Good Girl: Wicked #1

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Good Girl: Wicked #1 Page 13

by Piper Lawson

  “Sorry to call so late.”

  “The best time for everything is the present. In fact, it’s the only time there is.” Muffled scratching comes over the line.

  “My letter—the one confirming my co-op term was completed—it looks like the college didn’t receive it.”

  I hold my breath, praying she’ll say something like, “Namaste, it’ll be fixed by morning.”

  What she says instead shatters all my hopes.

  “Cross hired you. It’s him you need to call.”

  A stone settles in my stomach.

  Cross is the last person I want to talk to.

  Because a major record exec is my father and I haven’t decided what the hell do to about it.

  “Right,” I murmur, realizing she's still waiting for a response. “How’s the tour?”

  “Insane. Riot Act announced this is their final month of concert dates. All the crazies are coming out.” I heard about that announcement. Because I have a news alert on the tour. Stalkerish? Maybe.

  I shove my hands in my pockets. “Nina… is the everything okay?”

  A pause. “We beefed up security. Jax still has all his body parts, far as I know. We’re in Atlanta tomorrow if you want to see for yourself.”

  “Haley, I have to run. We’re getting some spec changes for the show tomorrow. Then I need to get in some meditation time so I don’t accidentally kill someone. Namaste.”

  “Namaste,” I echo as Nina hangs up. I meet Lita’s clear blue gaze over the tip jar she’s splitting into piles for the servers who worked tonight.

  “You’re thinking about something, and it’s not calling Cross,” Lita guesses.

  Sleeping on someone’s couch for two months has a way of breaking down walls between you. But I haven’t been able to bring myself to tell Lita that Jax knew about Cross.

  That being around Jax stirred up all these feelings I never thought I’d feel for anything that wasn’t music.

  That leaving hasn’t brought the relief I’d hoped for. Instead, I’ve lain awake more nights than not, wondering if I did the right thing.

  “It’s nothing. It’s just…Jax and I used to talk. I know this sounds insane, but I feel like I got him.”

  “Normally, I’d say that’s completely insane,” she agrees. “But Jax doesn’t make time for just anyone.” I turn that over in my mind as she hands me the stack of bills that’s my share. “But? What does it matter. You’re going to go back to Philly, and classes, and listening to vinyl or whatever you do at home.”

  Lita’s words echo dully in my chest.

  My fingers inch toward the keys of my laptop. Before I can stop myself, I’m pulling up a ticket resale site.

  “Damn.” Even the nosebleeds are more than my monthly groceries.

  Lita drums her fingers on the bar, her mouth pursed. “I bet he’d get you a pass in a heartbeat.”

  “That would mean telling him.”

  I reach into my pocket and open the envelope from Andre. A thick stack of twenties peers up at me.

  “If you’re not going to talk to Jax, why go at all?”

  I suck in a breath as my finger hovers over the buy button. “Closure.”

  Thank you for reading Good Girl! I hope you loved Jax and Haley.

  * * *

  Want more rock stars, brainy girls, best friends, and band mates? Find out whether Jax and Haley find their way back to each other when the tour wraps and the lights go down in Bad Girl…

  Rockstars don't chase college students.

  But Jax Jamieson’s never followed the rules.

  I wonder why he's here.

  I wonder what took him so long.

  I wonder what he's going to do to me when I get off this stage…

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  One-click Bad Girl Now!

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  I’m going to share something kind of personal. Something I haven’t shared with that many people in my life…

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  Also by Piper Lawson


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  Good Girl

  Bad Girl

  Wicked Girl

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  About the Author

  I read and write stories where the girls aren’t doormats, the guys aren’t asshats, and secondary characters aren’t second-class citizens. A card-carrying millennial, I have two business degrees and zero hope of starting a fashion label (unlike my Travesty characters). I crave quirk the way some people crave kink, and believe life is too short not to do what—and who—you love.

  My home base near Toronto, Canada is shared with my wonderful sig other. I know he's the perfect man because not only is he TDH (tall dark & handsome), but he will beta read for me under duress. And really, that's what love is. Beta reading under duress.

  To my readers: I'm beyond grateful to you guys who make it possible for me to write. Thank you for buying my books. And inspiring me. And sending me wacky ideas. You're the reason I keep doing this.

  I love hearing from you! Stalk me on:

  The Interwebs➜




  Thank Yous

  This book wouldn’t have happened without the support of my awesome advance team and reader group (ladies - thank you for the support, nail biting, and patiently rocking in the corner while I finished part 3). Pam and Renate, thank you for your eagle eyes! Nothing gets by you. Mandee, thank you for creating Jax’s rock star-worthy signature, Jax is at least 20% more badass now. Natasha, you are the most amazing designer, thank you for letting me tweak this until we got it just right. Lindee, I couldn’t imagine better photography to inspire my books. Cassie and Devon, thank you for questioning, polishing, and pointing out I meant to say IV chord, not iV chord. Danielle, thank you for the amazing promo graphics, and generally helping me stay organized and making sure I don’t release new books in a vacuum. Plus of course Mr. L, the world’s best beta reader and the guy who makes sure my world doesn’t break while I’m sequestered in my writing cave. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

  Copyright 2018 by Piper Lawson Books

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  Line and copy editing by Cassie Roberston

  Cover by Natasha Snow

  Cover photography by Lindee Robinson

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  This book is a work of fiction.
References to real people, events, establishments, organizations, or locations are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

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  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission.




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