Her Greek Bodyguard (The Greek Brothers Book 3)

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Her Greek Bodyguard (The Greek Brothers Book 3) Page 10

by Amanda Horton

  “Ah. You defend him, even though he broke your heart yesterday.”

  Kassi was stunned. “How do you know…You’ve been watching us?”

  Andronicus nodded his head. “After Piotr and his men so efficiently got rid of the first two spies I sent after you, I decided the job needed my personal touch. I have been watching you for many days now.”

  Kassi felt a blush cover her cheeks, thinking back to all of the things she and Piotr had done together. “Did you follow us to the resort?” she asked in a soft voice.

  “I followed you there but once I knew where you were going I was forced to direct my attention to other matters. I was made aware of your departure for Athens and continued my surveillance there.”

  “Did you…I mean, of course you did…but…what I mean to ask is, did you know Piotr’s father had a box with your picture and newspaper clippings in it?”

  “While I did not know specifically of the box, my brother was very aware of my activities. It was why we staged my death. To keep them from flowing over to the family. I must say in my defense, that since taking over the organization, we have managed to find legal ways to conduct most of our business.”

  “Just because something is legal doesn’t mean it’s moral,” Kassi informed him without thinking. She covered her mouth, sure she’d just angered one of the most powerful men in all of Greece. Not only because of his long reach, but because no one actually knew what he looked like. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. You are correct, but who am I to decide what morality is? I simply provide access to services and products and people are free to make up their own minds. We truly do live in a depraved society.”

  Andronicus paused when one of his men approached and a short and very quiet conversation followed. The other man left, and Andronicus turned his attention back to her.

  “Kassi, do you care for my nephew?”

  Kassi didn’t know how to answer him. She still didn’t trust him and was afraid that if she answered either way it would be used against her and against Piotr. She remained silent and finally Andronicus realized she wasn’t going to answer him.

  “I believe you should think about that. Paolo will escort you to your rooms while you are here with us. I hope you can understand that he will need to blindfold you for the journey as we cannot have anyone knowing how to find us.”

  “Blindfold?” Kassi asked, feeling real fear for the first time.

  “It is either that or you will be required to make this trip in the trunk of Paolo’s car. Your choice, or course.”

  Kassi couldn’t stand the thought of being stuffed in a trunk and swallowed loudly. “I’ll take the blindfold. You could also just let me go. I haven’t seen you, not really, and I could try and talk Piotr into doing what you want him to do…”

  “The time for talking is now over. Piotr will be made aware of your abduction soon enough and then he and I will settle things. Until then, you will be the recipient of my hospitality. Please be aware that everyone you come into contact with from here on out works for me and my people are very loyal. Even unto death,” Andronicus informed her.

  “So, I shouldn’t try to talk anyone into helping me escape?”

  “No one working for me would ever consider doing such a thing, but you can always waste your breath and energy trying to prove me wrong. Now, I have other pressing matters to attend to. Paolo, please blindfold her before leaving the warehouse and don’t remove it until you are safely inside the penthouse.”

  "Right away, sir.”

  Kassi allowed herself to be blindfolded and then her hands were secured behind her back so that she couldn’t remove it. She hated the feeling of being in a moving car and not being able to see where it was headed, but it was better than the alternative she’d been given.

  It also gave her plenty of time to think about Piotr. She’d been stupid to allow his actions to hurt her so. She’d really misjudged him and now she knew everything he’d done had been to protect her and the other family members.

  She also realized she truly did love him. He was unlike any other man and just as honorable as her cousins. He wasn’t like the man currently doing Andronicus’s bidding, he was his own man. She admired him for trying to stand up to his uncle, but it seemed he was destined to fail.

  When Piotr learned what had happened to her, she knew he would move heaven and earth to see her safe once again. Even if that meant he had to do something completely distasteful and even illegal. She also realized that when Piotr had declared his love for her, he’d truly meant it. She was the one at fault here. She’d thrown his love back in his face at the first sign of trouble.

  The vehicle came to a stop. She was helped from the back seat and she felt an elevator moving and then the swish of cooler air as it opened into another space. Her blindfold was removed and she could tell she was in a tall building, but the glass encasing the elevator was opaque,, preventing her from seeing anything but vague shadows on the other side.

  “Someone will be up shortly with some dinner. You have the entire floor to yourself. Pick whichever bedroom you like. You’ll find your bags sitting in the hall closet. Make yourself comfortable as you may be here for a while,” Paolo told her before re-entering the elevator and disappearing.

  Kassi waited what she thought might be an appropriate amount of time and then she pushed the call button for the elevator. Instantly, a voice echoed from the overhead speakers. “Miss Kassi, did you need something?”

  Kassi took a step back, “No. I didn’t want anything.”

  “Very well. Relax until your dinner arrives.”

  Kassi turned and made a quick survey of the suite. It was luxuriously appointed, and she couldn’t find a thing that was missing. There was food in the kitchen, her favorite bath products in each bathroom, and even a supply of her makeup in the drawers. Someone had gone to a lot of trouble to ensure she was comfortable during her stay, it just didn’t make sense.

  She didn’t remember anywhere reading about a kidnapper making sure his victim had everything they wanted and could possibly need. And yet, Andronicus, one of the most wanted men in all of Greece and on the top ten list of wanted criminals in many others, had done just that. It was a paradox and Kassi was very, very confused.

  After getting her bearings, she finally decided she should rest in case an opportunity to escape should present itself. She laid down on the bed in the first room and after several minutes fell into a deep sleep. She dreamed of Piotr and that he came to rescue her.. He forgave her and then made sweet love to her before carrying her off into the sunset where they lived happily ever after. But it was only a dream.

  Chapter 20

  “Piotr, there’s a phone call for you,” Alexi’s voice pulled him from his mental meanderings.

  “I’ll take it in the security office,” he radioed back. He strode into the office a few minutes later and picked up the phone, “Yes?”

  “Ah, nephew. It’s so good to hear your voice.”

  Piotr froze and then frantically signaled for the man on the computer to start trying to trace the call. “Uncle Cyrus.”

  “I’ve been going by Andronicus for a while now. Cyrus is dead.”

  “I believe I attended your funeral,” Piotr reminded him. “May I inquire why you are calling me here? Now?”

  “I have something I think you’re going to want back.”

  Piotr froze.. “Something I want? Care to explain?”

  “Of course. I’ve just had a wonderful conversation with Kassi. She really is quite the jewel…”

  Piotr snarled into the phone. “If you touch a single hair on her head…”

  “Now, now. Piotr, you disappoint me. I thought you had more self-control than that. I haven’t harmed her and she will continue to be taken care of like the princess she is provided you agree to meet with me. We have some mutually beneficial business to conduct.”

  “Go to hell!” Piotr spat. “I’m not letting you destroy everything my father spent
his life building up.”

  “Well, then. It seems we have a problem. I tell you what, I’ll give you forty-eight hours to think about it, shall I? Your lady love is doing the same. Maybe a little time apart will do both of you some good. I’ll be in touch.”

  The phone call ended and Piotr looked at the other man hopefully, but he only shook his head. “He cut the call off a few seconds too soon.”

  “Damn it!” Piotr slammed his hand against the wall. “I’m going down to see Leo and Alexi. If that bastard calls back patch him straight through to my cell phone.”

  Piotr took the stairs two at a time and burst into Leo’s office without even knocking. “He has Kassi.”

  “What?” Leo asked, shoving his chair back so hard it toppled over.

  “He had the gall to call me here.”

  “What does he want?” Alexi asked quietly.

  “My compliance. He’s giving me forty-eight hours to think about it. I’m going to go find her first. I don’t want to be at his mercy.”

  “We’ll come with you,” Leo offered, but Piotr shook his head.

  “No. You need to see to your wives and make sure they get to the island safely tomorrow. I’ll check the clubs out and see if I can get someone to tell me where he’s keeping her. He wants to meet with me to discuss things. If I haven’t found her by the time he calls again, I’ll give him whatever he wants. You have my word that Kassi will be returned to you safely.”


  “Don’t. This has been inevitable since I first learned my uncle was the head of the Greek mafia. I’ve been fooling myself into thinking I could resist.”

  “As soon as we know the girls are safely on the island we’ll join you. You don’t have to fight him alone.”

  “Thanks for that.”

  Piotr left the office and headed for his vehicle. He’d never been so scared and even after talking to his uncle, he couldn’t be certain that the man wouldn’t harm Kassi. He drove to the first club that came to mind, barged his way into the backrooms, only to find nothing more than a few illegal card games taking place and girls working a few side angles.

  He checked out the dance clubs, the strip joints, and even drove to a few of the warehouses that had shown up in his previous search as potential mafia owned properties. He found nothing.

  Morning arrived, and Piotr continued to drive around, checking out a list of houses and apartments that had at one time belonged to his uncle. Most of them were completely empty and the few that were occupied had never heard of his uncle or anyone related to the mafia. He was coming up empty and growing more and more resigned to his fate with each passing hour.

  His phone rang, and he answered it, scrubbing a hand over his face and realizing he was in desperate need of a shave. “Yeah?”

  “The women and Tyler just arrived at the island. Everything checked out. Where are you?”

  “The east side of the city. Leo, I’ve checked everywhere and I can’t seem to find even a trace of where she is.”

  “We did a search on the two guards that left here with her yesterday. One of them has been with us for years and was found tied up in the trunk of the chauffeured car they drove out of here yesterday. He’s okay and said he’d never met the other guard until yesterday.

  “He was able to give us a decent description of the man, but the name he was using doesn’t belong to him. The real guard called out sick three days ago and has been at home since that time with a stomach virus.”

  “Perfect,” Piotr said sarcastically. “How did they know about that? It can’t have been a coincidence.”

  “We ran a sweep of the security system and someone hacked into it weeks ago. They’ve been monitoring our cameras, intercom, phone calls, internet…everything.”

  “How can that be? That system is brand new and has never been hacked before?”

  “It seems there’s a backdoor…”

  “I know there’s a backdoor. I had it put there so that I could always get into the system.”

  “It seems whomever created that backdoor either is using it themselves or sold it to your uncle.”

  “It just keeps getting better. Look, I can’t find Kassi. She’s got to be frantic by now. I’ve called in all of the favors I can, and I’ve even busted a few heads since yesterday, but no one is talking. I’m not going to wait the forty-eight hours. I’m going to make the call now and agree to whatever he wants.”

  “Are you sure that’s what you want to do?” Leo asked.

  “What other choice do I have? I won’t let him hurt her and I can’t be sure he won’t if I let this drag out.”

  “We’re here for you,” Alexi’s voice came across the line.

  “Thanks, man. I really appreciate it.”

  “You’re like a brother to us, don’t forget that,” Leo told him.

  “I won’t.”

  Piotr disconnected that call and then placed a call to his uncle.

  “I wondered if I’d be hearing from you sooner than later,” his uncle’s jovial voice came across the line.

  “Where is Kassi?”

  “Someplace safe and probably enjoying a lovely breakfast about now. I sent my personal chef over to take care of her needs.”

  Piotr clenched his teeth and then blew out his breath. “What do you want?”

  “What every man wants, Piotr. A nice home. A job I enjoy. Family to share it with. I have two of the three and would like to fix that.”

  “Uncle, I’ve been up all night searching for Kassi so just get to the point. Tell me what you want and I’ll do my best to make it happen.”

  “Piotr, that is not how these negotiations are done. Things of this delicate nature require a personal touch. I will send you an address and you will drive yourself there. You will surrender any weapons you are carrying to the guard and he will then escort you up to a wonderful suite of rooms that has been prepared for your arrival.

  “You were that sure of yourself?” Piotr asked, thinking he’d never had a chance.

  “I’m always sure of myself. You and I will have a friendly meeting, talk about things and work everything out.”

  “And Kassi?” Piotr asked.

  “She will be returned to the Moustakas estate completely unharmed.”

  “I want some time alone with her first. I’ll go to this building as you requested, but I want tonight and tomorrow with Kassi before you take her back to her cousins.”

  “Very well. She will be brought to you in two hours, but you may only have tonight. She will be returned to her cousins’ tomorrow morning first thing. I want your undivided attention during our meeting. Agreed?”

  Piotr felt like he was backed against a wall. “Yes. You have my word.”

  “Good enough. I look forward to speaking with you in person tomorrow morning. It will be good to catch up.”

  Piotr disconnected the call and then glanced at the address that flashed across his screen. He knew the building and it didn’t surprise him at all that his uncle owned space in the most luxurious and most expensive complex in the city. It seemed that being connected to the mafia would have some perks. Piotr just wasn’t convinced they were perks he could live with and be happy about.

  On the other hand, Kassi’s welfare was at stake and he would do anything, even become a criminal, if it meant she would be safe. And safe she would be, for the rest of her life. If Piotr was going to become an active part of a criminal organization, he would ensure that the Moustakas family and Kassi never had a moment’s worry again. It was the least he could do, but not even close to what would make him happy. That particular emotion was not one he ever expected to enjoy after tonight. He only hoped Kassi would forgive him and at least listen to him during the few hours they were going to have to say goodbye. It was all he could give her. It would have to be enough.

  He placed a few phone calls and then headed to meet his destiny. At least he’d be able to protect her. That was what mattered most.

  Chapter 21

p; “Kassi, I’m happy to tell you that Piotr has finally come to his senses,” the voice on the other end of the line announced.


  “Piotr has agreed to meet with me and we’ll be finalizing the merging of our two empires tomorrow morning. He had one caveat and that was a meeting with you first. He’s expecting you shortly. One of my men will be by to get you in five minutes and take you to where Piotr is waiting for you. They’ll return tomorrow morning and deliver you safely back to your cousins.”

  “Wait! What do you mean deliver me to my cousins? What’s going to happen to Piotr?” Kassi demanded to know.

  “Well, that all depends upon him, but I imagine he will be indisposed for quite a few months.”

  “No! Please…what you’re suggesting will ruin him. Piotr’s a good man. If you make him become a criminal, it will destroy him.”

  “No one said anything about turning him into a criminal.”

  “But that’s what you’re suggesting,” Kassi told him. “You want him to absorb your mafia businesses into his own, but in order to do that he will have to become a criminal. Don’t you see?”

  “Kassi, I don’t want to harm Piotr. He’s my brother’s only son. I’ve lived so many years without a family, I simply want a little piece of it back.”

  “Isn’t there another way?” Kassi pleaded with him.

  “Everything will work out fine. Now, my man is on his way up in the elevator. Your personal effects will be packed up and waiting for you in the morning. I believe Piotr thinks he owes you an apology. This might be your last chance to talk with him for a while, don’t waste it.”

  The line went dead just as the elevator doors slid open. “Are you ready, Miss Kassi?”

  No! she wanted to scream. Knowing Piotr was somewhere waiting for her kept her silent. She nodded once and walked onto the elevator, cringing as the doors slid closed and the car started to move downward. When it stopped after only a few seconds, she looked alarmed.

  “What’s happening?”


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