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Rhett Page 18

by E. L. Todd

  Her breathing increased and she just stared at me, her eyes brighter than I’d ever seen them.

  Fuck, this was dangerous.

  I wanted to lean in and kiss her. I’d imagined feeling her lips against mine countless times. I was so close. She was under me, in my bed. I wanted to roll around on my sheets, sucking those lips and touching her in all the places I fantasized about.

  Before I did something stupid, I moved to my back. “I’m meeting Chase soon… I should get ready.”

  She stayed in her spot. “Yeah…you guys will have a good time.”

  I got out of bed and pulled on a t-shirt. “I’ll walk you home.”

  “I can manage.” She got up then fixed her hair with her fingers. “It’s not dark.”

  “Are you sure?” I asked. “I don’t mind.”

  “It’s fine, really.” She rubbed the wrinkles from her dress then slipped on her shoes.

  I pulled on my sweatpants to hide my obvious hard-on, not that it made a difference now. She felt it pressed against her thigh. She knew how hard it was and how much I wanted her.

  I walked her to the door, feeling awkward for my stupidity. I came onto her while we were lying in bed. I pressed my cock against her like a jerk. I didn’t want her to think I was trying to sleep with her. I wasn’t. I mean, I wanted to. But I wanted a lot more than that. “Thanks for helping out with my brother. You have no idea how much it means to me.” I thought it was best to change the subject. I may have made a stupid move but I also pulled away when I realized how badly she could interpret my actions.

  “I’m glad I could help,” she said. “And thanks for making me feel better.”

  “We go well together,” I said without thinking.

  “Yeah, I think we do…” She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

  Why did I keep saying stupid shit like that? I wanted to smack my forehead.

  “Have a good day.” She stepped out with her purse over her shoulder.

  “You too.”

  “Bye.” She gave me a small wave before she walked away.

  I shut the door then leaned against it, wishing she would stay with me—forever.



  I was faced with the truth of Harper’s words. I think Rhett felt the way I did. My heart raced when he was near, and when his chest was pressed to mine, his heartbeat was like one with my own. His hand held mine even though there was no one to put on a show for. He slept with me in his bed, and he even…. My cheeks blushed when I thought about it.

  But he hadn’t kissed me. There were times when I thought he might but it never happened. I was growing impatient. Rhett was the first man that made me melt. He was the first guy I fell for without sharing a single kiss. He’d become someone I trusted more than anyone else. After what John did to me, how was that even possible?

  Maybe I should just tell him how I felt and get it over with. Maybe I should just kiss him and see if he returned the embrace. I should just roll the dice and take my chances. There was a good possibility I would lose everything I was working toward but it didn’t seem to matter anymore.

  For the next few days, all I thought about was him. Work suffered because I was distracted. I fantasized about kissing him, about him showing up at my office then taking me on my desk. I dreamed of a million things, and they were all inappropriate.

  Isabella’s visit was forgotten. Rhett made me forget about her taunts and evilness. It was hard to be upset when I was so happy with him. When Chase took the sword and finally dropped his fear, I felt warm inside. I was glad I could help him, but I was happier that I helped Rhett. Emotion was in his eyes and I thought he might cry. That look of gratitude was one I’d never forget. He deserved to have his brother back. Other than his aunt and uncle, Chase was all he had left.

  I sat at my desk and went through a report on my computer when Jane’s voice came over the intercom. “Mr. Lane wants to see you, Ms. Lane.”

  I couldn’t wait until I changed my last name. Being a Lane was a disgrace. I hated sharing something so intimate with my father. “Thank you, Jane.” I didn’t want to speak to him. I hadn’t seen him since Isabella came into my office and squished me like a bug. My anger was difficult to handle and sometimes I struggled with it. I wanted to smack my father in the face with a golf club. When it gave me satisfaction, I realized how evil of a person I was.

  I entered his office and retained my coolness, pretending I didn’t despise him, that I didn’t loathe him. “You needed me, sir?”

  He was hitting a ball across the small green in his office. “How’s Rhett feeling?”

  When we ditched dinner a few weeks ago because of Chase’s breakdown, I lied and said Rhett got a severe case of food poisoning that put him in the hospital due to dehydration. “He’s well. He had a long recovery but he made it through.”

  “Glad to hear it. What did he eat, if you don’t mind me asking?”

  “Lasagna from Santiago’s,” I lied. That was my favorite restaurant and I never wanted to run into my father there.

  “I’ll stay clear of that place.” He hit the ball then sunk it into the hole. He hadn’t looked at me once.

  “Is that all, sir?” I wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible.

  “No, actually.” He hung his club on the wall then leaned against the front of his desk. “Your cousin, Marie, is having an engagement party this weekend. I want you to bring Rhett.”

  Why did I have to go at all? Marie was Isabella’s sister. I kept my cool. “Do you think that’s wise? Don’t you think it’s a conflict of interest?” Isabella would be there, and so would John. I didn’t want to see either one of them.

  “You need to save face, Aspen. If you show up with your head held high and a man on your arm, people will stop talking about you.”

  “Or they’ll talk more…”

  “The matter is settled,” he said dismissively.

  I hated it when he bossed me around like I was a dog. He may be my boss but he couldn’t control my personal life. “I’m not going and you can’t make me.”

  He turned those cold eyes on me. “What did you say to me?”

  “I’m not going,” I said firmly. “All I’ll be is a talking point, something everyone will gossip about. I have no business being there. It’ll just start drama.”

  “You will go,” he said sternly. “You will act like everything is completely fine. This is important to me.”

  “Well, it’s not important to me,” I hissed.

  “I’ll fire you if I have to,” he threatened.

  I narrowed my eyes at him. “This has nothing to do with work.”

  “It has everything to do with work! You will show up and smile. You will introduce Rhett to everyone and say how wealthy he is. You will act like you don’t have a care in the world. You will act like John meant nothing to you and his marriage to Isabella is something beneath you. You can’t be weak, Aspen.”

  “And I’m supposed to show up at the wedding too? The one you’re hosting?” My eyes burned into his. My hands shook. I was so close to storming out and telling him how much I despised him.

  He lowered his voice. “It’s all about image. What could be more powerful than making a gesture like that? Isabella can have John because you have someone else.”

  “You know how much I wanted to get married there! Now I can’t because Isabella is.”

  “Nonsense,” he said. “You can get married there too.”

  “No, I can’t!” I tried not to scream but I was struggling. “I will not get married at the same place that horrible woman married my ex-fiancé. How could you agree to that without even asking me?”

  “It’s not your decision. That’s why.” His voice was ice cold.

  I took a deep breath and stilled my tears. They didn’t emerge from sadness or pain. They came from overwhelming stress. I felt trapped and unable to break free. I was stuck under his thumb until I could get rid of him.

  “You better not cry

  I steadied my resolve. “Does it look like I’m crying?”

  He watched me for a moment before he adjusted his watch. “Be there and bring Rhett with you. Otherwise, you can find yourself another job.”

  I couldn’t let him dangle me like this anymore. “Will you give me the company now? I have a serious boyfriend and I’ve repaired my image. I’ve done as you asked.”

  He crossed his arms over his chest. “You’re definitely on the right track.” He walked to the window then looked out, silently dismissing me.

  I stormed out of his office then shut the door. I leaned against it, feeling the tears leak from the corners of my eyes. My heart ached in pain and I felt weak. “I wish you would die already.”

  When Rhett knocked on the door, I was in my bedroom at my vanity, finishing my makeup. “Come in,” I called.

  The door opened and I heard his footsteps. “It’s me.”

  “I’m just finishing,” I said. “I’ll be out in a moment.”

  “Take your time.”

  My bedroom door was open but he didn’t approach it. He probably sat on the couch and waited.

  I wore more makeup than usual and made sure it looked absolutely perfect. My eyes were dark with smoky eye shadow and the black eyeliner made my eyes look bright and noticeable. My foundation was blended to perfection and my lips were highlighted with a bright sheer color. My hair was pulled back in a fine arrangement. I wore a purple strapless dress that was simple but elegant at the same time. A platinum bracelet was on my wrist and I had my nails done.

  I was ready to go but I still hated my appearance. It wasn’t me at all. I never wore this much makeup or put this much effort into how I looked. The idea of going to this party and pretending what John did to me was perfectly okay was despicable. And what Isabella did was worse. Why was I the pathetic one? Why did the family see me as the weak one? Isabella was the slut who stole her own cousin’s boyfriend. Why didn’t anyone see it that way?

  I leaned over my vanity and closed my eyes. Tears were constantly bubbling and I worked hard to control them. The last thing I wanted to do was go to this stupid party. I didn’t want to pretend I was okay because I wasn’t. Why couldn’t I have a normal father who stood by my side when no one else did? Why couldn’t he take me out to ice cream when I had a bad day instead of telling me I was weak? Why did he scream at me and tell me not to cry? Why couldn’t he just hold me instead?

  Keep it together, Aspen. It’s just a few hours. Rhett will be there. You aren’t alone.

  I took a deep breath and tried to clear my thoughts.

  Large hands moved to my shoulders then gently squeezed. “You okay?”

  I opened my eyes and looked at him in the reflection of my vanity. “I’m fine.”

  He stared at me with sad eyes. The blue color of his eyes was absent. Now they were just gray. “Talk to me.” He rubbed the muscles of my shoulders, trying to relax me.

  “I really don’t want to go to this party…”


  “I just…don’t like my family much.”

  “Then why are you going?”

  The same reason I did anything. “My dad is making me. He wants me to introduce you to everyone…and tell them how rich you are.” Disdain was heavy in my voice.

  “Then that’s what we’ll do. I’ll take care of it, okay? Just stand there and look pretty.”

  Easier said than done.

  His hands stopped rubbing me. “You’re more stressed out than normal.” It wasn’t a question.

  “I’d rather spend the day scrubbing toilets.”

  He kneeled beside my chair then leaned close to me, his face just inches from mine. “Aspen.” His voice moved down my spine then radiated everywhere. There was so much comfort in his words. He made me feel whole. “We’re in this together. I’ll get you through it. I promise.”

  A sad smile moved into my lips. “Yeah?”

  “Yeah.” One hand moved to my neck and he pressed his forehead to mine. He’d never done that before. We were so close, closer than ever. A kiss was what I needed, what I wanted.

  But I didn’t get it.

  “We’ll get monster sundaes afterward. And of course, some canned margaritas—your favorite.”

  That made me smile. “That doesn’t sound so bad.”

  “Not at all. Now let’s get this over with.”

  Rhett pulled up to the country house in his charcoal gray Jaguar. It was pristine and shiny, fitting in with the line of luxurious cars parked along the side of the driveway.

  A valet took the car then Rhett put his arm around my waist and escorted me inside. “Beautiful house.”

  “House?” I asked. “You mean mansion. And only two people live here. So stupid.”

  He leaned close to me. “I’m glad you aren’t a snooty brat like the rest of your family.”

  “If I were, you’d have my permission to shoot me.”

  He chuckled. “Duly noted.”

  We reached the garden path then walked to the rear of the house. A large patio with green hedges and stone statues highlighted the backyard. Large tables were set up everywhere, and lines of white lights hung overhead. Waiters moved around with trays of flutes. It was as pretentious as every other party I’d been to.

  “What do your aunt and uncle do?” Rhett asked.

  “My uncle used to work with my dad at the company. He left a few years ago and cashed in his stock. Now he’s retired.”

  One side of Rhett’s lip upturned in a gentle smile. “I’m sure he’s a lot happier now.”

  Yeah…having a skanky daughter who steals her cousin’s man must make him really happy.

  Once the crowd noticed us, dirty looks were shot my way. Sometimes, I got looks of sympathy and pity. Other times, I just got glares. Overall, no one was pleased to see me even though I did nothing wrong.

  So it begins.

  Rhett seemed to pick up on the tension because he pulled me closer to him. “You look beautiful tonight. I forgot to say that earlier.”

  His compliment fell on deaf ears. “Thank you.” No matter how hard I worked to make myself look beautiful, would I ever actually feel beautiful? “You look nice too.” Rhett wore a black Armani suit like it was made just for him.

  “You outshine me, easily.”

  Whatever you say.


  “Please,” I said. “And keep them coming.”

  He grabbed two glasses from a passing waiter then handed me a flute. He clanked his glass against mine. “Hope it doesn’t taste like mango.” He smiled then took a sip.

  I returned the smile but it didn’t reach my eyes. I drank almost the entire thing with a single gulp.

  Rhett escorted me through the crowd. “Anyone you want to talk to?”

  “Not even a little bit.”

  “There you are.” My father’s voice was heard over the quiet sounds of conversation.

  I growled quietly enough that no one heard me.

  “Rhett, I want to introduce you to someone,” Dad said.

  Seriously? He forced me to come but he wasn’t even going to acknowledge me? Now I didn’t feel bad for wishing he were dead.

  Rhett pulled me with him until we reached my father. “Good evening, sir. How are you?”

  “Well.” He clapped Rhett on the shoulder and gave him a smile.

  He never smiled at me.

  As soon as Rhett shook his hand, his arm returned to my waist.

  “Bill, this is Aspen’s boyfriend, Rhett,” Dad said. “He’s a fine young man.”

  “How do you do?” Bill shook his hand.

  “It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance,” Rhett said politely.

  Bill was my uncle but he pretended like I didn’t exist, just like my father did.

  Fucking asshole.

  Rhett engaged them in conversation, still holding me close. He discussed working for GMC, which was a lie, and discussed stocks, politics, and wealth like he was holding a cigar
and drinking brandy. Like everyone, Dad and Bill were fond of him.

  And I just stood there.

  Bill waved my aunt over. “Dear, come meet Rhett.”

  Aunt Nancy came to his side. She looked at me with absolutely no warmth in her eyes then turned to Rhett. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. We’ve already heard so much about you.”

  “The pleasure is mine,” Rhett said politely. “You have a beautiful home. It reminds me of my family’s estate in Vermont.”

  “That’s wonderful,” she said. “What do they do?”

  “We have a few wineries here and in Australia,” Rhett answered.

  How did he lie on his feet like that? He really was a trained master.

  “I’m fine, by the way.” The words slipped out before I could stop them. I just blurted what I was thinking.

  “I was just going to ask, dear.” Aunt Nancy gave me a fake smile. “So…how did you two meet?”

  “A coffee shop,” I said.

  Rhett gave me a fond look. “I saw her and knew right then and there.”

  “Knew what?” Aunt Nancy asked.

  “That she was the one.” He turned back to Aunt Nancy and gave her a serious look.

  I’d faint if Rhett said that to me and meant it.

  Aunt Nancy had a skeptical look on her face. Her lips were pressed tightly together, almost in disapproval, and when she sipped her champagne, she barely drank it. She eyed Rhett like he wasn’t real then shifted her questioning gaze to me.

  I knew what she was thinking. How could she land a guy like him?

  Rhett leaned in and rubbed his nose against mine, affection he’d never given me before. “She turned me down a few times but I wore her down. I wasn’t going to give up.”

  Aunt Nancy coughed into her glass and almost choked. “Excuse me.”

  I forced myself not to roll my eyes. Was it that shocking someone like Rhett could like me? I hated John for how he ruined my life. My family used to respect me but now they viewed me as some stupid and pathetic girl that no man wanted. If I saw him here tonight, I’d struggle not to kick him right in the danglers.

  “You okay, dear?” Uncle Bill asked.


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