Echoes In The Mist

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Echoes In The Mist Page 14

by Rifi Strawn

  “His father was just like him. He was also very humble about his talents and work.” She affectionately smiled at her son. “Such quiet confidence would make any woman’s heart flutter.”

  Torrey changed the subject and mentioned Claire’s sudden withdrawal from advertising for the non-profit stores. “I worry about the sales going down without a famed model’s endorsement.”

  Stanley cleared her throat. “Maybe a fresh approach for the campaign might boost sales.”

  “I’d love to hear your ideas.”

  Even though it was late after dinner, she helped Torrey string beads for new jewelry samples for the village women to copy. It was relaxing and exciting to see the beautiful pieces come to life. She’d also helped Aunt Zoie fill the jars with her patented creams late into the night. Now she’d never get to do that again. Swallowing her tears, she kept her eyes on the beads.

  Jeremy slammed his laptop lid.

  Torrey looked at him in alarm. “What’s wrong?”

  “I just checked the bank statements for the stores, and there are large withdrawals that neither you nor I have made,” he said.

  “Close the accounts,” Torrey ordered. “How much did they get away with?”

  “Enough for me to go after them.”

  Stanley’s body tensed from their panic. “How many gift shops do you have?”

  “About fifty…they’re all over Africa,” he said.

  Torrey took deep breaths to calm herself and examined Stanley’s sample necklace. “You’re a natural at beading.”

  “I used to make jewelry with my aunt.”

  Jeremy looked up from his phone. “Lucky just texted and said he saw a strange car drive by the rehab center. He called the ranger, but I’m a bit concerned about Makeda and her herd’s safety. Every time I leave the lodge, something bad happens.”

  Stanley put the necklace down. “Is everything okay?”

  “Yes. It’s fine. I guess I’m worrying about nothing.”

  Torrey stood up. “It’s late. I need to go to bed.” She felt Jeremy’s forehead. “Don’t forget to take your antibiotics.”

  “I won’t.” He smiled. “And don’t worry, I’m going to catch the thief.”

  He gave his mother a knowing look. “I might have an idea of who’s taking the money.”


  Stanley walked with Jeremy toward his room, and stepped inside and closed the door. “I think Mira tampered with my water. I didn’t drink from it, but you drank it right before you got sick.”

  “She wouldn’t do that. And if she had, Mum should’ve also been sick. She refilled her water from the same jug.”

  “The same jug, but not the same glass.”

  “You rest easy. No one is going to hurt you here. I’ll make sure of it.”

  “Ok, then. Whatever. Good night.” She opened the door and left.

  Jeremy’s dismissal of her concern bothered her. She closed the door, slipped off her bracelet and put it on the nightstand. After her nightly ritual of washing and applying moisturizer on her face, she tucked herself in bed. Hugging her soft pillow, she took in a deep breath of the fresh fragrance. The last time she’d slept in such luxury was in her penthouse back home.

  The bathroom light turned on between their rooms. She pulled the sheet over her naked body and looked at her pajamas next to the bed. She didn’t think she needed them here. She’d missed sleeping freely as she did at her house. Clothes were too restricting for a good night’s sleep.

  The toilet flushed, and the water faucet turned on. What if it was Mira instead of Jeremy? She’d scream bloody murder if that woman walked in here. The light turned off, and she lay back down.

  The door from the hall opened to her room. Pulse racing, she sat up. Damn. She should’ve locked it. Holding on to her bedsheet, she waited for the intruder to step from the shadows. Jeremy’s handsome face appeared in the light filtering in from the garden outside the window. Heart racing, she looked at his shirtless lean body with loose pants barely hugging his waist. One gentle tug would drop them down. A man never came into her room unless he came to deliver his package. Should she open this special delivery or send it back?

  He opened his palm and offered her a small pill.

  She smiled. “You don’t have to drug me for a good time. Ask—I might say yes.”

  He sat next to her on the bed, and she clenched the sheet against her chest. His bare shoulder pressed against hers. The warmth of his smooth skin brushing against hers sent a jolt of excitement through her.

  She cleared her throat. “Why are you here?”

  He gazed into her eyes. “I thought you could use one of Uncle Steven’s feel-good pills to help you sleep. It’s a high-dose of melatonin.”

  “Hmm. Okay.”

  Holding onto the sheet, she swallowed the pill with the glass of water on her nightstand.

  He picked her pajamas off the floor and put them on the bed. His gaze on her, his light feathery touch skimmed her face, neck, and shoulder. Her body tingled and responded with a million goosebumps.

  “Your skin is soft like silk,” he said softly.

  Tingling all over, she gathered her composure. “Thanks.”

  “Sweet dreams.” His warm lips pressed her cheek. “Good night, beautiful,” he whispered, and left.

  She caught her breath and dropped on the bed. Oh, my God. If he’d pulled any harder on her sheet, it would’ve fallen off. She’d never been so excited and scared of a tempting man like him. Even worse? She wanted him to stay.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Stanley woke up to the sound of steady footsteps in the hallway. She checked the time on her phone. Noon? The sunlight pouring in nearly blinded her. Jeremy’s “feel good” pill really did work. She put on her pajamas and walked barefoot to the bathroom. Ear on the locked door connecting their rooms, she listened to Torrey and Jeremey’s chatter. Cousin Levi’s and Claire’s names came up. The music was on, so she couldn’t hear them very well.

  She spent extra time styling her hair and putting on her makeup. Her sweet dreams last night had been about Jeremy’s alluring gaze, kisses, and touch all over her naked body. Smiling, she dabbed the Christian Dior perfume on her wrists, neck, and cleavage.

  Half an hour later, she scanned for Jeremy and saw him sitting with his mother in the veranda. Was she late for lunch? She ran her fingers through her hair, and took a deep breath to calm her racing heart from the sight of him. She’d never been more excited to see him.

  His admiring gaze on her face, he stood and pulled out a chair for her. “Hello.”

  “Hi.” She smiled, after a quick glance at his clean-shaven face.

  He pushed the chair in for her. “Nice dress and bracelet.”

  The scent of ginger flowers and his earthiness surrounded her. “Your gift goes well with all my clothes.”

  She caught him staring at her wrist. Yesterday, when she didn’t have the bracelet on, he seemed a bit unsettled. He must want her to wear his grandmother’s beads everywhere.

  He held the bottle up. “Some Amarula with your coffee?”

  “Yes, please.” She looked at Torrey with an apology. “I’m so sorry for sleeping in so late.”

  “No worries. My brother’s pills knock you out, but they’re perfectly safe,” Torrey assured her.

  Stanley enjoyed a hot, delicious sip after Jeremy’s generous pour of Amarula. Quickly, she looked away from his loosely buttoned shirt. She’d caressed his firm beautiful chest and stomach in her dream while they made love. What was in that sleeping pill? She hadn’t stopped thinking about him since their close encounter last night.

  Her heart skipped a beat after one look at his gaze on her. She cleared her throat and turned her attention to his mother. “What’s the dress code for the fundraiser?”


  She crossed her arms. “I came to Africa to work in the bush. I don’t have a formal dress to wear. I guess I can work behind the scenes.”

  “I’ll take yo
u shopping,” he said. “We need you in a pretty dress.”

  “Take her to Jenny at the boutique, she’ll dress her for the occasion,” Torrey said.

  “Oh…I can’t afford your lady to dress me.”

  Jeremy smiled. “No need to worry. My credit cards love shopping for a beautiful girl. They’ve been wondering why I haven’t used them lately.”

  His subtle hint warmed her heart. But even more flattering than his generous offer was the desire in his eyes for her. “That’s very nice of you.”

  An hour later, Jeremy opened the door to the Mercedes SUV for Stanley. Mari was looking from the living room window at them. As Stanley belted herself in, an uneasy feeling came over her. “How long has Mari worked for your mother?”

  Jeremy drove toward the opening gate and looked at her. “Ten years…why?”

  She cleared her throat. “She seems to be spying on us.”

  He checked the rearview mirror and drove on. “Mari can be a bit intimidating. Mum rescued her from the streets. She kind of has a crush on me. You’re so pretty. She could be jealous.”

  She laughed nervously. “I hope she doesn’t knock me off or something so she can have you all to yourself again.”

  He gave her hand a gentle squeeze. “I only have eyes for you.”


  At the stoplight, Jeremy gently kissed Stanley’s hand. Is his sweet seduction a prelude to lure me to bed later? Her body tingled at the thought of his soft lips kissing her all over. She cleared her throat and looked out the window. “I really like Cape Town.”

  His fingers slipped between hers as he held her hand. “That’s good because we’ll be staying here longer than I expected.”

  “How long?”

  “It depends on how fast I get my work done here. I got a call this morning to help an elephant at Krueger National Park.”

  “What’s wrong with it?”

  “An eight-year-old female got a toe infection that’s spreading despite the treatments. I have some ideas to help her.”

  “Thank God for you.”

  Jeremy’s scientific explanations blew over her head as she glanced at her phone. If only Mr. Reed hadn’t limited her calls to two, she’d give him a weekly report of her whereabouts. Her volunteer job was continuously altering her itinerary for this trip. He must be sick or something. The dependable man had never neglected her calls before.

  “How often do you travel for your job?” she asked.

  “It depends where in Africa I’m needed. Sometimes I don’t have to leave for months.” He let go of her hand to read an incoming text. “I was just tipped off about illegal activity in an African artifact shop at the V&A mall.”


  “Sorry. It’s local slang for Victoria and Albert Waterfront shops.”

  “They must have guts to defy the authorities, no pun intended.”

  He rubbed his forehead in distress. “Stanley, I’ll need your help. You can refuse if you want, but you’re the perfect cover as an American tourist to buy African treasures to take home.”

  She scoffed. “I don’t want to go to jail.”

  “The police and I are working together on this project. I’ll tell them you’re with me.”

  “And if I say no, then what?”

  “Another elephant risks losing his life if we don’t stop the demand for ivory. It could be Makeda or one of our other herds.”

  She’d love to help his good cause, but she was no Nelson Mandela. At the first threat of torture, she’d tell it all. Makeda and Luki’s large majestic faces crossed her mind. If something bad happened to them because she refused to spy for him, she’d be sick to her stomach.

  “I’ll do it.”

  His face lit up. “Are you sure?”

  “I’ll do it for Makeda and Luki’s safety.”

  “I promise you won’t regret this.” He pressed a soft kiss on her cheek. “You’re so beautiful.”

  Half an hour later, Stanley pushed the car door open and stepped out. Nervously, she walked into the luxury boutique inside the impressive shopping mall. A well-dressed saleslady welcomed her at the door.

  “Hi, I’m Liz. Let me know if I can show you anything. All our purses are made of top-quality leather. Our own tannery carefully processes the hides to get this soft, supple feel.”

  The turquoise ostrich skin purse on a display shelf caught her eye. This stunning accessory would add a splash of color to all her outfits. The brass handle and feet were unique and would definitely make a statement.

  She asked to see the purse and checked it inside out. The hot pink silk lining was just as pretty as the outside. “How much is this?”

  Liz looked up the price code. “It’s four thousand US dollars. I’ll give you a special price if you pay cash.”

  She put the purse back on the counter. “My budget can’t afford it, but it’s gorgeous.” She asked to try on the chandelier earrings in the jewelry case. “Are those ivory?”

  Liz’s eyes opened wide. “No…We don’t sell illegal products here…”

  Stanley met Jeremy outside, holding the pamphlet Liz gave her. It listed all the illegal animal goods banned from the market. She paused to look at Claire’s face on the brochure. Did his ex try to creatively get rid of me? “I feel like such a fool,” she said.

  His gaze softened. “I’m so sorry. I got tricked into this trap.”

  Hand on her chest, she sighed. “I thought that woman was going to call the police.”

  “It must be a setup.” He gathered her in his embrace. “Let’s go for a stroll on the waterfront. You’ll like the shops.”

  Her nerves eased as they enjoyed the view of the harbor. The sun glistened on the ships and the amusement park. When they walked by the outdoor shops, a safari outfit in a display window caught her eye. “Is it okay if I take a look inside?”

  “Yes, of course.” He smiled. “K-WAY is a South African brand. They have good clothing for the bush.”

  She browsed through the clothing racks. There was plenty in the store she’d love to buy. After trying on a few affordable items in the fitting room, she went to pay for her pants and shirt.

  “I got this.” Jeremy gave the saleslady his credit card.

  “Are you sure about this?”

  He winked. “It’s my pleasure to buy you our local brand.”

  After the shopping trip, she posed for a picture by the statue of a golden seal. The elegant building was tempting her to look inside. “I’ve heard some famous people have stayed at this hotel.”

  He checked the time. “Let’s go inside and have a drink. We have time before the dress boutique closes.”

  The hostess led them from the lobby to the restaurant. She looked up at the breathtaking stained-glass ceiling and the elaborate fresh tropical flower arrangements on the entry table. She could see why people wanted to stay here.

  “What great views,” she said looking out at the harbor.

  Jeremy ordered drinks and snacks for them. His warm hand caressed her leg under the table. Tingling from his attention, she wanted to stop him, but he felt too good. Her trip to Cape Town was exciting in more ways one. His continual apologies for the shopping incident followed with another soft kiss on the cheek. Her desire to kiss his lips grew stronger each second. She’d never been this tempted by a man.

  On their way out, they passed by a group of Japanese tourists, who politely bowed to the bellmen as they took their bags.

  Stanley bowed to him. “Thank you, Mr. Jeremy-san, for my gifts.”

  He smiled and bowed back. “You’re welcome, my lady.”

  In the parking garage, he looked cautiously around before getting in the car.

  She buckled in as he got behind the wheel. “What are you worried about?”

  “I’m the elephant lover who gets in the way of poachers. It doesn’t hurt to be cautious. No need to worry. I’m always looking out for us.”

  “I always feel so safe when I’m with you.”

  He gazed i
nto her eyes. “I love taking care of you.”

  “You’re very good at it.”

  As they drove to the boutique. Stanley checked her phone. Oh, where are you, Mr. Reed? It’d been a month since she left home and she hadn’t heard from anyone. How was she supposed to let him know she’d left Zambia on another adventure?

  Chapter Fifteen

  The night of the fundraiser, Stanley walked out of her room in a short, black cocktail dress. The sleeveless elegance showed off her toned arms, slim waist, and long, shapely legs in heels. Her cleavage shimmered from the gold powder she’d sprinkled on last minute.

  The chiffon dress moved with her swaying hips to the backyard. She stopped to admire the festive atmosphere. The trees glistened with party lights. The swimming pool was filled with floating elephant-shaped candles. She was proud of her attempt to recreate the river scene to show Makeda and her herd having a good time at the party.

  She had butterflies from the sight of Jeremy mingling with the guests in his dark blue tux. He was so dashing with his hair slicked back on his tanned, handsome face tonight. She held his gaze from afar until Torrey gave her a chore.

  His mother looked her up and down. “That’s some dress.”

  “Jeremy picked it out for me.”

  “Of course, he did.” Torrey gave her a box full of pamphlets. “Make sure everyone gets one.” She hesitated before leaving. “If you get cold or something, check out the scarfs in my closet.”


  With a smirk, Stanley watched Torrey walk away in her long black skirt and white silk blouse. Compared to his mother’s conservative outfit, Stanley’s short, figure-hugging dress was sexy. But if it weren’t for the dainty ruffles around Torrey’s high neckline and the ends of her sleeves, the guests would’ve mistaken her for the wait staff.

  Stanley used her dress like a secret weapon to loosen the donors’ wallets. They seemed to enjoy a peek at her cleavage and legs in high heels as they turned in their pledges. But no one appreciated her curves more than Jeremy. All night long, his gaze followed her everywhere.


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