The Viper and his Majesty

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The Viper and his Majesty Page 33

by Tiana Laveen

  You know what to do.

  Diego ‘King Dominoes’ Martinez

  Marie neatly folded the letter, then slid it in between her cleavage. Viper glared at Jag, his jaw tightening as pain and the desire for violent pleasure emerged. The room was so quiet, one could almost hear a newly formed thought growing in the back of one’s mind. Jag’s complexion turned ashen, ghostly, and a sheen of sweat covered his face.

  “…. Ladies and gentlemen, my brother Diego, was killed exactly two days after this letter was written.”

  “I didn’t kill Diego. Diego had enemies!” he yelled, looking frantic and terrified.

  Viper shook his head. “We all have enemies. It was you. You broke code. Killed my brother in cold blood on sacred ground, all because he refused to do your bidding. Then, during all this time, you’ve had at least eight kings killed for what you called disobedience, a liability, or disorderly behavior in the Nation. How interesting that some of those kings were prospects to rise in the ranks, maybe even bump you out of the way. You’re not second in command because of talent, ingenuity, intelligence, or strength. You’re second in command because you knocked off your competition. So, of course then you’d come to my door today to remove the last one standing, after you tried to use me for all of your dirty work. What you weren’t banking on was that I’d beat you to the punch. Revelation 2:2…‘I know your works, your toil and your patient endurance, and how you cannot bear with those who are evil, but have tested those who call themselves apostles and are not, and found them to be false.’ Thanks to Mr. Earl, for acquainting me with such fitting scripture. There’s a Judas in my midst, but I don’t have the patience of Jesus…”

  Without warning or hesitation, Viper raised his arm and riddled Jag’s body with bullets. BAM! BAM BAM BAM! BAM! He started with one to each hand, forcing him to drop his gun. He then went for the feet, and the final one to the head.

  The two kings beside him stepped back as Jag dropped to the floor. The clean shot to the middle of his forehead, still smoking. Leisurely reaching for his cigar, he took a final draw, then extinguished it.

  “Thank you, King Cross and King Ace, for your service this morning. I’m sure it was difficult that for quite some time, you had to get close to Jag and befriend him, earn his trust, and at the same time, endure his abuse.” Both men nodded as they picked up the heavy weight of the fallen, shamed king, and dragged his ass towards a back room for the next phase of his dethroning. The two young men had been friends of Wild, who’d given them a place to stay and showed them the ropes. They’d been pissed when he’d been murdered in jail. Viper had let the little cat out the bag, at just the right time, about who had sent out the orders for the hit.

  When they’d shown up for the apartment clean-up of the botched robbery and spoke with them, Viper had recognized in them the perfect candidates to stand in as Jag’s lackeys. He’d needed a couple younger Kings with high hopes and aspirations to get next to the bastard, and their lust for revenge was all the fuel they needed. Regardless of his motives, he’d spoken the truth, while Jag had spouted nothing but lies.

  Viper had asked them to appear as though they hated him. They needed to put on airs in order to earn Jag’s trust faster. “Remember now, cut him up the way you were taught. Then, we’ll put him in the swimming pool soil that the contractors dug up in my yard.” There was a large gaping hole in the backyard now, and several tall piles of dirt. “He’ll be hauled away tomorrow with the rest of the garbage.”

  They nodded in understanding. Marie tucked her hair behind one ear as she observed the two men prepare to follow his orders.

  “I’ll put on another pot of coffee, then clean up the floor.” She patted his shoulder as she walked past, humming a pretty tune.

  Viper stared down at the blood that had seeped from the fucker’s body onto his floor. Jag’s cigar was still smoldering in the ashtray. Then, when his gaze met his father’s tears were running down the man’s face. He’d just told him about Diego’s letter the previous evening, which his brother had left for him all those years ago in the back of their closet. The two would go inside that closet and talk when the world became too loud and ugly.

  Viper hadn’t told a soul up until that point who’d stolen his brother’s life. He knew he had to be very careful about how he went about this, and he could trust no one until he was sure of things. So many times he’d wanted to put his parents out of their misery when they’d bring up Diego’s death, wondering how nobody had ever been charged for their son’s murder. Jag even had the audacity to attend the funeral, and pretend to be sick with grief, hugging on his mother like some third son she’d never birthed.

  Diego had taught Viper well. He’d given him countless lessons on silence. How important it was to be true to code. To follow traditional King rules, and to never let the left hand know what the right one was doing.

  His father walked over and wrapped his arms around him. Viper returned the gesture, tuning out the sound of the saws and electric drills. None of this would bring Diego back. King Wild. King Fiend. King Decree, and countless others that Jag had merked purely for the sake of his own injured pride.

  Still, he’d done this in their honor. Vengeance was served. The Viper was resting easy in the Garden of Eden, and now, the sun had finally set.

  Amor de Rey.


  Power to the Kings, Glory to the Queens

  When a gangster gets married, it’s not just him celebrating. It’s the entire world, or at least, that’s what it feels like. We’re amazed to be alive, to be feeling such exhilaration. To take another breath when we didn’t believe we had any left.

  Viper was surrounded by his family, friends, and brothers, all dressed in black tuxedos with red ties and vests. Red was a compromise. Majesty had forbidden him to go with yellow or gold. “No gang colors!” This had resulted in an argument and angry make-up sex. He was still salty about it, but he’d opted to let it go.

  This was one of the many pitfalls of falling in love with someone as stubborn as he. He’d grown up Roman Catholic, but rarely attended church. Majesty was a non-denominational Christian but went at least once a month for self-care and to promote prayer and belief in her son. They were merging cultures, religious beliefs, and families. That in itself was a beautiful undertaking.

  The Loft At Congress was where they’d decided to tie the knot. Neutral ground. It was a beautiful place with flowing white drapery, twenty-two-foot-high ceilings, state-of-the-art lighting, and the design was an effortless blend of East coast edge and southern Florida feel. They were having a formal ceremony and dinner affair, and exactly one hundred and eighty-six people had RSVP’d. Viper was certain more would show up that had not confirmed, so he’d prepared the caterers for that eventuality.

  He looked around and noticed the minister speaking with one of the photographers. A priest had been out of the question. Most attendees, including Majesty, weren’t Catholic and additionally, the wedding was being held outside the church. They’d found a minister they both liked, recommended by Majesty’s father who’d proclaimed he’d also received spiritual counseling from the man, and from then on, everything was in motion.

  “Felicidades.” King Virgo approached, AKA ‘Serious Puerto Rican,’ his bright blue eyes striking against dark tan skin. His features were the source of wonder and a few jokes in their circle. Virgo hugged him, patting his back and showering him with love, as he offered his congratulations.

  “Thank you and thank you for attending.”

  “I wouldn’t miss this for anything, Viper. We’re all happy for you.” They fist-bumped, then Virgo made his way back to his table which had been set with beautifully printed schedules and candles all aglow.

  The place was full, with everyone dressed in their best jewels and attire. A mixture of classic perfumes and heat created a comforting aroma he’d often smelled at other weddings, children’s birthday parties, and yes, even funerals. Mamá was sitting in front with her hu
sband, wearing a beautiful dark red dress and blazer. Her hair was impeccable, not a strand out of place. She’d just spoken to Majesty’s mother, who was dressed better than anyone in there, possibly even the bride. Viper snickered at the thought. Mamá had confided that she didn’t care for Majesty’s mother based on first impressions, but promised to not cause a scene. He could see she’d already been crying happy tears, and the ceremony hadn’t even begun.

  His stomach began to knot and twist as the singers and musicians started setting up, as well as the DJ for the reception. This is real… This shit is real. She’s going to be my wife. This is forever. I can’t believe the woman of my dreams moved right across from me. She fell into my lap. All I had to do was literally walk across the street and claim my blessing. Damn.

  He glanced at his watch, and when he looked back up, his cousins were surrounding him, fussing over him. He laughed as they smothered him with affection, throwing barbs in Spanish about being attached to a ball and chain, officially off the market. They’d done the same at his bachelor party the previous weekend. A wild night at an upscale strip club where he watched gorgeous naked women undulate their bodies, and went home a bit tipsy to make love to his fiancée, wanting nothing more than to feel her skin against his.

  “She’s here!” Marie squealed. She was talking to someone else, but Viper’s ears perked up. Ten bridesmaids, dressed in unbelievably tight red gowns and heels, walked by, disappearing into a room on the other side of the venue. Of the friends he’d met, he really liked the ones his woman hung out with. Some of them were kind of wild, but they had their shit together. Majesty kept the company of women who loved her, encouraged her, and were in her league. This, he really cherished about her. He smirked when he spotted some of his brothers practically breaking their necks to catch a glimpse of the ladies who’d raced past, their make-up and hair on point, showing cleavage and leg.

  Dad gave him a wave as he grinned proudly, dressed in his tuxedo, and looking the part. He and his wife sat down not too far from Mamá and on the other series of pews, Mr. Earl was sitting with Majesty’s mother and father, just as they’d agreed upon. The old timer was sporting a dated brown sports coat and pants that were a wee bit too short, but he still looked great, and Viper was thrilled he was there to rejoice with them. He’d had a mild stroke a few months earlier, so he and Majesty had kept a close eye on him, finally convincing him to allow them to hire someone else to mow his lawn and help clean his house once a week. He loved Mr. Earl, and he’d begun to call him family, too.

  “We’re going to begin the ceremony now. Please remain seated. Thank you,” the hostess announced. Then, she repeated the same thing in Spanish.

  Everyone drew quiet, except for Majesty’s Aunt Peaches, who kept blowing her nose and snorting. Both their parents were escorted out. Then, the violinist and the accompanying musicians began to play an instrumental version of ‘Stay with Me,’ by Sam Smith. The minister, and the hostess who was also an interpreter, approached. Reverend Appleton, with his long gold and white robe, stood beside Viper holding onto a black Bible. They shook hands and waited while his mother was walked down the aisle by King Pedro, and Majesty’s mother was escorted by Troy who was also dressed in a black tuxedo and red tie. One of the youngest kings, a fifteen-year-old, approached the two mothers and went down on bended knee. With one hand behind his back, head bowed, he offered each a golden rose with black stems. Majesty wasn’t aware of this little plan; Viper figured she’d see it in the tape later after their honeymoon, but by then, he’d be safe. He curved his lips as he surveyed the beautiful scene.

  Moments later, a little Cuban girl dressed in a frilly white dress, King Brick’s six-year-old daughter, approached holding a gold crown on a pillow. People ahhhed, oohhhed, and giggled as her cheeks plumped and she exposed a snaggle-toothed smile. Viper bent down, and she placed the crown on his head, then he sent her on her way with a hug and a kiss.

  The ensemble started a new song, and a vocalist stepped to the microphone to sing, ‘Here Comes the Sun,’ by The Beatles. As the song began, ten bridesmaids emerged, with the maid of honor, Majesty’s sister Allison, leading the pack. All were escorted by a Latin King brother. Honorable men who still followed the code. His best man was Pedro, who’d done a one-eighty and turned his life around. He was working a real job, as well as being trained to work with the dogs eventually, too.

  I miss you, Diego. You are my best man in spirit…

  One by one they came, arm in arm, looking absolutely beautiful and handsome. Once everyone was lined up, the kings surrounded him and placed gold and black rose petals at his feet. This was met with abrupt pockets of applause, dog barking noises, lion roars, and a few shouting, ‘Amor de Rey!’ A little Cuban boy, one of the Latin Queen’s seven-year-old son, walked over with a white pillow that had a crown for a king and queen embroidered on it, and in the center sat a symbolic golden wedding band.

  “Come stand by me, little guy,” Viper urged, patting the little boy’s back.

  MAJOR’s, ‘Why I Love You’ was now being performed by the male singer, who paused when the host took the microphone.

  “The bride is coming. Everyone, please stand.” She repeated the same words in Spanish. Everyone got to their feet. The back of the room seemed a million miles away. Viper felt hot and flushed all of a sudden, dizzy with excitement and flooding with love. He wasn’t afraid to confront other killers. He wasn’t afraid of spending time in prison. He wasn’t afraid of hardly anything. But the thought of never having a love like this hurt him to his core. He began to shake, feeling anxious and overwhelmed. He closed his eyes when tears threatened to pour. Then, he felt the strong hand of the minister on his back.

  “I’ve got a handkerchief if you need it,” the reverend said soothingly. “I know it’s a lot. The woman God made for you is coming, and you two will be joined as one. It’s all right to feel like this. Stop hiding your face…”

  Viper slowly lifted his head, opened his eyes, and let the tears fall. There, in the back of the room, was his father holding Majesty’s left arm, and her father holding the right. Troy stood behind her, helping another woman hold her train. And at that sight, he lost it…

  The sobbing echoed in his soul. His own tears were destroying him, one by one, as he folded within himself and screamed with joy. He soon heard others crying but didn’t dare look. Now Pedro was crying, too, and he only knew that because the man yelled out, “Viper, man, stop… You got everyone in here messed up, including me! You killin’ us, man!”

  This was met with a wave of laughter. Viper stood straight again and pressed his hand against his mouth, in awe as Majesty was practically floating towards him, dressed in ivory and holding a bouquet of beautiful dark red roses. Her dress was form-fitting but not too tight, with a slit on the side. A jewel hung across her forehead in the shape of a gold and diamond crucifix, just like the tattoo he had. His jaw tightened painfully hard as he bit down on it, then looked up at the ceiling, trying to stop the endless trail of tears that refused to stop pouring. He shook his grandmother’s rosary; he’d once again worn around his wrist, to simply feel the weight of it.

  The minister asked who was giving her away, and her father stepped forward, saying, “We do,” while glancing at Majesty’s mother, who nodded in agreement.

  Viper stepped down from the dais and shook hands with Majesty’s father. The two then embraced. With tears in his eyes, he said, “Take good care of my baby, Dominic.”

  “I will.”

  The three of them took their seats, leaving Majesty beside him. The emotion in her bright eyes made his gut clench. Her skin was flawless. Her dark hair was pulled away from her face, and long strands flowed down her back in lustrous spirals. Gorgeous, glossy lips called to him, and diamonds sparkled in her ears. She blinked several times, working hard to stop her tears. He was entranced, unable to turn away.

  “Dominic… Mr. Martinez, can we start now? Can you give me some eye contact? We’ve been waiting three
weeks for you to stop ogling your bride,” the minister teased, triggering an outburst of laughter from their guests.

  “Yes… yes.” He caught his nose between his thumb and pointer finger, heating with embarrassment as another tear fell from his eye. “I’m sorry.”

  “No need to be sorry. You’ve been blessed… Now, let’s begin. Everyone, please be seated…”

  For a moment, he forgot anyone else was in that room but her.

  “Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church…” the minister began, reading the scriptures. He then commanded them to hold hands and face one another. The guests were instructed to bow their heads in prayer, and when it was over, he nodded at Viper.

  “Go ahead, Dominic. Begin…”

  He took a deep breath.

  “Majesty, I remember the first time I saw you. It wasn’t when you came to my home to complain.” This caused an expected roar of laughter. “But it happened when you were moving into your home. I was in my kitchen, surrounded by friends, at a place in my life where I was confused and hurting. I wanted something else, and I was making those steps, but something was still missing. I had felt that way months before you arrived. I was looking at my friends with their girlfriends and wives, and for the first time, I felt envious.

  “So, that day, I looked out of my kitchen window and saw a beautiful woman with a smile that rivaled the rays of the sun. There was a moving truck in your driveway. I was secluded… like Adam in the Garden of Eden. I had thought about my grandmother often that day, and my brother, too. I was having a party, but these people I’d loved weren’t there. Though I missed them, I was seeking a different type of companionship. Not someone to complete me, but someone to show me how to complete myself. I didn’t know how… God answered my mother’s prayers. He’d packed you and your child up and brought you to me.”

  He could hear the sobbing again.


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