Her Greek Bodyguard (The Greek Brothers Book 3)

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Her Greek Bodyguard (The Greek Brothers Book 3) Page 7

by Amanda Horton

  All thoughts except basking in Piotr’s love faded away from Kassi’s mind. “I love you too,” she told him just as he pulled her hips up around his waist and pressed inside her.

  “You feel so amazing,” he whispered.

  “You make me feel amazing,” Kassi told him.

  She’d been intending to ask him more about his childhood and the life he’d led while living here but being in his arms and having his body intimately joined to hers was much more important.

  After all, Kassi didn’t have to know his childhood life story to know that she loved the man he’d become. She’d always been interested in his prior life, but he’d never offered, and she’d never asked. She’d been intending to ask a few questions over dinner tonight, but in the face of his declaration of love, she didn’t want to risk anything marring what was turning out to be the perfect day.

  Chapter 12

  A few days later…

  Piotr couldn’t seem to shake the feeling that something big was about to happen. Since discovering the two mafia men following them, he’d been ultra-vigilant about taking Kassi out in public. Unbeknownst to him, the morning after they’d made love and before he’d declared his love for her, she had risked going out alone to the market. Piotr had been furious with her for taking such a risk, but he also knew he had to shoulder some of the blame.

  Piotr had made the conscious decision to not tell any one in the Moustakas family about his connection to Andronicus, so he couldn’t blame her for doing something he considered foolish. He’d managed to rein in his temper and they’d have a wonderful day. The last two days had been just as wonderful.

  Today, however, Kassi was tired of being cooped up inside and she’d made him aware of the fact during breakfast.

  “Let’s go to the beach,” she’d suggested.

  Piotr had immediately shaken his head. He couldn’t keep her safe on the beach and as of yet, he wasn’t certain that his uncle hadn’t sent replacements. His own men hadn’t seen anything out of the ordinary, but that didn’t mean they weren’t being watched.

  “Piotr, we haven’t left the villa in days,” she whined.

  “Are you complaining about how we’ve been spending our time?” he asked, knowing there was no way she could with a straight face. They’d made love in every room of the villa and even once on the balcony, which he was still kicking himself for. He’d meant to move her back indoors, but then she’d dropped the flimsy coverup she’d been wearing, revealing her perfect body to the moonlight and he’d been lost.

  He quickly wracked his brain for another activity or place they could visit that wouldn’t be crowded with tourists and where she could have a change of scenery. After a few moments, he smiled as the perfect solution came to mind.

  He kissed her nose. “Pack a bag for just a few nights. We’re leaving in twenty minutes.”

  He liked the confusion and surprise on her face and decided it was fun keeping her guessing.

  “Where are we going?”

  “Someplace I know you’ll enjoy. Get moving,” Piotr told her as he headed for the small room his grandfather had used as an office. He placed a quick phone call and then also called Leo.

  “Everything good?” Leo asked in way of answering.

  “So far, so good. I just wanted to let you know I’m taking her to Litohoro for a few nights.”

  “Why?” Leo demanded.

  “Because she’s growing bored here and she needs to do something besides stay cooped up in the villa. The private resort there has a spa, excellent cuisine, and best of all, the private villas have their own gardens and pools. She’s been wanting me to take her to the beach.”

  Leo chuckled. “She loves the water, always has. Does she know where you’re taking her?”

  “No. Will it matter?”

  “No, I’m sure she’s never been there. I assume you used my name to get the private villa with the sea side villa and private beach?”

  “Of course.”

  Leo chuckled some more. “You are very resourceful and smart. Kassi loves a good spa and the one there is superb. Gemma and I went there for a few nights last year and I almost had to drag her home. I finally lured her to the car by showing her picture of Damien on my phone crying because he wanted his mommy to put him to bed.”

  “Devious,” Piotr told him with a small laugh.

  “But very effective. She even forgave me afterwards. Are you and Kassi getting along alright?”

  That was a very loaded question and Piotr was proud of the way he quickly answered and deflected Leo’s interest back to the mafia and progress being made there.

  “We’re getting along fine. Any word on the meeting with the mafia leader?”

  Leo paused, but only for a moment and then he explained that so far, they’d been able to come up with nothing in regards to meeting with them personally. He’d sent his lackey to the first scheduled meeting and thankfully one of Piotr’s security guys had been paying attention.

  “You didn’t tell me that my little cousin was dating the first lieutenant of Andronicus,” Leo complained.

  “First lieutenant? Zak is tied up with Andronicus?” Piotr asked, that bit of information having eluded him until know. “I knew he was into some pretty sketchy things, but I didn’t realize he was mixed up with the mafia. Good thing she broke things off with him.”

  “What I want to know is how did she even meet such an individual?”

  “Leo, she wasn’t in a good headspace when she came back to Greece. The two men I put on her spent their evenings following her from one night club to another. She was looking for ways to deal with things.”

  “She needs to learn better coping mechanisms,” Leo told him.

  Piotr didn’t disagree, but he also didn’t like Leo thinking poorly of his cousin. Especially since Kassi adored him. “She’s young and has been through a lot.”

  “I agree. Thank you for keeping her safe.”

  “No problem. I should probably go see what she’s up to. I asked her to be ready to go in twenty minutes, nineteen minutes ago. Want to bet whether or not she’s packed?”

  Leo laughed outright, “No because I’m guessing you’re going to take the same bet I would. She’s got everything laid out on the bed trying to decide what goes best with what. Good luck. I have my own woman with a serious wardrobe crisis on her hands. We’re only taking Damien fishing on the far side of the island and you’d think we were going to see the Pope himself.”

  “But you love her just the way she is and wouldn’t change a thing.”

  “Not for anything in the world. Let me know when you get back to the villa and whatever you do, be safe. I don’t like how quiet this Andronicus has become.”

  Try having him remain quiet for more than twenty years of your life and then suddenly re-appear. “I’ll keep her close by me at all times.”

  “Good. Talk again soon.”

  Piotr hung up the phone and then went in search of Kassi. He found her, almost exactly like Leo had surmised, clothing strewn everywhere while she figured out what clothing items worked well with one another.

  “Problems?” Piotr asked from the doorway.

  Kassi spun around, holding up a miniscule black bikini top and a plaid cover-up. “Too much?”

  Piotr strolled forward, fingering the bikini top. “Depends on what you plan on doing in this?”

  Kassi grinned. “Well, I was planning on trying to seduce you in it, but now I’m not so sure.”

  “Really? Well, why don’t you give it a try? I’ll just sit right here, and you can give it your best shot.”

  Kassi smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck as he caged her hips between his hands. He sank down onto the mattress and pulled her close, pulling her between his thighs as he began kissing her belly and then moving steadily upwards.

  “You’re not even close to being ready to go, are you?” he murmured, his lips skimming the underneath of her breasts.

  “I could be. I guess I took longer
than twenty minutes, huh?” she held his head to her breast for a moment and then groaned when he pulled his lips away from her.

  Piotr nodded and then pulled her down so that she was sitting on his lap. “A bit more. Tell you what. You go put that bikini on and I’ll help you figure out what kind of clothing to bring along. Deal?”

  Kassi nodded and then gave him a quizzical look. “Why don’t we just stay here? I’ve changed my mind about the beach. We could slide back on this mattress, push the clothing to the floor, and…”

  Piotr shook his head. “You’ll like this surprise, I promise. Go get changed.” He stood her up and then turned her towards the bathroom with a light tap on her ass cheek. “Walk slowly, why don’t you?”

  Kassi gave him a cheeky grin over one shoulder and made a show of crossing the room, her hips swinging back and forth and by the time she disappeared behind the bathroom door, Piotr was breathing heavy and needed a moment to regain his self-control. He couldn’t wait until they got to where they were going and settled in. She was driving him crazy, but in a very good way.

  Chapter 13

  Two hours later…

  “You were right,” Kassi told him. “This place is amazing, and I can’t believe I’ve never been here before. I wonder if this is the place Leo brought Gemma a little while back?”

  The Litohoro Olympus Villas and Resort Spa was a one of a kind facility, with a world-famous spa called the Aphrodite, and a five-star restaurant on the premises that specialized in authentic Greek and Mediterranean cuisine. The private villas came complete with their own garden, pool area, and a few of them, like the one they were currently staying in, even had access to their own private beach.

  Piotr nodded. “It is. So, what do you want to do? We can explore a bit, have dinner at one of the resort’s hotels…”

  “Or, maybe,” Kassi told him with sly look on her face as she sauntered towards him, “we could order dinner in and use that pool out there.”

  Piotr smiled. “You did pack that bikini, didn’t you?”

  Kassi nodded and pushed the small dress off her shoulders, revealing the thin straps of the bikini top. “This one?’

  Piotr nodded. “Yeah. That’s the one.” He brushed a hand over the top and it slithered down to catch on her hips. “Do you have the matching bottoms on?”

  “Why don’t you find out?” she murmured in a husky voice.

  Piotr heard the invitation in her voice and answered it by grabbing her hips and pulling her flush against him. He slid his hands down to her ass cheeks and pressed her core against his hardened groin. He’d been hard for hours now and suddenly dinner and exploring didn’t seem as important as getting inside of her.

  He pushed the dress the rest of the way off and then looked down when his hands didn’t encounter the slim straps of her bottoms. He raised a brow and whispered, “Commando? If I’d known that this drive up here would have taken much longer.”

  Kassi grinned at him and then wiggled against him. “What’s stopping you now?”

  “Absolutely nothing.” Piotr picked her up and walked backwards with her, aiming for the bedroom, but she started kissing him and running her fingers through his hair. When she bit down on his earlobe, he lost his control and pressed her up against the closest surface which just happened to be the patio door.

  He used his hips to keep her in place and pulled the bikini top from her body, molding her breasts in his hands. He used his lips and his teeth to drive her crazy by biting and suckling on her nipples until she was crying out his name. Her breasts had always been sensitive, and he capitalized on that fact now.

  “Piotr,” she tried to pull his head up to her own. He allowed it for a moment and then he lowered her feet to the ground but kept her back against the glass door. He kissed his way back down her body, his hands following behind his lips. He delved his tongue into her navel and then moved his mouth lower to taste her. Her unique spicy taste fired his lust and he raised one of her legs over his shoulder, providing unfettered access to her core and the honeyed-fluid pouring from her body.

  He lapped her up, suckling, biting and licking his way to the very center of her. He used his tongue to imitate what he planned on doing with his cock, making her rock against his mouth and cry out his name again and again. When he felt her body begin to quiver, he pushed two fingers deep inside of her and latched onto the hard nub at the apex of her slit, sucking hard while pressing deep.

  She came apart in his arms and if he hadn’t been holding her up, she would have slithered to the floor in a mess of sensation. He kept kissing her until her body finally relaxed and then he swept her up into his arms. He turned towards the hallway, but her next words stopped him.

  “Piotr? Can we…?”

  He stopped and looked down into her upturned face, “Can we what?”

  “I’ve always wondered…uhm…”

  Piotr was amused at how shy she’d suddenly become and while he was trying to figure out what was going on, she leaned in and whispered in his ear her request. His knees almost buckled, and he immediately changed course and headed out the patio door towards the pool.

  “Yeah, we can certainly do that. I can’t think of anything I would like more.” He shucked his shoes and then lowered her to her feet, keeping one hand on her arm while he began unbuttoning his shirt. “Take off my trousers.”

  Kassi didn’t need to be asked twice and quickly undid his belt and the zipper. She slid his trousers and boxers off his hips in one move and he stepped out of them at the same time his shirt slid off his arms. He looked down to see her gaze transfixed on his groin and he smiled. They had made love numerous times both before and now, but Kassi had always shown a slight hesitancy when it came to exploring his body. She was happy to touch him but had never initiated any other kind of contact. Not like she’d just suggested in his ear.

  He took her hand and led her towards the pool, picking her up and walking to the center, the water lapping at their bodies like a sensual caress. He kissed her deeply as they moved, letting the water ignite their senses. Kassi became more emboldened as he took her passion higher once more and Piotr felt like he’d died and gone to heaven when she finally took charge. She pushed him back towards the steps and then urged him to sit down on the top step.

  She knelt before him, the water just lapping beneath her breasts, her body between his spread thighs, his cock rising like a pole before her face. She used her hands to trace his length and when she bent her head and took him into her mouth, Piotr couldn’t contain the groan of ecstasy that burst forth. Her mouth was warm and felt amazing.

  He let her play for a while, clenching his fists when the urge to press her head further down upon his length became overwhelming. He finally pulled her up, not willing to take his pleasure and leave her behind. He pulled her until she was straddling his thighs and then he picked her up and settled her over him, her core finding his hardness. He slid her slowly down his length as he watched her eyes darken and start to lose focus.

  “Kassi, I can’t go slow,” he warned her, arching up and watching her body quiver in response.

  “I. I don’t need you to. Piotr…”

  He completely understood the need in her voice and answered it, thrusting up into her wet heat and sending them both over the edge of reason a few moments later. He held her against his chest while their bodies reveled in the sensation of completion. The warm water kept them from becoming chilled and the warm breeze blowing off the ocean below cooled their sweat covered skin.

  “Thank you,” she murmured a while later.

  “For what?” he asked, thinking he should be the one thanking her. He’d had women service him with their mouths before, women much more skilled in the art, but he’d never felt like his very soul had been revealed and taken during the intimate act. Kassi had given him something of herself and it meant more than he could even hope to express. It was the act of a woman in love and Piotr felt relieved knowing that she returned his affections.

sp; Chapter 14

  Two days later…

  “Piotr, your phone rang while you were in the shower,” Kassi told him, striding into the bathroom where he was drying off.

  Piotr glanced at her with an arched brow, “Did you answer it?”

  Kassi shook her head. “No. I figured you could call whomever it was back while I was in the shower.”

  Piotr smiled at her and nodded. “Go ahead and get in. I’ll see who it was. It’s probably nothing.”

  Kassi smiled at him and let the silky robe she’d donned for breakfast slither to the floor. “I think I’ll do just that.” She entered the shower, ignoring the heated gaze that followed her. They were checking out of the resort today and heading back to the villa, and part of her wished they could simply stay in this idyllic setting forever, but she also knew that was impossible.

  She finished her shower and then took her time applying moisturizer to her body. She pulled a comb through her wet hair and then used her fingers to separate her natural curls. She applied the bare minimum of makeup, a little eyeliner and a small amount of eye shadow. Her skin was completely flawless and tanned from spending so much time in the sun.

  She’d hung a small turquoise dress on the back of the bathroom door and she slipped it on over the lace bikini panties and strapless bra before leaving the bathroom. Piotr was still on the phone and from the look on his face, he wasn’t happy with what was being said.

  She started packing things away in her bag and half listened to his conversation, although he seemed to know she was doing so and walked towards the patio doors and went outside to finish up. The words of the stranger she’d met at the market came back to her and she wondered just how much about Piotr she didn’t know. Take the expensive sports car sitting outside the villa. Was the security business that profitable? And what about his parents? Who were they? He never talked about them.

  “Sorry about that,” Piotr told her coming back inside a moment later.


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