The Debutante's Gamble: Western Historical Romance (Debutante's of Durango Book 5)

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The Debutante's Gamble: Western Historical Romance (Debutante's of Durango Book 5) Page 7

by Sylvia McDaniel

  "So tonight?"

  "Let's wait and let things happen naturally between us," he said, noticing the frown on her face. "I'll probably work late trying to catch up."

  "Oh, so it will be just me and the boys for supper?"

  The look of disbelief on her face had his gut wrenching. What man left his bride alone? What man turned down sex with his wife? With his beautiful bride?

  The man who didn't want to lose a second woman to childbirth.

  "Yes," he said, and the blood seemed to drain from her face. Her sapphire eyes flashed with anger, her body became rigid and she very carefully contemplated her words. He needed to leave and now, before things got ugly. "I've got to go. The boys should be getting up soon."

  He turned and bolted out the door, knowing from the expression on her face an explosion could happen at any moment and it wouldn't be pretty. What was he doing? Was he right in keeping himself distant from her?

  Maybe he should never have married her.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Stunned, Fannie watched the door close behind Walter as she stood in the entry hall of the great house. Had she traded one gilded cage for another? Was this how her life would be from here on? A cold, emotionless husband and two children that were the devil's spawns.

  Tears welled up in her eyes and the urge to sit and cry overwhelmed her. All her life, she'd been different and why did it seem like people took advantage of her? Now what did she do?

  With a sigh, she sank down into the nearest chair and stared out into the lush backyard. If Walter thought she would accept him this way, he'd breathed way too much mining dust. Still a virgin, an annulment could be obtained, if that was what she wanted.

  The memory of her husband kissing her in front of the preacher, saying their vows and how he lifted her veil, his emerald eyes shining with happiness. What happened between the ceremony and last night?

  No, she didn't want this marriage to end. But she refused to let their happily wedded bliss continue on its current path. Maybe her husband needed to be reminded of who he married. Known as the wild child, the time for a reminder of how she achieved that name might be in order.

  Only Fannie had the power to create the kind of life she wanted and needed. And if Walter wanted to be her husband, then she needed to change his thinking. Either for better or worse.

  Rising from the couch, she didn't know how, just yet. But she would start with his children.

  Chapter Twenty

  At six o'clock, Walter sat at his desk. All day long the image of his wife appeared before his eyes, and he felt bad about the way things were when he left this morning. What the hell was he doing? This was not how to start a marriage.

  Once again, he glanced down at the numbers, and they only seemed to blur. The sound of the door opening and the pitter patter of children running caught his attention.

  "Papa," Timothy said as he ran into his office, followed closely by Todd.

  What were they doing here? It was past their dinnertime, and she was supposed to be taking care of the boys.

  As she walked in with a picnic basket in her arms, a smile on her face, which surprised him and made him a little uneasy. Not known for being subtle, but rather devious, what was his wife up to?

  "What's going on?" he asked.

  Walking to his side, she kissed him on the lips, as her breasts rubbed against his arm. "Mrs. Hersey has a new rule. Supper time is family time and if you don't come home, then we will bring your dinner here to the office."

  "But..." What could he say?

  "This is your sons’ time to spend with their father and tell him how their day went. And it's our time to hear how your day went," she said as she pulled out a tablecloth and napkins.

  "Boys, can you spread the tablecloth on your father's desk," she said.

  "No," he said, standing quickly thinking of the mess they would make of his organized desk. "Let's go into the back area where there is a table and chairs."

  "Great," she said, taking him by the arm. Once again, her breast brushed his arm and a groan filled his throat. Was she deliberately teasing him?

  They walked down the hall toward the back. "So, dear, how was your day?"

  A trickle of unease spiraled through him. No one ever asked him about his day. After this morning, he was shocked she still spoke to him.

  "I've been checking the numbers on how much coal and silver we've mined. Also, looked at some new prospecting reports on where to mine next."

  "Explain what that means so the boys will understand," she said.

  What was she doing? His sons were so small; they couldn't begin to understand mining. Quickly, he gave them a brief explanation.

  "Papa, do you go down where they dig the coal out of the mountain?" Timothy asked.

  "Sometimes," he said, thinking that was not something he enjoyed, but made them money.

  "I wanna go," the boy said. "Will it be scary?"

  While he wanted his sons interested in the business, he wasn't ready to take them into a mine filled with coal dust. "When you're ten, we'll talk about going down in the mine again."

  Timothy glared at his father and crossed his arms, face pouting, then looked at Fannie. "I told you so."

  With a tilt of her head, she sent Walter a look that showed she sided with Timothy. "Maybe your papa can you show you everything except for going down in the mine. It's a dangerous business and your father doesn't want you to get hurt."

  The boy considered her comments and turned to him. "Can I see the rest of your business?"

  How could he deny his son? Yet, they had never shown any interest in what he did before.

  "Yes, son, one day soon the three of us will go out to the mine and I'll show you the business."

  "Me too, Papa," Todd said.

  Fannie gave him a smile and leaned against him, her body touching his. "Thank you. We've spent the morning talking about family. And they asked me when I would give them a brother or sister."

  Tension gripped him, and he gazed into her sapphire eyes, knowing how he reacted could end their marriage. "What did you tell them?"

  A calculating smile crossed her face, and she leaned in and whispered. "That only you and God knew when that would happen."

  He swallowed hard. How could he respond?

  The boys finished putting the table cloth on, and she began to hand out the plates and silverware.

  After just one day with Fannie, his twins behaved better. Yes, the marriage was a good thing, but he couldn't lose another wife.

  When they were all seated, she glanced at him waiting. The boys sat quietly. Everyone stared at him. "What?"

  "Fannie says we're supposed to say grace before we eat. Are you going to pray, Papa, so we can eat?"

  What had he done? In just one day, his wife managed to upend his household and even the twins appeared to be responding to her guidance. In less than a day, she'd gotten more control over the boys than any nanny he'd ever hired.

  "Of course," he said and bowed his head to say the blessing.

  As soon as they said amen, Timothy reached for the dessert. "Timothy, what did I tell you at lunch?"

  The boy sighed.

  "You're going to get us in trouble," Todd said. "You must clean your plate before you can have dessert."

  "Do I have to eat green beans?"

  "A few," Fannie told the boy. "Eat four green beans and you're done."

  Walter had never seen his children being so well-behaved at the table.

  Passing the noodles and cheese bowl to the boys, Timothy tried to take the dish from Todd. "No, I want it first."

  "No, because you'll take it all," Timothy said.

  Todd placed the dish on the other side away from Timothy and took his time taking what he wanted. Finally, Timothy grabbed the bowl and the two boys began a tug of war with the dish between them.

  "Stop," Fannie said in a loud commanding voice. Both kids turned to gaze at her, their eyes wide. "Todd, you've gotten enough, now pass it on to yo
ur brother or give up your dessert."

  The boy frowned. "Why, I didn't do anything bad? Papa, don't let her do this to me."

  Walter was used to their constant bickering at the table and had learned years ago to tune it out. Turning, Fannie glanced at him, waiting for his response, and he knew he needed to show his support of his wife. "Todd, give Timothy the bowl."

  The kid snarled at his brother. "Don't take it all."

  Suddenly, Fannie stood and took the dish, grabbed Todd's plate and dumped the noodles back into the bowl. "Because you're still fighting at the dinner table, neither one of you will have any, do you understand me."

  A little shocked at her authority, he watched as his boys’ mouths dropped open. One thing about his new wife, she didn't put up with the twins misbehaving.

  "But I like noodles," Timothy said.

  "Too bad, you should have behaved. Now don't push me or there will be no dessert."

  The two boys glared at one another and then went back to eating their meatloaf and green beans.

  "So, dear, how was your day?" she asked smiling at him.

  "Obviously, not as entertaining as yours," he said, stunned at the response of his kids to her.

  The feel of her small foot climbing the inside of his pant leg sent a ripple of desire through him, and again, he wondered if this was a new strategy. Drive him crazy with wanting her.

  Already, she seemed to be wielding control over his sons. Would she do the same to him? Make him into the husband she wanted?

  Would that be a bad thing?

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Several nights later, Walter arrived home late. A note on the counter from Fannie said to come to her room, they needed to talk. Panic went through Walter. Immediately he thought she was tired of their marriage and was going to have it annulled. What would he do?

  Slowly he climbed the stairs to her room, not certain what to expect, but knowing he wanted this union to last. Only on his terms, and he wasn't sure that was possible, even for himself.

  He knocked on the door.

  "Come in," called Fannie.

  A bad feeling rippled through him as he pushed the door open. The sight that greeted him took his breath away. His gorgeous wife sat in a bubble bath, naked, the suds tantalizing him with the view of her breasts. "I'll come back later."

  "No, this can't wait. We need to talk," she said, standing.

  A gasp escaped him, and he took a step back and bumped into the door. Water and bubbles clung to her silky skin, and he longed to take the towel from her and lovingly dry her off. But if he touched her, he would be lost.

  "Fannie," he gasped.

  Turning to him, she ran the cloth over her front. "What? We're married."

  "But we haven't," he stammered, losing his mind over his wife's naked body.

  This woman would be the end of him yet, and right now, a slow death in her arms would be fitting.

  "Honey, I'm just waiting on you," she said as she dried off.

  Closing his eyes, he looked away. "What do we need to discuss."

  He heard the rustle of the bath towel and when he opened his eyes, she slipped a robe around her body. A clingy silk version that seemed to connect with her damp skin, the same way he wanted to conjoin with her.

  "The boys," she said. "How much time do you spend with them?"

  In the last week, he'd spent even more time at the office, trying to avoid his lovely wife.

  With a shrug, he responded, "I don't know. I've been busy lately."

  "You don't see them at breakfast or lunch and at night only if I take dinner to the office. You come home late, so none of us have your company," she said. "This can't continue. Those boys need you as much if not more than me."

  While he knew her words were true, he’d avoided the children most of his life. Not because he didn't love them, but because frankly, he didn't know how to react to them.

  "Excuse me, but I work hard to provide them with a good life. They never go hungry and live in a nice house. Their life is much better than my boyhood."

  These kids had everything a child needed or wanted. Why was she complaining?

  "And they don't care. They need a man in their lives. Their father. So don't make any plans on going into the office on Saturday. Together, we are going fishing," she said. "The boys are so excited, so don't disappoint them or me. Also, from now on, every Tuesday night, you will be expected to be home early to spend some time playing with your sons."

  Playing? She wanted him to get on the floor and play with them? Yes, he was their father, but that didn't mean he was their playmate.

  "I have to work," he said.

  "What is more important? Your work or your family?"

  When she put it like that, he didn't really have much choice in the matter. With a sigh, she sank down on the bed and took his hand in hers and pulled him beside her. Sitting on the bed, his heart started beating rapidly, his breathing became raspy. Oh, how he wanted Fannie, but he cared enough about her not to harm her.

  With her hand, she reached out and touched his chest. "I can feel your heart. Here, feel mine."

  Grabbing his hand, she laid his palm on her chest, her breasts full and round beneath his fingers. Her flesh tempting, so very tempting. Married, as man and wife, they could do this.

  Without thinking, he reached up and brought her lips to his. His mouth consumed hers as his hand grasped her breasts, caressing her as he pushed her down on the bed. Unable to stop himself, he moved on top of her as he pressed his hardened member against her. Oh, how he longed to make her his wife in every sense of the word.

  Their mouths came apart, and she untied the belt of her robe, giving him further access to her naked body. All he could think about was shedding his clothes and consummating their marriage, pushing deep inside this woman who tantalized and drove him crazy.

  Like someone poured cold water on him, the sound of a little boy crying reached his ears. What was he doing? Taking a risk of more children? Another wife dying?

  In a flash, he broke apart from her, and jumped up. "We can't."

  "What?" she said, confusion on her face, "we're married."

  "One of the boys needs something. I'll check on him since you're not properly dressed."

  As he all but ran to the door, she cried, "Damn you, Walter."

  As he shut the door, something hit the wood and crashed onto the floor.

  How much longer could he continue without being honest with her? How long before she gave up on him and the children and walked away?

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  When the door closed, Fannie lost it. Anger overtook her. She longed to sneak out and go riding in the moonlight.

  Married almost a week and still a virgin. And yet, she didn't understand what held Walter back. She would think he wasn't attracted to her, but lying on the bed, his manhood hard like a rock pressed between her legs. Just when she thought she would experience sex, Todd started to cry.

  At least Walter went in to tend to him while she sat in her room sulking, trying to figure out why her husband refused to consummate their marriage. How many men turned down a naked and willing woman?

  When he walked out, he said I can't.

  Why not? Married, nothing should be holding them back, and yet with Walter, something stopped him from making love to his wife. His actions hurt her. They made her feel unworthy and ugly and not up to his standards.

  This weekend she intended to find out why he didn't want sex with her. Because, right now, her only purpose was housekeeper and nanny, not wife.

  Only a week since the wedding, his house ran smoothly, and his children behaved instead of being mean little munchkins. All that was missing out of the equation for a happy marriage was love and happiness.

  When she married him, she accepted he didn't love her, but she never expected them not to sleep with one another. Like her mother said, she hoped sooner or later they would fall in love.

  If he could deny her when she stood naked before
him, they didn't stand a chance.

  But why would he say I can't.

  Had he been injured physically and there would never be any children?

  As she lay in bed, tears streaming down her face. She realized the time for a serious discussion about the future of this marriage had arrived. Because right now, this union looked more and more like it would never last.

  And that filled her with remorse. A sob escaped her. Why didn't Walter find her attractive? Why didn't her husband want to make love to her?

  Tonight she tried to startle him and shake things up, but this called for all-out war. Watch out, Walter, she thought. She may not know how to seduce her husband, but she would try one more time.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Standing in the bright sunshine, fishing with the family, Walter wondered how long this would last. He had not slept well since the night he went to Fannie's room and found her naked in the bath. The memory of her standing in the tub and toweling off was more than he could bear. In fact, after their fervent kissing in her bed, he told his secretary to contact Savanah Jones, the woman he used in the past.

  Yes, he was married, but he was trying so hard not to sleep with Fannie. When he'd been a widower, Savanah took care of his needs. She owned a high-class establishment for preferred gentlemen. His conscious twinged as he stared at the beautiful woman helping his boys.

  The boys were doing so much better and yet their father was not doing well at all. Oh, how he wanted to put aside his scruples and take Fannie. But Natalie would come to mind.

  "Walter," she called, "Timothy caught a perch."

  "Let me see," he said. His son held up his line, and he dropped his own pole and walked over to where both his sons fished. Today, everything seemed perfect as he enjoyed his children, his wife, and the time with his family. Why hadn't he taken his boys fishing? Because he avoided spending time with the twins.


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