Almost Perfect

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Almost Perfect Page 3

by Doyle, Dawn

  “What did Chan set up this time?” he sighed.

  The glow came from below again, and my eyes dropped to the area. When he tilted his phone, I shifted my eyes up in time to see a quick flash of an angled jaw, clean-shaven, and masculine.

  Screams of laughter came from outside the door, and then a loud bang that could be heard over the music and the excited voices. The door shook behind me, voices too low to make out what they were saying. The tones sounded flirty, the pitches going up and down with seduction, then the handle creaked behind me.

  I sucked in a sharp breath when a slap above my head surprised me. My front was scorching with the huge presence looming over me, the fabric of his clothing lightly touching me in his close proximity.

  “Sorry,’ he said again. “I’m guessing you don’t want anybody to know where you are, so I’m just holding it tight so they can’t get in.”

  “N-no problem,” I stuttered. My heart-rate was through the roof, pounding so hard in my chest that it sounded as though it was beating right out in front of me.

  “Occupied!” my roomie called out when the door creaked again.

  “Sorry, man,” a male voice replied.

  I blew out my held breath when he moved back, my shoulders finally relaxing, but the tension didn’t leave right away.

  “So, what’s going on out there?” he asked, his voice sounding a little closer than it was when I first entered the room.

  “A ridiculous game called blackout,” I replied, then explained what Channing had said right before we were blinded, conveniently leaving out the previous details.

  Whoever was in here with me laughed. “Ah, so that’s the shit he was planning.” He continued chuckling. “He said there was some girl coming tonight that he intended on hooking up with. I think he said she’s best friends with his cousin.”

  The warmth that was coursing through me iced over, chilling me to the core. “Is that so?” I asked, attempting to keep my tone neutral even though my hands fisted at my sides. “And he thinks it’s that easy, does he?” I wasn’t about to get into a conversation of what I’d already heard the asshole say about me. “Kinda presumptuous, don’t you think?”

  “Yeah, I agree completely. But, if she’s into him as much as he says she is, then they’re probably hooking up right now.”

  My stomach bottomed out, the motion nauseating, making me want to hurl. I held back the words I wanted to spit out, cursing Channing for believing I would go there. “Oh, I doubt that.”

  “Seems to work for him any other time,” he countered.

  Not this fucking time, and not with this girl.

  “How about you?” I asked, gesturing to where I assumed his torso was, which was stupid because it was pitch black in the room.


  “Is this the kind of crap the rest of the guys pull?” I asked bitterly. I was done playing nice to keep the peace; it wasn’t working well for me. “Or is it just for special asshole cases like Channing?” The kind of guys my brothers warned me against; the ones they knew all too well.

  The sound of his chuckle ran through me, the deep timbre penetrating. It was quiet, like he was controlling his laughter to keep from being discovered. “No. I don’t need Chan’s methods—games aren’t my thing. When I want somebody, I just show her.”

  “How?” My interest was piqued, wondering how the hell he could show somebody what he wanted without saying a word. “How do you show her?”

  Warm skin touched my chin, a thick finger tilting my head back further. I sucked in a breath when hot air blew across my mouth. My hands flew back, my palms flattening against the hard wood as the rest of me stiffened.

  “I start here,” he whispered, his breathy tone making mine catch. My body tensed while tingles broke out all over me. “I look in her eyes before staring at her lips. You can tell a lot by watching somebody’s mouth.”

  “Like?” I breathed. I licked my lips and gently bit on the lower one. The heat grew and my lips parted on instinct, my heart racing faster and faster.

  “If they lick their lips, if they bite the bottom one, if they part when you get closer, ready for kissing,” he whispered.

  “And you can see that?” My voice quivered, the air shaky as I spoke. Fuck, I’d just done all of those things; in that order, and I had no idea who he was—I couldn’t even see him except for a silhouette and hints of his shape, but it was like my body didn’t care. The pit in my stomach swirled with fire, the heat spreading out over my skin. “I mean, if they want to kiss you?”

  “Oh, yeah,” he drew out, his tone rough. “Can’t you tell if somebody wants to kiss you?”

  “I-I, uh, well, I guess I don’t consciously look for signs.” My pulse raced in my veins, my breaths coming harder as I sensed his nearness. “And I don’t think any sane person would just let you kiss them because you looked at their mouth.”

  “Care to find out?” he said next to my face, gently breathing against the shell of my ear.

  A shiver ran right through me, all the way from my head to my feet, leaving painful prickles behind as it went.

  Channing’s words flashed through my mind. ‘…off limits, remember?’ ,‘She’s mine.’

  I wasn’t, not by a long shot. My rebellion showed up again, my head bobbing up and down as I proved him wrong. “Try me.”

  My words were halted when soft skin captured my bottom lip, gently tugging it outward. My eyes closed immediately, and I stopped breathing.

  Hot lips repeated the movement, taking mine and pulling, but instead of releasing, a scorching swipe ran over the soft flesh. Before I could react, speak, or even think a single thought, his mouth covered mine, then closed slowly, kissing me tenderly.

  A large palm cupped my cheek as his lips moved, sending shockwaves firing through me, and I let him. My mouth opened a little, kissing him back, my action automatic with the sensual claiming of my lips. A tongue darted inside, finding mine, tangling together as long fingers brushed through my hair to cup my head.

  I peeled my hands away from the door and brought them up to the mystery guy in front of me. I pressed my palms against him, tingles shooting up my arms as I touched him. Hard muscles bunched under my hands, flexing more as I stroked upward over every ridge and curve, over solid pecs, and to his neck. His hair tickled my fingers at the back, and as I continued up, I gripped the long strands, holding him in place.

  He tilted my head and deepened the kiss. I didn’t know how it was possible, but it was so much more passionate than before as though his lips were starving for mine. He continued to work over me, lazily, deeply, and with toe-curling accuracy of how I wanted him to.

  “Mmm,” I moaned into his mouth, my body following by curving against him. I heard the filthy tone, but I was past caring. Whoever this guy was, he knew how to kiss, and he had me weak in the knees with just his lips on mine.

  Soft, yet strong movements, suckling on my lower, then upper lip, dipping his tongue in at the perfect time, tasting me, his throaty growl penetrating my senses that had my core firing up and sending pleasure pulses downward.

  Damn, this is wrong, but it feels too good to stop.

  He gripped my hair in one hand at the same time I felt his other at my waist, his fingers digging into my skin, then releasing me to stroke around to my lower back. When he tugged me closer to him, my breasts colliding with his solid torso, I also met another solid object pressing into my lower stomach.

  “Kaia!” Daria’s voice yelled from behind me. “Where are you?”

  Hearing her calling my name snapped me out of my lust-filled trance, and my eyes flew open.

  “That’s how,” he said, his lips skimming over mine as he spoke.

  I swallowed hard as I released him, lowering my hands and pressing my fingers to my lips when he pulled away. I cleared my throat. “Yeah, that definitely works,” I said, then shook my head at myself.

  “Kaia, fuck!” Daria yelled again. “Chan, I’m going to fucking kill you!”

  A laugh startled me. “I guess that’s his cousin?” he asked. “Man, she sounds mad.”

  “Yeah.” I dropped my head and saw light under the door. I hadn’t noticed it before, but maybe that’s because I was too busy devouring one of Channing’s school friends while said friend showed me exactly how he made a girl weak for him. “The lights are on—I gotta go.” Before he could say anything, I spun around, his body still so close that I brushed against him, then opened the door. As soon as it was open wide enough, I slipped through the gap.

  “Daria!” I called out just as she disappeared between a group of people laughing together and swapping stories of whatever they’d just been doing. “Dar!”

  She reappeared with Cash next to her, and her eyes closed as her shoulders rounded in relief. “There you are,” she sighed. “I’ve been looking all over for you. Where the hell have you been?”

  I shoved my fingers into my front pockets. “I snuck into that little room when I lost you,” I replied, gesturing with my chin over my shoulder.

  “In there?” she asked, and they both looked in that direction.

  When I looked again, I saw that the door was open and nobody was inside.

  Oh, thank God.

  There was no way I was explaining that to her; I couldn’t explain it to myself right then. My lips still tingled and felt puffy from kissing the guy. The fact he was a stranger would only make it worse.

  “Yeah. I only came out when I heard you yelling.”

  Daria studied my face, her eyes narrowed into slits, her mouth pursed. “You look upset, babe. Did somebody do something to you?”

  I shook my head quickly, but when her eyebrow cocked, I couldn’t hold back any longer. Everything I’d overheard in the kitchen fell from my mouth. “Channing planned this, Dar.” I watched as her widened eyes and high brows morphed into an expression so furious, I took a step back. “He thought I was into him? Where the hell did he get that idea?”

  Cash’s face screwed up in anger, his hazel eyes blazing. “He never said that shit to me, Kai, I swear.”

  “He wouldn’t because you’d tell me,” Daria said. She took my arm and led me to the kitchen, barging through the groups of seniors with fresh cups and laughing way too hard at the inappropriate event that had just taken place. “Chan!” she snapped.

  He lifted his head from where he was squirting fresh beer into cups that looked set up for beer pong, and grinned. His hair was disheveled and pink gloss was smeared across his mouth and jaw. “Where did you go?” he asked me. “I was looking for you. Well, until somebody else grabbed me.” He shrugged and slowly blinked like I’d somehow missed my opportunity.

  Daria pointed at him. “You fucking bastard.”

  Seeing his cocky grin triggered the last of my controlled temper. “Allow me,” I said sweetly, pulling my arm from her. I stormed over to Channing, rage building with every step until it found its way into my hands. I curled my fist as I reached him, and yanked my arm back. I snapped it forward and struck him across his jaw, sending him staggering back and colliding with the counter behind him, his hand pressing the surface for support. Pain radiated up my arm, but the anger coursing through me made it so easy to ignore.

  Gasps and audible winces sounded around us.

  “What the fuck?” he yelled, his words slightly slurred as he clutched his face.

  “That,” I hissed, jabbing my throbbing finger toward him, “is for the vile things you said about me, and thinking I’d fall for your disgusting game!” I didn’t need to look around to know everybody was staring. “Go fuck yourself, Channing, and your stupid fucking party.”

  “You’re an ass,” Daria spat at him after I turned around to walk away. “I never thought you’d stoop this low, Chan.” She followed me until she caught up, then hooked her arm through mine. “He fucked up hard this time.”

  I began weaving my way through the people that had stopped their conversations to stare. “Please tell me this was a dream and I’m going to wake up from a warped nightmare.” But, the time in the small room was more like a fantasy, and I didn’t want to wake from that.

  “If only it were,” Daria huffed out. “I can’t believe he did that. I’m tempted to tell Daryl and Sean—”

  “No,” I cut in. “If they find out, you know what they’ll do.” There was no way I’d get them involved in this; I’d never hear the end of it. I couldn’t bear the lectures if they knew. That was one of the reasons I didn’t advertise our family connection. Hell, I’d get a massive rant from just being here, and with others knowing who my brothers were, it’d more likely get back to them if people knew we were related. Daria had been sworn to secrecy, too, assuring me she wouldn’t tell anybody from Channing’s school that I was the sister of the guys that beat the living shit out of their team’s star player a couple of years ago.

  I’d tried to keep a low profile, not wanting the attention my family’s fame brought. So far, it had worked well, but it only took one person to blab, or two, and that would be it. Social media didn’t help matters. The moment I was recognized, I was asked for autographs from my brothers, asked about their games, others gushing over my parents’ achievements, and then the question I hated. “Why don’t you skate?”

  I never wanted to. I wanted my own life away from the cameras. Growing up in a family of professional skaters, I’d had enough of them getting shoved in my face, and it wasn’t something I wanted. So, I hid away, kept quiet, and steered clear of anything that could get my face plastered all over the internet. But, my brothers weren’t happy with that. They used every opportunity they could to drag me kicking and screaming in front of the camera. They thought it was fucking hilarious.

  “Leaving so soon?” Bobby asked as we passed him under the cased opening. He was standing with another guy in a matching team shirt, and when I took a steadying breath through my nose, my step faltered.

  I know that smell.

  “My cousin’s a dick,” Daria said, stopping and holding me with her. “And other than Cash, the rest of you aren’t much better.”

  I slowly raised my eyes and saw the guy standing next to Bobby. My stomach lurched, my jaw dropped, and my eyes widened. The guy next to him was breathtaking. I’d seen gorgeous looking guys before, but he was on a whole other level.

  Blond hair hung down to his neck in layers as though it was growing out, the shorter strands falling to the sides of his face. A sharp jawline, straight nose, and piercing green eyes that bore into me with such intensity I lost all train of thought. His lips were dark, like he’d been making out… My eyes fell further to the top he wore that matched Bobby’s. A massive lion’s head on the front of a light-blue hockey T-shirt.

  Fuck, fuck, fuck!

  “This is Maddoc,” Cash said, introducing us while thumping him on the back. “My best friend.”

  “Hey,” I managed, swallowing the saliva flooding my mouth.

  Maddoc’s gaze never left mine, his lids slightly narrowing as his eyes darted to my mouth, then back up, sending goosebumps to break out all over my body.

  Oh, no.

  Heat flooded my cheeks when I reacted in the same way as earlier.

  “Hey, man, how’s Willow? She doing okay?” Cash asked him.

  “Uh, yeah,” Maddoc replied in the voice I’d heard so close to me not ten minutes before, glancing to me. “She’s good, thanks. Her recovery’s going well.”

  Cash’s shoulders dropped as he smiled. “That’s great, Mad, I’m happy for her.” He gestured to the door. “We’re cutting it short tonight, so we’re gonna head out.”

  “Sure, no problem. I’ll catch you tomorrow.”

  “That was a mean punch. What did Chan do this time?” Bobby asked with a laugh before we could leave.

  “He deserved it,” Daria replied for me, then gently tugged me away. “Come on, babe, let’s go before I head back in there and kick his ass some more.”

  I tore my eyes away from Maddoc and headed to the door. When Cash opened it for us, I
heard, “That’s Daria’s friend Chan said was off limits?”

  When Bobby confirmed it, I quickened my step and vowed never to go back to that house, or anywhere the Lions would be ever again.

  Chapter 3


  Present day.

  Coach roared at us for the what felt like the hundredth time in the last ten minutes. “Tighter, damn it, get those edges clean!”

  I didn’t know how he expected us to get our edges any closer. There was only so much we could do in a Russian circle, especially as he wanted us to have our feet turned out. It was fucking hard on the ankles. Skating like that for the past ten minutes was giving me damn cramps, not to mention we’d been doing drills for almost two fucking hours beforehand. I was about ready to snap my twig in two.

  “Come on, coach, this is as tight as we can go,” Cash called out.

  “Tighter!” coach bellowed. “If you can circle a fucking cone with one foot, you can go around that damn circle with two!” He threw his fist in the air. “Now, crossovers!”

  About fucking time.

  Crossovers were my thing. I pushed my feet out, my outer foot remaining on the ice while I pushed down with my inner, crossing my feet and gliding backward around the red circles, going from one to the next with ease.

  Cash did the same, followed by Jonah, then Channing, with Bobby somewhere in the middle of the rest of the guys.

  “Better,” Coach said, seemingly satisfied with that effort. “Keep it close, guys, and follow the lines.” A beat passed as we continued our figure-eights to each circle. “Forward, and pick it up!”

  I grinned as I dug my toes down, spun around, and darted forward, powering my legs as freezing air blasted me in the face. I fucking loved the speed of the game, the thrill, the sharp and quick maneuvers, and even the violence that occasionally broke out during the game. I was fueled on pure adrenaline, burning through me from the second the game started, to the final whistle.


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