Complete Works of Bede

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Complete Works of Bede Page 117

by Bede

  CHAP. 28

  Interea rex Alchfrid misit Uilfridum presbyterum ad regem Galliarum, qui eum sibi suisque consecrari faceret episcopum. At ille misit eum ordinandum ad Agilberectum, de quo supra diximus, qui, relicta Brittania, Parisiacae ciuitatis factus erat episcopus;

  et consecratus est magno cum honore ab ipso, conuenientibus plurimis episcopis in uico regio, qui uocatur In Conpendio. Quo adhuc in transmarinis partibus propter ordinationem demorante, imitatus industriam filii rex Osuiu misit Cantiam uirum sanctum, modestum moribus, scripturarum lectione sufficienter instructum, et ea, quae in scripturis agenda didicerat, operibus solerter exsequentem, qui Eburacensis ecclesiae ordinaretur episcopus. Erat autem presbyter uocabulo Ceadda, frater reuerentissimi antistitis Ceddi, cuius saepius meminimus, et abbas monasterii illius, quod uocatur Laestingaeu. Misitque cum eo rex presbyterum suum uocabulo Eadhaedum, qui postea regnante Ecgfrido, Hrypensis ecclesiae praesul factus est. Uerum illi Cantiam peruenientes, inuenerunt archiepiscopum Deusdedit iam migrasse de saeculo, et necdum alium pro eo constitutum fuisse pontificem. Unde deuerterunt ad prouinciam Occidentalium Saxonum, ubi erat Uini episcopus; et ab illo est uir praefatus consecratus antistes, adsumtis in societatem ordinationis duobus de Brettonum gente episcopis, qui dominicum paschae diem, ut saepius dictum est, secus morem canonicum a XIIIIa usque ad XXam lunam celebrant.

  Non enim erat tunc ullus, excepto illo Uine, in tota Brittania canonice ordinatus episcopus.

  Consecratus ergo in episcopum Ceadda maximam mox coepit ecclesiasticae ueritati et castitati curam inpendere; humilitati, continentiae, lectioni operam dare; oppida, rura, casas, uicos, castella propter euangelizandum, non equitando, sed apostolorum more pedibus incedendo peragrare. Erat enim de discipulis Aidani, eisdemque actibus ac moribus iuxta exemplum eius ac fratris sui Ceddi suos instituere curauit auditores. Ueniens quoque Brittaniam Uilfrid iam episcopus factus et ipse perplura catholicae obseruationis moderamina ccclesiis Anglorum sua doctrina contulit.

  Unde factum est, ut, crescente per dies institutione catholica, Scotti omnes, qui inter Anglos morabantur, aut his manus darent, aut suam redirent ad patriam.

  Chap. XXVIII.

  How, when Tuda was dead, Wilfrid was ordained, in Gaul, and Ceadda, among the West Saxons, to be bishops for the province of the Northumbrians. [664 a.d.]

  In the meantime, King Alchfrid sent the priest, Wilfrid, to the king of Gaul, in order that he should cause him to be consecrated bishop for himself and his people. That prince sent him to be ordained by Agilbert, of whom we have before spoken, and who, having left Britain, was made bishop of the city of Paris; and by him Wilfrid was honourably consecrated, several bishops meeting together for that purpose in a village belonging to the king, called In Compendio. He stayed some time in the parts beyond the sea for his ordination, and King Oswy, following the example of his son’s zeal, sent into Kent a holy man, of modest character, well read in the Scripture, and diligently practising those things which he had learned therein, to be ordained bishop of the church of York. This was a priest called Ceadda, brother to the most reverend prelate Cedd, of whom mention has been often made, and abbot of the monastery of Laestingaeu. With him the king also sent his priest Eadhaed, who was afterwards, in the reign of Egfrid, made bishop of the church of Ripon. Now when they arrived in Kent, they found that Archbishop Deusdedit had departed this life, and no other bishop was as yet appointed in his place; whereupon they betook themselves to the province of the West Saxons, where Wini was bishop, and by him Ceadda was consecrated; two bishops of the British nation, who kept Easter Sunday, as has been often said, contrary to the canonical manner, from the fourteenth to the twentieth moon, being called in to assist at the ordination; for at that time there was no other bishop in all Britain canonically ordained, except Wini.

  So Ceadda, being consecrated bishop, began immediately to labour for ecclesiastical truth and purity of doctrine; to apply himself to humility, self-denial, and study; to travel about, not on horseback, but after the manner of the Apostles, on foot, to preach the Gospel in towns, the open country, cottages, villages, and castles; for he was one of the disciples of Aidan, and endeavoured to instruct his people by the same manner of life and character, after his and his own brother Cedd’s example. Wilfrid also having been now made a bishop, came into Britain, and in like manner by his teaching brought into the English Church many rules of Catholic observance. Whence it followed, that the Catholic principles daily gained strength, and all the Scots that dwelt in England either conformed to these, or returned into their own country.

  CHAP. 29

  His temporibus reges Anglorum nobilissimi, Osuiu prouinciae Nordanhymbrorum, et Ecgberct Cantuariorum, habito inter se consilio, quid de statu ecclesiae Anglorum esset agendum, intellexerat enim ueraciter Osuiu, quamuis educatus a Scottis, quia Romana esset catholica et apostolica ecclesia, adsumserunt cum electione et consensu sanctae ecclesiae gentis Anglorum, uirum bonum et aptum episcopatu, presbyterum nomine Uighardum, de clero Deusdedit episcopi, et hunc antistitem ordinandum Romam miserunt; quatinus accepto ipse gradu archiepiscopatus, catholicos per omnem Brittaniam ecclesiis Anglorum ordinare posset antistites.

  Uerum Uighard Romam perueniens, priusquam consecrari in episcopatum posset, morte praereptus est, et huiusmodi litterae regi Osuiu Brittaniam remissae:

  Domino excellenti filio Osuio regi Saxonum Uitalianus cpiscopus, seruus seruorum Dei.

  Desiderabiles litteras excellentiae uestrae suscepimus; quas relegentes cognouimus eius piissimam deuotionem, feruentissimumque amorem, quem habet propter beatam uitam; et quia dextera Domini protegente, ad ueram et apostolicam fidem sit conuersus, sperans, sicut in sua gente regnat, ita et cum Christo de futuro conregnare.

  Benedicta igitur gens, quae talem sapientissimum et Dei cultorem promeruit habere regem; quia non solum ipse Dei cultor extitit, sed etiam omnes subiectos suos meditatur die ac nocte ad fidem catholicam atque apostolicam pro suae animae redemtione conuerti.

  Quis enim audiens haec suauia non laetetur? Quis non exultet et gaudeat in his piis operibus? Quia et gens uestra Christo omnipotenti Deo credidit secundum diuinorum prophetarum uoces, sicut scriptum est in Isaia: ‘In die illa radix Iesse, qui stat in signum populorum, ipsum gentes deprecabuntur.’ Et iterum: ‘Audite insulae, et adtendite populi de longe.’ Et post paululum: ‘Parum,’

  inquit, ‘est, ut mihi sis seruus ad suscitandas tribus Iacob, et feces Israel conuertendas. Dedi te in lucem gentium, ut sis salus mea usque ad extremum terrae.’ Et rursum: ‘Reges uidebunt, et consurgent principes, et adorabunt.’ Et post pusillum: ‘Dedi te in foedus populi, ut suscitares terram, et possideres hereditates dissipatas, et diceres his, qui uincti sunt: “Exite,” et his, qui in tenebris: “Reuelamini.”’ Et rursum: ‘Ego Dominus uocaui te in iustitia, et adprehendi manum tuam, et seruaui, et dedi te in foedus populi, in lucem gentium, ut aperires oculos caecorum, et educeres de conclusione uinctum, de domo carceris sedentes in tenebris.’

  Ecce, excellentissime fili, quam luce clarius est, non solum de uobis, sed etiam de omnibus prophetatum gentibus, quod sint crediturae in Christo omnium conditore. Quamobrem oportet uestram celsitudinem, utpote membrum existens Christi, in omnibus piam regulam sequi perenniter principis apostolorum, siue in pascha celebrandum, siue in omnibus, quae tradiderunt sancti apostoli Petrus et Paulus, qui ut duo luminaria caeli inluminant mundum, sic doctrina eorum corda hominum cotidie inlustrat credentium.’

  Et post nonnulla, quibus de celebrando per orbem totum uno uero pascha loquitur:

  ‘Hominem denique,’ inquit, ‘docibilem et in omnibus ornatum antistitem, secundum uestrorum scriptorum tenorem, minime ualuimus nunc repperire pro longinquitate itineris. Profecto enim dum huiusmodi apta reppertaque persona fuerit, eum instructum ad uestram dirigemus patriam, ut ipse et uiua uoce, et per diuina oracula omnem inimici zizaniam ex omni ucstra insula cum diuino nutu eradicet.

  Munuscula a uestra celsitudine beato principi apostolorum directa pro aeterna eius memoria suscepimus, gratiasque ei agimus, ac pro
eius incolumitate iugiter Deum deprecamur cum Christi clero. Itaque qui haec obtulit munera, de hac subtractus est lucc, situsque ad limina apostolorum, pro quo ualde sumus contristati, cum hic esset defunctus. Ucrumtamen gerulis harum nostrarum litterarum uestris missis, et beneficia sanctorum, hoc est reliquias beatorum apostolorum Petri et Pauli, et sanctorum martyrum Laurentii, Iohannis, et Pauli, et Gregorii, atque Pancratii eis fecimus dari, uestrae excellentiae profecto omnes contradendas. Nam et coniugi uestrae, nostrae spiritali filiae, direximus per praefatos gerulos crucem clauem auream habentem de sacratissimis uinculis beatorum Petri et Pauli apostolorum; de cuius pio studio cognoscentes, tantum cuncta sedes apostolica una nobiscum laetatur, quantum eius pia opera coram Deo flagrant et uernant. Festinet igitur, quaesumus, uestra celsitudo, ut optamus, totam suam insulam Deo Christo dicare.

  Profecto enim habet protectorem, humani generis redemtorem Dominum nostrum Iesum Christum, qui ei cuncta prospera inpertiet, uti nouum Christi populum coaceruet, catholicam ibi et apostolicam constituens fidem. Scriptum est enim: ‘Quaerite primum regnum Dei et iustitiam eius, et haec omnia adicientur uobis.’ Nimirum enim quaerit et inpetrabit, et ei omnes suae insulae, ut optamus, subdentur.

  Paterno itaque affectu salutantes uestram excellentiam, diuinam precamur iugiter clementiam, quae uos uestrosque omnes in omnibus bonis operibus auxiliari dignetur, ut cum Christo in futuro regnetis saeculo. Incolumem excellentiam uestram gratia superna custodiat.’ Quis sane pro Uighardo reppertus ac dedicatus sit antistes, libro sequente oportunius dicetur.

  Chap. XXIX.

  How the priest Wighard was sent from Britain to Rome, to be ordained archbishop; of his death there, and of the letters of the Apostolic Pope giving an account thereof. [667 a.d.]

  At this time the most noble kings of the English, Oswy, of the province of the Northumbrians, and Egbert of Kent, consulted together to determine what ought to be done about the state of the English Church, for Oswy, though educated by the Scots, had rightly perceived that the Roman was the Catholic and Apostolic Church. They selected, with the consent and by the choice of the holy Church of the English nation, a priest named Wighard, one of Bishop Deusdedit’s clergy, a good man and fitted for the episcopate, and sent him to Rome to be ordained bishop, to the end that, having been raised to the rank of an archbishop, he might ordain Catholic prelates for the Churches of the English nation throughout all Britain. But Wighard, arriving at Rome, was cut off by death, before he could be consecrated bishop, and the following letter was sent back into Britain to King Oswy: —

  “To the most excellent lord, our son, Oswy, king of the Saxons, Vitalian, bishop, servant of the servants of God. We have received to our comfort your Excellency’s letters; by reading whereof we are acquainted with your most pious devotion and fervent love of the blessed life; and know that by the protecting hand of God you have been converted to the true and Apostolic faith, in hope that even as you reign in your own nation, so you may hereafter reign with Christ. Blessed be the nation, therefore, that has been found worthy to have as its king one so wise and a worshipper of God; forasmuch as he is not himself alone a worshipper of God, but also studies day and night the conversion of all his subjects to the Catholic and Apostolic faith, to the redemption of his own soul. Who would not rejoice at hearing such glad tidings? Who would not exult and be joyful at these good works? For your nation has believed in Christ the Almighty God, according to the words of the Divine prophets, as it is written in Isaiah, ‘In that day there shall be a root of Jesse, which shall stand for an ensign of the people; to it shall the Gentiles seek.’ And again, ‘Listen, O isles, unto me, and hearken ye people from far.’ And a little after, ‘It is a light thing that thou shouldst be my servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob, and to restore the outcast of Israel. I have given thee for a light to the Gentiles, that thou mayst be my salvation unto the end of the earth.’ And again, ‘Kings shall see, princes also shall arise and worship.’ And immediately after, ‘I have given thee for a covenant of the people, to establish the earth, and possess the scattered heritages; that thou mayest say to the prisoners, Go forth; to them that are in darkness, Show yourselves.’ And again, ‘I the Lord have called thee in righteousness, and have held thine hand, and have kept thee, and have given thee for a covenant of the people, for a light of the Gentiles; to open the blind eyes, to bring out the prisoner from the prison, and them that sit in darkness from the prison-house.’

  “Behold, most excellent son, how it is plain as day that it was prophesied not only of you, but also of all the nations, that they should believe in Christ, the Creator of all things. Wherefore it behoves your Highness, as being a member of Christ, in all things continually to follow the pious rule of the chief of the Apostles, in celebrating Easter, and in all things delivered by the holy Apostles, Peter and Paul, whose doctrine daily enlightens the hearts of believers, even as the two lights of heaven illumine the world.”

  And after some lines, wherein he speaks of celebrating the true Easter uniformly throughout all the world, —

  “Finally,” he adds, “we have not been able now, on account of the length of the journey, to find a man, apt to teach, and qualified in all respects to be a bishop, according to the tenor of your letters. But, assuredly, as soon as such a fit person shall be found, we will send him well instructed to your country, that he may, by word of mouth, and through the Divine oracles, with the blessing of God, root out all the enemy’s tares throughout your island. We have received the presents sent by your Highness to the blessed chief of the Apostles, for an eternal memorial of him, and return you thanks, and always pray for your safety with the clergy of Christ. But he that brought these presents has been removed out of this world, and is buried at the threshold of the Apostles, for whom we have been much grieved, because he died here. Nevertheless, we have caused the blessed gifts of the saints, that is, the relics of the blessed Apostles, Peter and Paul, and of the holy martyrs, Laurentius, John, and Paul, and Gregory, and Pancratius, to be given to your servants, the bearers of these our letters, to be by them delivered to your Excellency. And to your consort also, our spiritual daughter, we have by the aforesaid bearers sent a cross, with a gold key to it, made out of the most holy chains of the blessed Apostles, Peter and Paul; for, hearing of her pious zeal, all the Apostolic see rejoices with us, even as her pious works smell sweet and blossom before God.

  “We therefore desire that your Highness should hasten, according to our wish, to dedicate all your island to Christ our God; for assuredly you have for your Protector, the Redeemer of mankind, our Lord Jesus Christ, Who will prosper you in all things, that you may gather together a new people of Christ, establishing there the Catholic and Apostolic faith. For it is written, ‘Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.’ Truly your Highness seeks, and shall obtain, and all your islands shall be made subject to you, even as we desire. Saluting your Excellency with fatherly affection, we never cease to pray to the Divine Goodness, to vouchsafe to assist you and yours in all good works, that you may reign with Christ in the world to come. May the Heavenly Grace preserve your Excellency in safety!”

  In the next book we shall have a more suitable occasion to show who was selected and consecrated in Wighard’s place.

  CHAP. 30

  Eodem tempore prouinciae Orientalium Saxonum post Suidhelmum, de quo supra diximus, praefuere reges Sigheri et Sebbi, quamuis ipsi regi Merciorum Uulfhera subiecti. Quae uidelicet prouincia cum praefatae mortalitatis clade premeretur, Sigheri cum sua parte populi, relictis Christianae fidei sacramentis, ad apostasiam conuersus est. Nam et ipse rex et plurimi de plebe siue optimatibus, diligentes hanc uitam, et futuram non quaerentes, siue etiam non esse credentes, coeperunt fana, quae derelicta erant, restaurare, et adorare simulacra, quasi per haec possent a mortalitate defendi. Porro socius eius et coheres regni eiusdem, Sebbi, magna fidem perceptam cum suis omnibus deuotione seruauit, magna, ut in sequentibus dicemus, uitam fidelem felicitate conpleuit.
Quod ubi rex Uulfheri conperit, fidem uidelicet prouinciae ex parte profanatam, misit ad corrigendum errorem, reuocandamque ad fidem ueritatis prouinciam Iaruman episcopum, qui successor erat Trumheri. Qui multa agens solertia, iuxta quod mihi presbyter, qui comes itineris illi et cooperator uerbi extiterat, referebat, erat enim religiosus et bonus uir, longe lateque omnia peruagatus, et populum et regem praefatum ad uiam iustitiae reduxit; adeo ut relictis siue destructis fanis arisque, quas fecerant, aperirent ecclesias, ac nomen Christi, cui contradixerant, confiteri gauderent, magis cum fide resurrectionis in illo mori, quam in perfidiae sordibus inter idola uiuere cupientes. Quibus ita gestis, et ipsi sacerdotes doctoresque eorum domum rediere laetantes.

  Chap. XXX.

  How the East Saxons, during a pestilence, returned to idolatry, but were soon brought back from their error by the zeal of Bishop Jaruman. [665 a.d.]


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