Pay Up Hot Stuff: A Billionaire Fake Fiancée Romance

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Pay Up Hot Stuff: A Billionaire Fake Fiancée Romance Page 6

by Weston Parker

  “Is it insulting? I feel like I should be insulted.”

  She shrugged. “I don’t think it’s insulting, but it is odd.”

  “It would really help if I didn’t have to pay for the car damage.”

  “Yes, and if you were able to afford another car, it would be nice to not have that accident on your record.”

  I mulled it over. “But how does one pretend to be a fiancée?”

  “I have no idea.”

  “Do you think he’ll want to do stuff?”

  “Like sex?” she asked bluntly.

  “Yes, like sex. He said nothing physical, but who knows? We didn’t talk specifics. I couldn’t believe he was being serious. I never bothered to ask for details.”

  “That seems like it would be an important conversation,” she said.

  “Well, I wasn’t thinking about taking his offer.”

  “But you are now,” she said with a laugh. “And don’t try to deny it. You are actually considering this.”

  I groaned and looked up at the ceiling. “I am. Is that terrible?”

  “I don’t know if it’s terrible. It’s unconventional, that’s for sure, but if you can work out a deal that you are comfortable with, I say go for it.”


  She slowly nodded. “Really. The guy is hot. He would probably take you to some nice dinners.”

  “He did say we would have to be seen together a few times and attend three functions together.”

  “Seen together? How far would he expect this farce to go?”

  “You know as much as I do.”

  “I think it is definitely a question that needs to be asked. What if he wants sex?”

  “Why would he want sex? I mean, come on, have you seen me? Did you see him?”

  She pointed at my boobs. “For starters, those bad boys. Second, you are gorgeous. Any man would be lucky to have you.”


  “But the sex thing. I know how important that is to you. You’ve kept a tight fist on your virginity for twenty-six years. That isn’t something you just give away to some guy who wants to play pretend.”

  “I know. I agree. I wouldn’t sleep with him. That would be one of the ground rules.”

  She grinned and shoved my shoulder. “You are considering it.”

  “A little. But those nuns are in the back of my mind.”

  She burst into laughter. “You are forever scarred by the nuns.”

  “Spending the bulk of my life in a Catholic orphanage has had a lasting effect on me. I’m always waiting to be rapped on the back of my knuckles. I am always looking over my shoulder to see if someone is watching.”

  “No one is watching. You do what you feel is right. It isn’t like you can’t say no to him later. You can stop the charade anytime you want. This isn’t a marriage. You are not committed to anything.”

  “I should do it?”

  “I think you need to think about it and then decide. Like you said, it would take a huge weight off your shoulders.”

  “But is it wrong? I don’t know his family, but I feel like it is wrong to deceive his family.”

  “That’s the nuns talking.”

  “True. I don’t know. It just feels so crazy.”

  “It is crazy. Very crazy. But it also doesn’t sound like a terrible deal.”

  “I’ll think about it.” I waved a hand. “Enough about me. How was the trip?”

  “Good. Boring. I had to attend like twenty boring meetings.”

  “That does sound boring. Did you meet anyone?”

  She smiled and I knew she did. “I did meet a guy. He lives in Long Island.”

  “You could totally make that work.”

  “We exchanged numbers and he said he would call. I’m not going to hold my breath, but I hope he does call. We got along great.”

  “What does he look like? I assume he’s also a massage therapist.”

  “Yes, he is. He’s not all that tall, but you know me. I don’t like a man that’s too tall. He’s got blue eyes and blond hair. He’s a little older than what I usually go for, but still sexy as hell.”

  “Oh, an older guy,” I teased. “Are you looking for a sugar daddy?”

  “Stop. He’s no Jameson Harrow but he is very handsome.”

  “Jay is pretty hot, isn’t he?”

  “Girl, he is sexy as hell. It is going to be damn hard to keep hold of your virginity around that one.”

  “Trust me, I’ve held it this long. I’m not about to give it to a fake anything. I’m not saying it absolutely has to be after I’m married, but it is going to be with the man I am going to marry.”

  “Good for you,” she said. “I think it’s admirable.”

  “Thank you. I’m going to get another glass of wine and find something to eat.”

  “How are you feeling?” she asked. “For real?”

  “Honestly, I’m exhausted after the day. I had a headache earlier, but I think the wine is doing the trick.”

  “Sit. I’ll make us some mac and cheese. You need to relax. I’m sorry I wasn’t here earlier to take care of you. I should tell Jay thank you for doing it for me.”

  “You don’t need to tell him anything. And thank you, mac and cheese sounds good.”

  “Take a load off. Dinner will be ready in twenty minutes.”

  “Thank you. You are such a good friend.”

  Chapter 9


  I headed into the office early. I had a ton of work to do. Cutting out of Rome early left me a little behind the eight ball. I was forced to reschedule my meetings via Skype for odd hours to accommodate the time differences. I was pulling double duty.

  I was a little bummed that Paislee never called me. I guessed I just assumed she would take me up on the deal. I never really considered the alternative.

  Now I had to decide whether to send her the bill. I didn’t want to. I saw where she lived. She didn’t have the money to pay for it. It would only cause her more stress.

  I sat down at my desk and had an immediate craving for coffee. I was hoping to catch Ashton before he came in. I wanted a good, strong coffee. The kind that gave me a solid kick in the pants and would give me the energy to get through the day.

  Twenty minutes later, I smelled the coffee before I even heard Ashton. When he opened my office door, I found myself grinning like an idiot. “Hi.”

  “I feel like your girlfriend when you smile at me like that.”

  “I was thinking more like a dog.”

  He frowned. “I could accidentally spill your coffee before you get it.”

  “You wouldn’t dare.”

  He smiled and stepped closer. “I might.”

  “Thank you,” I said and sipped the hot coffee. The rich flavor slid down my throat and infused my veins.

  “You’re welcome. I’ve got your schedule for the day. It’s packed.”

  “I know. I’m still paying for the quick trip to Rome.”

  “We also have another issue to contend with.”

  I already knew what he was talking about. “I haven’t decided.”

  “I’ll let the body shop know you want the car fixed and to send the bill to you.”

  He was making the decision for me. It was for the best. “Fine.”

  “The cop handling the accident called again as well.”

  “Hold him off.”

  “I will do that. I could just tell him you’re not interested in filing a claim.”

  “I don’t think that’s up to me.”

  He gave me a dirty look. “You damn well know it could be.”

  “I need to hop on a conference call,” I told him.

  He smiled. “Of course.”

  He left the office. I sometimes thought of him as my personal Jiminy Cricket. He was my conscience. He was the one who kept my moral compass pointed in the right direction. I was confident he would do the right thing for me.

  I was about to get on the phone when Ashton knocked on my
office door before pushing it open. That was his way.

  “Yes, Ashton.”

  He was grinning like an idiot. “You have a visitor.”

  “There is nothing on my schedule.”

  “You’ll want to take this meeting.”

  “Ashton, I’ve got a conference call in five minutes.”

  “I’ll postpone it.”

  He left my office before I could say anything else. The door opened wider and in walked Paislee.

  I looked at her and felt something powerful. Something incredibly arousing. She was wearing a pretty skirt that floated midcalf. The print was bold and pretty. Her blouse was tucked in with a wide belt accentuating her waist. She reminded me of a fifties’ pinup with her voluptuous breasts and full hips.

  “Hi,” she said with a smile.

  “Hi. I didn’t think I would see you.”

  “I didn’t think you would either.”

  “Come in and have a seat,” I said and gestured to the chair across from my desk.

  She sat down and crossed her legs. “Thank you for seeing me.”

  I didn’t tell her I had little choice in the matter. “Your bandage is gone.”

  “I have an invisible one on.”

  “Ah. Stitches still in?”

  “Yes, a few more days.”

  The small talk was awkward. I had a feeling she came to me in person to shut me down. She didn’t want to play my little game. I wasn’t really expecting much after she ghosted me for two days.

  “Is there something you wanted to say?” I was doing my best to sound casual. I wanted to look friendly. I had been told more than once I resembled a shark.

  It wasn’t that I had sharp teeth, but I did have a vibe about me. I couldn’t help it. I didn’t take shit and my demeanor tended to reflect that. I was afraid to smile because that would absolutely show my teeth, and the shark thing would be very real.

  “Yes,” she said.

  I waited a beat. “Can I get you something to drink? Coffee? Water?”

  “No thank you.”

  I nodded and leaned back. This was something she was going to have to do in her own time. I drank more coffee.

  “I’ve been considering what you said,” she started. I nodded, encouraging her to continue. “I have some concerns.”

  I couldn’t help it. I sat forward. I was not expecting that. “Okay, like what?”

  “I have a job. I have to work full time. I can’t afford to skip work. I can’t call in sick. This arrangement might take care of this one bill, but I have others. I still have to pay rent and stuff.”

  “I understand. We can work around your schedule.”

  “You said there were three events I would be required to attend, right?”


  “I work kind of strange hours. I would need as much advance notice as possible to try and get the time off or switch my schedule with someone else.”

  “I will try and give you a few days’ notice, but I can’t always give you a full two weeks.”

  “What about sightings? You said we would have to be seen together. What does that entail?”

  I was trying to think quick on my feet. She caught me off guard. “Possibly a dinner date. Maybe a Broadway show, something that will get us photographed.”

  “What about your mother? Is it just your mother?”

  “My father and sister would also be convinced, but it is my mother that really needs to buy the story. She is the one that can make my life hell. She is making my life hell. I’ll tell her I’m engaged and that might stop some of her hounding, but she’s going to want the proof. That’s where you come in.”

  “I see. Is your mom, um, difficult?”

  I had to laugh. “That’s one of the nicer things that has been said about her.”

  She cringed. “Why do you think she would believe you? I’m not one of your usual dates.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “I Googled you. You’re kind of a big deal in the social world. You dated a Victoria’s Secret model.”

  “Don’t believe everything you read,” I said. “I’ve escorted several women to various events. Usually, it was a mutually beneficial arrangement.”

  “They hit you with their cars too?” she asked.

  I laughed. “No, it means they need a date or a ticket into an event or I need a date. Whatever the case may be, it’s beneficial to both parties. I don’t do the serious thing, which is why my mom is on my ass. She doesn’t care for my lifestyle.”

  “The lifestyle that involves you sleeping with anything that walks?” She laughed.

  “You assume I sleep with all of them.”

  She looked nervous. “I have two conditions, beyond the work schedule thing.”

  I appreciated a negotiation. It excited me in ways I didn’t think she would be thrilled to know. I liked sparring with her. I couldn’t remember the last time I had to negotiate to get a date. In fact, I didn’t think I ever worked so hard to get someone to want to go out with me.

  “What are your conditions?” I asked with an amused expression.

  “I need access to a piano. Like anytime. If we are doing something that requires me to be away from home, like pretend sleepovers or whatever, I want a piano. I need a piano. It is non-negotiable.”

  “I can find a piano. I hope you don’t expect me to carry a piano in the car.”

  “You know what I mean.”

  “I can accommodate that. What is the other thing?”

  She wrung her hands. “No sex.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “No sex. I will not have sex with you.”

  I felt like we were treading on thin ice. This was all very dangerous territory. I never expected sex, but now that she said I couldn’t have it, I wanted it.

  Well, that wasn’t entirely true.

  I had undressed her with my eyes in the hospital more than once. Undressing naturally led to sex in my book. I found her words both intriguing and annoying.

  So what if I wanted sex? Was I supposed to offer her a better deal? Wouldn’t that make her exactly what she said she didn’t want to be called?

  And what would that make me?

  “Do you have a boyfriend?” I asked.

  She shrank away from me. “No. Why?”

  “I need this engagement to look as authentic as possible. I suppose I should have clarified that in the beginning. This needs to appear to be an exclusive relationship. I can’t risk you being seen with another man. I know it’s a lot to ask, but I need you to hold off on the dating until our engagement is over or near over. We could possibly use that as the reason for our big breakup. Once you agree to be my fiancée, you can’t sleep with anyone else. There is too big of a risk they will try to use it to get money.”

  “Get money? What are you talking about? And no way!”

  “No way?”

  “No way am I going to be the cheater in our fake relationship. I have some standards.”


  “But why would me sleeping with someone be used to get money? I’m confused.”

  “Being connected to me means your exes are going to come out of the woodwork. They will all want you once you are associated with me. If you sleep with someone, they can turn around and use it to blackmail you or me.”

  She laughed before putting a hand over her mouth. “You are very full of yourself. Do you really think my ex-boyfriends are suddenly going to want me back because I’m engaged to you? Do you think they care?”

  She was naïve. “I’m a wealthy man and people want to have a connection. They want me to either give them money, loan them money, or connect them to whoever it is they are angling to get to know. Your exes may not want you, but they will want you to introduce them to people in your new social circle.”

  “Why would they do that?”

  “Because I have money and that’s what people do. Trust me on this.”

  “This happens to you all the time?”

  I s
ighed. “Not for this particular reason, but I cannot count the number of times I’ve been told I’ve knocked someone up or that we are related in one way or another. Money makes people do crazy things. They want a connection and then they exploit that connection.”



  “You live a weird life. You are very cynical and, if I’m being honest, kind of full of yourself.”

  “Do you agree not to sleep with anyone while we are engaged?”

  “Fake engaged,” she clarified.

  I smiled. “Fake engaged.”

  “I will not sleep with anyone. Period. Do not try and get me into bed. I will not have sex with you. I don’t do that.”

  I smirked, thinking she was joking. “Ah, a born-again virgin.”

  “I don’t need to be born again. I’m saving myself for my husband. My real husband. I have not done that, and I don’t plan on doing that with you.”

  I was certain we just went through an earthquake. The ground shifted. My chair moved. No, I moved. She shook me.

  Such insignificant words had just completely changed everything. It was the equivalent of waving a red flag in front of a bull.

  Chapter 10


  I was suddenly very embarrassed. I could feel the red on my cheeks. I was certain my chest and neck were just as red.

  I was going to burst into flames at any second.

  I couldn’t believe I had just revealed all of that to him. I never talked to anyone like that. Bella was the only one that really knew about my situation.

  The nuns had made it very clear that sex was not to be shared with just anyone. We were taught about the sanctity of the act, and no matter how strange it was in this day and age, I was proud of my virginity.

  It was pretty clear by his reaction he didn’t feel the same. A part of me wondered if he thought we were going to have sex. The familiar self-doubt that I always carried stepped forward in my head and laughed. A man like Jay would not be interested in sleeping with a woman like me. I wasn’t sure what his real motive was for asking me to be his fake fiancée, but I was a million-percent certain it was not because he wanted to sleep with me.


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