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Dirty Page 5

by Skye Warren

  Instead the bouncer said, “Go ahead.”

  “Me?” I managed to say.

  “You in or out?”

  “In.” I gestured to Luke. “He’s with me.”

  The bouncer gave him a thorough once-over, which Luke returned coolly. The bouncer nodded a grudging approval. We started to slip past the girls, but the blonde one blocked our way.

  “Hey, why do they get to go? We’re next in line.”

  I stopped myself from rolling my eyes. Naive much, Blondie?

  The bouncer’s face was like granite. “Wait here for your turn.”

  “This is our turn,” she complained. “No fair.”

  No fair? Oh Lord. Then I realized this would be an opportunity to get them booted from the club—maybe my only opportunity.

  I drew myself up to full haughtiness. “Let me give you a little life advice. When someone insults you, it’s best not to draw attention to that.”

  Two lipsticked mouths fell open, but the blonde recovered first. “Who the hell do you think you are?”

  “Are you confused, sweetheart? I’m the girl getting bumped to the front of the line. You are the loser standing outside.”

  Her face turned mottled red. She looked ready to blow.

  “Is there a problem?” the bouncer asked.

  She stammered. “I… She… Did you hear what she said?”

  “Maybe we should just go,” Striped Stockings pleaded.

  Blondie’s face twisted into a cross between a sneer and a pout. She was pretty and slender and probably used to getting her way—I should know.

  Luke had viewed the whole exchange with the mild amusement typical of a lowlife watching a girl fight, though I didn’t know if that was genuine or part of his act. He stepped forward. “There’s no need to get upset,” he said in an oily voice I hadn’t even known he was capable of. “Nice-looking girls like you two deserve to party. I’ll bring you guys in, get us a table.” He leered rather convincingly. “I’m sure you can think of some way to repay me.”

  With a flurry of rushed excuses, Striped Stockings dragged her friend away, out of the line and out of sight.

  Turning back to the bouncer, Luke shrugged. “Their loss.”

  Chapter Nine

  Inside the door, we handed over the IDs to another bouncer who examined them under a bright light. A cold line of sweat ran down my back as I waited. There was no way they would catch them as fakes, and really, they would have known within two seconds. It was almost as if the extended wait, with the guy glancing from me to the card, was designed to elicit a reaction, the telltale heart of underage clubbing.

  Finally, he handed back the cards and stamped our hands with Xs. I plunged into the sweaty mass, eager to blend in. Luke was right behind me, his slick fingers entwined with mine. Everywhere I looked, people laughed and frowned, flirted and fucked with their eyes, their words, their hips against hips. Too many people, too little space. We reached an empty back wall, and I melted against it, sucking in the air at the edges of the room.

  Luke’s body closed in on me from behind, and we could have been fucking like this, except for the kindness in his touch.

  He murmured into my ear. “What’s wrong? If you’re pretending some sort of overdose, it’s very convincing.”

  I shook my head. Even the wall shook with the effort of holding this many bodies, but then I realized it was me moaning. Underwater, unable to hear the sound of my own voice except for its vibrations in my throat. Unable to hear anything at all except the rush in my ears. I let the currents pull me, the too-tight grip on my arm like a hook yanking me out of the water. We stumbled together into a bathroom. I staggered back, supporting myself on the ceramic sink. Luke grabbed a dirty mop and slung it through the metal handle, keeping everyone out.

  He turned on me. “What the hell happened out there?”

  “Sorry,” I muttered. “Freaked out a little.”

  “Yeah, I got that. Want to tell me why?”

  “I don’t know. So many people.”

  “There were plenty of people at headquarters, and you didn’t lose your shit. So tell me why.”

  “I don’t know. Those girls, the way you looked at them.”

  He seemed genuinely puzzled. “How did I look at them?”

  “You know,” I choked out.

  “Like I wanted to smack them for being little idiots. Is that what you mean?”

  “No, no. Like you wanted them.”

  Understanding dawned in his green eyes, and with it, bright shame within me.

  “I didn’t want them,” he said gently.

  The kind of soothing tone you use with a child. It’s only lightning. It can’t hurt you. But I had seen the lightning and the lustful light in his eyes. I had felt its burn and knew well how it hurt.

  “I know you didn’t.” Did I? Oh shit, I was losing it.


  The low command penetrated my haze, drew me back to the surface. I breathed. When his face came into focus, it was concerned. That part would have been fine. The part that really sickened me was the kindness. Poor Shelly. She can’t help what she does. This was all predetermined years ago. No way to change my course.

  “I’m fine,” I said. “Got a little derailed, but I’m fine.”

  He looked doubtful. Extremely doubtful, and I worried if I didn’t convince him soon, he would abandon our entire mission.

  “Look, I’m okay. See? I’m standing all by myself, breathing without you having to tell me. Very mature-like.”


  “And I realize I’m jumpy, so as a gesture of good faith, I’ll let you hold on to my gun for me,” I said magnanimously.

  “I’ve already got it,” he said, reaching back to where he’d stashed it in his belt. He swore as he came up empty.

  I handed it to him. “Sorry. But not really, because you had no right to take it from me in the first place.”

  “I had every right. Do I even want to check the registration on this?”

  “Only if you want your worst suspicions confirmed.”

  “No, thanks.”

  “This way is better. I’m giving you permission to hang on to it. Because I trust you.” My emphasis on the last few words could not go unnoticed.

  A slow smile spread across his face. “I see.”

  The door rattled, then shook violently as someone banged on it. Shouting came from the other side, too muffled to understand through the steel door and the roar of the club.

  “Gee,” I said. “Do you think he wants to come in here?”

  “Occupied,” Luke called over his shoulder.

  I started toward the door. “I think we’re done here.”

  “Oh no.” He stopped me. “We need to snort a few lines. Then I’ll probably make you pay me back. On your knees. All that takes a while, so he’s just going to have to wait.”

  The picture he painted was so accurate it chilled me. “It creeps me out how well you fall into this role.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “Would you rather I open every conversation with the Miranda rights?”

  The banging on the door grew louder, stronger. I wondered if the rusty metal pole of the mop could bend. More likely the door handle would break off first.

  Luke prowled over to the door and rattled the mop in the door handle. “Hold your fucking horses.” He turned to me. “We should give them a show.”

  “Oh my God, you’re so long,” I said in a loud voice. “And thin. And with all those bristles on the end.”

  “You’re complimenting the mop here?” He strolled back.

  I smirked. “He’s the only hard rod in the room, I believe.”

  He reached me, standing close, then ducked his head to my neck. With his hands on my hips, he pushed me onto the ledge of the sink.

  “He can’t please you like I can, baby.”

  “I don’t know about that.” My legs parted as he closed the space between us. I stared at the fuzzy exposed pipes above us, wondering
exactly how far this little show would go. “I like a man who cleans up nice.”

  His fingers walked up my thigh. “It’s all show. He’s limp where it counts.”

  “And you?” I matched his wandering fingers with my own, traveling down his lean belly. “How are you?”

  “Thorough,” he whispered, and my legs fell open a little more.

  He found the damp string of my thong and slipped past it. The touch of his fingers on my slick skin was electric, sending waterlogged sparks through my body. The thought alone was almost enough to bring me to orgasm. He was touching me. Luke had his hand on my cunt, and what’s more—I liked it. I was wet for him, not freaking out for him. As his fingers slipped deeper, I began to rock against him. This was real, the most real sex I’d ever had, in a dirty bathroom, with the door rattling angrily, while we both pretended to be different people.

  He stilled.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked, breathless.

  “Be louder,” he whispered.

  His words poured cold water over my body. The tender skin around his fingers ached; the dampness chilled. All this was a show.

  I moaned loudly. “Is this right?” I muttered. “Am I doing it right?”

  His hands began to work their magic again, and to my frustration, I slipped under their spell. My moans grew louder, fake and gaudy, but beneath the wild cries resonated true pleasure. Underneath the facade of a prostitute was a woman in heat. My long moans and heated encouragements gave way to breathy pants.

  “Why are you doing this?” Why taint the act with something real? Why show me what I couldn’t have?

  Without answering, he ducked down, matching his mouth to his fingers. I let out a shout of surprise—one that would surely satisfy a curious audience. I held myself suspended on shaking arms, a picture of wanton depravity, spread open on the bathroom sink. He licked my clit while his fingers fucked me, winding me tighter, dragging me higher, until the air was too thin to breathe and the drop too high to look down. My hips rocked into his mouth and waiting fingers, wanting more, seeking his generous tongue and the sweet friction.

  “Let go,” he muttered against me, and the vibrations, right there, almost pushed me over. Almost, but not quite. I didn’t like to come with a man. It had happened before, and each time, I had felt dirty.

  “Stop thinking.”

  “I can’t.” My lips formed the words silently.

  “You can do this,” he insisted.

  A desperate laugh escaped me. “The magic cock again?”

  “My cock isn’t a part of this.”

  He paused with his fingers inside me and looked at me, his green eyes pure and bright and pained.

  “This is just about you. Giving you pleasure. Making you come.”

  I had to ask. “Why?”

  Not breaking his stare, he pushed his fingers deeper inside me, searching, searching for a certain spot. I knew where—a little left—but I wouldn’t help him. I didn’t want this, did I?

  “Don’t you think you deserve it?” he asked. “Pleasure. Orgasms.”

  “You know I don’t,” I moaned, bucking against him.

  “No,” he said, a little sadly, his fingers still rubbing and stroking and searching. “You don’t think so. But you’ll let me do this. You’ll let me lock you in a bathroom and force you, because then it wouldn’t matter if you deserved it or not. You’d just be doing your job.”

  “Ahhh,” I cried out as he found the right spot.

  “There?” he asked, the tease.

  “No, no,” I begged, because I didn’t deserve it, didn’t want it, except for the burning desire to have him and keep him and feel this way forever.

  “Just take it,” he murmured. “You’re not responsible for this.”

  He closed his mouth over my clit once more, sucking and lashing it as his fingers pushed me over. My entire body jerked once in a futile protest before giving in to the flood of pleasure. Wave after wave crashed over me, until my vision blurred to a distorted hue and my mouth filled with water, and then he was kissing me, soothing me, rocking me gently back to shore. I shuddered against his still hand as the last vestiges of my orgasm left me.

  Like the insistent cawing of seagulls, the rattling on the door was too distant to disturb my stupor.

  “Oh, Luke,” I sighed, resting my forehead against the softness of his neck.

  Tension tightened his body broken only by the tremors that ran through him.

  “Let me touch you,” I said, knowing he wouldn’t. In that way, he was like me.

  “I didn’t mean for this to happen,” he said gruffly.

  “Sex in a dirty bathroom is usually a spur-of-the-moment activity. Or so I assume. I have never done it before.”

  “Really?” His voice was wry. “An accomplished sexual maestro like yourself?”

  “Yes, well, usually I have standards about these things.”

  “Except with me.” The amusement was gone.

  “You’re my new standard,” I said softly. “Anything else doesn’t compare.”

  He pulled back, his features strained. “God, Shelly. The things you do to me, the things you say. I can’t even lust after you properly. I want to devour you, swallow you whole. I want to secret you away where no one can ever take you from me, not even you.”

  My breath caught at the jagged edge of longing that grated his voice. If ever I had imagined us together, there were silk petals on satin sheets and scented candles in the window. Sweet words and courtly manners were a safe fantasy. But this feral desire did more than woo me—it thrilled me. A dark and primal part of me awoke from deep slumber and stretched, its sleek black body rippling with its urge to claim, to mark, to devour him right back until we were inseparable. I wanted to drown in the sea of possession, to tie myself to his weight and throw myself into the water, so that even if I lost my nerve, we would still be together. “You won’t be satisfied until I’m ruined, will you?”

  His eyes swirled green and black, molten malachite, as he murmured, “Turnabout is fair play.”

  As we left the small bathroom, sauntering past the angry line of people, I wondered if it was true. Would I be willing to ruin his career to make him want me? And if he did abandon his principles for me, would I even want him still?

  Chapter Ten

  We handed over a few hundreds to get into the back areas with large booths and thick tables, probably made for dancing on. Low platforms skirted the length of the room, studded with poles to the ceiling, but no strippers graced them. Testosterone filled the room like dust in the desert, emanating from the lounging men. A few women perched on laps. They were eye candy as much as the gold chains and flashy watches the men wore.

  I recognized about a third of the people, but Luke had been right. I had glimpsed these people as they interacted with Henri, but these weren’t my clients. This wasn’t my scene. I kept my eyes downcast. It would help prevent anyone from recognizing me, plus that was proper submissive behavior. Luke slung his arm around my neck, a mark of ownership. I could feel the eyes on us, their heat and judgment. New meat would always be a novelty, whether it was a feisty virgin escort or a new couple in the scene.

  A man waved us over. He wore a similar grunge uniform to Luke, though a stripped-down version—and he seemed far more intimidating. Tattoos blanketed his scalp, visible through his cropped hair. A flat look in his eyes said he was no stranger to death. He introduced himself as Todd and spoke to Luke, but he kept his eyes on me.

  “Haven’t seen you around.”

  “We’re new in town,” Luke said coolly. “Just checking things out.”

  “Maybe we don’t need anyone poaching on our turf.”

  Todd wasn’t a particularly menacing name, but this guy gave it a new edge. I imagined a young mother in a hospital, naming her infant Todd, counting his fingers and toes, raising him with high hopes, and then her disappointment and fear as he turned into one of the scariest motherfuckers I’d ever seen. More likely, she’d been a c
rack whore and this was all he’d ever been destined for. It didn’t make him any less terrifying. Anyone else would have been quaking in their boots. Luke’s body was as solid as a tree, his arm like a noose around my neck. He was just protecting me, just playing a part, but I got the strangest sense he was holding me back.

  “That’s one way of looking at it,” Luke said. “I’m not looking to take anyone’s piece of the pie. I figure, let’s just make a bigger pie.”

  My eyes must have bugged out of my head. Insulting a guy one minute in—shit. So much for blending in. What the hell was the exit strategy again?

  Todd laughed. “I like the way you think. Sit down, and tell me more about it.”

  The man at the end of the booth had full sleeves of colorful tattoos and three visible gold teeth. He glared at us but scooted over to make room. I went first, ending up pushed tight between Gold Teeth and Luke. Luke and Todd conversed in vague, barely understandable language about the types of drugs they sold, about how much volume Luke had supposedly dealt. I wasn’t sure what this was supposed to get us. Was he working on a drug bust? Although we’d first have to get in with them to get any information. Meanwhile, Gold Teeth’s fingers inched up my thigh.

  Luke stretched beside me. “What I’m curious about is who the big players are.”

  Todd snorted. He seemed to like Luke’s chutzpah. “Are you saying I’m not big enough for you?”

  “You run a nice pack,” Luke said with a nod to the heavily armed and heavy-lidded group around us. “But like I said, I like to expand the pie. That means more than chemical merchandise.” In a swift move, he pulled me onto his lap, far enough away that the wandering hand slipped from my leg.

  Todd eyed me. “She’s a nice piece, but there’s only so many times a ride can run in a night. Unless you’re hiding a harem in your boots, you don’t have any business thinking big.”

  Luke’s hand skated up my arm, sending goose bumps along my skin.

  “I don’t have any girls with me, no, but I know how to get them.”


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