Rumors and Lies at Evermore High Boxset: Three Sweet YA Romances

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Rumors and Lies at Evermore High Boxset: Three Sweet YA Romances Page 16

by Emily Lowry

  “Ask her yourself.” Jordyn plucked my phone from my hand. “In person. At the Christmas Crush.”



  The Christmas Crush.

  Imagine every Christmas decoration you could find crammed into the grand room of the nicest hotel in town. In the center was a giant Christmas tree, perfectly decorated with colorful lights, giant ornaments, and a star at the top. The tree was probably three stories high and nearly touched the vaulted ceiling.

  In one corner, there was a giant gingerbread house that you could walk through. Every student at Evermore was using it as a photo op — several of them pretending to bite the ceiling or the fake candy canes in the driveway.

  Jordyn gagged, unimpressed. “Do they realize that they’re all biting and licking the same place? Disgusting.”

  Dylan laughed. “Welcome to every day at Evermore High.”

  On the other side of the grand room was a line of tables, lit by rows of twinkling fairy lights, holding punch bowls that were sure to be spiked with liquor at some point tonight by a wayward student, and countless platters of Christmas cookies and cupcakes.

  And in the middle of it all?

  The dance floor, which circled around the Christmas tree. Every student at Evermore was here, decked out in their formal clothes. Evermore High took the Christmas Crush seriously, and the guys had all come in suits, the girls in prom dresses. Under the glittering, twinkling lights, a sea of students swayed to the slow music. A few of the teachers were chaperoning the proceedings, and they hovered on the edge of the dancefloor almost nervously, clutching paper cups of punch.

  “Does anyone see her?” I asked.

  Jordyn pointed. “There. Staring at the tree like she’s a kid.”

  Jordyn’s description was accurate.

  There Abby was, standing and staring up at the beautiful Christmas tree, her face aglow in the reflection of the lights, looking just like a child whose imagination had been captured.

  Somehow, I’d forgotten how breathtaking she was.

  Abby wore a beautiful deep green formal dress and her dark hair tumbled long and loose down her back, save for a section that was woven into a beautiful braid crown along the side of her head. She looked like — excuse the cliché — a princess.

  Her eyes glowed the same color as her dress. Emerald.

  She stood next to the tree, her hands interlaced behind her back, the soft glow of the colored Christmas lights dancing along her face. I realized, sadly, that unless she had convinced her father to change his mind, this would be the only Christmas tree she’d get this year.

  “Abby,” I walked up and stood behind her, my heart thumping out of my chest.

  She turned.

  “I wanted to—”

  She held up her hand, cutting me off. “Me first.”

  “It was Payton,” Abby said, a sad smile on her face. “She was the person behind everything. She photoshopped pictures of you with another girl and sent them to Savannah.”

  WHAT? Payton? The reporter?

  I tried to speak, but she held her hand up again.

  “And, before you say anything, there’s something I need to tell you. I have a confession,” Abby said.

  I stood still, rooted to the spot. A confession? About what?

  “I don’t like Nicholas. Honestly, after feeling the things I felt for you, I don’t know if I ever did. Not really. And… I lied. I don’t date outside the school. In fact, I don’t date. Ever. At all. I never dated anyone before you. And I know all of this was fake, but it felt real to me. And you were the best boyfriend a girl could want. I just wanted you to know that.” Abby fought back tears. “I knew I needed to make it right, so I explained everything about the saboteur to her.”

  Abby gestured sadly and out of nowhere a girl glided across the dance floor and stepped between Abby and I before I could speak.

  Savannah? What was going on? What had Abby done?

  Savannah took my hand. “It’s true. I’m sorry, I should’ve said something to you after Abby told me, but you’ve been hard to reach.”

  My brain was melting, barely able to process the fact that Savannah was now standing in front of me. Payton had sabotaged my relationships? Abby had real feelings for me?

  As soon as Abby and I broke up, Payton invited me to the Christmas Crush. She had done this so she could have a chance to be with me? Anger fought with a thousand other emotions as I tried to comprehend what was happening.

  Savannah squeezed my hand. “It’s okay. Abby explained everything to me. Why don’t we start over?”


  I looked for Abby, but she was already gone.



  I hurried through the crowd, not even stopping to say hi to Jordyn and Dylan. The Christmas tree had been so beautiful. For the brief moment I was staring at it, I was at peace. Then Chase had arrived. I’d avoided him completely since the breakup. The only news I heard was through Izzy, who relayed that someone sent a Click blast of him with Savannah.

  Even if the letter wasn’t real, they both deserved to know who broke them up. It wasn’t fair to either of them, what Payton had done. Maybe they could have a second chance.

  A chance I would never have.

  Izzy was waiting by the door. I’d told her everything a few days ago, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. It was good to have everything off my chest, and I was thankful to have a forgiving best friend who was always there for me.

  She immediately put her arm around me and guided me out of the hotel. Adam Zamos was standing near the exit. He tried to take a photo of me while I was leaving — probably for Click — but Hailey was next to him and ruthlessly slapped his phone out of his hand. The screen shattered as his phone skirted across the tile.

  We were in Izzy’s car when I broke down, my chest heaving with sobs. My heart had broken twice. Once when Chase and I ended our “fake” relationship. Then again when I gave him over to the perfect girl. But that’s what he deserved. Perfect. And that’s what I wasn’t.

  “You’ll be okay,” Izzy said. “Do you want to go home?”

  I shook my head. “Can I stay with you?”


  I’d fulfilled my end of the bargain to Chase.



  “I’m sorry,” I said. “I can’t.”

  Savannah let go of my hand. “It’s her… isn’t it?”

  “I’m sorry, Savannah. I’m sorry Payton hurt you and made you think I had hurt you.” I floundered, not sure exactly what to say.

  Savannah smiled warmly. “Chase, I saw your face a moment ago. I saw the way you looked at her. You love her, don’t you?”

  Shock coursed through me at Savannah’s words. You love her, don’t you…

  That was it.

  I loved her.

  I was in love with Abby.

  Savannah adjusted my jacket. “Hey, go get her. You guys are great together.”

  “Thank you, Savannah.” I flung my arms around her in a quick, friendly hug, and she smiled again. One day, she would find someone amazing.

  I had to go get Abby.

  I crossed the dance floor, swerving in and out of swaying couples. I was desperately trying to think of my next move. How could I win Abby back? Where had she gone? I stopped suddenly as someone stepped in front of me, blocking my path. Payton Clarence stood in front of me. Oh great.

  “Chase, can I—”

  My glare silenced her. “No, Payton, you can’t. Whatever it is. You’ve done enough.”

  I walked away. Payton Clarence wasn’t worth a second thought.

  I had something way more important to do.

  I tried to call, but her phone was still off. I’d seen her for only a heartbeat, but it was the first time I’d felt alive since our break up.

  Where was she? Did she run off to the bathroom? Somewhere else?

  “Have you seen her?” I shouted at Jordyn, barging over to interrupt her s
low dance with Peter Landry.

  She dropped Peter’s hands immediately, turned away from him, and motioned for me to come closer. “She left with Izzy.”

  “Going where?” I asked impatiently. Poor Peter was looking at Jordyn’s back dejectedly.

  “I don’t know… I didn’t even get to speak to her. She was in too much of a hurry. She looked pretty upset, though.” Jordyn punched my shoulder. “Did you do something moronic again?”

  “Probably,” I admitted. “I need to find her.”

  “Hey, what happened with Abby?” Dylan walked up, hand in hand with a cute girl I recognized from the cheerleading team, Lauren something-or-other.

  “I’m gonna go get her.”

  “Dude, what about the after party?” Dylan asked.

  “This is more important. I need to find her.” I stopped, realizing I had driven Dylan and Jordyn here. I looked at my sister. “Can you find a way home?”

  “I’ll protect your sister, dude,” Dylan said, puffing out his chest.

  “Great, we’ll be dead by dawn,” Jordyn said sarcastically. “Go on. Save the day. Win the touchdown. Whatever it is you do.”

  I hustled out of the Christmas Crush. Hailey and Adam were arguing about something by the door, but then again, they always seemed to be arguing recently.

  I hopped in my Jeep and drove straight to Abby’s house.

  I rang the doorbell, shifting my weight from foot to foot, impatient.

  Please be home.

  Please be home.

  The door opened.

  Her dad.

  “Chase? Shouldn’t you be at the Christmas Crush?”

  “Is Abby here? I really need to talk to her.”

  “She’s staying at Izzy’s.” His expression was grim. “And are you sure she wants to talk to you? I heard about what happened, you know.” He folded his arms.

  I forced myself to keep eye contact. I saw mistrust in his eyes. “I’m sorry, sir. I’m trying to make it right.”

  A flash of inspiration hit.

  “I have an idea,” I said.



  I spent the night of the Christmas Crush watching slasher movies at Izzy’s house, reveling in the gore splattering on the screen, a welcome change of pace from my thoughts. Izzy tried to distract me, but my mind was stuck on Chase.

  Did I make the right decision? Should I have told him about how I truly felt instead of throwing Savannah at him?

  No, that wouldn’t be fair. It was Savannah he wanted.

  So what now? Were we friends again? Could I be friends with him? And what was he doing at the Christmas Crush? With Savannah?

  What were they doing together?

  The last question filled me with both heartbreak and jealousy, but it was the question I kept coming back to. What were they doing together? Were they a couple now?

  Had they kissed?

  I could see it — Chase, handsome in his suit like the Chase of my black-and-white movie dreams, kissing the beautiful fairytale princess for a happy ending. My fingers curled, my nails digging into my palm. Why did doing the right thing feel so wrong?

  Eventually, even with the thoughts racing around my head, I fell asleep to the sound of screaming and stabbing on the screen in front of me.

  I woke the next morning with a pounding head, still in my stupid prom dress. I hadn’t bothered to change, though Iz had offered me a pair of pajamas.

  Izzy drove me home. I thanked my friend over and over for putting up with my misery. I needed to get home as soon as I could. I wanted to sit down and cry, but I didn’t want to do it in front of Izzy. Again.

  We pulled up to my house and my breath caught in my throat.

  Chase’s Jeep was outside.

  Chase’s Jeep was outside MY HOUSE.

  I turned to look at Izzy, her eyes were huge and round. “Uh, Abs? Chase Jones is in your house.”

  “Why? Why? WHY would he be here?” Was he here to thank me for setting him up with Savannah or something?

  Izzy gave me a huge hug. “Relax. You’re beautiful and special and wonderful, and if Chase Jones doesn’t see that, it’s his loss.”

  The tears were already starting. What was I going to find when I went inside? Was this goodbye?

  I approached my house slowly, almost like it was a deer that might prance away if I moved too fast. My thoughts got progressively more upsetting as I walked towards my front door.

  Why was Chase Jones at my house the morning after the Christmas Crush?

  Why wasn’t he with Savannah?

  Was he with Savannah? Were they here together, as a couple?

  Should I check Click before going inside?

  No, I didn’t have time. There were probably a thousand messages waiting for me on Click — and nine hundred and ninety-nine of them would be nasty.

  I opened the door, my heart in my throat. “Hello?”

  Dad was in the kitchen with Katie, making breakfast. They looked totally normal, like nothing was happening. Katie was sitting on a barstool, sipping orange juice. Extra pulp.

  “Morning, Abby,” Dad smiled.

  What the…?

  I looked back outside the window to confirm what I had thought I’d seen. Yes, Chase’s Jeep was still out there. He was here… somewhere.


  “In your room,” Dad said.

  Chase Jones was in my bedroom? What? Why? Had I cleaned? Was it a mess? WHY WAS HE IN MY BEDROOM? Emotions went to war in my chest. Hope threw punches at fear. Anxiety battled with excitement.

  I climbed the stairs one by one, my dress dragging on the ground as my bare feet padded forward — I had long abandoned my heels from the night before.

  My bedroom door was open.

  There was a soft glow emanating from the doorway.

  Almost like…


  I stood in the door.

  Chase Jones was standing in the middle of my room. Chase Jones, still in his suit from the night before. His dark hair flopping over his navy eyes. Navy eyes that were gazing at me and made me want to melt into a puddle on the spot.

  The pounding in my heart grew deafening.

  Behind Chase, in the corner of my bedroom, was a Christmas tree, lit up in a million different colors of twinkling Christmas lights. The glow of the colored lights reached across the ceiling, filling every nook and cranny of the room. Snowflakes and candy canes and garlands and tinsel hung from each branch.

  My jaw dropped. “How…”

  “I talked to your dad,” Chase said. “I told him how much it meant to you. How much you wanted a Christmas tree. I begged him to let me put one up. He helped, but it took most of the night.”

  I was speechless.

  Chase’s smile was restrained. “Abby, I need you to answer something.”

  How could I refuse?

  “Did you get suspended from the Pinnacle because you didn’t publish the social feature?”

  “Yes.” My voice was soft.

  “I know how much that meant to you. That was the whole point of our… thing. Why didn’t you publish it?”

  The question that I’d avoided for the last two weeks.

  The answer I wouldn’t tell my dad.

  I wouldn’t tell Katie.

  I wouldn’t even tell Izzy.

  Could I tell Chase?

  I took a deep breath. The world was spinning. Was I actually about to do this? Was I actually about to SAY this?

  “I didn’t publish the social feature…”

  For someone who prided themselves on being good with words, I was sure struggling with them.

  I cleared my throat, wet my lips, and tried again. “The social feature was a collection of all of my memories of you. Of us. Those memories weren’t for everyone. I wanted to keep that part of you for me.”

  It happened like something out of a black and white movie.

  Chase was the leading man, still wearing his suit, crossing the room.

  I stepped
to meet him, stepped on my tiptoes, my heart hammering.

  His hand, brushing the hair from my eyes, warm against my cheek, then the back of my neck as he gently pulled me towards him.

  I tilted my chin.

  Closed my eyes.

  Our lips met with the softness of a snowflake on a river. He pulled my body tight to his, and I felt his strength and warmth through the thin fabric of his shirt. I threw my arms around his broad shoulders and pulled him as close as I could. There were a thousand words I could use to describe my first kiss, but I only needed one:




  By Christmas morning, we had moved the huge Christmas tree into the living room.

  In the buildup to Christmas day, Katie, Dad, Chase, and I decorated the entire house with the most obnoxiously messy decorations we could find. We looped garlands around stair rails, hung plastic Dollar Store snowflakes from mirrors, draped tinsel on the mantel, and every table had its own snow globe. We even strung Christmas lights along the fence in the backyard.

  It was a tacky, beautiful, perfect winter wonderland. And my heart was warm.

  On Christmas Day, Chase and Jordyn arrived shortly after breakfast. Apparently, their parents were fighting again, and they were looking for a reason to get out of their house.

  We drank hot apple cider and laughed at my Dad’s stupid Christmas jokes and played games, and when it came time to tear into presents, Chase slid a little box in my direction.

  “Here,” he said.

  He bought me a gift?

  As if reading my mind, Chase laughed. “What, Abby, can’t your boyfriend buy you a Christmas gift?”


  There it was, that magic, wonderful word that I couldn’t get enough of hearing. And this time, it was real. Real real real. Chase was all mine.

  The gift was a necklace: an intricate snowflake on a delicate silver chain.

  “It’s beautiful.”


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