Pay Up Hot Stuff: A Billionaire Fake Fiancée Romance

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Pay Up Hot Stuff: A Billionaire Fake Fiancée Romance Page 15

by Weston Parker

  “Yes. It’s a fucking hazard.”

  He slid the key into the lock and pushed it open. I walked inside and tossed my bag on the couch. I rounded on him, ready to have it out with him now that we were in private.

  Chapter 23


  She was staring me down. I was a little worried she was going to charge at me. She was pissed. I was pissed. This was a volatile situation.

  Sexual tension hummed around us. At least I felt the sexual tension. She was probably just feeling straight-up anger.

  “What the hell was that, Jameson?” she hissed.

  “You’re supposed to be my fiancée,” I snapped. “That fucking ring is a sign to back the hell off. You were entertaining his advances.”

  “I was doing no such thing and I’ll remind you this is fake.” She held up her hand and pointed to the ring. “This is not real. This is nothing more than a prop.”

  “Are you here to pick up men?”


  “You need to understand my mother will not tolerate you cheating on me.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I’m not cheating on you. Am I not supposed to talk to anyone?”

  “That was a lot more than talking.”

  “I’m sorry, did you see him lying on top of me? Did I miss something?”

  The very idea made me want to kick some serious ass. “This might be fake, but I need people to believe it is real.”

  She threw her hands in the air. “Are you always this barbaric? You might as well have clubbed me over the head and dragged me back here by my hair.”

  “Trust me, it crossed my mind,” I muttered under my breath.

  Her eyes widened. “I’m going to shower.”

  “I’ll be back at four to get ready for dinner. Do you have appropriate clothing?”

  I knew it was the wrong choice of words. I didn’t mean to sound like a dick, but I was frustrated. My balls ached. I needed to get laid. I needed to take the edge off.

  Unfortunately, I couldn’t risk hooking up with someone and having her talk about it. I was going to have to wait until I could go somewhere else. Then I was going to find a woman and take care of this horrible case of blue balls.

  “I don’t know, Jameson,” she said in a voice so calm it was scary. “My one-piece swimsuit seems to be a little too scandalous for you. I should probably go dig through grandma’s attic and see if I can find a dress from the eighteen-hundreds that covers me from tip to top. Maybe I can wear a head covering as well.”

  I was not going to argue with her. There was no point. Things would only get worse. “I’ll see you in a bit,” I said and left the room before things got explosive.

  I thought I heard something hit the door a second after I closed it. That was exactly what I suspected would happen. All that passion. All that fire. That was a woman that needed to get laid too.

  She was passionate. I knew she would be an animal in bed if she would just give it a chance.

  I made my way to my office and closed the door. I needed a minute to myself. Seeing her stretched out on that lounger in that bathing suit had been my undoing. It pissed me off that she was entertaining another man. It made my blood boil. Obviously, she was an attractive woman, but I would be damned if I shared my fake fiancée with anyone else.

  I tried to focus on the plans for the day. I needed to check in with the staff and I was hoping to catch up with the chef to go over the menu. I also needed to catch up with my parents. It had been hectic all day, just like I knew it would. I pulled myself away from my work so I could see her and then I found her with a man.

  I blocked out the image of the guy sitting next to her. I knew his type. I knew him. The asshole had a wife. The wife wasn’t any better than he was. She’d come on to me and I almost took her to bed until she slipped and revealed the fact she was married. I didn’t do married women. Period.

  If only other men felt the same way.

  I knew the guy didn’t miss the ring. He just didn’t give a shit. I shouldn’t have to follow her around and stake my claim. She was wearing my damn ring!

  It was the suit. That damn thing showed off every curve. Her boobs were glorious. Full and round and oh so beautiful. What I wouldn’t give to bury my face in that cleavage. To make matters worse, or possibly better, her nipples had been pebbled and standing at attention. No wonder the asshole was staring at her like she was a delicacy to be enjoyed.

  I groaned and reached down to rub the erection that seemed to be a constant issue for me since the day I met her. That was the problem. I had not been with anyone since I met her. That was a long time for me. I rubbed my cock again and knew there was only one way I was going to get through this day.

  I got up and locked my office door before pulling the blinds and going into my private bathroom. I had to get some relief. I was seriously feeling pain. I undid my belt and pushed my pants down. My dick was harder than I remembered it ever being. My balls were tight and demanding release.

  I wrapped my hand around my cock and very carefully stroked up and down. Every stroke felt like a million prickles of the best kind running up and down my body. I groaned, putting my head back and giving myself exactly what I needed. I imagined it was her hand. I imagined it was her mouth sucking me deep into her throat.

  I rubbed faster, squeezing harder until I felt it coming on strong. I pushed my free hand against the wall. It was going to be an explosive orgasm. I knew it was going to be powerful. “Fuck,” I hissed.

  I reached for the toilet paper just in the nick of time. I pumped into my hand. The release felt good. It felt like it had been building for years instead of weeks. I took a moment to catch my breath before cleaning up. I washed my hands and tucked my shirt back in. I felt a hell of a lot better. It wasn’t exactly what I needed, but I would be able to walk without being in pain.

  I returned to my office and pulled open the blinds before unlocking my door. Sometimes, a guy just needed a little release. Just a little venting. I felt better, like I could focus on the day and not on her breasts.

  I sat down at my desk, and about five seconds later, there was a knock on the door. I didn’t get a chance to ask who it was. Julia came in before I could even get out of my chair. I smirked. Two minutes earlier and she would have caught me in a compromising moment.

  “What’s up?” I asked and waved for her to sit down.

  “I thought I would pop in and see how things are going. I haven’t seen you around.”

  “I’ve been here. Where have you been?”

  “I went into town and did some shopping,” she said with a shrug.

  “How was it?”

  “Good. I love the colors. It’s all so vibrant. How is Paislee?”

  Just the mention of her name threatened to reignite the erection I had just barely managed to get under control. “She’s good,” I said. “She was taking some time by the pool.”

  “I went out there and didn’t see her. I was hoping we could hang out a bit. I wanted to get to know her. After all, she’s going to be my sister soon.”

  That was worrisome. I knew I needed to limit their time together. It would be too easy for Paislee to slip in too much information. Julia was an inquisitive person. She would have the whole story out by the end of the day if they were left alone.

  “I think she was going back to the room to take a nap. She was up early this morning.”

  She waggled her eyebrows. “You better let that girl get some sleep. You don’t want her looking all puffy when you introduce her. And no hickeys. Mom will kill you. Your body will never be found if you embarrass her.”

  If she only knew. There was no chance I would be leaving a hickey on her neck. “She’s fine. She was excited about being here and was up early.”

  “How does she like it? Is this her first visit to a Harrow hotel?”

  “She is impressed,” I said. I felt like a politician as I skillfully dodged her questions.

  “I think this is going to be my favorite one
,” she said casually.

  I appreciated her desire to chit chat, but I had a lot to get done. “It’s a nice property. Dad knew it when he saw it. I will admit I didn’t see his vision in the beginning.”

  “He’s not as old as we thought,” she said with a laugh. “I thought maybe he was losing his touch.”

  “Not even close. I’m going to give a little more thought to that property in Greece he had his eye on. If it’s anything like this one, we are going to have our next project.”

  She frowned. “I thought you were going to slow down after this one.”

  “So did I, but have you seen the bookings for this place? We’re booked for the next six months. Once we get the first reviews on the site and in the travel magazines, we can expect a year’s wait time. We need to keep opening properties and giving our guests what they crave. They want excellence. They want beauty. We are the only chain that can give them that.”

  “I think your future bride is going to be displeased if you are always gone.”

  “She can travel with me,” I said without thinking. It seemed like a good answer. I didn’t know if Paislee would agree.

  “No one wants to travel as much as you do. Do you even know your zip code?”

  “I travel because it keeps the family business going.”

  “The family business is just fine. Don’t you think you might be a little too hands-on? It wouldn’t hurt to delegate. Hire more managers or something.”

  “That’s easy for you to say,” I said with a hint of irritation. “You haven’t had to be at the helm.”

  “Oh, someone is a little touchy.”

  “Don’t lecture me about me working too much. You, Mom, even Dad enjoy a very nice lifestyle because I work as much as I do.”

  “Yes, we do, and we all appreciate it. We all really appreciate it but we all also see you burning through your days. We want you to have some fun. We do. You should. Paislee seems nice. I can’t say a lot because I don’t know her well enough, but this could be your shot at true love. Don’t you want to spend time with her? Don’t you want to get to know her and spend every waking minute with her? I’ve only been in love once, and I know I was absolutely gaga for him.”

  “You were sixteen,” I said dryly.

  “It was still love,” she retorted. “We want you to be happy. Before you pick up another huge project, think about what your future wife wants. We don’t want you to be divorced before you got a chance to really be married.”

  “That’s a great speech. You should use that for your wedding toast.”

  “I’m being serious. Loosen up, big brother. I’m going to be pissed if you die young because you worked yourself to death.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  “Fine. I’m going to get ready for tonight. I’ve got a massage scheduled.”

  “Enjoy your pampering,” I said as she walked out.

  Her words weren’t lost on me. I had been thinking the same thing for a while, but there was something about the thrill of building something new. I loved watching a new property come to life. It was satisfying to see a rendering on paper become a reality.

  I wasn’t sure I could ever really step away. I was married to my job.

  Chapter 24


  I was still smarting from the way he had spoken to me. He acted like I was strutting around naked and filling my dance card with any old Joe that offered me a quickie in a cabana.

  I couldn’t believe he thought I was actually interested in that slimy snake. He didn’t know me. He didn’t get to judge me, and I was going to let him know how I felt about that later.

  For now, I was going to take a minute to pull myself together. He’d left me feeling flustered. His parting comment about appropriate attire had damn near pushed me over the edge. He should be damn lucky I had better control of my temper than he did of his. I picked up the sandal I had thrown at the door when he walked out. I was proud I managed to hold my anger long enough for him to get out. Although slamming my sandal into his head would have been very satisfying.

  “Violence is never the answer, Paislee,” I said in the voice I attributed to Sister Jane.

  It might not be the right answer, but it sure as hell was an answer.

  I walked into the bedroom and tossed my stuff on the bed. I had intended to take a shower, but the massive garden tub with fake candles all around it was too tempting. I had time before dinner.

  I filled the tub and dug through the basket of complimentary toiletries. I found a eucalyptus and mint bubble bath and dumped it into the water. I inhaled the reenergizing scent of the combination. I turned on the candles. I would have preferred real candles, but I supposed there was some liability involved.

  I turned on the satellite radio and sank into the water. “Holy shit,” I whispered. “I’m never going to be able to be normal again.”

  I wanted a tub like this. I didn’t feel like I was going to need the jaws of life to get me out of the thing. It was luxurious and I felt like a queen.

  I couldn’t imagine a life like this with every luxury you could imagine right at your fingertips. It was next-level comfort. I sighed with contentment. This was exactly what I needed to calm down after the incident with Jay. That was how I was going to refer to it.

  After a long, leisurely bath, I slathered myself with the fragrant body lotion that was in the basket. I felt silky smooth and very sexy. I looked in the closet where my dress selections were hanging. Initially, I planned to wear a pretty cocktail dress, but it felt like too much for the hotel.

  I chose another sundress. It was one I didn’t think I would wear, but Ashton insisted it would be perfect. It was a white A-line dress with a slit all the way up to mid-thigh with a lace sheath underneath. It was a little reminiscent of a beach-style wedding dress. My time by the pool today was just enough to deepen my tan, which would look even darker against the white dress.

  I dressed with intention. I wanted to look my best. I wanted to show Jay he couldn’t keep me from wearing things I felt pretty in. I added some moisturizer to my face and just a little makeup. I was leaving my hair down for the night. I thought Jay would have been back by now. He was probably staying away because he was still pissed. That was fine. He could pout.

  I left the room and meandered into the lobby. The complimentary bar was open and serving. I grabbed a glass of white wine. I didn’t dare drink anything with color. I didn’t want to walk around with an ugly stain all night.

  I looked around for Jay and still didn’t see him. I wasn’t going to look too hard. I could keep myself entertained. I found myself drawn back to the Steinway in the music room. I found the room empty, just the way I liked it. I was surprised more guests didn’t flock to the room.

  I sat down at the piano, took a deep breath, and let the music flow through my fingers. I thought about the anger I felt. I thought about the electric way I felt when I was around him. I felt like a live wire looking for something to shock.

  My body hummed while I played. It was a new melody. It just flowed. I realized it was good and wished I had my music book with me.

  I improvised, pulling out my phone and recording myself playing. I made recording after recording as I changed up the keys. Once I was certain I had what I was looking for, I played it back. I found myself smiling as I listened.

  Who knew such strong feelings could result in such beautiful music?

  As I was listening to the song on my phone, a young couple walked in. I didn’t have to ask. I knew they were on their honeymoon, judging by the way they had that googly-eyed look for one another.

  “Who is that?” the woman asked in a British accent.

  “What?” I asked. I wasn’t sure she was talking to me.

  “That melody is beautiful. Who is the composer?”

  I felt myself blushing. “I was just messing around.”

  “You wrote that?”

  Technically, I wrote nothing, but I understood what she was saying. “I di

  “Beautiful. I’m a music teacher in London. When I heard there was a music room, I just had to see it.”

  I stood up and gestured for her to take my seat at the piano. “This is a beautiful piano,” I said. “You’ll enjoy playing on it.”

  “Oh, are you leaving?”

  “I have to find—” I paused. I had to remember we were officially on here. “My fiancé is waiting for me.”

  “Oh, you’re engaged?” she said with excitement. I knew what came next. “We’re here on our honeymoon.”

  “Congratulations,” I said with a smile. “This is a beautiful place to honeymoon. Enjoy your stay.”

  I walked out feeling like a total idiot. I sounded like someone at the check-in counter. I had to get used to referring to him as my fiancé. I needed to find a way to look at Jay like that woman looked at her man.

  Instead, I had a feeling Jay and I looked at each other like we wanted to pounce on one another. Although the pouncing could go either way. It was like I wanted to kiss him and slap him at the same time. He infuriated and excited me all in the same breath.

  I made my way through the lobby once again in search of Jay. I wasn’t sure what I was supposed to do. Did I go to the bar and wait for him? Wait in the room?

  I was going to kick him for acting like a spoiled child and giving me the silent treatment.

  I got another glass of wine, remembering I left mine in the music room. I felt a little out of place in the room filled with wealthy people. I was about to retreat to our suite when I spotted Julia chatting with a small group.

  She made eye contact and waved me over.

  “Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit,” I muttered under my breath behind my smile. She extracted herself from the group and met me halfway.

  “Hi,” I said with a friendly smile.

  “Hi. You look amazing! That dress is stunning.”


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