Candy King

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Candy King Page 10

by Christine d'Abo

  “Sure.” She looked down at the car and smiled. “No limo?”

  “Believe it or not, not all billionaires like to be chauffeured around. I only use the company limo when I need to make an impression on a client. Otherwise, I bomb around in this baby.”

  She ran her hand across the roof and peeked in the window as she smiled. “My dad is a big fan of these. He took me to see one in the Yorkdale Mall once. I didn’t quite get the appeal then. Plus, you know, sitting in a car in the mall is kind of lame when you’re fifteen.”

  “Well, you’re in for a treat then.” Their gazes met, and they grinned simultaneously. “Get in.”

  Dylan loved that he didn’t need to try and impress Simone, that their interactions had to do with work and nothing personal. He could relax and be himself in a way that he usually didn’t do, even when he was spending time with his family. Simone knew all his secrets and didn’t seem to mind that there was a darker side to him. Well, to his business practices. Dylan wasn’t precisely the brooding type.

  He turned the car on and realized that Simone hadn’t been in an electric car before. “I’m going to warn you, this thing goes fast very quickly.”

  “I like fast.”

  “That’s surprising.” Joy spread through his chest, and he wanted to laugh at the look of excitement on her face. “Are you ready?”

  “Oh yeah.” She clapped her hands as she looked around at traffic. “Let’s do this.”

  The minute there was a significant lull in traffic, Dylan hit the gas and pulled onto the road. Simone let out a surprised squeak as she was thrown against her seat back by the force of the momentum.

  “Shit, it’s so quiet!” Then she laughed.

  It only took a few seconds for them to catch up to the traffic, and Dylan had to slow back to a reasonable speed, but the momentary burst and Simone’s reaction were worth the potential speeding ticket. His heart swelled, and impulsively he reached over and gave her hand a squeeze. “The 401 is a dangerous place for this. Someday I’m going to get in trouble.”

  She squeezed his hand back, as though it was the most normal thing in the world. “I’d have my license suspended within a week. Holy shit, that’s insane.”

  In the quiet of the car, Dylan could only focus on their breathing and the touch of her skin on his. The smell of her perfume washed over him and made his chest tighten from the sweetness of it all. He didn’t dare look at her face, couldn’t bear it if she was looking at him with anything other than indifference.

  Because Simone was precisely the type of woman who would be a temptation to him if he gave in. They might even have a good time together until the inevitable moment when one of them did or said something that would drive a wedge between them. He gave her hand another little squeeze before returning his attention back to the road.

  “I have to be honest. I was thinking about taking you to some fancy restaurant tonight, but we don’t have to. Do you have a preference?”

  Simone bit her bottom lip and smiled. “Honestly, I’m a big fan of food and will eat just about anywhere.” She chuckled. “My mom’s a pastry chef who works in a bakery. Most of my best childhood memories center around food. I’m a bit of a fan of eating as a result.”

  “I think that’s great. I love the ritual of eating out, of selecting something special to eat.”

  “Or getting the same thing at a restaurant every time, just because you love how it makes your soul warm.”

  Dylan couldn’t stop from smiling. “I’ve never heard it described that way.”

  “I’ve been told my views on eating are different.”

  “If you have a place you’d like to go, someplace special, say the word, and I’ll take you.”

  She hesitated, her cheeks flushed. “Somewhere we can talk about the project and the site will be fine. And I promise we can use code for that, so anyone who happens to overhear won’t know what we’re discussing.”

  Right. The site.

  Dylan nodded, a plan beginning to formulate. “I have an idea.”

  He snapped down the blinker and made a left turn, taking them along a side street. “I have a friend who has a restaurant downtown. We can use one of his private party rooms.”

  “Do you need to give him a heads-up?”

  “Naw. He’s always trying to get me to come in to eat. I have an open invitation, mostly because he wants to use me as a guinea pig for new meals.”

  “Interesting.” She shifted in her seat and pulled her phone from her stained purse. “Well, we might as well talk about the project.”

  “I have a question first.”


  “Why haven’t you gotten rid of that purse yet? It’s clearly ruined, yet you keep bringing it to work and events. Why not switch it up with something else?”

  Simone tugged the purse closer to her body. “Ah. It’s my good luck charm. I bought it with my first paycheck from work, and I promised myself I wouldn’t get rid of it.” She ran her hand over the drink stain. “And honestly, I can’t afford to replace it right now.”

  “I’m sorry that I had anything to do with it getting ruined.”

  She shrugged. “I’m clumsy and have been since I took my first steps. I’m surprised I haven’t done something like this before now.”

  It didn’t take them long to reach the Cork and Pig. His buddy Park started the restaurant with a loan from Dylan right after he’d graduated from culinary school. It was Dylan’s first business investment without the support of his family, and Park’s success had been the beginning of Dylan’s fortune. The sugar daddy site had quickly followed, and now Dylan didn’t have to worry financially about anything. He could look after his friends and family, help with their dreams, and ensure they got the best start they could with what they wanted in their lives. There was an absolute joy he got from being able to provide for others, even if he didn’t get anything in return.

  Maybe Simone needed a practical example of what it was like to have a sugar daddy.


  He got out of the car and moved around to open her door. Holding out his hand, he couldn’t help but look into her eyes and see her excitement. “Have you heard of this place?”

  “Heard of it? Shit, I did a whole series on the best places to eat in Toronto last year. I tried to get in here, but they were so booked up, even my press credentials didn’t help.” She laughed. “I have a co-worker who is going to be crazy jealous.”

  Simone was quite a bit shorter than him, the top of her head coming just up to his chin. Her blond hair wisped out of whatever was holding it in place, and he couldn’t help imagine what she would look like just out of bed, tousled and sleepy.

  She adjusted the strap of her purse, lifting it up a bit higher, even as she squeezed it. Nope, he wasn’t going to let that go a moment longer.

  “Before we go in, I have something for you. It’s an apology for the other night.” He went to the trunk and pulled out the fabric bag and hoped he wasn’t about to screw this up. “I know this isn’t quite the same as what you bought yourself, but I feel I owe you.”

  Holding the bag behind his back, he held it out for Simone, watching her gaze, and prayed this was the right thing to do.

  Simone frowned as she took the gift, her eyes growing wide when she saw the logo. “You bought me a Kate Spade?”

  “That’s what your purse is, right?” Shit, he thought that’s what she’d said. “The styles have changed, but the saleswoman told me it was the ‘in’ purse for the season. I had to trust her on that one.”

  Simone blinked rapidly as she pulled the blue and yellow purse from the bag. “Oh. That’s lovely. Thank you, but you didn’t have to do this.”

  “Your purse was ruined because you were nervous about surveilling me. It’s not the same as you buying one for yourself, but I figured it was the least I could do.”
/>   Simone opened her mouth to speak, but instead only smiled. “I’ll be sure to switch things over to it when I get home.” She opened the car door and put it on the seat. “We should go in.”

  There was something off in her demeanor that didn’t sit right with him. “Sure.”

  They fell into step as they strode across the parking lot to the Cork and Pig. It had been a long time since he’d been here, and Park really had been after him to come and eat. If nothing else, he’d be able to check this off his to-do list.

  The old building had been refurbished as part of the restaurant’s start-up, and it was one of Dylan’s pride and joys when he’d first started out. Lots of glass, exposed metal painted black, and wide-open spaces. A fire was lit, casting shadows and light across the refurbished wood floor. The hostess smiled at them as they entered the restaurant.

  “Welcome to the Cork and Pig. Do you have a reservation?”

  He didn’t often play the I’m rich and important card when he went out to eat, but tonight was going to be the exception. “I don’t. I’m a friend of Park’s. Is he in tonight?”

  The hostess smiled, not looking overly impressed. “May I ask your name?”

  “Dylan Williams.”

  She pulled out a book and checked a list, her eyes growing wide when she found his name. “Mr. Williams. Yes, you’re on the VIP list. Please come with me, and I’ll get you seated.”

  Simone snorted as she fell into step beside him. “Must be nice to be a VIP.”

  “It doesn’t happen very often.”

  “I somehow find that hard to believe.”

  They went up some stairs to a loft area that overlooked the main restaurant. There were only three tables up here, along with a private bar and what looked to be a side kitchen. Knowing Park, he’d intentionally created this area as his own personal playland, where he could feed and chat with friends, family, and those who he was looking to win over. Not that he had to work very hard doing that these days.

  Dylan made a point of pulling out Simone’s seat for her, taking a moment to let the scent of her shampoo and perfume wash over him. His cock pulsed, reminding him that after tonight was done, he was going to have to go home and take care of business.

  The hostess disappeared, only to be replaced with a waitress who smoothly moved in to hand him a wine list. “Good evening, Mr. Williams. My name is Marta, and I’ll be your server tonight. Do you need a moment to look over the wine list, or do you have a preference that I can get started for you?”

  He glanced over at Simone, who looked amused. “Are you a wine person?”

  “Never met one I didn’t like.” She licked her lips, and the sight of her pink tongue sent a jolt through his body. “I’m more of a white person.”

  “Might I recommend a Penfolds St. Henri Shiraz? We have one out back, and it will go beautifully with tonight’s meal.” Marta smiled at them both.

  “Sounds good.” Dylan handed her the menu as the doors to the kitchen pushed open to reveal Park striding out. “There’s the super chef.”

  “You asshole! It’s about time you showed up to let me feed you.” Dylan was barely on his feet before Park pulled him into a hug. “How are you doing, and why didn’t you tell me you were coming?”

  “It was a bit of a last-minute idea.” He pulled back as Simone stood. “This is Simone Leblanc. She’s a reporter with the Toronto Record and is helping me with a story on a new venture.”

  As good as Dylan liked to think he was with women, Park’s ability to charm someone was far superior to his own. He moved gracefully beside Simone, took her hand in his, and placed a kiss on the inside of her wrist. Her eyes widened, and she sucked in a small breath as he pulled back. “Charmed. Welcome to the Cork and Pig. I hope you don’t mind me spoiling you with more food than is proper to eat.”

  “I’ve wanted to come here for ages. I’m so excited.” Simone spoke in a breathy sort of way that would have been better suited for the bedroom. “Thank you for having us.”

  “Are you kidding?” Park winked at her. “I should thank you. I’ve been harassing Dylan to come here for ages. If you’re the reason he finally broke down, then I’ll have to be sure to have your name added to the VIP list.”

  The blush that sprung high on Simone’s cheeks added to her natural glow. “Wow. Thank you.”

  “Okay, sit. Marta will bring you some wine, and I’ll personally work on your meal tonight. I don’t get to work the kitchen as much as I used to, so this will be a treat for me as well.”

  As quickly as he’d showed up, Park grinned and marched back to where he’d come from. Dylan couldn’t help but chuckle. “Nice to see that he hasn’t lost his spark.”

  “He’s…intense.” Simone picked up her water glass and downed half the contents. “And quite the charmer.”

  “At university, Park got all the girls. He was a horrible wingman because he inevitably was the man going home with the girl I had my eye on.”

  “I’m sure you had your fair share of dates.” She reached up and tucked her hair behind her ear. “Or was that one of your motivations for starting the site?”

  Okay, he could either make up some shit that would play well for the story on why and how he’d started the site, or he could lay everything out for the first time ever. Simone wouldn’t know the difference, and he didn’t precisely owe her anything. But this might be a chance for him to vocalize some of his frustrations about love and dating, and the pressure society put on people, fairly or not.

  Wrapping his hand around his now-sweating water glass, he enjoyed the cool touch as he tried to sort through his thoughts.

  “The site, believe it or not, has nothing to do with being rich. That seems to be the thing that I see online the most. Why would men and women who have more money than they know what to do with want to buy a person’s company? For me, it wasn’t that I couldn’t find a date or companionship. I couldn’t find someone who wasn’t looking for love. I was tired of everyone expecting me to date, find a woman who I loved and who loved me, get married, and have the requisite number of children. They couldn’t understand that some of us are happy being single and that we only occasionally want to hook up with someone for sex. Or to go to the movies. And nothing more.”

  Simone hadn’t spoken during his little tirade, nor did her expression change. She didn’t look angry or confused—if anything, she was riveted. He didn’t say anything else while Marta came over and filled their glasses.

  Simone smiled at her and took a sip as soon as she was able. “So, you never want to get married?”

  “No, I don’t. Does that surprise you?”

  “Not really. I don’t particularly want to get married myself. Not because I have any deep-seated relationship issues. It’s just not a priority for me.”

  “Does your family give you a hard time about that? I mean, you’re an attractive and successful young woman. But I get the impression it’s harder on women who are career-focused and don’t want a family.”

  “My parents have other things they’re focused on.” Her gaze slid away to the breadbasket. “I wonder what your friend is going to make for us?”

  Warning received loud and clear—avoid the family. “Knowing him, it will be something strange that I won’t be able to pronounce.”

  As her lips turned up in a smile, it struck Dylan that Simone was an extraordinary woman, one he wasn’t going to get out of his head anytime soon. He might not want to get into a long-term relationship, but he was still a healthy man with an active sex drive. And given the amount of flirting they’d done online, he was in far more danger of falling into bed with Simone than he’d been with any other woman in recent months.

  God, she had a way of pushing his sexual buttons. Sitting here looking at her, all he could think of was what might be going on in her head, what teasing thought she’d just had to
cause the little look of wonder that crossed her face. Did she like someone going down on her? Was she into kinky sex or more of a missionary girl? Either worked for him. He’d been with women who could make missionary seem like the most exciting thing in the world.

  And kink could feel like a boring rerun if done with the wrong partner.

  He’d done his best to keep his gaze from roaming beyond her face, but the allure of her cleavage and the tightness of her dress were more than flattering on her. She was downright sinful. “What’s your fascination with the sugar daddy site? What is it about the arrangement that’s caught your attention?”

  “As I told you the other day, the rate by which people fall in love because of your particular site is higher than average. I can’t help but wonder what it is about what you have set up, what’s special that makes these connections more than simple hookups?” She leaned forward, making the side of her neck a temptation.

  “Is that it?”

  “What else would there be?”

  It was Dylan’s turn to lay on the charm. He slid his hand across the table and let his fingers brush Simone’s. “I couldn’t help but wonder if you wanted a sugar daddy of your own.”


  “Isn’t that one of the reasons you signed up for the site in the first place?”

  “What? No. I was just trying to track you down.” Her face was flushed, and it traveled down her throat toward her breasts.

  Dylan doubled down, wanting nothing more than to tease her in person the way he had online. “I’m sure there’s a part of you that wants to be spoiled by someone else. That wants to feel special in a way that you know you deserve and that no one else seems to see.”

  Simone’s eye had gone wide, but she hadn’t pulled back from his touch. Emboldened, he continued and covered her hand with his. “What better way to understand what it’s like to have a sugar daddy than to actually have one.”


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