From Gods

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From Gods Page 21

by Mary Ting

  Skylar thought she was having a heart attack. No guy had ever made her heart beat so fast. No other guy had ever made her feel that way before, not even her ex-boyfriend. Then she realized what she felt for her ex was nothing in comparison to how she felt about Mason.

  Slowly, Mason inched his way closer and closer to her lips. She couldn’t believe Mason was finally going to kiss her. Her whole body ignited with heat and want. When his lips touched hers, instinctively, she pressed both hands on his chest. “Stop.” Remembering Remus, she got really scared and became protective. “What if something bad happens to you?” She’d ruined the moment, but she didn’t care. His life was more important than a kiss. Though she knew it was swallowing her blood that had killed Remus, she couldn’t take the risk.

  “How many times must I tell you? I guess I’m going to have to show you.” Without warning, he dove in and planted his lips on hers. His kiss was soft and perfect, and much more than how she imagined it would be. Though it wasn’t a very long kiss, it left Skylar wanting more, sinking deeper into the mattress, swallowed up from his succulent kiss.

  When he pulled away, he fell on his side of the bed. With both of his hands on his neck, he made gagging sounds as if he was being choked.

  Skylar was horrified. “Mason…Mason…Mason!” she called, sitting up, placing her hands on his arms.

  Suddenly he stopped and pulled her in. Her legs swung over his hips and her body was pressed on his chest as he embraced her tightly. “Just kidding. I was joking. See…I’m fine.” It was his way of apologizing for being a prick.

  “Ugh…jerk!” Skylar tried to pull away, but she couldn’t budge from his hold. She was so mad, but she couldn’t stop giggling from his sense of humor. For a second, she remained still, enjoying her position, enjoying this tender moment as they exchanged an undeniable passionate gaze. In his arms, she felt comfort; in his arms, she was just a normal girl being held by a normal guy.

  “You got me,” Skylar said when Mason released her.

  “Now, go to sleep. It’s almost time to get up.” Mason became distant again, turning his back on her.

  With her eyes on his back, she wanted to reach out and touch him, wanting to help him forget his pain.

  “Don’t stare at me,” he mumbled.

  “I’m not staring,” Skylar said, recalling when he said these words the last time, making her laugh.

  “Oh, yes you are,” he chuckled lightly. “I can feel your stare.”

  Skylar giggled and shook her head. “Fine, you got me again.” She’d made a small dent in his wall tonight, and slowly she would try her best to chip it away. Holding onto their first kiss, not knowing if it meant something to him or not, she fell asleep peacefully.

  Chapter 30

  When Skylar opened her eyes, she knew it was late. She turned to Mason, but he was already out of bed, out of sight.

  There was a note on his pillow:


  Lunch on the table. Taking care of business. Manager out sick at Bella Amore.

  Till then,


  It was already lunchtime? Skylar got out of bed and saw her clothes Mason had washed and dried for her. He was so thoughtful that way. She changed, ate, called home to her mom, and headed back to her dorm in her car.

  On her way, she got a text from Kayla. She and Nick had made up and things were back to normal. Kayla had decided to attend the local state college. She commuted from home and continued to help her mom at the diner. Though they texted often, with school schedules and Kayla working, it was difficult at times.


  A week had passed. Disappointingly, Skylar had not heard from Mason, not even a text or a phone call. Wanting to take a break from studying, she texted Kayla.

  Hey, what you doing?

  Trying to study.

  Miss you.

  Miss you, too. Hope you can visit soon.

  I will. Things are crazy. I have an exam tomorrow.

  Have you seen Mason lately?

  No. It’s been a week. I’m not counting on it.

  I’m sorry.

  No worries. Till then.

  Skylar couldn’t believe she’d used Mason’s words, “till then.” Maybe his wall was too thick. Maybe it was hopeless. Not wanting to think of him, she poured herself into her studies. After an hour, she picked up her phone, hoping she’d missed a text or had a missed called from him—nothing. She thought about calling, but lost her nerve. Placing the phone back down on the table, she dove right back into her studies. Then a few minutes later, she was startled by the vibrating phone and picked it up. She was so excited to see it was a text from Mason she could hardly contain herself.

  Hi, Echo

  With a beaming smile, Skylar texted back.


  What are you doing?


  Good. You’re home. Are you alone?

  No. Roommate.

  Remember, stay around humans. Don’t go anywhere by yourself, and always bring your

  phone. If you don’t return my text then I’ll know something is wrong.

  Okay. Stay near humans and not aliens.

  Haha. You made me laugh.

  Is it even possible to get a laugh from you? Just kidding.

  Haha. I miss that.

  Miss what?

  Thinking of you. Till then.

  Miss what?

  He didn’t answer and Skylar knew he’d done that on purpose. After the text, it was difficult to study again, especially when he texted he was thinking of her. A part of her felt guilty. She’d lied to Mason about her roommate being home. Since there had been no signs of vultures or other strange occurrences, she figured things were back to normal.

  Not wanting to worry him, she didn’t want to tell him the truth. Though she thought about texting him back and letting him know she was alone, hoping he would spend time with her, she knew better. He was busy with work and she didn’t want to bother him.

  Her phone vibrated again. Surprisingly, it was her roommate. Emily had never texted her before, but she had given Emily her cell number.

  I need help. I’m at the bio lab. Can you come now?

  Room #

  Biology building, first floor, room 110

  I’m coming.

  No questions asked, Skylar grabbed a sweater, placed her cell phone in her pocket with her keys, and walked out onto campus grounds. It was just after eight. The night sky was merciless and the cold breeze stung her face. She paced quickly, passing the dimly lit parking lot. Seeing a couple making out in a car, she looked away, but somehow it gave her comfort that humans were around.

  Further along, the campus got darker since there weren’t many late night classes. Hardly ever going out this late, she hadn’t realized how fast fall had crept in. Crossing her arms, she hugged herself closer for warmth. When she passed by a small café, she knew she was almost there.

  The campus was huge, but during the day, it didn’t seem so big. Perhaps it was the anxiety building in her. The darkness made the beautiful campus look gloomy, and she was almost positive she saw two pairs of small yellow lights following her as if they were watching her every move.

  Finally, the biology building was in her sight. She just needed to cross a path and she was home free. But the path was so dreadfully dark, she didn’t know if she could do it.

  Out of the blue, Skylar jolted straight up. With a huff, she took out her cell phone, and turned off the vibration mode, but kept it on silent. It was another text from Emily.

  Where are you?

  I’m almost there.


  What’s so urgent?

  There was no response.

  Having a sudden idea, Skylar used her phone to shine brightness along the path. It wasn’t as dark anymore. In no time, she was through the double glass doors. Ahhh! Being inside the building, the cold breeze disappeared, and with plenty of light, she was able to put her cell phone in her back pocket.

  The floor sq
ueaked under her feet from her sneakers contacting the shining laminate floor, and for several feet, that was all that she heard. Squeak…squeak…squeak…from her footsteps. Looking at the door numbers, she knew she was almost there…Room 107…108…109. Finally, room 110.

  Skylar pulled the door open, expecting to see a room full of students wearing white robes experimenting with test tubes or using the microscopes, but that wasn’t the case. In fact, Emily was the only student there. She stood all the way in the back, behind a lab counter, looking terrified. Trembling, she continued to stand there staring at Skylar, shaking her head as if to tell her something. Then tears flowed down her checks.

  “Emily, are you okay?” Skylar ran toward her, suddenly realizing someone else might have texted her on Emily’s phone. She looked too distraught to be texting. Whatever the reason, Skylar was glad she had come to her rescue.

  Just before she reached her, the door she had just entered made a loud slamming noise, and then a “click.” Skylar instantly realized who was behind this, and terror crept up her back. Though she had known Alena would come for her, she didn’t think it would be this soon. But she was glad Mason wasn’t around. She wouldn’t want to put him or his family’s lives in danger too.

  “Hello, Skylar,” Alena said, looking pleased. “It’s so nice to see my…cousin.” Her lips slowly curved up wickedly. “You probably didn’t expect to see me so soon; but you see, I have an agenda to follow.”

  Without hesitation, Skylar took several steps to Emily, holding her hand to calm her down. Emily was trembling so much, she didn’t know if she could make her do what she wanted her to do when the time came; namely, running. “I knew you were coming. Let her go. She is nothing to you.”

  “Did you know she is your roommate and that her name is Emily? You see…my dear cousin…I’ve been following you for quite some time. I know when you brush your teeth, I know your class schedule, I know where you like to eat lunch—”

  “That’s enough!” Skylar yelled, clenching her fists. Though she was afraid, she wouldn’t show it. “You’re sick, stalking me like that. Get a life. Just let her go and I’ll give you what you want.”

  Looking offended by Skylar’s words, Alena inhaled a deep, agitated breath and let air out to calm herself. “Oh, but I do need her. I can’t touch your blood. Besides, she’s human. So actually, I need you both.”

  “What are you planning to do?”

  “If I tell you, then I’ll have to kill her because humans can’t know of us. Oops! She knows now, so I’ll have to kill her anyway. Now I can tell you.” Alena stood on the other side of Emily. “Cooperate, or I won’t hesitate to kill her. I can always manipulate another biology smarty pants student.”

  “Hurry up and get it over with.”

  “Emily, draw her blood with this needle.”

  Emily looked at Skylar.

  “It’s okay. Everything will be okay. Just do what she says.”

  “But I don’t know how,” Emily mumbled, trying to stay composed. Her eyes were watery again. “Just because I’m a biology major doesn’t mean I know how to draw blood.”

  “I don’t care!” Alena shouted. “Just do it.”

  While Emily’s hands shook, she picked up the syringe, closed one eye, and carefully inserted the needle in Skylar’s arm. Skylar cringed when she missed her vein. Emily tried again…and again; finally she punctured her vein and drew blood.

  With a loud bang on the table, Alena produced a cell phone, a revolver, and empty bullets. Skylar jumped, steadily backing away as she protectively placed her body in front of Emily.

  “Nice phone, Emily. It was sure fun texting with you, Skylar. Now, Emily, unscrew the bullets, squirt a drop of her blood inside each, and screw them back up. Now! Hurry!”

  Emily flinched from Alena’s sharp tone. While her hands trembled, she did as told. One by one, Emily put the bullets in the chamber while Alena held the revolver with both hands. Alena snatched the last one and slid it in herself, then cocked the gun. “There, now I’m loaded with a deadly weapon.”

  “You have what you want. Erase her memory of what just happened here and let her go,” Skylar demanded. “You have me.”

  “I wish I could, but I don’t have the power to erase memories like the Grand brothers. So I’m going to have to kill her. It’s a shame. We were biology lab partners. You didn’t know I went to the same college, did ya?” Alena winked, aiming for Skylar’s head. “I was told to keep you alive, but now that I have what I want, accidents do happen. How ironic…killed by your own blood bullet.”

  Unexpectedly, intense bright light radiated, outlining the door. Then, the door flew across the room, slamming against the wall. The three Grand brothers and Amanda stood where the door should have been. Without hesitation, Alena started shooting. The loud banging noises jolted Skylar, putting her in an alert and protective mode. She pushed Emily to safety and made a courageous effort to knock Alena down, but to no avail. Instead, thankfully, it made Alena miss her targets.

  The Grand brothers and Amanda hid behind the tables, ducking the bullets. Knowing Alena would try to escape, Skylar gripped her shirt. Pointing the revolver on Skylar’s heart, Alena pulled the trigger, but just before the bullet discharged, Mason yanked Alena’s body, causing the bullet to penetrate Skylar’s arm instead.

  With the hit, Skylar’s body whipped back, causing her to bump her head hard on the corner of the lab table and fall to the floor. Blood streamed down her arm, but it was soaking into her sweater. As several drops of blood painted the white-laminate floor, she cradled her wounded arm. Pain burned through her whole body as she watched Alena escape Mason’s hold and dash out through the other exit door.

  “Don’t go after her,” Mason said to his family. “She may lead us into a trap. Remember what she said before…she takes orders from someone else. It’s too dangerous. We’ll get her next time. I think I know where she lives. I found her lingering around the diner a week ago and I’ve been following her.”

  The others did as Mason had said, and the four of them huddled around Skylar.

  Seeing Mason’s face and watching him bend low to help made her feel a sense of relief. Unable to move from the tremendous pain, she slumped over, supported by the table behind her. “Don’t touch me,” Skylar said softly, afraid she would kill him. “How did you know?”

  “You didn’t answer my text. I told you if you didn’t answer it, I would know something was wrong and that I would come for you.”

  “I’m sorry.” She looked up to see Amanda, Everett, and Nick. “I forgot I had it on silent. I guess it was a good…thing?” Skylar shrugged her shoulders sheepishly, feeling bad for not answering her text. The movement caused her to squeal softly, biting her lip from the sharp pain. She was waiting for it to heal on its own, but it wasn’t. After the pain subsided, she asked another question. “How did you know I was here at the bio lab?”

  “When I lost her tracks, I had a bad feeling, so we were already on our way to pay a visit, and I…I…um…had put a tracer on your phone. It’s connected to mine, so I know exactly where you are.” He sounded nervous, most likely thinking he should’ve asked for her permission.

  “Oh,” Skylar said, thinking she liked his protective side, but at the same time she didn’t know if she liked the fact that he would know where she was at all times—just in case.

  Too busy dodging Alena’s bullets, they hadn’t noticed Emily, but now they heard whimpering sounds underneath the lab table behind Skylar. “It’s Emily, my roommate. Can you please help her?” In too much pain, unable to move, Skylar didn’t have the strength to look for her.

  As Mason continued to squat next to Skylar, Amanda and Nick pulled Emily from under the table.

  “Here she is,” Nick said sweetly, as if he’d just rescued a cute little puppy.

  Emily was still shivering. Her eyes grew wide and more terrified when she saw Skylar’s blood.

  “I’ll be fine. Don’t worry,” Skylar assured her, havin
g a difficult time getting her words out. “Don’t forget your cell phone.”

  Emily nodded her head.

  “Why don’t we take her home and help her forget all about today?” Nick winked.

  “Sounds like a good plan. Why don’t you take Everett and Amanda with you?” Mason suggested.

  “Sure; see you back at the house.”

  “Don’t be too long,” Amanda urged.

  “Be careful,” Everett spoke for the first time since he’d arrived.

  After they left, Mason examined Skylar’s arm. “I’ll have to take the bullet out. Thankfully, it’s not lodged in too deep.”

  “Okay.” Skylar inhaled and exhaled uneven breaths; the combination of the pain and the blood loss made her feel like the room was spinning, and the feeling of nausea was rising to the surface.

  His eyes looking mad as hell underneath those thick eyelashes, he spoke with a scolding tone. “I told you not to be brave. Look what happened to you. What if…what if…?”

  “I wasn’t trying to be brave. I thought you didn’t care,” she said wearily.

  “I don’t.” His tone was sharp and cold, but Skylar knew why. He was upset with her for making him worry and for putting her life in danger. “And you definitely need time out in a naughty corner for not listening to me.”

  Skylar furrowed her brows, but despite her arguments, she knew he was right. She deserved to be in a “naughty corner,” or worse. This all could have been avoided if she had accepted the reality she didn’t want. But her reality was like a bad dream, and though she knew she was in constant danger, it was difficult to grasp. Everything had happened so fast and in such a short amount of time that it all felt like a blur. There was no time to breathe, no time to understand what was happening around her and to her.

  Perhaps thinking danger couldn’t touch her was her way of coping with it all; pretending that it wasn’t real even though fear had overcome her. She had reacted the same way when her dad left. Pretending to feel nothing was better than feeling the agonizing pain. Pretending that these new terrors couldn’t happen was a way to cope, to shut out the world around her. Perhaps Mason was doing the same thing.


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