Medusa's Lair

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Medusa's Lair Page 11

by Kenneth L. Funderburk

  “Jimmy,” said Chic, “I gather from your phone call that your meeting in Nashville was very exciting.”

  “Yes, I would say too exciting for me. Chic, you and Heath know I’m not exactly an angel. In the detective business, we don’t get too many angels. Let me tell you that Myra is a devil in a woman’s body. She had me sucked in like a baby. If she had asked me to jump out the nearest window to prove I could fly before she gave me another sexual encounter, I would have. After a night of whips, chains, pain, bondage, and sex in every position possible, she was still not satiated. She made me promise I would join her in Belize. There we would continue with the fun and games with her friend and benefactor, Larry.”

  Chic looked at Jimmy with his Cheshire cat smile. “What do we know about Larry?”

  “Myra wouldn’t tell me much about him, except that he is her lover. She referred to him as her business partner and led me to believe he provided her financial support. She told me he is a big banker in Boston. Beyond that, I concluded he must like chains and things. I can tell you this: to keep up with Myra, he must be some kind of stud horse. She let me know that Larry was her man. Me, well, I’m just some kind of play toy. She told me some of the things they like to do. Shocking! They both like to bring in other boys and girls.

  “The question, guys, is do I have to go to Belize and take one for the team?”

  Heath spoke up first. “One thing we know is that she and Larry are very dangerous. Do we know what their plan is if you do go to Belize? The odds are that you may not come back alive.”

  “I agree with that, Heath. Jimmy could be killed. He might also be warped for the rest of his life. I like undercover work, but we also have to be mindful of the price our agents pay. You can’t have agents out shooting people just to prove themselves. You can’t have agents like Jimmy taking a chance on warping his mind forever. It’s not worth the risk.”

  “You’re right about that, Chic. Jimmy has already convinced me that Myra is the one who profited from Ken’s apparent death. We know she’s hiding a substantial sum of money from her family. We know her friend’s name is Larry and that he’s a Boston banker. We know that Echeneis is located in Belize, where Larry and Myra want Jimmy to visit. If Jimmy goes to Belize, he can find out what Larry looks like, but that won’t matter if he’s dead.”

  “To be honest, Heath, if we send Jimmy to Belize, we might fill in a few more pieces to the puzzle, but perhaps there are other ways we can get the same information. I think we can assume that since Myra is the beneficiary of Ken’s money, he’s dead. Second, it follows that Larry had some connection to Ken’s death since he was able to direct the money to Myra, who is Ken’s sister. Third, I believe Larry is employed by one of the banks I have identified in Boston. Before we put Jimmy in danger, I’ll see what I can learn about the bank Larry works with in Boston. Hopefully, we won’t need to make that decision about sending Jimmy to Belize. However, we need to leave open this option. Myra likes Jimmy, and that gives us an opening if we need it.”

  As soon as the meeting concluded, Chic called Suzy with instructions to check Boston Capital World Bank Company (BCWB) for upper-echelon officers with the name Larry, probably between thirty and forty-five years of age. He then began to put in place plans to track Myra on her trip to Belize.



  Gilman Loeb (Sam) called a special meeting in his office at BCWB with David Richburg and Larry Moses, his partners in the banking end of the investment wing of Sinaloa cartel. Sam was the CEO of the international bank. David and Larry were officers of the bank and also were part of the executive committee. Sam liked the idea of being this close together.

  “Gentlemen, first I want you to know that Max blew up Julius and most of the banking personnel of the Zeta gang, just as he said he would do. Problem is you have to assume that Zeta will come after us in some form of retaliation. So, David, make sure our security is tightened up.”

  “Yes, sir, you can all count on it. If you see anything out of the ordinary, call me immediately.”

  “The next problem is that our assassins killed Doug and Captain Hayes, but Chic managed to kill them.”

  “David, as promised, Chic is your trophy, unless you and Larry work out some other deal.”

  “David and I will have to discuss that. We’ll work it out.”

  “As you guys know, my wife, Doll, has been carrying on an affair with Chic since college. Now, she and her friend Barbara have been placed in charge of the Alzheimer’s telethon—and guess what? Chic is to be one of the featured singers. So he is going to be here in Boston, and Doll will actually be working with him.”

  “How many ways are they going to work together?” Larry said with a half grin on his face.

  “Here’s the thing,” interjected Sam. “Whatever you think about Chic and your wife, you’ve got to play it clean until after the telethon. We can’t be like the Mexicans and run off half-cocked. Look me in the eye, David, and tell me that you will hold off until after the telethon.”

  David finally grunted, “Okay.”

  Barbara and Doll arranged to meet at Doll’s country club to work on the telethon. These ladies were great friends and running buddies. They knew each other’s most cherished secrets.

  “Barbara, I’m not exactly sure what David does for a living. I have a bad feeling that he’s up to no good. I’m not sure what he would do if he found out about my friend. David could be really dangerous if he finds out.”

  “Look, Doll, David’s not going to hurt you. He works with a large international bank as their security officer, so he comes in contact with some pretty bad characters. You’ve got to expect that strange information can get confused in his head, especially when he’s drunk. So cool it. Give it some time and see what happens.”

  “Now we’ve got to get to work on the fundraiser in Boston and one in Atlanta for the Alzheimer Research Fund. I’m the chair for Boston, and you’re the chair for Atlanta. I’ve worked up the committee members and the general outline of both events.”

  As Doll got into the details of the plans, she was able to temporarily forget about her problems. In fact, when she realized that Chic was going to be on the project in Atlanta, she actually let a smile creep across her face. Chic was a senior at Florida State when she was a freshman. He was a legend as the best tenor to ever come through Florida State, a school famous for its football and music. She wouldn’t say that she had a crush on him, but there was something about this guy that she really trusted. Right then, having somebody to trust would be wonderful.

  “Nancy, to be honest, David is convinced that Chic and I have been lovers since college. When he finds out that I will now be working with Chic, he may go truly nuts. Somehow, David has developed a special hate for Chic.”

  “Look, you can’t let all that interfere in this telethon. Chic is a big guy, and he can handle David.”

  “Okay. I guess you’re right.”

  The ladies finished their business and went their separate ways home. For some reason, Doll decided to take the long way home instead of taking the freeway. She was going through an upper-middle class community when she noticed a Baptist church with a flashing revival sign out front. The service was in progress. Doll was not a religious person. Her family rarely attended church. David was a reformed Jew, but he never attended service and was not a practicing Jew. She had attended a Baptist church in Tallahassee, Florida, a few times while in school. The first time, she went specifically to hear Chic Sparks perform. The man was unbelievably good. On another occasion, she attended a service as a fill-in violinist in a string quartet.

  Doll found herself in the parking lot of the church as though some unseen hand had led her there.

  She sat there for a short while, collecting her thoughts. She heard the choir singing from inside the church. At this distance, the sound was heavenly. Why was she here? Was this really happening
? She wasn’t the kind of person who easily gave in to her emotions. She rarely listened to her inner voice, but here she was, staring at the front door of a church. The next thing she knew, she was inside the church, and her burdens lifted from her heavy heart as her spirit soared in harmony with the congregation.

  Doll’s secret was just that—secret. Some things you don’t repeat, even to your friends. She had to be careful with her husband, David. She was convinced he was a killer, but she knew she couldn’t let him know about her fears. It was possible that she was wrong, that she herself could be the crazy one. She had faced this possibility many times, but when she calmed down, her logical mind told her she was mentally stable. If David heard the name Chic, he would go into a rage. If she tried to pray with him or speak to him about his soul, she could see the very devil rage in his eyes.

  The Alzheimer’s telethon was just forty-five days out, and she had worked through her problems. Part of her problem was she had to finalize plans with Chic, who was the featured artist at this event. The next forty-five days were central to the success of the fundraiser. She knew this would be dangerous for her and Chic. Doll was familiar enough with Chic’s story to know that Suzy was the reason he had been sucked into investigating the Pensacola murders. God does speak in strange ways, she thought. Somehow it seemed preordained that she was going to draw Chic into her own problems with David. Did God have a unique plan to punish Chic by casting him into the lion’s den with two damsels in distress?

  Doll backed off her efforts to save David’s soul and moved away from any form of confrontation. She began to make a journal listing everything she considered worthy of suspicion. She knew that when she talked to Chic, he would need this kind of information. She concluded that David was involved with Larry and the CEO, Gilman. She deduced that they had some business located in Belize. She was convinced that they had some connection with South American business, although she couldn’t be specific. She couldn’t be sure, but she felt like Boston Capital World Holdings Company was an enabler, though not directly involved in the criminal activity.

  Doll knew the date of an upcoming board meeting of some kind that was going to be held in Belize in a couple of months. This was a topic of conversation among the families mainly because the females were not invited. She listened to the gossip from the wives, which reflected on the group’s business operations in Belize. David noted that this was not going to be an official board meeting of the BCWB.

  Doll checked and edited her journal until she was satisfied with the quality of her work. She was not specific enough to send anyone to jail with this information alone, but Chic could use her information to fill in blanks in his information. The total package should give her husband and his buddies terminal stomachaches.

  Doll put the information on triplicate thumb drives that were hidden in a safe place. Her handwritten notes were burned. One of the thumb drives was sent to Chic in a box containing information about the telethon.

  Doll and Barbara boarded a morning Delta flight to Atlanta, where they had a planning session with the performers, producers, symphony director, and other people in charge of the telethon. The event was to begin the following evening at 7:00 p.m. The music consisted of popular tunes and selections from Verdi’s Rigoletto, Aida, and La Boheme.

  Chic, along with the other singers, were all warming up for a few short runs along with a general walk-through of the program.

  Doll and Barbara were going over the checklist with the producers and the team that would act as hosts of the event. It looked like a regular army setting up the phone lines as well as the area where volunteers would solicit donations. Doll was amazed that she and Barbara were able to pull off an event this large. Doll watched Chic run through his vocal exercises with what she could only describe as animal lust. Whatever the X factor was in human nature, Chic had it. She remembered pining over him from afar as a freshman at Florida State.

  Doll was awaked from her dream by a vivacious and beautiful redhead who came straight up to her, looked her in the eyes, and said, “Hey, Mrs. Richburg. My name is Suzy. It’s a real pleasure to meet you. I’m impressed with the job you ladies are doing.”

  “Suzy? Are you the Suzy who belongs to Chic?”

  “Actually, we sort of belong to each other,” Suzy responded with her usual big smile.

  “Suzy, please call me Doll. I may not be one, but it helps my feelings when people call me Doll.”

  “Quit pulling my leg, Doll. All you have to do is watch the men around here watch you, and you know you’re a knockout. I’m going to be sure to hold onto Chic when he comes over here to meet you when he finishes his warm-up. We want you to know we have gone through all the material you sent us, and we are duly impressed. Can we talk to you tomorrow morning?”

  “Of course. I wouldn’t miss that for the world. Suzy, I’ve followed all the stories in the paper about the many times you’ve avoided death, and I’m impressed. It’s an honor to meet and get to know you.”

  Doll was really impressed by this young woman. She couldn’t blame Chic for latching onto her. Somehow, the fact she really liked this girl made it easier for Doll to take her schoolgirl fascination with Chic out of her mind. Her mind needed to be unfettered when she did talk to Chic.

  Chic finally finished and wandered over to Suzy’s side. “Chic,” said Suzy, “this is Doll and Barbara, the ladies who are in charge of this event.”

  Chic gave Doll and Barbara his best smile and shook both their hands. “Ladies, what a pleasure to meet you. You have done a wonderful job laying everything out in an orderly fashion. Let me tell you, I would walk from Pensacola to Atlanta to sing the Rigoletto Quartet number with this group. That’s absolutely my favorite aria. In high school, we had a male quartet that had a parody of the Rigoletto Quartet number. It began with arguing over the correct way to pronounce Verdi and ended with pie in the face.”

  “Well, Chic,” said Doll, “could we interest you in putting that stunt on tomorrow night?”

  “I tell you what. This event is scheduled to go on until about 1:00 a.m. eastern time, isn’t it?”

  “Yes it is. What do you have in mind?”

  “If I can talk my fellow artist into it, maybe around 12:30 a.m. we could do the special stunt for the folks in California. I won’t make any promises. You know how actors can be, especially we opera types. Our britches can get so tight we can’t even bend over.”

  “Let me know on that, Chic. We have plenty of time to work it in. We have built in enough flexibility to allow a few extra pieces if needed. As you know, the TV audience can request to hear a performer’s best-known recording, which we’d like to do if we have the time.”

  “Doll, I understand you were at Florida State the same time I was there. Is that true?”

  “Yes, that’s true. I was a freshman, and you were a senior. I hope you don’t mind my telling you that I had a young girl’s crush on you. You know how silly young girls are. I actually had the opportunity to hear you perform several times. I was as impressed then as I am now. How is it that you became a clinical psychologist instead of a full-time performing singer?”

  “Good question. I’m humbled that you had a crush on me. I hope I’m not too much of a disappointment in person. I have many reasons, of course, for becoming a psychologist, but when I direct my doctor self onto my inner self, I’m not sure I know the real reason. In a nutshell, I didn’t believe I could make a steady living as a singer. It is too uncertain as a profession. Then I recognized I’m more comfortable around plumbers than I am around many musicians. I like the idea of being able to choose when and where I sing. While I make money with my recordings and with my appearances, my life’s self-esteem does not depend on it. So I like the idea of singing purely for the love of singing, not out of necessity. In my quiet moments, this is what I tell myself.”

  “Chic, I’m not the psychologist here, but it sounds good to me
. Suzy, I hope you don’t mind my saying so, but we need to remember that Chic could sell me anything.”

  “I don’t mind. Chic has the same effect on me. The great thing is that Chic is a straight shooter, and he will not lead you down a blind alley.”

  “Ladies, now cut it out. I’m prone to get a big head without the help of you beautiful women stroking my ego. I must admit that I do appreciate being stroked a little bit. We need to move on to the serious business at hand. Doll, when can we talk to you privately?”

  “How about in the morning for breakfast here at the hotel?”

  “Sounds good,” said Suzy. “What time?”

  “How about 7:00 a.m.? I’ve got a big day, so I need an early start.”

  “Suzy and I will be waiting on you at seven. Come by yourself. We don’t need any extra ears.”

  Chic, Suzy, and Doll met at the hotel’s restaurant at 7:00 a.m. sharp, but it proved difficult to find a private corner.

  “Doll, Suzy and I can always find a private corner at the Waffle House. Have you ever eaten at a Waffle House?”

  “I’ve heard about them, but you know it’s a little under the circle I move in. If the ladies at the bank find out I’m eating in that kind of place, I would never live it down.”

  “Relax yourself. We are going to the Waffle House down the street where no one cares about listening to us. There is simply no privacy here.”

  As Chic and group moved toward the street, Chic picked up a tail. He was a dark-looking man about five feet ten, dressed in Boston clothes, which made him stand out to Chic. Chic could identify this guy as a killer, but he was no stalker. It was obvious to Chic that this guy hadn’t taken into account that people in Boston don’t dress like rednecks in the south. In fact, Chic picked the man out as soon as he turned to exit the hotel in an attempt to follow Chic’s group. Chic was amused that the guy was trying too hard to look normal and appear as one of the many tourists. It was obvious to Chic that he and these ladies were being followed.


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