Bad Advice

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Bad Advice Page 18

by S M Mala

  ‘Yeah, that was a bit silly. The man is screwing around then tells her he loves her and she thinks that’s fine,’ replied Ruby. She leaned forward and poured the wine, topping it up with lemonade, handing it to Nana Gwen then getting one herself. ‘But sometimes, I might as well be wasting my breath. They want to hear what they want to hear not-.’

  ‘You tell it how it is and they don’t like it!’

  ‘Cheers!’ Ruby said, clinking the glass and sipped it, looking at Scottie. ‘You’ll have to make do with tea as you’re driving.’

  ‘Aren’t you scared about the killer on the loose? Personally speaking, and don’t take this the wrong way, it’s sort of a comeuppance that Samaritans are getting killed. They spend half their time trying to stop people committing suicide. I’m sure some poor bastard has thought he’d knock them off so the population count can go down.’

  ‘That’s very funny!’ laughed out Ruby.

  Scottie shook his head in dismay, falling deeper in love with her every second while flashing his grandmother a dirty look.

  ‘Don’t look at me like that,’ his Nana Gwen said. ‘I’m speaking my mind.’

  ‘And when don’t you?’ he sighed.

  Sixty three

  The sight of Scottie sitting next to his grandmother, several shades of pink, was priceless. All Ruby could do to stop laughing was bite her lip, seeing him look uncomfortable as his Nana Gwen spoke. She reminded her of Annette but a funnier version.

  ‘You see his name, Jonathan Scott, well I started calling him Scottie since he was a toddler. His mother goes mad when I do it but I wasn’t being rude. I mean, he used to like Star Trek and thought he was the Scottish one from the 1960’s programme. Made me laugh as his accent sounded more Pakistani than Scottish.’

  The man in question looked shell shocked.

  ‘Drink up,’ he grumbled. ‘We have lots to do this afternoon.’

  ‘So were you married? Do you have kids?’ asked Nana Gwen. ‘He’s got them all over the place and one not even his own flesh and blood. But he’s a good boy for looking after Charlie, like he was his own.’

  ‘I’m divorced and have an eight year old son, who is with his dad this weekend,’ replied Ruby, wanting to kiss Scottie’s red cheeks.

  ‘And you’re obviously someone Scottie likes as he wouldn’t bring you to meet me.’

  ‘I think he’s trying to think how our relationship will work, given all the things he knows,’ she honestly sighed and noticed his look of concern.

  ‘Doesn’t he know much when it comes to sex? I’m sure you could teach him a thing or two,’ came the response as Scottie’s mouth dropped open. ‘When he was little, he didn’t have a large penis. I do wonder if it got any bigger.’

  ‘That’s it!’ he said standing up. Ruby could see his grandmother was going to laugh but pretended to look surprised. ‘We’re going.’

  ‘But you haven’t even drunk your tea and your young lady’s not finished her drink,’ she innocently replied. Then she turned to Ruby. ‘The filth, you see, impatient lot.’

  ‘She’s so funny!’ laughed out Ruby as he drove her home. ‘My god, you’re lucky you have good family.’

  ‘That’s a loose description when it comes to her,’ he mumbled. She put her hand out and stroked the back of his neck. ‘Keep on doing that, it feels good.’

  ‘I just need to pick up a change of clothes. You can wait outside.’

  ‘Can’t I come in?’

  ‘Let’s go back to yours and enjoy the rest of the day.’

  After running around, getting her laptop and throwing some clothes into a bag, she quickly went back to his car.

  Just as they were driving, she spotted Hugh with Theo and immediately ducked, not wanting them to see her.

  Scottie laughed and shook his head.

  ‘That’s your son, I take it?’ he smiled as she sunk further into her seat.

  ‘Drive quickly. This is the last thing I need.’


  ‘Mortally,’ she replied. ‘The last thing I need is for him to know I’m seeing you. Can you image the field day he’d have with that?’


  ‘I’m embarrassed you’d have to meet that two timing shit.’

  ‘I’ve already met him.’

  She thought she’d heard incorrectly and sat up straight, looking at Scottie with his sunglasses on so she couldn’t make out if he was winding her up.


  ‘He was at the press conference when I got promoted,’ he half smiled. ‘He seems like a nice man.’

  For a moment, she didn’t know what to say then remembered the Friday afternoon Hugh was all dressed up.

  ‘Was he with your boss, by any chance?’

  ‘She introduced us and Sebastian made out he didn’t know you two got divorced,’ Scottie replied. ‘Is it a problem?’

  ‘What? Hugh or him being introduced to you by his old piece of pork crackling?’ replied Ruby, hating the idea it still wound her up.

  ‘Does it still bother you?’

  ‘What bothers me is when people are deceitful. When I find out, they say they lied to protect me. That bothers me. As for Hugh and Helen Trott? He’s free to do whatever he likes and it’s up to him who he sleeps with.’

  ‘It’s very messy Ruby, if I’m honest. I’m trying to let it sink in.’

  ‘I expect when it does, you’ll take me to the park and we’ll have another chat in the open air,’ she laughed, sensing that was probably nearer to the truth.

  ‘Yes,’ he said, turning his head sharply. ‘When I shout out to the world I’m in love with you and I’m not going to make the same mistake again, do you hear me?’

  ‘I hear you.’

  Her heart was beating so fast, she didn’t know what to say.

  ‘And I love you,’ Scottie said quietly. ‘I haven’t told you in the last half an hour, so I’m telling you again. I don’t care if you don’t want to hear it. I love you. I’ll keep on saying it until I run out of breath.’

  ‘Can we go to bed when we get back so you can run out of breath on something else? You can handcuff me, if that does it for you. But you have to wear your hat.’

  After he pretended to arrest her when they were in the bedroom an hour later, she couldn’t stop laughing.

  ‘And I thought this was being sexy?’ he said, rolling his eyes, only wearing his jeans and his Commissioner’s hat.

  ‘Reminds me of ‘The Full Monty’,’ Ruby grinned. ‘Are you going to read me my rights… actually skip that.’

  ‘How do you want to be handcuffed? Obviously, this is really boring for me as it’s no surprise women ask for this. I’m amazed you haven’t asked to see my truncheon.’

  ‘If it’s boring then let’s stop,’ she said, taking a deep breath as he spun her around and started removing her clothes until she was naked. ‘You make me laugh.’

  ‘I’m pleased I do something to make you happy.’

  ‘Just being here is making me happy.’

  He swung the handcuffs around his fingers and grinned.

  ‘Put your hands in front of you,’ Scottie said. ‘How much did my Nana give you to drink? I bet she slipped in a shot of brandy.’

  ‘Will you slip something in me?’ Ruby said quietly, unable to stop smiling.

  ‘Oh god yes,’ he laughed and before she knew it, he’d put the handcuffs on.

  ‘So I’m arrested, then what do we do?’

  ‘I need to search you.’

  ‘Don’t you do that before you put the cuffs on?’

  ‘Ruby,’ he said, letting out a tired sigh. ‘I’m the policeman and you’re the criminal.’

  ‘Okay. And what crime did I commit?’

  ‘Let me see. Not texting back immediately. Not telling me things you should have at the very start.’

  ‘I could arrest you on that too.’

  Again, she laughed loudly then grabbed the fly of his jeans and tried to unbutton it.

‘Hey, hey, I need to do a thorough search,’ he said. Scottie pulled away and made her stand by the bed. ‘Now let me see.’

  Ruby couldn’t help but giggle. He turned her around as she faced the bed.

  ‘Scottie,’ she said gently, feeling his lips on her shoulder. ‘Even though I’m in handcuffs and butt naked, I do feel comfortable with you. And meeting your Nana Gwen is a good touch to make me have faith in you again. But-.’

  She was disheartened for a moment, knowing she didn’t want to say what needed to be said.

  ‘I’m still thinking things through,’ he whispered. ‘If I’m honest, I’m a bit stuck.’

  ‘We can keep us casual, to stop things getting out of hand.’

  He slumped down on the edge of the bed, holding her by the handcuffs and tipped up his hat.

  Ruby felt something jolt really hard inside her chest when she looked at him.

  ‘I missed you, do you know that?’ he said quietly, his big blue eyes looking up at her. ‘I know how I feel about you and yes, it happened fast when we first got together but it didn’t go away for me. I tried to put it to the back of my mind but I couldn’t.’

  ‘I see.’

  ‘Tell me how you feel about me.’

  ‘I felt devastated when I thought you were just using me for a bit of fun,’ Ruby honestly replied. ‘I wondered if there was more to it and you wanted an excuse not to see me again. My age, Theo and, well, it was hard. I think snippets of happiness are rare as you get older and meeting people you like. It doesn’t happen every day. Then I thought she might have put you up to it, but that was me being stupid. I don’t know.’

  ‘Have things changed for you? That weekend before I split us up, it was perfect. I can’t stop thinking about it. I know I was too quick off the mark to make a decision. That was just wrong. With the promotion, nothing made sense.’

  Scottie leaned forward, putting his arm around her waist and pulled her closer.

  ‘I’m just a little bit weary not to pin my hopes on anyone so quickly again, that’s all.’ She took a deep breath. ‘I want to take this as slowly as possible and see where it gets us.’

  ‘I’m not joking about the way I feel about you. It’s real for me and-.’

  ‘You said that last time but still dumped me because you disapprove of my past. I mean, you wouldn’t have ended it if I was an ex-hooker I bet,’ she grinned seeing he momentarily looked upset.

  The man sat there, staring at her then glanced away. He reached in his pocket, got the key, took off her handcuffs and put them on the side of the bed.

  ‘I’m not arrested then?’

  ‘I’m not going to force you into anything, games or not. Ruby, do you love me? Do you feel the same way as I do about you?’

  ‘I’m standing here naked, offering up myself on a plate, stretch marks and all. What do you think?’

  He pulled her closer, gently leaning back and lying on the bed.

  ‘We will find a way around this, I promise you,’ he whispered. ‘But now, we make love.’

  ‘Oh go on then, if you must.’

  Sixty four

  The phone was ringing just after four in the morning. Scottie quickly grabbed it, seeing Ruby was fast asleep in bed. He sighed.

  ‘Hello,’ he said, not even checking to see who it was. He gently touched her forehead, stroked her hair then kissed her. ‘Jonathan Scott.’

  ‘Scottie,’ Helen Trott replied. ‘I’m sorry to wake you so early but it’s really important.’

  He was thrown for a moment, hearing her voice.

  ‘Hi,’ Scottie replied, clearing his throat. ‘Morning, what’s wrong?’

  ‘There’s been another murder and it’s related to the Samaritan killings. I’ve only just found out but it looks like the publicity has already leaked and there’s press all over it. I need you to get there as soon as possible. This whole thing’s getting out of hand.’

  ‘Scottie,’ Ruby mumbled, opening her eyes as he put his lips against hers to stop her from talking.

  ‘I’ll be right there Commissioner Trott. I’ll contact Dave and get the address.’

  ‘Am I disturbing you?’ Helen Trott asked.

  He saw the shock on Ruby’s face, kissing her gently on the lips.

  ‘It’s fine.’

  He got out of bed and texted Dave for the address. Ruby sat up.

  ‘Is everything okay?’ she asked sleepily and he sighed, for what seemed like the millionth time, when he saw her. ‘Something happen? Must have done or she wouldn’t have called.’

  ‘I have to go,’ he said, leaning over and stroking her hair. ‘You go back to sleep.’

  ‘No, I’ll leave.’

  ‘Hey, it’s really early.’

  ‘Has something happened?’ she asked. He winced knowing he couldn’t say. ‘I see. You can’t tell me and then again, if you did, she’d know you had someone with you and then all hell would break loose. I won’t ask any more questions.’

  ‘Stay here until I get back.’

  ‘There’s no point being in bed if you’re not with me. You get showered and I’ll make coffee.’

  ‘Thanks,’ he replied, kissing her forehead, hurrying off to get ready but not wanting to leave her for a second.

  Scottie drove her back home and they spent five minutes kissing in the car. She eventually pushed him off so he could get to the other side of London.

  As he drove off, he was still digesting the news he’d been told on Saturday and now, nearly 24 hours later, nothing was clearer. The only thing he knew was that he was in love with Ruby and he wasn’t going to let her go again, no matter what.

  How he was going to manage it was something he hadn’t quite figured out.

  When he arrived at Stepney Green, there were a few police cars around then he noticed an ambulance. The road had been cordoned off from around the tube station. He parked his car and walked towards the terraced cottages.

  ‘Morning,’ Dave said, letting out a sigh, strolling up to him and shaking his head.

  ‘Who’s the victim this time?’

  ‘A guy in his mid-thirties called Derek Rawles. It’s the same as the others. No forced entry and the words ‘Bad Advice’ written on his lips. They’re just checking to see if his death was by injection. There doesn’t seem to be any marks on his body.’

  Scottie looked around to see if there were any surveillance cameras, spotting the press.

  ‘Four people couldn’t have given the same person advice, that’s just not feasible,’ sighed Scottie, walking towards the house.

  ‘And Rawles also fronted up an advice column in the local paper and on the internet. He was an agony uncle, so to speak. Cass Parker was the icing on the cake but whoever is doing this, isn’t stopping. They seem intent on making a point.’

  ‘Assistant Commissioner,’ one of the other constables said as he walked into the house.

  'The man lived alone?’ asked Scottie, looking at the modern décor.

  ‘Yes,’ replied Dave.

  ‘We have to check the cameras on the main roads and see if there’s anything. This person is confident they can’t get caught and the motive is probably because they think these people said the wrong thing. Or maybe it’s something else, who knows?’ said Scottie. ‘And I’ve been told, in no uncertain terms, we have to solve this quickly.’

  Sixty five

  ‘What could they have done so wrong?’ asked Gary as they sat in the office reading the newspaper.

  Ruby was sitting next to Annette, who had a deep set frown. She then looked at the headline from Hugh’s paper saying ‘Samaritan Slayer returns’ as his summary to the murders and shook her head.

  ‘Aren’t you worried?’ asked Ruby, looking at Annette then at Gary. ‘This guy volunteered for the Samaritans.’

  ‘You’re the one that should be worried,’ said Mick Dawson, walking into the room and looking smug. Ruby grimaced for a moment. ‘Whoever it is, isn’t impressed by agony aunts or uncles. You’re the perfect sitting

  ‘That’s totally uncalled for!’ snapped Annette, shaking her head angrily at the large man, her ponytails flicking in the air.

  ‘They must have given some shit advice, you know,’ mumbled Ruby, only to see Annette grin. Gary rolled his eyes. ‘That’s four people dead. How many more do they want to get?’

  ‘Like I said, you should be worried,’ added Mick, strolling towards the kitchen with a big grin.

  ‘He’s full of the joys of spring, that one,’ grumbled Annette, shaking her head. ‘You don’t need people scaremongering right now and certainly don’t listen to him. Are you worried?’

  ‘Yes,’ she honestly replied. ‘It’s too closely linked to what I do.’

  ‘Don’t listen to him,’ whispered Gary, standing up. ‘He’s just out to wind you up. I know the pair of you don’t get on, but let it wash.’

  ‘I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s doing it,’ mumbled Ruby as Gary frowned. ‘I was only joking.’

  Gary walked off and sat at his desk. Ruby noticed Annette was staring at her.

  ‘Sometimes people don’t respect what we do and that’s the problem. I’m sure if, whoever, is following the agony aunts, they’ll know you’re a good one,’ Annette smiled reassuringly. Then it turned into a frown. ‘And you know Chonika? She resigned saying she’s too scared. It’s a shame as she’s such a nice girl.’

  ‘Are you worried? You have to be careful, you know. You live on your own so don’t let anyone in, do you hear me? If you do, hold a rolling pin firmly in your hand when you answer the door and belt them one.’

  ‘And that’s your advice?’ laughed the old lady, shaking her head. ‘I’ll take heed.’ Then she looked at Diane who was spying at them from the other office. ‘Have you done something?’

  ‘Why?’ asked Ruby looking over at Diane, who instantly put her head down, pretending not to see her. ‘Okay that was a bit strange.’

  ‘She keeps looking over then turning away as if wanting to avoid eye contact. Are you sure you haven’t upset her?’

  ‘Not that I know of,’ she shrugged, taking her bag and looking down at Annette. ‘Be careful, promise me? I think the world of you. You’re one of the good things about this place.’ Ruby darted a look at Mick. ‘Not like some people in here.’


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