Betrayed (Dragon Shifter Book 3)

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Betrayed (Dragon Shifter Book 3) Page 10

by Naomi Sparks

  The Fire Riders all notice him approaching. Their conversation dies off as they turn to watch, curious what Surem has to say. I can feel them all lingering behind me, their presence comforting.

  "The elders and I have been talking," Surem says as he walks up, forgoing any pleasantries. He looks over my shoulder and locks eyes with Lex, who I somehow know is directly behind me. "You and your companions need to leave right away before the Clutch tries to find us again. You've gotten the blood for your mate, now you need to be on your way."

  Everyone just stares at him for a long moment, not speaking. Lysandra is looking down at the ground, not looking up at any of us. At least she has the good sense to look ashamed of this decision. Surem, however, looks smug and pleased with himself.

  "That's not a good idea," Lex says, his voice even. "If we leave, you will be defenseless against Amasis's army. What you saw earlier is only a small portion of it. If he comes back... No, when he comes back, he will slaughter you all without us there to help fight. Your warriors are strong, but they're not enough to fight against an army of dragons."

  I nod, agreeing wholeheartedly with Lex. I saw firsthand, on the battlefield, just how strong those dragons are. Sure, I killed a good number of them, but if they hadn't been focused on the Fire Riders, how long would it have been before they'd overrun us? If Galen hadn't transformed and taken out that one dragon, it would have laid waste to our entire camp. I'm not sure even I can take down a fully transformed dragon, no matter how many arrows I shoot at it.

  Surely Surem knows it would've been a slaughter without them there to help us. Or had he been so busy preparing to run with our tails between our legs that he hadn't noticed the Fire Riders doing the brunt of the damage against Amasis's army?

  He shakes his head, still looking smug. The bastard. "Without you all here, they will have no reason to come searching for us. We all heard him speak. He wants the human woman traveling with you, not us. So long as you leave, we'll be safe once more."

  My hands ball into fists. I'm a fraction of a second from punching Surem square across the jaw when Galen puts his hand on my shoulder and squeezes. Instantly, I'm a bit calmer, still pissed, but not ready to punch him anymore at least. "I think you're wrong," Galen says, his voice full of sadness. "Now that Amasis knows about the enclave, he will not give up until he has it in his grasp. But if you wish for us to leave, then we will."

  That seems to be the answer Surem wants. He beams at them. "Good. Our shields will protect us from him finding us, so once you're gone, we should not have any trouble going back to our normal way of life."

  Yeah, running around like scared mice, I keep from saying aloud.

  When Surem walks off believing he's won, the others all let out a collective sigh. I turn to face them, seeing how uncertain they all look. Now that Amasis is out there, actively searching for them, I can imagine they really don't want to be out in the open desert, with no kind of protection. I look over at Surem retreating, glaring at him for being such a heartless asshole.

  "Come. Let's go pack our things," Lex says at last, and the men all head off toward their tents. Galen gives me another reassuring squeeze before following everyone else.

  I watch them go, my heart tearing in half as I stand there. This is my home, but I'm not sure I recognize it any longer, and it's not just because of the damage Amasis caused. I'd always believed we were doing the right thing, keeping our people safe. Now though, I wonder how many others died because we've done nothing but roam the desert, protecting ourselves. Could we have done more to help other Fae? Could we have stepped in sooner, put an end to Amasis's reign before he became too powerful?

  So wrapped up in thought, I realize I'm at Tyko's tent. I stand outside it for a long moment, hearing the sounds of the wounded inside. Finally, I let out a breath, square my shoulders, and step inside. Tyko looks up the moment I do. He's bandaging a man's leg and looks like he's aged at least another hundred years.

  "Katia... What can I do for you?" He finished bandaging the man's leg, then walks over and hugs me. "I'm glad to see you made it through the battle without many injuries."

  I chuckle and hug him back. I will miss Tyko, but as much as I love him, I know what I need to do. "I need your transfusion kit."

  Tyko steps back, a look of surprise on his face. It quickly shifts to one of worry. "Is Hannah okay? Does she need another transfusion already?"

  "As far as I know, she's fine." I smile at Tyko and put a hand on his shoulder, hoping to put him at ease. I'm glad at least one person in the enclave cares about others. Maybe that's why I care so much because that's how Tyko raised me. All I can do is hope he'll be able to get through to the others around here, do what I haven't been able to do. "Surem has convinced the elders the Fire Riders need to leave before Amasis returns. I'm going with them."

  Tyko frowns and shakes his head. "That's a foolish decision. Without them, I can only imagine how much damage his Army would have done." Tyko lets out a breath, then shakes his head. "But why are you going with them? Surely you're needed here, to help with the defense. You're one of our strongest warriors."

  "I know, Tyko. I really do. But I've seen what those dragons are capable of, first hand. If they return, without the Fire Riders here, I'm not sure we'll able stand against them. I want to stay here and fight, truly I do, but something tells me I'm needed elsewhere, that my place is with them." I take his hands in mine and squeeze them. I don't want to say goodbye to him, but I know he's needed here more than I am. "There are plenty of warriors here. And perhaps Surem is right, perhaps our cloaking spells will hide us. But the Fire Riders will be out there alone, with no way to hide. Perhaps another warrior in their group will be the difference in their surviving or dying."

  I can see the pain in Tyko's eyes now. He doesn't want me to leave, and I can understand that. Just as he's the closet thing I have to a father, I'm his daughter. Sure, Lysandra will still be here, but I know he doesn't want to lose me. Yet, I need to do this. Deep down, I know this is the right thing to do.

  "I need to stay with my mate," I tell him. It's the first time I've said the word aloud, and it sounds alien on my lips. It will take a while to get used to that, to get used to having a mate. Because, even if Galen hasn't officially claimed me yet, I know what's exactly what we are. Mates.

  Tyko's eyes go wide, then his lips curve into a smile. He nods, then steps forward and hugs me tight. "I understand. I'm sad to see you go, but I wish you the best." He stands on his toes and gives me a quick kiss on the cheek. Then he disappears behind the flap of the tent and returns a few moments later with the kit and a scroll. "Here it is, along with the spell I used to strengthen you both. Stay safe out there, okay?"

  I nod, then kiss him on the cheek. "Thank you Tyko. Keep everyone here safe for me. Hopefully, we'll see each other again."

  After saying my goodbyes, I take the kit and the spell back to my tent where I packed my things. I know I won't be able to take everything with me since we'd be traveling on the Fire Rider's motorcycles rather than using Fae magic, but there are a few things I want to have. It doesn't take long for me to gather the essentials. Everything else, I know Lysandra will keep safe for me.

  The guys are loading their gear into their saddlebags when I approach. Surem and some warriors are standing by, watching them, and I roll my eyes. Are they expecting the Fire Riders to fight? And even if they plan on fighting, what can Surem do to stop them? For a moment, I wonder if leaving the enclave with Surem is the best idea, but then I push that thought out of my head. The only other option is a coup, and I'm not ready to go that way.

  Lysandra is over helping Ezra and she looks up when I approach. Her eyes go wide, and she says something to Ezra before running over to me. "Are you going with them?" she asks keeping her voice low as her eyes flicker over to Surem.

  A lump forms in my throat, and I nod. "I have to. Galen is...."I take a deep breath and square my shoulders. I've already said it once. It's not that big of a deal to say
it again. "Galen is my mate."

  Lysandra's eyes go wide, her mouth hanging open. Then, it's like her brain gets kick-started. She leaps forward, wrapping her arms around me. I have to drop my bags to catch her, otherwise, we'd have both ended up on the ground, covered in dirt. "Oh, my gosh! I'm so happy for you." She kisses me on the cheek, then steps back, still grinning and bouncing. "I'm going to miss you though." Her eyes flicker over to Surem again. "I'll try to talk to him, once everything has calmed down. Maybe I can get him to see reason."

  "Thank you, I appreciate it. Maybe Tyko can help you. He seems to understand just how vulnerable we will be without the Fire Riders here." I take her hands in mine and squeeze them, locking eyes with her. "I will miss you a lot. But if you call me, I will return. I promise. Surem, be damned."

  We talk for another moment, then I pick up my bags and head over to Galen. "Got room for one more?" I ask, smirking at him.

  His lips curve up into a broad grin as he nods. "For you? Always."

  I keep an eye on Surem, as Galen helps me load my gear alongside his. He doesn't say anything, but I can tell from his look that he doesn't approve of my decision. Still, at least he knows better than to try to stop me.

  Once everything is loaded, Lex walks over to Surem. The rest of us line up behind him, offering our support. The Fire Riders are ready just in case everything goes south. But Lex, face neutral, offers his hand to Surem. "On behalf of my mate, I thank you for your help. We understand we are not wanted here, and we will not return."

  Surem doesn't mention why they won't need to, now that a source of Fae blood is coming along with them. If Hannah needs another transfusion, they won't have to go far to get it.

  Surem continues to frown but shakes Lex's hand. "Safe travels for you and yours," he says, and at least he has the tact to pretend to care about what happens to these people.

  As I slide onto the bike behind Galen, I glance over at Lysandra one last time, a pang of sadness threatens to tear my heart in half. Gods only know when or if I'll see her again. I have no idea where the Fire Riders are planning to go from here and if I'll ever be back in New Mexico again. I hope Surem is right, that the magic will protect the enclave once more, for everyone's sake.



  Lex signals for us to pull off the road and into the desert, and I let out a sigh of relief. We've been riding for hours on end, putting as much distance between us and the enclave as possible. Katia helped us navigate, figuring out where we'd been transported to, then plotting a course that will hopefully keep us far away from Amasis and his men. Now that we're outside the protection of the barrier, and we know Amasis is nearby, we have to be extra careful to keep from being found.

  None of us are fully recovered from the fight either. I'm assuming the others are just as exhausted as I am when we pull off and begin assembling our little camp. The sun is just about to peek over the horizon, and I can't wait to get my tent up and crawl into my sleeping bag, Katia by my side. I've still got some gold, hidden inside my saddlebags, but I avoid going for it. Our supply isn't endless, and I'd rather save it for an emergency. Some food and sleep will be plenty to get back to normal.

  I glance over at Hannah as we all get everything set up, and I'm pleased to see she's looking good still. She's obviously just as tired as we all are, but at least she no longer looks like she's on death's door. I hope that means the transfusion was successful, that she won't need it regularly. I know Katia brought along a transfusion kit, just in case, but I'd rather not use it if we can avoid it.

  Dinner is a quick, quiet affair before everyone retreats back into their tents. Katia and I strip off, then crawl in beneath the blankets, snuggling close together. "Thank you for coming with me," I tell her, after a few moments of silence.

  She nods, then her hand rubs my chest. "It seemed like the right thing to do since we're mates and all."

  I grin like an idiot, staring up at the roof of the tent. It feels so good, hearing those words on her lips. Mates. We're mates. I've finally found my mate.

  "I guess we should make it official though, shouldn't we?" Katia asks. When I glance down, I see her looking up into my face.

  "If you think you're ready for that. We can wait." My dragon growls inside me, but I fight it back. As much as I want to claim Katia, want to make her mine, let everyone know she's mine, I will not rush her into anything. I know this is all new to her, and I don't want her to feel pressured into anything. We're partners, equals. She has just as much of a say in this as I do.

  Katia grins at me, then shifts to straddle my hips, looking down into my eyes. "How about I make you a deal? You can claim me, but when we find an actual city again, I get a bike of my own."

  "Deal." I don't even need to think about it. I'll agree to anything she wants, without a second thought.

  She grinds her hips against me and my cock responds immediately. A moan slips from my lips and my hands go to her waist. I sit up and kiss her, pushing my tongue into her mouth. She kisses me back and our hands roam all over each other's body.

  I shiver as she touches me, loving the delicate way her fingers caress my back. Is this what every night will be like? Is this what it's like to have my mate with me all the time? Gods, I really hope it is.

  Before I know it, Katia is beneath me, my cock rubbing against her slit, our juices mingling together. My body is on fire, my dragon coming alive with a passion. I fight to keep him under control, but he knows what this means, knows I will claim her and make her ours.

  Our lips never separate as I line myself up with her entrance. My cock is aching, throbbing, and I can't wait to bury myself inside her. I really want to take things slow, to enjoy our time together, but I know there will be plenty of time for that later. Right now, I need to fuck her, hard and fast. And Katia doesn't complain when I push myself into her. Her legs wrap around my hips and pull me tight against her, my entire length inside her now.

  She moans into my mouth, and that nearly sets me off. I've never been this turned on before in all my years. I want to break the kiss, to take some deep breaths to calm myself down, but when Katia wraps her arms around me, I know that's not an option. Nothing will stop us until we both reach that sweet release.

  I brace myself as best I can, then thrust in and out of her, working myself into a rhythm. I try to keep it slow at first, wanting to make this last, but as Katia's tongue continues to probe my mouth, I pick up speed. Soon, her nails and biting into my back, and I know neither of us will last very long, no matter how badly we want to.

  We'll just have to save some energy for a second round, that's all.

  Soon, I'm pounding away at her. We fill the tent with the sound of skin slapping against skin. Now I know exactly how Lex felt when he first met his mate, being unable to control himself with her. I fight back my primal instincts as best I can, but something about Katia brings them to the surface.

  I'm getting so close now, so damn close. I close my eyes and try to hold back, but no matter what I try to think of, my mind returns right back to her. It's like I'm incapable of thinking of anything but her.

  Finally, I can't take it anymore. I break the kiss just as that intense sensation explodes inside me. As I thrust into her one final time, pushing my cock as deep into her as I can, I bite down on her neck, my venom and cum flooding into her at the same time.

  Katia's moans fill the tent, and I know the others can all hear her now, even though I set up our tent away from everyone else's. But I don't care if even the Fae enclave can hear us now. Nothing will ruin how amazing it feels to have her squirming in my arms, her entire body feeling like it's on fire.

  Energy flows through me, tearing me apart from the inside. It's beyond any orgasm I've ever felt before. It's like it's coming from deep inside me, from a place previously locked away. It seems to bind us together, to join her to me. It's in that moment, I know Katia is really mine, that we're bound by the mating bond now.

  It's more than just emotional or p
hysical. It's like our very souls are now entwined together for all of eternity.

  By the time we both collapse down onto the bedding, Katia wrapped in my arms, all I can do is grin. A sense of belonging, of happiness, beyond anything I've ever felt, fills me. I know there's no place I'd rather be, than right here by her side. It doesn't matter where we are, whether it's the deserts of New Mexico or the jungles of South America. As long as Katia is by my side, I'll be happy.

  "I love you," I whisper into her ear. "For now and always."

  Katia giggles and snuggles in closer. "I love you, too," she says.

  And then, we both drift off to sleep together.

  A loud screeching sound makes me sit bolt upright. I look around for the source, Katia grabbing the blankets and holding them to her chest as she listens as well. Then, I hear it again. The sound is getting louder, getting closer. The two of us dress in record time. Katia grabs her bow and arrows as we slip out of the tent to join the others standing outside.

  When the screeching sound echoes again, we all exchange looks, each of us knowing instinctively what's making that sound. A dragon.

  There's a dragon somewhere nearby, and judging by the sound, it's getting closer to us. Quickly, we get the other girls together while Katia darts back to the tent to get her armor on. I'm not sure it'll do much against a dragon's claws or teeth, but I'll take anything that might help her stay safe, even if it's only by a fraction.

  Ezra, Lex, and Katia all stay at the camp to protect the other girls, while the rest of us head in the direction of the screeching. Better to confront whoever is coming head-on, rather than waiting for them to come to us. Besides, if it will come down to a fight, we'd all rather it take place away from the women, if possible. I know Katia can take care of herself, but I don't want to risk anything.


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