Pay Up Hot Stuff: A Billionaire Fake Fiancée Romance

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Pay Up Hot Stuff: A Billionaire Fake Fiancée Romance Page 9

by Weston Parker

  I got home, showered, and put on my tux. I checked the time and realized I was still running early. I was anxious to see her, though, so I grabbed the box off my bureau and got in the waiting car.

  My phone rang. Dread and fear washed over me. I was worried she was going to back out of the deal. I glanced down at my phone and saw it was my mom. “Hey, Mom, I’m on my way. I’m running a few minutes late.”

  “Oh good, I’m glad you’re going.”

  She said going, not coming. “Are you there?”

  “Your father has to go to Chicago. I’m going with him. Julia has a migraine. All the traveling caught up to her.”

  I rolled my eyes. Migraine my ass. “When are you guys going to Chicago?”

  “We’re waiting on a new pilot to come in. We didn’t even get a chance to unpack. I need you to make our apologies.”

  “Fine. I’ll show my face and then I’m out of there.”

  “Thank you, dear. We appreciate you stepping up like this.”

  When the call was over, I found myself smiling. I wasn’t the least bit put out to be making an appearance. This would be a practice run for us. I would be seen with her and get the rumor mill churning. It would get back to my mother in no time.

  When we got to Paislee’s, I sent her a quick text and let her know I was on my way up. She told me to wait and she would come down. That seemed a little too casual for me.

  I was on my way into her building when I remembered the box. I quickly grabbed it and got inside the small alcove just as she was descending the stairs.

  It was like watching a goddess descend from Mount Olympus. I knew I was gaping but I couldn’t help it.

  The dress was about a hundred times hotter on her than I thought it would be. Initially, I thought sex with her could be a good thing, but I remembered her condition. No sex. But come on, I was a man. That dress made me think of nothing but sex.

  I wanted to seduce her. I wasn’t sure I believed her about the virgin thing. It could be a ploy to throw me off.

  She was smiling at me as she carefully made her way down the stairs with one hand firmly on the railing. The green ribbon made the dress. It accentuated her full breasts. Her hair was pulled back but left hanging down her back in thick curls. She was wearing just enough makeup to highlight her natural beauty without completely changing her appearance.

  My mouth was suddenly very dry. “Hi,” I managed to get out when she glided across the floor toward me. Her arms were bare, with just a single gold bracelet on her left wrist. She was wearing gold teardrop earrings as well. It was simple and classy, and she was fucking gorgeous.

  “Thank you for the dress,” she said with a nervous smile.

  “Thank you for wearing the dress.”

  “Did I wear it right?” she asked. “There weren’t any instructions with the ribbon.”

  “You wore it perfectly. It’s stunning.”

  “Thank you. I take it by the tux and my gown, this is one of the three formal events?”

  I slowly nodded. My brain was mush. All I could think about was how beautiful she was. The first moment I laid eyes on her, I knew she was pretty. I never would have guessed under the blood and tear stains on her cheeks she was this beautiful. Everyone was going to see exactly why I chose her.

  “How is your head?” I asked and scrutinized the pale pink line on her forehead.

  “I tried to cover it with makeup.”

  “I’m not worried about a scar. I’m asking how you’re feeling?”

  “Fine. I’m back to my old self.”


  I stared at her for a bit longer. She took my breath away. She left me speechless. And brainless apparently. “We’ll go,” I said and turned to open the door for her.

  She practically floated past me. The gown gave her an ethereal quality. Her shoulders, still tan from a long summer, were held back. She looked the part of a queen, regal and confident. I knew she was nervous as hell on the inside, but she wasn’t letting on. That was exactly what I’d hoped for. I hoped the dress would give her the confidence to know just how beautiful she was.

  I moved to open the car door for her and only then remembered the box in my hand. “Shit.”

  “What?” she asked with shock as she spun around.

  “Sorry. Not you. Wait. Don’t get in.”

  She gave me a strange look. “Are you okay?”

  I held up the black velvet box in my hand. “There’s one more thing.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Turn around and lift your hair.”

  “Jay, what is it?”

  I couldn’t help but smile at her innocence. I opened the box and let her inspect the necklace that just happened to match her dress perfectly. I was thrilled to see she was already wearing a gold bracelet.

  She sucked in a breath. “Get in the car!”

  I looked around. “What?”

  “Hurry,” she said and nearly shoved me into the backseat headfirst.

  This was not the way I’d envisioned this going. I didn’t get the chance to be the gentleman and allow her to get in first. She very literally shoved me until my only choice was to get in or have my head slammed into the side. She crawled in beside me and slapped the back of the driver’s seat. “Go!”

  “Paislee, what in the hell is going on?” I asked with bewilderment.

  The driver didn’t hesitate. He hit the gas, throwing my head back and making me drop the box.

  “Those guys on the corner by the dumpster, they were about to rob us.”

  “What? What guys?”

  She shook her head. “Let me give you a tip. When you come to my neighborhood, your head needs to be on a swivel. You need to be aware of your surroundings. You are flashing around that expensive necklace and asking to be mugged.”

  I picked up the box from the floorboard. She was right. I was not familiar with her world. “Thanks,” I said. “Can we do this the right way now?”

  She pressed her lips together. “I’m sorry. Can I see?”

  I held out the box for her once again. She gasped again and I found myself sliding down in the seat. I expected gunfire to riddle the car with bullets. When nothing happened, I looked at her and saw her reach out and run the tip of her finger over the huge emerald set into gold prongs.

  The necklace looked fit for a queen. I was told by the jeweler I bought it from that it was once a part of a royal family’s collection. I didn’t know if I believed him, but when I saw the necklace, I knew it was perfect.

  “Jay, this is gorgeous.”

  “Turn around and I’ll put it on.”

  “You want me to wear it?”

  I smiled. “I certainly don’t want to hold it all night.”

  “But it looks expensive.”

  “It completes your look,” I told her. “Please, will you wear it?”

  “Oh my gosh, I feel like I’m dreaming.”

  She turned and lifted her hair. I had to close my eyes and steel myself against the temptation to kiss the back of her neck. All the exposed skin was making me feel very hot and my pants were suddenly a little too tight. I focused on the task at hand and clasped the necklace.

  She dropped her hair and turned in the seat to face me once again. She had her hand over the emerald. “I cannot believe I am wearing this. It’s beautiful.”

  “It’s perfect on you. You are going to be the talk of the gala.”

  “Gala?” she repeated. “Is that where we’re going?”

  I smiled and leaned back in the seat. “Yes. This is night one.”

  “I’m nervous. No, that’s not the right word. I’m terrified.”

  “You are going to do great. You look the part. Everyone is going to be staring at you.”

  “That’s not a good thing.”

  “It is tonight.”

  Chapter 14


  I felt like I was having an out-of-body experience. No way could this really be happening to me.

s was my Cinderella moment. I wanted to remember every detail, but I found myself getting caught up in the excitement. The heavy emerald resting against my chest was my anchor. It was my reminder that this was all very real.

  I was sitting next to one of the most handsome men in the world. At least I thought he was the most handsome in the world.

  I was so nervous I could barely breathe. My stomach had been twisting all day. I was afraid to eat anything for fear I might end up getting sick while wearing the dress. I loved the white gown, but I didn’t dare eat, drink, or even sit in the thing. I was assuming I had to give it back after tonight. I didn’t dare give him back a ruined gown.

  “Relax,” he said from his side of the car.

  “Where are we going?”

  “Our hotel here in the city.”

  I had to remind myself that he owned hotels. Several all around the world. The kind of hotels that only the wealthiest celebrities and dignitaries stayed at. The kind of place I had never even stepped foot in. Knowing where we were going made me all the more nervous.

  “Wait, what?” I said once it sank in. “We’re going to your hotel?”

  He flashed me a sexy smile. “Not to get a room, unless you want to. It’s on the house.”

  I shook my head. “Nope. Not going to happen. That was one of my conditions.”

  He shrugged. “I had to ask.”

  “No, you didn’t. Why are we going to your hotel?”

  “This is our first outing together.”

  The car pulled to a stop and almost immediately the back door was opened by a young man wearing a red vest. I looked at Jay, who nodded at me, silently telling me to take the offered hand.

  “Thank you,” I murmured to the young boy who helped me out of the car.

  Jay followed behind me. I looked ahead and saw a red carpet. Then I realized I was standing on the red carpet. This was a mistake. I stepped to the side to make way for the people deserving of the red-carpet treatment. Jay grabbed my elbow and gently pulled me back to him.

  “Where are you going?” he whispered while smiling for the cameras that were suddenly flashing all around.

  “I don’t know. There’s a red carpet. I’m not supposed to be on it.”

  “Yes, you are. Smile. We’re being photographed.”

  I realized I probably had a deer-in-the-headlights expression. That was not going to make a good first impression. I forced a smile. He took my hand and led me up the carpet and toward the doors that were opened for us by two more young men in matching red vests. Once inside, I thought I could stop smiling.

  There were people milling about. Each of them smiling at me and Jay. I didn’t miss the shocked expressions. My heart was pounding so hard in my chest I feared it would pop right through my ribcage. He moved us through the crowd toward a set of doors at the end of the hall. Instead of taking us to the doors, he veered off to the right.

  I looked up at him with wide eyes. He offered me a genuine smile. I was certain it was the first natural smile I had seen him give. It softened him, made him look more approachable. “Breathe,” he said.

  “I am.”

  “Just relax. This is going to be fine.”

  “You haven’t even told me what this is.”

  “It’s an art gala my family throws every year.”

  “Art?” I asked.

  He nodded. “Yes. Various galleries from around the city, as well as some local artists, have their art on display. A portion of the sales made tonight will go toward the children’s hospital.”

  “Oh,” I said. I felt better. My heart stopped pounding so hard it hurt.


  “Okay. I can do that. I like art.”

  “You like art?” he questioned. It was his turn to look surprised.

  “Yes, Jay, I like art. Are we doing this or what?”

  He grinned and lifted his arm for me to hook mine through. “We are doing this. I will introduce you to a few people.”

  “Your mom?” she asked nervously.

  “Nope. Not tonight. We’ll be seen together. We’ve already been photographed. We just need to mingle a bit and then we can go.”

  “Are you in a hurry to get out of here?”

  “It’s not my favorite thing to do,” he said.

  We stepped inside the huge ballroom and I felt like I just walked into my version of heaven. There were partition walls put up at different angles with artwork mounted. Lights highlighted the various paintings and photography. Busts and other very unique pieces were displayed on crisp white block units. It was like walking into an art museum.

  I let out the breath I had sucked in when I saw the room. “Wow.”

  A man carrying a tray with glasses half-filled with champagne stopped in front of us. Jay took two, handing me one. “Is that a good wow?”

  “It’s an impressed wow. I’m so excited. I want to see it all.”

  “We will,” he said with a laugh.

  “This is incredible,” I said as we started on the left side of the room. “Is that a real Van Gogh?” I exclaimed a little too loudly.

  He gently squeezed my hand. “The art is all real.”

  I stood in front of the painting and openly adored it. If I wanted to, I could actually touch it. It was crazy to me that it was just right here in the open for anyone to touch. “It’s beautiful. How do you know how much it is?”

  “There is a price list brochure. Would you like me to get you one?”

  I snickered and snorted. “Yeah, because this is pocket change. I was only curious how much this stuff sells for.”

  We were joined by an older couple that apparently knew Jay. He introduced me, and before I knew it, I was in deep discussion about Van Gogh’s technique and why I liked it. I didn’t miss the look on Jay’s face. He had seen where I lived and knew a little about me, and he’d clearly assumed I was an uneducated country bumpkin. I liked that I could impress him.

  He was very attentive as he guided me around the room. His hand either rested on my lower back or he would casually touch my hand and lead me to another painting. I met a lot of people but probably remembered two names. It was all so much to take in. Between the art, the gourmet hors d’oeuvres, and the champagne, I was overwhelmed.

  “Hello,” a very nice-looking man said as he came to stand in front of me. Jay had been pulled away, leaving me alone with another fine piece of art. I was comfortable enough not to need him at my side every minute.

  I offered the man a charming smile. “Hi.”

  “Are you actually enjoying this or are you trying to look interested?”

  “I am very much enjoying this piece,” I said. “Do you not care for it?”

  He shrugged. “I think it’s pretentious.”

  “It’s a Monet,” I said with a laugh. “I think it’s supposed to be a little pretentious.”

  “Ah, so you do like art?”

  “I do. Are you here to buy a piece?”

  He looked bored as he sipped his champagne. “I’m here to look like I’m interested in buying something.”

  “But you haven’t found something you like?”

  “I think I would do a lot better if I had someone to help me decide. I need someone with a good eye.”

  He was talking about me. I was flattered. “Do you like abstract? Scenery?”

  He raised an eyebrow. “I prefer to look at something that I can determine what it is I’m looking at.”

  Again, I laughed and sipped my champagne. I was feeling very light and airy. I was having a great time and I felt like I could hang with the rich people browsing the art. “Well, I think art is in the eye of the beholder. For example, I do not care for that sculpture, but look at how many people are in love with it.”

  He looked at the round balls of metal with flat pieces intertwined before leaning closer to me. “I think it looks like someone pulled it out of a junkyard.”

  We both laughed. The man was smiling at me, openly flirting with me. It was nice to be looked at
and flirted with, especially by such a good-looking man. “I am going to agree with you. What about photography?”

  He wrinkled his nose. “Not my thing. Anyone with an iPhone considers themselves a photographer these days.”

  “Art really isn’t your thing, is it?”

  “Nope. I’m just here for the free drinks.”

  I couldn’t help but giggle. He had quite the sense of humor. “I’m Paislee,” I said and extended my hand.

  He took my hand, and instead of shaking it, he turned it and raised my knuckles to his mouth and kissed the back of my hand. I had seen it in the movies, but I had no idea it was still a thing. “I’m Devon,” he said in a smooth voice while still holding my hand.

  Before I could say or do anything, there was an arm around my waist, squeezing and physically pulling me back several inches. Devon had no option but to drop my hand.

  “Devon, I’m glad you’ve met my fiancée,” Jay said in a stern voice.

  Devon’s blue eyes flashed with mischief. “Is that what we are calling dates these days?”

  “Paislee, I hope this guy wasn’t bothering you.”

  “Not at all. We were discussing art and how much he doesn’t like it.”

  Jay’s arm tightened when Devon looked at me and grinned. “Your fiancée was just about to help me pick out something to buy.”

  “I’m sure you can find your own art.”

  “But I brought my checkbook,” he pouted. “I wanted to spend some money, but I don’t know the first thing about art. I need a keen eye to help me pick something.”

  “You’ll do fine. Write a check and stash the art in one of your pool houses.”

  I got the impression the man was wealthy, just like Jay. I couldn’t tell if they were friends or enemies. Devon seemed amused, like he was enjoying teasing Jay. Jay’s expression did not give me the feeling he was enjoying the little exchange.

  “All right, all right, I’ll move along, but if she’s free again, I might just have to steal her away and insist she help me out.”

  “Don’t count on it,” Jay said in a low voice.

  Devon was laughing as he walked away. I wasn’t sure what I’d missed, but clearly, there was some tension there. I realized in that moment that I could expect this for the next few months. Jay was clearly a possessive man.


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