The Daywalker Chronicles

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by Nancy A. Lopes

  The Daywalker Chronicles

  By: Nancy A. Lopes

  Copyright © 2016 by Nancy A. Lopes

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Printed in the United States of America

  I’d like to dedicate this novel to the following people:

  Mom and Dad: You guys have always loved and supported me from day one and I couldn’t be more thankful. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for everything you've possibly done for me. I can’t put into enough words how much it all means to me, but I try every single day to let you know how much I love you because I do. I love you so much mom and dad. PS: Thanks mom for automatically knowing I should be a writer when I asked you back in grade 9.

  To My Chroniclers: None of this would be possible without you guys. None of it. Thank you so much for the resounding support, guys. It means the absolute world to me so thank you.


  My head was pounding. That was the first thing that I noticed when I slowly opened my eyes. Slowly sitting up and looking around, I found myself looking around and feeling confused.

  "Where am I?" I asked, glancing around my surroundings and taking everything in. The cell was mostly dark but for some odd reason I could tell what was going on. What the hell happened to me? What did they do to me?

  One of my hands raised to my forehead and gently grasped it as a groan escaped my lips. I struggled to remember what had happened before, figments of it coming back to me but only in fragments. Deciding that I had to get answers, I climbed to my feet slowly and walked over to the large steel door that was my cell's door.

  Raising a palm, I formed it into a fist and began to furiously pound on the door, hoping to get some answers.

  "Hey!" I yelled, "Can someone tell me what's going on!"

  I continued for another 10-15 minutes but I soon gave up after a while because I didn't get any responses. Growing frustrated, I threw my fist into the door and noticed that I shockingly dented it.

  Stepping back in shock, I looked down at the hand that I had thrown at the door expecting to see blood but shockingly didn't. My hand had somehow healed in a matter of minutes, the tendons and individual muscles all knitting themselves up and the blood drying before my very eyes.

  Looking around, I figured I might as well get acquainted with my cell as this was going to be my home sweet home for the next little while. Finally looking around, I noticed that the walls were an ivory white colour and the bed that whoever had me locked me up here had given me was a sickly blue-green colour. And that was it, they hadn't given me much else.

  Just then, I leapt in surprise as the steel door was opened and revealed an older man who had greying hair and cloudy blue- grey eyes, and who wore a smug expression on his face.

  "Hey what's going on?" I asked the man, carefully getting to my feet and eyeing him, warily.

  "It seems that we hit some snags when running tests on your group and certain things happened as you can see," The man explained, "But don't worry we have plans for you."

  "Plans? What kinds of plans?"

  "Well, I'm sure you've noticed the differences, haven't you? The strength, the improvement on your vision, the speed?"

  "I noticed a few things, yeah."

  "A few? My, my, you don't know the extent of what happened, like I said we have plans," The man replied, with a laugh, "For now have some dinner."

  He then placed a small blue plastic tray at my feet and then promptly left the room, leaving me to my thoughts.

  After I had finished my meal, I began to work on escaping from here. I rammed my door until I managed to knock the steel door down and quickly ran out.

  On the first few floors, I hadn't managed to bump into anyone but when I reached the fourth floor, I found myself before a stringy, mahogany haired and eyed young man who looked to be terrified. I blinked my eyes as all of a sudden, I heard sounds of thumping.

  Wondering what that was, I was shocked when I realized that those sounds were coming from the man's chest. Was that his heart? Was that what I was hearing? his heart rate? Whatever it was, all that I knew that just being near that sound I was overcome with this insane feeling. I was so so hungry. I wanted whatever was making that amazing sound. And I wanted it now.

  Going closer to him, I grabbed the young man whose name I didn't know and pulled him to me and as if by sheer instinct, I lowered my head and hovered over his neck. I then quickly moved like a cobra and lunged sinking my canines into his neck and viciously drank from him. I couldn't get enough, whatever this was, was delicious I had to have more.

  Quickly draining him within a matter of minutes, I dropped him disappointedly and moved quickly with the hopes that I could return home quickly and soon.

  Leaving the lab, I sped out and ran east. I arrived home with only a few minutes to spare due to the change that I had clearly gone through. I still had questions, but first I had to return to my family and make sure that they were alright.

  Arriving home, I was surprised when I heard another heartbeat. Again going by instinct, I followed it and found my mother, holding a candlestick that I assumed she planned to use as a weapon. Stepping closer, I hoped to reason with her and to ask her why she looked so scared.

  "Hey mom," I said, cautiously holding my hands up, "It’s me, Garrett. It's okay, no one's gonna hurt you."

  She then took another single step back, grasping at the candle stick tightly, "Don't come any closer! I will swing this! You're not my son. My son is no monster!" she screamed.

  Taking another step closer, I wracked my brain as to why she would ever believe that I was a monster. Turning my head slowly, I finally understood once I saw my reflection staring back at me.

  My eyes had somehow at some point turned a blue-purple colour, and I had long, ferocious-looking fangs protruding from my mouth, which gave me an eerie inhumane look.

  Looking back at my mother, I was horrified when I began to hear her loud, thunderous heartbeat thundering in her veins. She wouldn't stop screaming, couldn’t she remember who I was? I knew that my eyes looked different but I assumed that other than the fangs and eyes I looked much the same.

  Unable to help myself, I simply gazed at her and said, " I'm sorry."

  I then lunged at her and did the same, killing her within a matter of minutes. I pulled back knowing that my face was bound to be drenched and hoping that the rest of the house was empty.

  Making my way throughout the small house, I heard the heartbeats once again and followed them into the living room where I saw my father, Nikolai and my fiancée, Hayley sitting watching TV. Stepping into the room, the floorboards creaking they quickly whipped their heads around and gazed at me in horror.

  "Guys, I promise I won't hurt you," I told them both, this time making a promise to myself that I would try my hardest not to kill either of them.

  Moving closer, I lunged forward and started with my father but only pulled away when I remembered who I had drank from.

  Staggering back, I approached Hayley but just barely bit her, It seemed that my earlier plan had worked. I had managed not to kill either one of them, but what would happen now? Would they be like I was? Could I transfer whatever was flowing through my veins?

  Over the span of that year, I, along with my father and Hayley learned all that we could about what we were. And what that entailed. We were Nightwalkers and no longer human.

  Chapter One

  Queen Hayley sat in the room she shared with her husband, brushing her long, luxurious chestnut brown hair.
As she brushed her hair, she thought of all that had happened over the last few months. Garrett had come to her a month ago, concerned over what his brother, Damien had asked of him a while back.

  Lost in her thoughts, Hayley hardly noticed the smiling, handsome man as he quietly slipped into the room. Gazing back at her husband from the lovely gold mirror he had given her one birthday, Hayley placed her silver brush on the vanity's table and turned slowly around to face Garrett.

  "Hello, love," she said as he came from behind and gently embraced her.

  Leaning in, Garrett placed a soft kiss on her lips and replied, "Morning Hayley." She gently pecked his lips with a small smile curling her lips.

  Just then, three year old Ronan ran into the room. Garrett's eyes were watching Ronan as he ran around the room. As Xavier ran into the room himself, he noticed his friend's expression and knowing Garrett, he knew he had to speak to both he and Hayley. He scooped Ronan into his arms and placed him in his room so that he could play with his toys while they spoke, and returned within a few minutes.

  "Something's happened with Ronan, hasn't it?" Xavier asked.

  "He's starting to show signs. His eye colour is changing, he can briefly walk in the sun, things like that. Which means that when he becomes old enough, he'll attract the wrong kind of attention."

  Hayley exchanged looks with her husband who nodded. She then turned to Xavier and said, "You have to promise us that you'll look after him, Xavier and watch over him."

  "Of course I will, but haven't you assigned him to an adoptive family in case something happens?"

  "We have, but they can't always keep watch over him. Besides, there's been talk for months that the Sanguists are planning something."

  "Alright it's settled. I'll watch over him, he won't even know that I'm there.

  Xavier turned away from the window, "It’s getting late. All of you need your rest since Ronan's birthday is coming up. See you two later."

  "Night man, see you tomorrow," Garrett said.


  One week later, the entire castle was bustling for Ronan's fourth birthday celebration. While most of the castle was tending to daily chores, the royal family was just awakening in their chamber. The first to awaken was Garrett who kept his eyes closed until his wife awoke.

  Hayley sat up in bed a short while later and beamed widely when Ronan ran into the room. He jumped onto his parents' king-sized bed, bouncing in his seat.

  "Mom! Dad! Guess What?" he said.

  "What is it, sweetie?" Hayley asked, her lips curling at her son's antics.

  "It's my birthday, Mommy!"

  "Really? And how old will you be turning sweetie?" Hayley asked.

  Grinning toothily, Ronan held up four fingers and said, "I'm turning four!"

  "Really? you're such a big boy now!" Garrett replied, "You're going to love what we have planned for today."

  "Really? I can't wait!"

  Garrett got out of bed with Hayley following closely behind. They each took one of Ronan's hands and effortlessly lifted him off their bed.

  They then left their room and as they headed to the dining room, Garrett was pulled aside suddenly by a dark haired man. He sighed and turned to his brother.

  "What can I possibly do for you today, Damien?" He asked.

  "Have you thought about my earlier proposal?"

  "Yes I have."

  "And? what decision have you come to?"

  "I refuse to sacrifice my son for your selfish means!"

  "You won't be sacrificing Ronan, brother," Damien replied, "It'll just be a small donation."

  "No, Damien. I will not sacrifice my son!"

  "Fine." Damien turned on his heel and stalked off towards the library.

  Shaking his head in exasperation, Garrett entered into the dining room to rejoin his family. The castle's dining room was a vast room that had an enormous maple table that was positioned right in the middle. The room had beautiful scarlet and gold curtains draped along its walls. Spotting his wife and son, Garrett smiled and walked over to his wife, son and Xavier and then sat in his own seat.

  The castle's throne room was a large room that was decorated as luxuriously as the rest of the castle was. It looked very similar to how the dining room was set up, except that the room looked more like an office space. Sitting down in the their thrones, they quickly heard the sounds of music and laughter as the festivities began to pick up speed outside. Soon, those sounds were disturbed by the sounds of screams, snarls and the occasional boom.

  Getting to his feet, Xavier pulled back the crimson curtain revealing a scene of complete and utter chaos outside. Buildings for miles around were set on fire, while dead bodies laid sprawled over the courtyard. Those that weren't dead were feasting on the dead.

  Carefully drawing the curtain closed, Xavier turned back to Garrett and Hayley. His face was pale and drawn.

  "What's going on, Xavier?" Hayley asked, "What's happening?"

  "The castle is under attack," Xavier replied, "We need to get you both out of here now, just as we planned."

  Ronan started to cry. Hayley picked him up and tried to comfort him. Garrett wrapped an arm around her, and they quickly headed for the library.

  Xavier strode over to one of the bookcases, raised a finger, and ran it across the rugged spine of a ruby - red book. He pulled back the small book, opening a doorway and revealing a dark, dank passageway. Turning to Garrett and Hayley, Xavier kissed Hayley and Ronan's foreheads and shook Garrett's hand.

  "You'll go to the camp after you drop him off?" Xavier asked.

  "Exactly, just as we planned." Garrett said. He said goodbye to his friend, then headed down the passageway with Hayley and Ronan.


  30 minutes later, they left the tunnel, and approached a young man and woman who looked to be in their mid 20s.

  Hayley smiled as Declan and Sophie, Ronan's soon - to - be guardians slowly came into view.

  Gently placing a soft peck on his head, Hayley said, "We'll see you soon sweetie. We love you so much."

  Garrett stepped up and kissed his son's cheek himself, "See you soon, little man," he said.

  Stepping back, they turned to Declan and Sophie Jacobs and quietly asked them to make sure that Ronan was happy. Declan nodded and told them that Ronan would be safe.

  In the months that followed, after Hayley and Garrett had escaped to go into exile, Damien made his brother's kingdom his. No one was allowed to question his authority, and no one even dared to. Those who did, were taken away by a small group of Sanguists.

  The ranks of the Sanguists quickly grew over time, and it was with them that Damien quickly built his kingdom into a tyranny.

  Chapter Two

  Ronan shot up in his bed, sweat slicking his face as his chest heaved, hard. It was the same recurring nightmare just like every other night. He could vividly remember the details of the nightmare but honestly he never knew if it was real or not. All Ronan knew was that he awoke in a cold sweat each time.

  Kicking his covers off, Ronan threw his legs off of the bed and sat up in his bed, his head in his hands as he thought over his dream just like every other morning. Sighing, Ronan mused over his thoughts for a little while longer until he finally gave up. Getting to his feet, He reached over to his bedside table and grabbed the small blue clock that sat upon it. Raising it to his eyes, he gasped and swore loudly when I saw the time.

  "Shit! I'm gonna be late again!" he yelled, scrambling to my feet.

  Ronan grabbed his full school uniform and shoved it on. He couldn't really shower since he was so late. Running downstairs, he grabbed his breakfast the state-mandated blood bags that one of the government gave them and tore into it, and drank it quickly.

  Once he had finished, he ran out the door and was quickly met by the smug face of his best friend, Theo.

  "Shut it," he growled, Ronan knew that he was late but so was he so he couldn't talk. Theo and
Ronan had known each other since they were very young. They were best friends since then and because of that, they were able to rely on one another for things. Theo's expression dropped for a split second before it quickly reappeared.

  "Hey man, I won't say anything I promise," Theo said to Ronan, "Although watching you attempt to collect yourself? Pretty damn funny."

  Rolling his eyes, Ronan knew Theo was getting a good laugh out of this whole deal. That's how he was, he was a damn good alpha to his pack but most importantly he was an amazing friend to him. He knew that while he poked fun at him and seemed so light hearted Theo was fiercely loyal and extremely down to earth. Knowing what he was doing, Theo smiled sardonically at Ronan.


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