Stolen by the Zandian: An Alien Warrior Romance

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Stolen by the Zandian: An Alien Warrior Romance Page 8

by Renee Rose

  His strong, muscular arms with his smooth purple skin.

  Naked purple skin.

  Entirely naked.

  I feel his hard cock push into my backside, and the urgent need between my thighs grows stronger. I make a small moan in my throat and push myself into his body. With intent.

  “We are lucky, aren’t we?” I run my hand along his thigh.

  My heart races with nerves and arousal. I’m being so bold, so forward. Surely it isn’t my place to offer myself like this? All I know is that my body craves him, and I don’t have the power to resist.

  He growls and bites my neck. “Ah, Kailani, you’re driving me crazy.” His voice is a low rumble. His cock is even harder now. I know he wants me, too.

  “Show me how crazy.” I twist myself around and look up at his face. “Khrys.”

  He laughs. “Be careful what you ask for, little warrior.”

  “Do you think I can’t handle it?”

  “Well, let’s see.” He raises a brow. “Do you want to find out?”

  My gut lurches in anticipation. “Maybe I do.”

  My eyes flicker and shut. I can still half-way see the flames waxing and waning against my eyelids. They match the desire that pulses through my veins. “Hmmm.”

  I shriek in delighted surprise as he scoops me up and stands, maneuvering me with no effort at all.

  “Let’s start with something like this, shall we?”

  He places me back onto the rock, the same one from before, and pulls the silver blanket from my body. I’m naked except for the strip of fabric covering my pussy. I’m not cold anymore, but my nipples pebble under his gaze.

  “How remiss I am. I never removed your panties. We need those to dry out as well.”

  His eyes flash in the firelight as he props me up with one arm and tugs at the offending fabric with the other, and I help by shifting my buttocks, so he can slide the panties down my thighs.

  As he glides them past my ankles, he tsks. “Kailani, these are far more soaked than they should be from the rain.” He puts the panties to his nose. “And they smell like your arousal, little warrior. That tells me you’ve been thinking very naughty thoughts.”

  He twirls the panties on one strong purple finger and raises one eyebrow. “Tell me what made you get these so extraordinarily wet.”

  “I…” My face flushes. I’m too timid to tell him about the fantasies spinning in my mind.

  “Too shy to talk?” He takes my thighs, one in each powerful hand and spreads them slowly apart. “Wider, Kailani. Yes, like that.”

  He stands back and admires my body. “You look amazing.” His voice is almost reverent. “Look at that gorgeous pussy.”

  I feel pleased, yet I’m also embarrassed under his scrutiny and start to close my legs.

  “No.” His voice is sharp. He steps back in and gives me a little slap on one breast—not very hard, but it stings.

  “Owh” I gasp in surprise; it doesn’t hurt, but the tingle sends a wave of arousal from my belly to my nipples.

  “Keep them open until I say otherwise,” he commands. “I need to go put this wet garment out to dry. If you move while I’m gone, I’ll have to spank you further.”

  “Yes, Master,” I murmur without thinking.

  He bends down and kisses the nipple he slapped, then bites it gently.


  He moves to the back of the cave and arranges the clothing. I force myself to keep my things open as he left them, my whole body aching for his touch. My nipple is wet from his mouth, and I want more, so much more.

  I moan and shift—and finally he’s back.

  His cock is so hard that my eyes must widen because he chuckles.

  “Let’s see if we can get you to talk,” he says conversationally. “Before we move on to other activities.”

  To my utter surprise, he crouches down and tugs me forward until I’m only halfway seated on the rock, just the back of my buttocks making contact with the stone. He puts my splayed legs over his powerful shoulders and grabs me closer, pulling me to his head.

  “You can brace yourself on the rocks behind you,” he orders.

  “But what…”

  I stop talking, and my words turn into a garbled cry as he nestles his head between my legs and licks my clit.

  “Stars, Khrys,” I manage to get out.

  The feeling is like nothing in the world. His tongue is soft like velvet but strong. Dexterous. He swipes along my lower lips, teasing and licking my skin like it’s delicious.

  “Stars, stars,” I chant. My thighs tremble as that incredible feeling of release begins to grow. “I’m going to...”

  “No.” He pulls his head back. “Not until I give permission. And I won’t, not until you tell me about those panties.”

  “But I can’t…” I begin.

  He smiles. “I was hoping you’d be difficult.”

  He stands up and takes me back into his arms and sits on a lower flat rock adjacent to my perch. “A few of these to get you back from the edge,” he says.

  And then he spanks me. Slap. Slap. Slap. Right across my ass, hard.

  “Ow!” I squeal, kicking my legs.

  “Quiet,” he says and spanks me again. “You’ll need to learn to tell me what I need to know, Kailani.”

  But his voice holds a teasing tone, even under the firm direction, and I know he’s enjoying this.

  So am I. Each spank presses my core into his rock-hard thigh and only increases that tingling feeling. I squirm, trying to adjust myself, so I can get the pressure right where I need it.

  “You bad little warrior,” he says, noticing my actions. He moves me further back, so I can’t rub myself against his body and spanks me again.

  This time, without the ability to push into his leg, the spanks feel sharper, harder.

  “Oooh, ow,” I complain, momentarily forgetting about the desire that was growing in my core.

  He rubs my skin softly. “Nice and pink. Lovely.”

  He places me back onto the higher rock and spreads my thighs. “Let’s try this again. If you don’t tell me what I want, we can do this all day.”

  He presses his lips to my body and sticks his tongue deep into my cleft. I cry out and grab his horns. They’re hard and strong in my hands. I rub them gently, somehow instinctively understanding that it gives him the same feeling I experience.

  “Kailani, veck,” he mutters, circling his tongue around my clit.

  The amazing flutterly circles bring me back to that precipice. I breathe harder and try to push my hips closer to his mouth -

  And veck if the bastard doesn’t swoop me down over his lap again for more spanks.

  “What did I tell you?” He scolds. He’s got me adjusted, so I can’t grind on him. He spanks my cheeks mercilessly, over and over, as well as the top of my thighs.

  Finally I cry out, “This! I wanted this. I was thinking about you. I wanted…”

  He stops spanking. “You wanted…?”

  “I wanted you to touch me. Bring me pleasure. Like on the ship. That’s what made my panties… wet. I want that amazing feeling.”

  I’m so embarrassed, I can barely stand it. Thanks stars, I’m over his lap, so I don’t need to look into his eyes.

  He rubs my bottom again, soothing the place he spanked. “Was that so hard?”

  “Yes,” I mutter.

  “Well, maybe one more lesson to help encourage you to improve your communication,” he suggests.

  “On your knees, Kailani.”

  He rubs my ass one more time, then gently places me in front of him. Spreads his thighs, so his gigantic cock juts up, hard and strong.

  “Use your mouth, little warrior. Like I did.”

  “I should…?” I swallow hard and lick my lips. But it doesn’t sound unappealing. In fact, I want to take him into my mouth and give him pleasure.

  I put my hands on his legs for support and lean in. His cock is so large that I have to open wide to get my mouth aroun
d it, but it’s not uncomfortable. His skin is soft, and he tastes neutral, with the same clean woodsy scent that I get from his body.

  “Suck it and then release and lick,” he orders me. “Then suck again. Like that.”

  I do it, and he takes my head in his hands to guide my motions.

  He’s firm but not harsh, and as I get into a rhythm, his grip tightens in my hair.

  “Veck Kailani, I’m going to come,” he mutters.

  I suck harder, eager to have this powerful warrior come apart under my ministrations.

  With a guttural cry, his cock stiffens, and a spurt of hot fluid coats my tongue. Startled, I swallow—it’s mild and sweet.

  I pull back to breathe and, working on instinct, use my hand to continue squeezing his cock as his body tightens, and he spasms in my grip, over and over again.

  “It’s rainbow!” I exclaim. Even in the dim light from the fire, the swirl of fantastic colors boggles my mind.

  He doesn’t reply but gives one groan of pleasure and then sighs, a long deep sound of satisfaction.

  “Kailani, that was amazing,” he murmurs, running his hand through my curls. He cups my shoulder with his palm, his eyes shut.

  Seeing him like this, exposed and open to me, makes my heart melt.

  Before I can respond, he opens his eyes and smiles. “Now that you finished your lesson, it’s time for a reward.”

  He’s all action, once again. “Back on your rock, little one,” he orders, putting me back onto the high stone. “Legs nice and wide for my tongue.”

  I obey eagerly. This time when he puts his lips to my body, it’s even more delightful. His movements drive me insane within minutes, and soon I’m squirming.

  “Khrys, please, may I come?” I beg.

  He chuckles into my body. “Not yet. One more moment.”

  “But I can’t wait!” I’m getting desperate.

  “Try hard,” he suggests. “Or else I’ll have to spank you again. It’s just part of learning to obey.”

  I don’t want another spanking—I want the pleasure. So I focus on holding it off.

  Finally, the sensation is too strong. “Khrys!” I wail.

  “Come, little warrior,” he commands, and I do. My whole body contorts as the explosions start and keep coming, over and over.

  I hum and squeal and push myself into his obliging mouth to draw out every last drop of pleasure, and when the peak is over, I collapse forward.

  He grabs me and cradles me in his arms.

  “Look at you, all decorated with my cum,” he murmurs, sitting by the fire and putting the blanket back over us. “Stars, how I like the look of you.”

  I’m so out of my mind with residual pleasure that I don’t even really listen. I just lie in his arms, limp and completely satisfied, listening to the rain and the crackling of the fire, feeling his warm arms around me.

  This is the best and safest I’ve felt in... forever.

  Chapter 7


  Later on, once I’ve cleaned up and we’ve donned our newly dried clothes, we sit together again, watching the rain and waiting. Although I still feel a powerful connection with Khrys, looking out at the alien landscape has my anxiety growing as I think about our situation and my future.

  “The Kraa never talked about these storms.” I stare at the mayhem just feet in front of our faces. “Although they didn’t exactly chat with me about all of their adventures.”

  Now that we’re safe—at least for the moment—my mind goes back to the sacks we discarded during our escape. “Do you think the flowers we gathered will survive the storm?”

  Khrys is silent for a second. “The bags are strong and waterproof. But we need to go to the craft immediately, Kailani, when we can leave this cave and get to Zandia. We have limited time.”

  I tense. “No. I need them,” I whisper, my whole body numb with disappointment. “I don’t understand why we can’t take one more solar cycle. Just one. What’s the huge rush?”

  “We can come back with reinforcements later.” He doesn’t explain our tight timeframe to me.

  “But later means in a few lunar cycles, Khrys.” My voice is taut with worry. “Their rainy season is upon us. If we don’t get flowers now…” I try not to think about suffering from headaches constantly.

  I take a flower from my jacket and eat some of the pollen before stowing the bloom back in the fabric. “These few won’t last long.” I’m glad I took at least several to keep personally.

  He sighs and mutters, “Veck. Another spectacular failure.”

  “What?” I frown, twisting to look up at him.

  “Nothing.” He shakes his head.

  “It sounded like you said, another spectacular failure. Remember my ears?” I gesture to my head.

  He gives a bitter chuckle. “It’s worlds apart from anything that concerns you. You don’t care about these things.”

  I bite my lip. The words come before I can process what they mean: “But I do care. Please tell me.”


  Zandians don’t talk about things like emotions. But for some reason, I find myself opening up to Kailani.

  I stare out into the sheets of rain as she breathes quietly in my arms, her body compact between my thighs. “Honor is everything to us on Zandia. Our pride in our work moves our planet forward, makes us successful, decides whether our planet lives or dies. Literally. We’ve been at war. In my lifetime, we lost our planet and then took it back again.”

  “Yes?” Her small hand opens on my arm.

  I nod. “I’ve made some mistakes recently. I displeased my king. Dishonored myself.” My voice is full of disgust. “Nothing that can’t be fixed, but commanders of my rank—we just don’t make mistakes. It’s a disgrace.”

  She’s quiet. Then she simply asks, “Why?”

  I blink a few times. “Well, I don’t know.” It’s actually not something I’ve ever considered. “Why? That’s…” I shake my head. “Interesting.”

  “I think the reason a being fails is just as important as the failure itself.” Her voice is contemplative. “At least, in my experience.”

  “Your experience?” I don’t mean to sound condescending, but I hear the question in my voice.

  “You mean what can a slave know about choices?” Her hair is wet on my shoulder. “Even chattel have secret lives of our own. Decisions to make.”

  “I’m sorry. I’m sure you do.”

  “So think about what happened, what led to the failures. Trace it back, and that might give you answers on how to go forward.”

  Veck, how can she be so wise?

  But I frown because images rush back: My unit in battle a few solar cycles ago. The explosive device detonating. The death of my younger brother, the being who mattered most to me in the entire galaxy. The assurances—later, and unconvincing—that it wasn’t my fault. That I was an excellent warrior and that deaths happen in battle and that I needed to keep going. To keep training warriors.

  It comes to me in dreams regularly, the face of my brother and the other warriors, the look in their eyes as they realize their fate. I usually awake with a guttural cry dying in my mouth, just like they died on that field.

  “Khrys?” Her voice is soft, concerned.


  “Your whole body is locked up.”

  I realize that I’m grabbing her tightly, my breathing somewhat labored. I relax my muscles. “I apologize.” I clear my throat. “Just a memory.”

  “Must be a bad one.” Her voice is even.

  “It was.” I wipe my brow.

  “Do you want to talk about it?”

  “Why would I?”

  “We humans find that talking can alleviate some of the misery.”

  “Please don’t blame me for being skeptical.” My voice is haughty. “Since humans are not currently the reigning masters of the universe.”

  I wince at my own words, but she doesn’t seem fazed. “Exactly. We need strategies to survive our cur
rent fate. Talking to each other is one of the best.”

  “Words solve nothing.” I’m clenched up again.

  “Won’t hurt you to try.” She’s patient.

  The urge for comfort—strangely new—overpowers me. The words tumble out. “This was several solar cycles ago. I was a commander in the army, newly promoted. I trained a troop of Zandians in battle and led them when we took back our planet. But we—failed.”

  The feeling rises up again, the panic and helplessness. “My brother was one of them.”

  “I’m so sorry.” Her hand is impossibly soft on my arm.

  “I think if I had only trained them harder. Pushed faster. Did more. Maybe my brother would’ve been ready for the attack. Survived.”

  “Is that what your superiors said?”

  I shake my head. “It’s what I say to myself. Sometimes the battle plays in my head, over and over. Like a holo that won’t stop.” I push my temples.

  “It sounds tragic. And distracting.”

  “Perhaps.” I consider it. “You know how your body had that instantaneous reaction to the sight of the needle?”

  She nods, her blue eyes on the side of my face.

  “It’s almost like that. Triggers remind me of the battle. I…” I swallow. “I’m a trainer. All of the warriors I train put their lives in my hands—same as my brother. Every mistake I make puts their lives at risk.”

  “But you make mistakes?”

  I nod. “I freeze up—like you did with the needle. Instead of giving the orders I should be giving, I’m suddenly back at the battle, watching my brother die over and over again. And that’s when accidents happen.”

  “I’m sorry,” she murmurs.

  “That’s what happened a few planet rotations ago when I—made my most recent error. I was actually demoted.” I give her a side-glance, waiting for scorn or disgust, but it never comes from her; instead, it wells up in my gut. “And it was the right thing for the king to do. I failed at my task.”

  “You’re a great captain, Khrys.” Her voice is soft. “I’ve seen that first hand. You’re a clever adversary and a strong warrior. I have no doubt you serve your king well.”

  “You’ve not known me enough to make those statements.” But I feel unaccustomed pride at her compliments.


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