pain sizzled like oil in a pan as reality crackled and then solidified.

  At first, Bentley found herself alone on the android airfield, her nerve endings and the wreckage around her both on fire. The sword was clasped tightly in her hand, and she could feel her energy mingling with its own to create the strange shield of distorted reality around her. She could smell horrible burning, things that should never burn being turned to ash by extreme heat.

  There was a flicker to her left and Svend appeared, gasping, eyes rolling in pain. Bentley blinked in surprise. Her own pain had become nothing more than a memory as soon as she solidified. A moment later Legba appeared between them, holding each of their hands.

  An explosion tore at the air, and all three of them dove for cover as the Geburah’s main cannon destroyed the airfield’s little outbuilding. Bentley knew her friends would be safe so far below ground, but the act of aggression still angered her. She felt a hot, throbbing spike of emotion, and the bubble surrounding her, Legba, and Svend pulsated in time with her racing heart.

  “Am I doing this? How am I doing this?” she gasped. “Is this real? Are you seeing this?”

  “We can see it,” Svend confirmed. “As to how, if I knew, I’d certainly be helping.”

  “Neither of us can lend you assistance now. This is your training in action,” Legba said proudly, “Do not fear it, lean into it.”

  With an ominous mechanical whir, the main cannon on the Geburah rotated to point directly at the wreck they were crouched behind.

  “Yeah,” Svend agreed, looking around nervously for more cover but finding nothing. “Lean hard!”

  There was a distinct whine as the cannon powered, and then it issued a sudden blast of energy.


  The bubble surrounding them expanded and stilled for just a moment, and the blast ricocheted off and rocketed into space.

  Svend peeked out from behind the arms he’d thrown over his face. “Oh really? I was the only one who thought that might hit us?”

  “What the fuck,” Bentley gasped, “I felt that cannon blast, like it was a pinprick on my skin. What am I even doing?”

  “Perhaps I can explain that another time?” Legba told her. “Right now, the present requires all of your attention. Focus on your training, on your abilities.”

  “It doesn’t matter what I can do,” Bentley mourned. “Amroth has already won.”

  Most of the android fleet that had not been destroyed in space lay in flames around them, twisted hunks of metal and plastic and fiberglass that had once been beautiful and space worthy. In the distance, beyond the crater that remained of the airfield’s outbuilding, smoke billowed from some of the city’s elegant buildings.

  Bentley planted the sword’s point in the ground and leaned on it, but the weight of her burden was too great. She collapsed to one knee, staring listlessly at the ground. She simply could not think of what to do.

  Suddenly, she was back in the med bay of the Chesed, with no memories and no friends, only instead of having her eyes closed, she was blind, and instead of feeling Legba’s hands, she heard Amroth’s laugh...

  “Oh no,” she whispered, “Oh no, no, no, no.” She felt as though the nightmare had come to life all around her. Just when all seemed lost, a comforting hand landed on her shoulder. She looked up, expecting Svend, but it was Legba standing next to her. The android was staring transfixed at the wreckage of his home, silent and still.

  Legba pulled her to her feet. “Your destiny has not passed you by. Not yet…”

  Her gaze darted around, trying to make sense of everything. “But what do I do?”

  He winked. “It is time to use the sword.”

  Amroth’s voice surrounded them suddenly, like thunder without the warning of lightning.

  “Surrender the sword and the girl, and we’ll let you lick your wounds in peace. Refuse… and we’ll lick them for you. With fire.”

  “Okay,” Bentley said, her anger overpowering the feeling of helplessness. “That was a really dumb line.”

  Legba nodded and sighed. “Amroth never enjoyed the fruits of imagination, I’m afraid.”

  Svend finally found his voice, but there was a waver in his ordinarily smooth tenor. “What will we do? What can we do? Everything is in ruins. Do you think the others are alright? They should be…” His voice trailed off, and panic shone in his eyes as he calculated an endless list of horrific possibilities.

  “Svend!” Bentley took his hand. She could see the limitless potential of his mind overwhelming him. “Look at me, it’s going to be alright. Our friends will be safe down below.”

  “You can’t know that,” he told her, close to hyperventilating. “I, on the other hand, can calculate the odds that they died in the space battle that preceded this invasion, or as a result of one of the blasts, and the odds are not in their favor.”

  “Look at me,” she instructed again, and he finally tore his gaze away from the putrid piles of flaming, smoking vessels. “Good,” she said calmly as they made eye contact. For a moment his eyes took her to their special place, back to the pod where they’d shared a bed. “We can’t know anything for sure, Svend. Calculating odds isn’t going to help anyone, but if you come with me, we can help the others. Okay? Can you do that?”

  He gulped and nodded. “Let’s do this.”

  She gripped his hand tighter and pulled him along as she stepped out from behind the ruined destroyer they’d been using as cover. Legba moved with him, but somehow, she sensed that he was less present than either of them, like he was somehow shrouding his appearance from the eyes of others. Bentley thought it best not to question his actions; she could still feel the sword’s energy mingling with her own, pulsating, fueling the shield surrounding them. Her power did not seem to wane, in fact, it seemed to grow with each breath she took.

  They neared the Geburah, and Bentley adjusted the air around her to amplify her voice as she called out to their leader.

  “Amroth! Hey, fucker. If you’re done being a murderous asshole, I’m ready to surrender or whatever. I’ve got the sword.” She waved it in the air. “I can show you how to use it, too. Just stop harassing my friends.”

  Svend hissed at her. “Bentley, are you sure about this?”

  “She’s sure,” Legba smil

  Bentley realized she was smiling too. Beaming, in fact. She couldn’t suppress it; the energy roiling within her felt so good.

  “What are you going to do?” Svend pressed.

  She shrugged and laughed. “I’m not sure.”

  Legba nodded sagely. “Some say the hawk does not choose which mouse it strikes, no matter how fierce and determined its swoop.”

  Even Legba’s bullshit sayings couldn’t ruin the moment for Bentley. She felt like a shooting star, soaring across the night sky on a path guided by - fuck, definitely not destiny.

  For too long she had felt only bad things and uncertainty and fear had been her bread and butter ever since she woke up without her memories on the Chesed. That was all changing as she learned, and as her memories returned in fragments. She was ready to feel something else and to give herself permission to be something other than a frightened little girl.

  It was more than overcoming a fear, though. She felt she had finally found her true calling in life. She finally felt like she was doing something that she was born to do - wield the sword.


  Android Base, Orion Sector

  In Blackfriar’s quarters, everyone stood frozen on the edge of action. The appearance of Bentley, followed by Svend and Legba, had shocked them all to their cores.

  Jade found her voice first. “Bentley! Noooooo!” The dramatic cry lilted and faded as their friends on the surface continued the long walk towards Amroth’s vessel.

  “We’ve got to help them,” Loco said exploding into activity.

  “You read my mind,” Olofi agreed.

  Barnabas held his hands up to stop them. “The way up will be blocked!” he explained. “The primary elevator shaft will be filled with rubble after all those explosions.”

  Jade gasped. “Are you saying we’re stuck down here?”

  “Far from it,” Blackfriar waved a comforting hand. “There is still the main entrance which is in the middle of the city, and several other concealed ones in strategic places. We would not be undone so easily. It would take us far too long to come to their aid, however, which I believe was Barnabas’ point.”


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