Rooney's Pain (Ruthless Rejects, 2)

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Rooney's Pain (Ruthless Rejects, 2) Page 8

by Jenika Snow

  I nodded once and looked in front of me, staring at the long, deserted road. Vincenzo’s place was out in the middle of nowhere, but he kept a heavy staff of guards that patrolled the perimeter of the property. Getting inside wasn’t what worried me. That was the easy part. It was the fact that once I was in the house, finding Vincenzo and having this go our way was tricky as fuck.

  We climbed out of the car and headed toward the trunk. Once that was popped open, we started gathering our weapons. I strapped two knives to my sides and tucked one in the ankle of my boot. I put a pistol in my waistband in front, and another one at the small of my back.

  Although there were rifles, I needed to carry light so I could be fast.

  We started making our way through the forest, trying to be as silent as possible, our focus tracking every direction. We didn’t know how far Vincenzo had his guards patrolling. The last thing we needed was to be spotted before we even made it to the property.

  We finally reached the property line and stayed behind the trees a few feet, surveying.

  Security floodlights were positioned on every corner of the house, but the closer to the woods the darker it became.

  I spotted two guards close to us, and another few up ahead closer to the actual house. We didn’t have time to figure out the rotation, so we were playing this solely on chance and hopefully some good fucking luck.

  I gestured for Venom to head toward the left so he could make his way into the house, and I went toward the right. I knew there was a sunroom off the east end, and that’s where I would go in, hopefully undetected.

  I stopped when I saw a guard coming closer, pressed my back to the trunk of a tree, and unsheathed my blade. Then I waited, holding my breath, focused on him.

  He was unaware of my presence as he started walking past me. I moved swiftly, wrapping my arm around his chest and pulling him back into the woods. I brought my blade across his throat, killing him quickly. I dropped his body quietly to the ground and hauled ass across the lawn, making sure I was alone.

  No doubt a guard would be coming around the bend shortly. Pressing my back to the brick wall of the house, I waited. I looked in the corners of the exterior, not seeing any security cameras in my direct position, but did spot one in the corner of the west end. I saw the red flashing light of a camera, but my position made me a blind spot.

  The shadows concealed me for the most part, but when I heard someone talking on a walkie, I tightened my hand on the hilt of my blade. I moved to the side and waited for him to round the corner. When I saw his big body, I did the same thing to him as I had to his partner.

  I pulled him back in the shadows and sliced his neck, blood spraying out and covering my hand. I dragged his body toward the corner of the wall, leaning him against it so the darkness kept him cloaked.

  Then I silently ran toward where I knew the sunroom was.

  I tried the handle, knowing it was locked before I even got there. Then I made quick work of picking the lock, working my tools inside, disengaging everything, and then hearing that perfect click of the door opening.

  That had been one of the many things I picked up back in the day when I was running the streets. I guess it paid to be a hellion.

  I slipped inside and shut the door silently, the scent of flowers filling my head. I heard the trickling of water, could see lights up ahead in the hallway.

  This would either go in our favor and I’d have Vincenzo, or he’d kill me and cut me up into little pieces before burying me in the very woods I’d come from.

  Either way I’d find out soon enough.


  * * *

  I woke up with a start, my heart racing, sweat covering my body. I lifted my hand to rub my chest, this ache settling right in the center. The lights were off in the room, the moonlight shining through the blinds. I reached out to my side, needing to touch Rooney, to feel him close, to know everything was okay.

  But emptiness greeted me, the sheets cold to the touch, the feeling that he hadn’t been here for some time filling me.

  I brought the blanket to my chest, looked out the window, and knew where he was, what he was doing.

  He had gone after Vincenzo. I knew that, even though he hadn’t told me. I knew that because that’s the type of man Rooney was. He had to put an end to this. He had to finish this.

  I felt a tear slide down my cheek and quickly wiped it away. All I could think about was the what if’s.

  What if he didn’t come back?

  What if I never got to tell him I loved him?

  I lay back on the bed and stared at the ceiling. A part of me wanted to go to him, but even if I had known where he was, it wasn’t safe, not just for me, but for Rooney. I’d be a distraction. It’s not like I could help him, not like I’d be anything but a hindrance.

  More tears fell, and I let them soak my pillow.

  God, please come back to me, Rooney. Please let me tell you how much I love you.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  One of the things I hated in life was waiting. I never was a patient guy, which was ironic considering how long I’d waited for Bryn. It wasn’t like she was even part of my plans in the beginning.

  Now, she was.

  That was the main point.

  I wanted to move out of the sunroom but as luck would have it, the entire room was suddenly swamped with bright lights.

  Heart pounding, I had no choice but to hide between a bunch of flowers. Keeping to the shadows, I saw Vincenzo come in.

  From the visual I had of him, he looked mighty smug, and very unaware of what was going down.

  “Everything is coming together perfectly. Soon I’ll have the Ruthless Rejects at my mercy.” I realized there was a man standing right in the entryway, the one Vincenzo was speaking with. Vincenzo leaned forward, plucking a flower and taking a deep breath. “Any news on the girl?”

  “Brynleigh?” the man asked.

  “Who else?”

  “No, sir. Nothing. It’s as if both of them have disappeared. We have a scout team trying to locate them, though.”

  Vincenzo scoffed. “A man like Rooney doesn’t just disappear. What about the other one?”

  “The other one, sir?”

  I didn’t recognize who he spoke with.

  “Venom’s old lady. I want to know where she is. What is the club doing right this second?” Vincenzo let out a laugh.

  “Your informant just arrived at the front gate,” the guard said.

  I watched as he pressed something against his ear.

  “He’s alone and wearing his cut.”

  The rat.

  “Excellent. This must mean what I think it means.” Vincenzo clapped his hands in excitement. “Go and get him.”

  All too soon I was left alone in the sunroom with Vincenzo. From the angle I was at I could easily shoot him, and I’d even be able to make my escape.

  For a split second, I considered doing it.

  Screwing the club and Venom in the process. They were all better without this maniac running around, but even as I pointed my gun, wanting to pull that trigger, I didn’t.

  I wanted to end his life, but I knew things had to play out a certain way, especially if the rat was here.

  This man was a piece of shit. The lowest of the low. If he had the chance to take me out, to hurt Bryn again, he would in a heartbeat. I couldn’t allow that to happen. Even if I didn’t last much longer on this earth, I knew I had to protect her.

  She was my main priority.

  Making the final decision to not screw over my club, I held my breath as someone else entered the sunroom.

  “I got you tea, sir.” The faint voice sounded a little too young and filled with terror.

  “What have I told you about talking to me? You’re nothing but a whore. A filthy useless whore.”

  I heard the sound of him hitting the girl, and it killed me to let it happen. Clenching my hands into fists, I looked up in time to see him wrap his
fingers around the woman’s throat.

  He was a fucking coward.

  The moment we found out who this rat was, I was going to make him regret every single time he’d raised his hand to a woman. I’d make it a game.

  He let her go, backhanded her, and as she landed on the floor, he kicked her, once, twice, three times.

  She tried to get away and she screamed out as he landed his foot down on the base of her back.

  The pain she must have been feeling killed me.

  I couldn’t help but wonder if Venom would be able to handle seeing this kind of violence to a woman.

  I was about to make my presence known, to put a stop to this, when the sound of someone clearing their throat had me freezing.

  Glancing up through the leaves of where I was hidden, I couldn’t see anyone.

  “Sir, your guest is present.”

  I wondered how accurate Venom’s information was, because right now, I was hoping it wasn’t who I thought it was.

  “I’ll be done when I say I’m done. Besides, I thought you liked this little slut. You have no problem fucking her ass when I leave her tied up for your pleasure.” Vincenzo chuckled. “So, tell me, Ted, you got something good for me?”

  The moment he said the name, I couldn’t believe it, felt blind rage fill me.

  There was no fucking way that Ted would betray us. He was one of the oldest members of the club, had been around since the very beginning. The thought of him stepping out on the club … fuck, it seemed completely unfathomable to me.

  He was like a father to all of us.

  “The club had a meeting. They’re willing to strike a deal with you, so long as you help us capture Rooney.”

  “See, I told you the moment we got Venom out of the way, things would just fall into place.”

  “I didn’t want the bastard killed.”

  Vincenzo threw his head back and laughed. “Oh please. You think your little protective game works with me? I know men like you, Ted. For a long time you were more than happy to lurk in the background. Seeming to be the nice one. The one that they all turn to. You play the game well, my friend. Always waiting. Always willing to listen to reason. You think you know your place. That you’re some kind of higher power, but the truth is so far from it. It’s a fucking joke.” Vincenzo paused.

  Ted had been part of the club for so long that he had the instant respect of all of us. In fact, he was the one who suggested that Venom become the Prez. Whenever anyone had a doubt about him, he was there for all.

  Only, the past couple of months, he came to the club sparingly. He showed up for church and left soon after. Rarely giving any of us the time of day. I recalled a few months ago, pulling him to one side, asking him what the fuck his problem was, and of course, he told me not to worry about a thing. He had everything under control.

  “You don’t know me.”

  “Oh, but you see, I do. I wonder what Rooney would think if he knew the only reason I was on his radar or that his precious woman was on my radar was because of you.”

  That son of a bitch.

  I had completely forgotten.

  How could I have forgotten?

  I hadn’t only talked about Bryn to Venom.

  One drunken night a few years ago, I’d had to leave her behind once again out of fear for her safety. Ted had been there. He’d told me to tell him what my problem was. One too many beers and shots later and I spilled everything to him.

  Like a fucking fool.

  He’d told me not to worry, that my secrets were safe with him. The next morning, I didn’t even think about it.

  “Aw, are you feeling bad now for hurting your club?” Vincenzo mocked.

  “Cut the shit. You know the drill. We get rid of Rooney, you can have the woman, but the club is mine. I’ll get them to vote on you running drugs through the town, distributing, and we’re done, understood?”

  Vincenzo tutted. “You really think it’s going to be that easy? Your club is still loyal to Venom, and I can think of a million better things to do that can get them on our side.”

  I’d heard enough. Sliding my cell phone out of my pocket, while they started to walk out of the sunroom, I texted Venom.

  This shit was going down and ending tonight.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  Before anything else could be done, the lights were cut, plunging everything and everyone in darkness. There was a split second where nobody moved, where nobody said anything.

  I had yet to reveal my location to Vincenzo, to show him with a bullet to the head that I was here. And before I had been able to do that, to take Vincenzo out now that I knew who the rat was, Venom had gotten to the security system.

  I had my gun in my hand, my finger on the trigger. I held my breath as I waited, listening.

  And then there was a flurry of motion as people shouted outside, guards running the perimeter, people ushering Vincenzo out of the sunroom.

  Well, looked like shit had hit the fan and Vincenzo now knew he wasn’t alone.


  * * *

  I picked up the little string attached to my tea bag and started pulling it out and dipping it back into the water, steam billowing out, my thoughts on Rooney and what was happening right now.

  After I realized he hadn’t been back to bed, that he wasn’t even in the cabin, there was no way I could’ve fallen back asleep.

  So, I’d lain in bed for the last half hour, finally getting up and doing busy work. I cleaned, made a list of food we might need, tried to do anything and everything to keep my mind off what was really important, which was if Rooney would survive and make it back to me.

  I watched as the water in my mug went from clear to brown from the herbs diffusing. Once it was steeped, I tossed the bag away and picked up the mug, cupping it in both of my hands. The warmth of the water did nothing to stop the chills that I felt deep down.

  “Can’t sleep either?”

  I turned and saw Rebekah standing in the doorway of the room she shared with Venom. She had one of his shirts on, the material falling to her knees, and a blanket wrapped around her shoulders. Her hair was mussed, and I couldn’t help but think about what they’d been doing right before he left, the sounds I’d heard coming from the bedroom stuck in my memory.

  None of that mattered.

  Right now, the only thing that I could think about was Rooney.

  “Are you worried about them?” I had assumed she knew what was going on, knew where Venom had gone off to.

  Rebekah sighed and lifted her hand to rub her eyes, and only a second later pushed away from the doorway and stepped into the living room.

  “Do you want a cup of tea?”

  She hadn’t answered me yet, but judging by the expression on her face, I could see she was still thinking about my question.

  “Yes, please.” She walked over to the couch and sat down, and I turned and busied myself making her a cup.

  After only a few moments, I brought both mine and hers into the living room. I handed her the mug and then took a seat across from her. We were silent for long moments, the heaviness in the room tangible, the weight of the world on my shoulders.

  “I want to say it gets easier,” she finally said. “I want to say that knowing that they leave, knowing what they’re doing, makes things tolerable.” Rebekah took a sip of her tea, watching me over the rim. “But it still feels like the first time every time.” She rested the mug on her thigh and looked down at it, staring at that cup for long moments.

  I didn’t know what to say.

  I brought my mug to my mouth and took a long sip, the chamomile calming me marginally. But then my thoughts went right back to the situation. I knew the kind of man Vincenzo was. I knew the lengths he’d go to get his point across, the pain he would inflict.

  All the lengths he’d go to.

  I knew all that firsthand, still had lasting emotional and mental effects, the marks on my body that were a physical reminder

  “Do you think it’s stupid to get involved with men like Venom and Rooney?” I looked over at her and saw she watched me. I wondered what she thought, how she would respond.

  She settled back against the couch and exhaled slowly.

  “Do you love him?” she asked instead of answering my question.

  I didn’t need to think about her question to know my answer, but I didn’t respond right away. I set my mug down and settled myself back against the chair.

  “I’ve loved him for longer than I even want to admit.” Being truthful right now was the only way to go. “But loving someone doesn’t mean you can be with them, right?” I was trying to be rational about all of this, use common sense. Being with Rooney wasn’t something that was especially smart, not with the life they led. But I didn’t care about any of that stuff because I just wanted to be with him.

  “Life itself is a gamble,” Rebekah finally said. “Why live with the what if’s? Why wonder how things could’ve gone? We all die someday, right?” She shrugged and then gave me a small smile. “Whether we are with men like Venom and Rooney, or with an accountant who lives a safe life, the world itself is unreliable, chaotic.”

  All so very true.

  “We could die crossing the street. We just have to love unconditionally, powerfully, and with all our hearts.”

  She was right, of course, but sometimes following your heart wasn’t always the right decision … was it?

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  I’d never been the kind of guy to sit around and wait for shit to happen. The Ruthless Rejects were my men, my boys. They’d had my back for as long as I could remember and yet, I had a rat. Someone who wanted me gone and it made me so fucking angry. Especially as I was looking down my binoculars at the son of a bitch who thought he could take my club from me.


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