The next morning, when we arrived at Funchal, we found that our orderswere for the West Indies: we stayed one day to take in wine and thenhove up the anchor, and went on to our destination. We soon got intothe trades, and run them fast down till we arrived at Carlisle Bay,Barbadoes, where we found the admiral and delivered our despatches. Wewere ordered to water and complete as soon as possible, as we were to besent on a cruise.
Tommy Dott, my quondam ally, was in disgrace. He had several timesduring the cruise proposed that I should join him in several plots ofmischief, but I refused, as I did not consider them quite safe.
"You are not the keen fellow I thought you were," said he; "you are upto nothing now; there's no fun in you, as there used to be."
He was mistaken; there was fun in me, but there was also prudence, andfrom what I had latterly seen of Tommy Dott, I did not think he was tobe trusted.
The day after we anchored at Carlisle Bay, Tommy came to me and said,"Old Culpepper serves out plums and suet this afternoon; I heard himtell steward. Now, I think we may manage to get some--I never sawbetter plums on board of a ship."
"Well," said I, "I like raisins as well as you do, Tommy--but what isyour plan?"
"Why, I've got my squirt: and old Culpepper never lights more than oneof his purser's dips (small candles) in the steward's room. I'll getdown in the cockpit in the dark, and squirt at the candle--the waterwill put it out, and he'll send the steward for another light, and thenI'll try and get some."
It was not a bad plan, but still I refused to join in it, as it was onlythe work of one person, and not two. I pointed that out to him and heagreed with me, saying that he would do it himself.
When Mr Culpepper went down into the steward's room, Tommyreconnoitred, and then came into the berth and filled his squirt.
Although I would not join him, I thought I might as well see what wasgoing on and therefore descended the cockpit ladder soon after Tommy,keeping out of the way in the foremost part of the cockpit, where it wasquite dark.
Tommy directed his squirt very dexterously, hit the lighted wick of thesolitary candle, which fizzed, sputtered, and finally gave up the ghost.
"Bless me!" said Mr Culpepper, "what can that be?"
"A leak from the seams above I suppose," said the steward:
"I will go to the gallery for another light."
"Yes, yes, be quick," said Mr Culpepper, who remained in the steward'sroom in the dark, until the return of the steward.
Tommy Dott then slipped in softly, and commenced filling all his pocketswith the raisins; he had nearly taken in his full cargo, when, somehowor another, Mr Culpepper stepped forward from where he stood, and hetouched Tommy, whom he immediately seized crying out, "Thieves!thieves!--call the sentry!--sentry, come here."
The sentry of the gun-room door went down the ladder as Mr Culpepperdragged out Tommy, holding him fast by both hands.
"Take him, sentry--take him in charge. Call the master-at-arms--littlethief. Mr Dott! Hah--well, we'll see."
The consequence was, that Mr Tommy Dott was handed from the sentry tothe master-at-arms, and taken up on the quarterdeck, followed by MrCulpepper and his steward.
There was no defence or excuse to be made: the pockets of his jacket andof his trowsers were stuffed with raisins; and at the bottom of hispocket, when they were emptied by the master-at-arms, was found thesquirt.
As soon as the hue and cry was over, and all the parties were on thequarter-deck, as the coast was clear, I thought I might as well takeadvantage of it; and therefore I came out from my hiding-place, wentinto the steward's room, filled my handkerchief with raisins, andescaped to the berth unperceived; so that while Tommy Dott wasdisgorging on the quarter-deck, I was gorging below.
Mr Dott was reported to the captain for this heinous offence; and, inconsequence, was ordered below under arrest, his place in the captain'sgig being filled up by me; so that in every point of view Tommysuffered, and I reaped the harvest. What pleased me most was, that,being midshipman of the captain's boat, I was of course continually inthe company of the coxswain, Bob Cross.
But I must not delay at present, as I have to record a very seriousadventure which occurred, and by which I, for a long while, wasseparated from my companions and shipmates.
In ten days we sailed in search of a pirate vessel, which was reportedto have committed many dreadful excesses, and had become the terror ofthe mercantile navy. Our orders were to proceed northward, and tocruise off the Virgin Islands, near which she was said to have been lastseen.
About three weeks after we had left Carlisle Bay, the look-out manreported two strange sail from the mast-head. I was sent up, as signalmid, to examine them, and found that they were both schooners, hove toclose together; one of them very rakish in their appearance. All sailin chase was made immediately, and we came up within three miles ofthem, when one, evidently the pirate we were in search of, made sail,while the other remained hove to.
As we passed the vessel hove to, which we took it for granted was amerchantman, which the pirate had been plundering, the captain orderedone of the cutters to be lowered down with a midshipman and boat's crewto take possession of her. The men were all in the boat, but themidshipman had gone down for his spy-glass, or something else, and as itwas merely with a view of ascertaining what the vessel was, and thechief object was to overtake the pirate vessel, to prevent the delaywhich was caused by the other midshipman not being ready, Mr Hippesleyordered me to go into the boat instead of him, and, as soon as I was onboard of the schooner, to make sail and follow the frigate.
The captain did say, "He is too young, Mr Hippesley; is he not?"
"I'd sooner trust him than many older, sir," was the reply of the firstlieutenant. "Jump in, Mr Keene." I did so, with my telescope in myhand. "Lower away, my lads--unhook, and sheer off;" and away went thefrigate in pursuit of the pirate vessel, leaving me in the boat, to goon board of the schooner.
We were soon alongside, and found that there was not a soul on board ofthe vessel; what had become of the crew, whether they had been murdered,or not, it was impossible to say, but there were a few drops of blood onthe deck.
The vessel was an American, bound to one of the islands, with shingleand fir planks; not only was her hold full, but the fir planks werepiled up on each side of the deck, between the masts, to the height offive or six feet. The pirate had, apparently, been taking some of theplanks on board for her own use.
We dropped the boat astern, let draw the foresheet, and made sail afterthe frigate, which was now more than a mile from us, and leaving us veryfast.
The schooner was so over-loaded that she sailed very badly, and beforethe evening closed in, we could just perceive the top-gallant sails ofthe Calliope above the horizon: but this we thought little of, as weknew that as soon as she had captured the pirate she would run backagain, and take us out.
There were some hams and other articles on board, for the pirates hadnot taken everything, although the lockers had been all broken open, andthe articles were strewed about in every direction in the cabin and onthe deck.
Just before dark, we took the bearings of the frigate, and stood thesame course as she was doing, and then we sat down to a plentiful mealto which we did justice. I then divided the boat's crew into watches,went down into the cabin, and threw myself on the standing bed-place, ofwhich there was but one, with all my clothes on; the men who had not thewatch went down, and turned in in the cuddy forward, where the seamenusually sleep.
It was not till past midnight that I could obtain any sleep; the heatwas excessive, and I was teased by the cockroaches, which appeared toswarm in the cabin to an incredible degree, and were constantly runningover my face and body. I little thought then why they swarmed. Irecollect that I dreamt of murder, and tossing men overboard; and thenof the vessel being on fire and after that, I felt very cool andcomfortable, and I dreamed no more; I thought that I heard a voicecalling my name: it appeared that
I did hear it in my sleep, but I slepton.
At last I turned round, and felt a splashing as of water, and some watercoming into my mouth: I awoke. All was dark and quiet; I put my handout, and I put it into the water--where was I--was I overboard? Ijumped up in my fright; I found that was still on the standingbed-place, but the water was above the mattress.
I immediately comprehended that the vessel was sinking, and I calledout, but there was no reply.
I turned out of the bed-place, and found myself up to my neck in water,with my feet on the cabin-deck. Half swimming, and half floundering, Igained the ladder, and went up the hatchway.
It was still quite dark, and I could not perceive nor hear anybody. Icalled out but there was no reply. I then was certain that the men hadleft the vessel when they round her sinking, and had left me to sinkwith her. I may as well here observe, that when the men had found thewater rising upon them forward they had rushed on deck in a panic,telling the man at the wheel that the vessel was sinking, and hadimmediately hauled up the boat to save their lives; but they didrecollect me, and the coxswain of the boat had come down in the cabin bythe ladder, and called me: but the cabin was full of water, and he,receiving no answer, considered that I was drowned, and returned ondeck.
The boat had then shoved off, and I was left to my fate; still I hopedthat such was not the case, and I hallooed again and again, but in vain,and I thought it was all over with me. It was a dreadful position to bein. I said my prayers and prepared to die, and yet I thought it washard to die at fifteen years old.
Although I do not consider that my prayers were of much efficacy, forthere was but little resignation in them, praying had one good effect--it composed me, and I began to think whether there was any chance ofbeing saved.
Yes, there were plenty of planks on the deck, and if it were daylight Icould tie them together and make a raft, which would bear me up. How Ilonged for daylight, for I was afraid that the vessel would sink beforeI could see to do what was requisite. The wind had become much fresherduring the night, and the waves now dashed against the sides of thewater-logged vessel.
As I watched for daylight, I began to reflect how this could havehappened; and it occurred to me that the pirates had scuttled the bottomof the vessel to sink her; and in this conjecture I was right.
At last a faint light appeared in the east, which soon broke into broadday, and I lost no time in setting about my work.
Before I began, however, I thought it advisable to ascertain how muchmore water there was in the vessel since I had quitted the cabin whichit appeared to me must have been about two hours. I therefore went downin the cabin to measure it. I know how high it was when I waded throughit. I found, to my surprise, and, I may say, to my joy, that it was nothigher than it was before.
I thought that perhaps I might be mistaken, so I marked the height ofthe water at the cabin ladder, and I sat down on deck to watch it; itappeared to me not to rise any higher.
This made me reflect, and it then struck me that, as the vessel wasladen with timber, she would not probably sink any lower, so I deferredmy work till I had ascertained the fact.
Three hours did I watch, and found that the water did not rise higher,and I was satisfied; but the wind increased, and the vessel's sails,instead of flapping to the wind as she drove without any one at thehelm, were now bellied out, and the vessel careened to leeward.
I was afraid that she would turn over; and finding an axe on the deck, Imounted the rigging with it, and commenced cutting away the lacing ofthe sails from the mast. I then lowered the gaffs, and cleared away thecanvass in the same way, so that the sails fell on the deck. This was awork of at least one hour; but when the canvass was off, the vessel wassteady.
It was well that I had taken this precaution; for very soon afterwardsthe wind was much fresher, and the weather appeared very threatening;the sea also rose considerably. I was very tired, and sat down for sometime on the deck abaft.
It then occurred to me that the weight of the planks upon the deck mustnot only keep the vessel deeper in the water, but make her moretop-heavy, and I determined to throw them overboard; but first I lookedfor something to eat, and found plenty of victuals in the iron pot inwhich the men had cooked their supper the night before.
As soon as I had obtained from the cask lashed on the deck a drink ofwater, to wash down the cold fried ham which I had eaten, I set work tothrow overboard the planks on deck.
When I had thrown over a portion from one side I went to the other, andthrew over as many more, that I might, as much as possible, keep thevessel on an even keel.
This job occupied me the whole of the day; and when I had completed mytask I examined the height of the water at the cabin ladder, and foundthat the vessel had risen more than six inches. This was a source ofgreat comfort to me, and what pleased me more was, that the wind hadgone down again, and the water was much smoother.
I made a supper off some raw ham, for the fire had been extinguished,and committing myself to the protection of Heaven, lay down as the sunset, and from the fatigue of the day was soon in a sound sleep.
I awoke about the middle of the night. The stars shone brightly, andthere was but a slight ripple on the water.
I thought of my mother, of my aunt Milly, of Captain Delmar, and I feltfor the seal-skin pouch which was fastened round my neck. It was allsafe.
I calculated chances, and I made up my mind that I should be picked upby some vessel or another before long.
I said to myself--"Why, I am better off now than I was when in thewherry, with Peggy Pearson; I was saved then, why should I not be now?"
I felt no desponding, and lay down, and was soon fast asleep.
It was broad daylight when I awoke; I took my spy-glass, and lookinground the horizon, discovered a vessel several miles off, standingtowards me. This gave me fresh spirits.
I made a raw breakfast, and drank plenty of water as before. The wind,which was very light, increased a little. The vessel came nearer, and Imade her out to be a schooner. In two hours she was close to me, and Iwaved my hat, and hallooed as loud as I could.
The schooner was full of men, and steered close to me--she was abeautiful craft, and, although the wind was so light, glided very fastthrough the water, and I could not help thinking that she was the piratevessel which the frigate had been in chase of.
It appeared as if they intended to pass me, and I hallooed, "Schooner,ahoy! Why don't you send a boat on board?"
I must say, that when the idea struck me that she was a pirate vessel,my heart almost failed me.
Shortly afterwards the schooner rounded to and lowered a boat, whichpulled to the vessel. The boat's crew were all negroes.
One of them said, "Jump in, you white boy; next jump he take be into theshark's mouth," continued the man, grinning, as he addressed himself tothe others in the boat.
I got into the boat, and they rowed on board the schooner. I did thenthink that I was done for; for what mercy could I expect, being a king'sofficer, from pirates, which the words of the negro convinced me theywere?
As soon as I was alongside of the schooner, they ordered me to go up theside, which I did, with my spy-glass in my hand. I leaped from thegunwale down on the deck, and found myself on board of an armed vessel,with a crew wholly composed of blacks.
I was rudely seized by two of them, who led me aft to where a negrostood apart from the rest. A more fierce, severe, determined-lookingcountenance, I never beheld. He was gigantic in stature and limbed likethe Farnesian Hercules.
"Well, boy, who are you?" said he, "and how came you on board of thatvessel?"
I told him in very few words.
"Then you belong to that frigate that chased us the day beforeyesterday?"
"Yes," replied I.
"What is her name?"
"The Calliope."
"She sails well," said he.
"Yes," replied I; "she is the fastest sailer on this station."
"That's all the
information I want of you, boy: now you may go."
"Go where?" replied I.
"Go where?--go overboard, to be sure," replied he, with a grin.
My heart died within me; but I mustered courage enough to say, "Muchobliged to you, sir; but I'd rather stay where I am, if it's all thesame to you."
The other negroes laughed at this reply, and I felt a little confidence;at all events, their good-humour gave me courage, and I felt that beingbold was my only chance.
The negro captain looked at me for a time, as if considering, and atlast said to the men, "Overboard with him."
"Good-bye, sir, you're very kind," said I; "but this is a capitalspy-glass, and I leave it to you as a legacy." And I went up to him andoffered him my spy-glass. Merciful Heaven! bow my heart beat against myribs when I did this!
The negro captain took the glass, and looked through it.
"It is a good glass," said he, as he removed it from his eyes. It waspoor Green's spy-glass, which he had given me for showing him themason's signs.
"Well, white boy, I accept your present; and now, good bye."
"Good-bye, sir. Do me one kindness in return," said I, very gravely,for I felt my hour was come.
"And what is that?" replied the negro.
"Tie a shot to my heels, that I may sink quickly; it won't take themlong."
"You don't ask me to spare your life, then?" replied the negro.
"He de very first white dat not ask it," said one of the negroes.
"Dat really for true," said another.
"Yes, by gum," replied a third.
Oh, how I wished to know what to say at that moment! The observationsof the negroes made me imagine that I had better not _ask_ for it andyet how I clung to life! It was an awful moment--I felt as if I hadlived a year in a few minutes. For a second or two I felt faint andgiddy--I drew a long breath and revived.
"You don't answer me, boy," said the negro captain.
"Why should I ask when I feel certain to be refused? If you will giveme my life, I will thank you: I don't particularly wish to die, I canassure you."
"I have taken an oath never to spare a white man. For once I am sorrythat I cannot break my oath."
"If that is all, I am a boy, and not a man," replied I. "Keep me till Igrow bigger."
"By golly, captain, that very well said. Keep him, captain," said oneof the negroes.
"Yes, captain," replied another; "keep him to tend your cabin. Properyou have white slave boy."
The negro captain for some time made no reply; he appeared to be in deepthought. At last he said--
"Boy, you have saved your life: you may thank yourself and not me.Prossa, let him be taken below; give him a frock and trousers and throwthat infernal dress overboard, or I may change my resolution."
The negro who was addressed, and who wore a sort of uniform as anofficer--which he was, being second mate--led me below,--nothing loth, Ican assure my readers.
When I was between decks. I sat down upon a chest, my head swam, and Ifainted. The shock had been too powerful for a lad of my age. Theybrought water, and recovered me. When I revived, I felt that I mighthave lost in their good opinion by thus knowing my weakness; and I hadsufficient presence of mind to ask for something to eat. This deceivedthem; they said to one another that I must have been on board thatvessel for two days without food, and of course I did not deny it.
They brought me some meat and some grog. I ate and drank a little.They then took off my uniform, and put on me a check frock and whitetrousers; after which, I said I wished to lie down a little, and theyleft me to sleep on the chest where I had been seated.
I pretended to sleep, although I could not; and I found out by theirconversation that I gained the goodwill not only of the crew, but of thecaptain, by my behaviour.
I considered that I had gained my life, at least for the present; butwhat security could I have in such company?
After an hour or two I felt quite recovered, and I thought it advisableto go on deck. I did so, and went right aft to the negro captain, andstood before him.
"Well, boy," said he, "why do you come to me?"
"You gave me my life; you're the greatest friend I have here, so I cometo you. Can I do anything?"
"Yes; you may assist in the cabin, if your white blood does not curdleat the idea of attending on a black man."
"Not at all. I will do anything for them who are kind to me, as youhave been."
"And think it no disgrace?"
"Not the least. Is it a disgrace to be grateful?"
The reader will observe how particularly judicious my replies were,although but fifteen years old. My dangerous position had called forththe reflection and caution of manhood.
"Go down into the cabin; you may amuse yourself till I come."
I obeyed this order. The cabin was fitted up equal to most yachts, withSpanish mahogany and gold mouldings; a beaufet full of silver (there wasno glass) occupied nearly one-half of it; even the plates and disheswere of the same material. Silver candelabras hung down from the middleof the beams; a variety of swords, pistols, and other weapons were fixedup against the bulkhead; a small bookcase, chiefly of Spanish books,occupied the after-bulkhead, and the portraits of several white femalesfilled up the intervals; a large table in the centre, a stand full ofcharts, half a dozen boxes of cigars, and two most luxurious sofas,completed the furniture.
A door from the starboard side led, I presumed, to the stateroom, wherethe captain slept; but I did not venture to open it.
I surveyed all this magnificence, wondering who this personage could be;and more still, how it was that the whole of the crew were, as well asthe captain, of the negro race.
We had heard that the pirate we were in search of was a well-knowncharacter--a Spaniard--who went by the name of Chico, and that his crewconsisted of Americans, English, and Spaniards. That this was thevessel, I knew, from the conversation of the men when I was below forthey called her the Stella.
Now, it appeared that the vessel had changed masters; the crew werechiefly Spanish negroes, or other negroes who spoke Spanish, but some ofthem spoke English, and a few words of Spanish; these, I presumed, wereAmerican or English runaways. But the captain--his language was ascorrect as my own; Spanish he spoke fluently, for I heard him givingorders in that language while I was in the cabin; neither was heflat-nosed, like the majority. Had he been white, his features wouldhave been considered regular, although there was a fierceness about themat times which was terrible to look at.
"Well," thought I, "if I live and do well, I shall know more about it;yes, if I live, I wish I was on the quarterdeck of the Calliope, even asTommy was with his pockets stuffed full of the purser's raisins, andlooking like a fool and a rogue at the same time."
I had been down in the cabin about half an hour, when the negro captainmade his appearance.
"Well," said he, "I suppose you would as soon see the devil as me--eh,boy?"
"No: indeed," replied I, laughing--for I had quite recovered myconfidence--"for you were about to send me to the devil, and I feel mosthappy that I still remain with you."
"You're exactly the cut of boy I like," replied he, smiling. "How Iwish that you were black!--I detest your colour."
"I have no objection to black my face, if you wish it," replied I: "it'sall the same to me what colour I am."
"How old are you?"
"I was fifteen a few months back."
"How long have you been to sea?"
"About eighteen months."
He then asked me a great many more questions, about the captain, theofficers, the ship, and myself; to all of which I answered in a guardedway.
A negro brought down his supper; it was hot, and very savoury; withoutany order on his part, I immediately attended upon him during his meal.He told the negro not to wait and conversed with me during the time thathe was eating: at last, he told me how he had doubled the frigate duringthe night. I then remarked that we had been informed that t
he vesselwas called the Stella, that the captain's name was Chico, and the crewwere composed of white men of different nations.
"A month or two ago, it was the case," replied the captain. "Now I havedone, and you may clear away," continued he, rising from his chair andthrowing himself down on one of the sofas. "Stop; you are hungry, Idon't doubt; you can sit down and eat your supper, and remove the thingsafterwards."
I did as he told me: it was the first time in my life I had supped offmassive plate--but I was in strange company; however, it did not spoilmy appetite, and I did not forget to drink a goblet of wine by way ofwashing down my repast.
"Thank you, sir," said I, rising, and then performing my office ofattendant.
At his order, I rang the bell for the negro, who assisted me in clearingaway, and then went out with the remains of the supper.
"Am I to stay or go?" said I, respectfully.
"You may go now. Find the man who came in just now--Jose he is called;tell him to give you something to sleep upon."
"Good-night, sir," said I.
"Good-night, boy."
As I went forward looking for the negro servant, I was accosted morethan once very kindly by the negro seamen. At last I went up on theforecastle, and they asked me to tell them how I was left on board theschooner. I did so to those who spoke English, and one of them, whocould speak both languages, translated into Spanish for the benefit ofthe others.
"You be first white he hab spared, I tell you," said the American negro,who had translated into Spanish what I had told them, after the otherhad left me with him.
"The captain says he wishes I were black," said I to the negro; "I wishI was, too, while I am on board of this vessel--my colour makes himangry, I see that. Could not I be stained black?"
"Well, I do think it will be a very safe thing for you, if it could be;for you have not seen him sometimes in his moods; and if to-morrowmorning he was chased and hard pressed by the frigate, you would stand apoor chance, suppose his eyes light upon you. I can't tink what makehim to let you off, only but cause you give him de spy-glass in dat holdway. I tink I know a chap on board who understand dat--I go see--youwait here till I come back."
The negro left me, and in a few minutes returned, with a sort ofhalf-Indian, half-negro-looking cut of fellow, with whom he conversed inSpanish.
"He say he know how to make brown like himself but not dark same as me.Suppose you wish he do it to-night--begin now?"
"Yes, I do wish it," replied I; and so I did sincerely, for I felt thatit might be the saving of my life; and I had a great aversion to be tornto pieces by the sharks which followed the vessel, that being anythingbut an agreeable mode of going out of the world.
The American black remained with me, and we conversed for about half anhour, by which time we were joined by the Spanish Main negro, whobrought up with him some decoction or another, boiling hot. Theystripped me and rubbed me all over with a bit of sponge, not only theface and hands, but every part of my body and then I was left standingquite naked to dry; the crew had gathered round us, and were very merryat the idea of changing my colour.
As soon as the warm air had dried me, the application was created; andwhen I was again dry, the American told me to put on my clothes, andthat he would call me early to have two more applications of the stuff,and that then I should be quite dark enough.
I asked for Jose, and told him what the captain had said; he gave me abundle of matting for a bed, and I was soon fast asleep. About threeo'clock in the morning I was called up, and the staining repeated twice,and I then lay down again.
When the hands were turned up at five bells (for everything was veryregular on board), Jose brought me a glass to look at myself, and I wasquite satisfied that my colour would no longer annoy the captain. I wasnot as black as a negro, but I was as dark as a mulatto.
I asked the Spanish negro, through Jose, who could speak both languages,whether I might wash myself? He replied, all day long if I pleased;that I should not get the colour off; it would wear off in time, and thestuff must be applied once a month, and that would be sufficient.
I went to the forecastle, and washed myself; the negro crew were muchamused, and said that I now was a "bel muchaco"--a handsome boy. I daresay they thought so--at all events, they appeared to be very friendlywith me, and my staining myself gave them great satisfaction. I wassitting with Jose between decks when the cabin bell rang.
"You go," said he, showing his white teeth as he grinned; "I go after,see what captain tink."
I went into the cabin, and knocked at the state-room door.
"Come in," said the captain.
I went in, and met him face to face.
"What!" said he, looking earnestly at me--"yet it must be--it is you, isit not?"
"Yes, sir," replied I, "it is me. I've turned dark to please you, and Ihope it does please you."
"It does, boy, I can look at you now, and forget that you are white. Ican. I feel that I can love you now--you've got rid of your only faultin my eyes, and I'm not sorry. I'm only glad that I did not--"
"Give me to the sharks," said I, finishing his sentence.
"Exactly so; say no more about it."
I immediately turned the conversation, by asking him what he required;and I attended him while dressing. From that time he became veryfriendly towards me, constantly conversing with me. I did my duty ashis servant for more than a fortnight, during which time we became veryintimate, and (I may as well confess it) I grew very fond of my newmaster, and thought less about the ship and my shipmates. We were goinginto a port, I knew, but what port I did not know.
I often had conversations with Jose and the American black, and gained agreat deal of information from them; but I could not discover much ofthe history of the captain. On that point they refused to becommunicative; occasionally hints were given, and then, as ifrecollecting themselves, they stopped speaking.
It was about three weeks before we made the land of Cuba, and as soon aswe did so, the schooner was hove to till night, when sail was againmade, and before ten o'clock we saw the lights of the Havannah. Whenabout three miles off we again hove to, and about midnight we perceivedunder the land the white sails of a schooner, which was standing out.Sail was made, and we ran down to her, and before she was aware that wewere an enemy, she was laid by the board and in the possession of ourcrew. The people belonging to the vessel were handed up, and she wasexamined. She proved to be a vessel fitted out for the slave trade,with the manacles, etcetera, on board of her, and was just sailing forthe coast.
I was on the deck when the white men, belonging to the slaver, werebrought on board, and never shall I forget the rage and fury of thecaptain.
All sail was made upon both schooners, standing right off from the land,and at daylight we had left it a long way astern.
Jose said to me, "You better not go to captain dis day. Keep out of hisway--perhaps he recollect dat you white."
From what I had seen the night before, I thought this good advice; and Inot only did not go into the cabin, but I did not show myself on deck.
About eight o'clock in the morning I heard the boat lowered down andorders given to scuttle the vessel, as soon as she had been wellsearched. This was done, and the boat returned, having found severalthousand dollars on board of her, which they handed upon deck.
I remained below: I heard the angry voice of the negro captain--thepleadings and beggings for mercy of the prisoners--busy preparationsmaking on deck; and several men came down and handed up buckets of sand;an iron grating was handed up. The countenances of the negroes who werethus employed appeared inflamed, as if their wrath was excited; now andthen they laughed at each other, and looked more like demons than men.That some dreadful punishment was about to be inflicted I was certainand I remained crouched behind the foremast on the lower-deck.
At last the men were all on deck again, and I was left alone; and then Iheard more noise, begging for mercy, weeping and wailing, andoccasionally a few
words from the mouth of the negro captain; then roseshrieks and screams, and appeals to Heaven, and a strong smell, which Icould not comprehend, came down the hatchways.
The shrieks grew fainter, and at last ceased, and something was thrownoverboard. Then the same tragedy, whatever it was, was acted overagain--more attempts to obtain mercy--more shrieks--again the sameoverpowering smell. What could it be? I would have given much to know,but something told me that I must remain where I was. Ten times wasthis repeated, and then, as evening came on, there was a bustle on deck,and after a time the crew descended the hatchways.
I caught the eye of the American, with whom I was intimate, and as hepassed me, I beckoned to him. He came to me.
"What has been done?" said I in a whisper.
"Captain punish slave traders," replied he; "always punish them so."
"Why, what did he do to them?"
"Do?--roast 'em alive. Dis third slave vessel he take, and he alwaysserve 'em so. Serve 'em right; captain very savage; no go to him tillmorrow morning--you keep close." So saying, the American negro left me.
As I afterwards found out, the long boat on the booms had been clearedout, the sand laid at the bottom to prevent the fire from burning theboat, the captain and crew of the slave vessel laid on one after theother upon the iron grating, and burnt alive. This accounted for thehorrible smell that had come down the hatchways.
It may be considered strange that I really did not feel so much horroras perhaps I ought to have done. Had this dreadful punishment beeninflicted upon any _other_ persons than slave dealers, and _by_ anyother parties than negroes, I should not have been able to look at thecaptain without abhorrence expressed in my countenance; but I know wellthe horrors of the slave trade from conversation I had had with BobCross; and I had imbibed such a hatred against the parties who hadcarried it on, that it appeared to me to be an act of retaliation almostallied to justice. Had the negro captain only warred against slavedealers, I do not think I should have cared about remaining in thevessel; but he had told me and fully proved to me, that he detested allwhite men, and had never spared them except in my own instance.
I must acknowledge that I felt very much like going into the lion's den,when the next morning, on his ringing the cabin bell, I presented myselfto the captain; but so far from being in an ill-humour, he was very kindto me.
After breakfast, as I was going out, he said to me, "You must have aname: I shall call you Cato--recollect that; and now I have a questionto ask you--What is that which you carry round your neck on a ribbon?"
"A letter, sir," replied I.
"A letter! and why do you carry a letter?"
"Because it is of the greatest importance to me."
"Indeed! Now, Cato, sit down on the other sofa, and let me know yourhistory."
I felt that I could not do better than to make this man at once myconfidant. He might take a strong interest in me, and it was not likelyto go farther. I therefore told him everything connected with my birthand parentage, what my suspicions had been, and how the letter hadconfirmed them. I unsewed the seal-skin, and gave him the letter toread--without being aware that he could read: he took it and read italoud.
"Yes," said he, "that's proof under his own hand; and now, Cato, neverbe afraid of me, for, however I may wreak my vengeance upon others, Iswear _by my colour_ that I never will hurt you, or permit others to doso. I am a tiger--I know it; but you have often seen a little spanielcaressed by the tiger, whose fangs are turned against every other livingthing. You are quite safe."
"I feel I am, since you say so," replied I; "and since I am to be yourpet, I shall take liberties, and ask you, in return, to tell me yourhistory."
"I am glad that you have asked it, as I wish you to know it. I willbegin at once--
"I was born in America, in the state of Pennsylvania, of free parents.My father was a sail-maker, and was worth money; bet a free black inAmerica is even worse treated and more despised than a slave. I had twobrothers, who went to school with me.
"My father intended to bring me up for the Church. You look astonished;but in the States we have clergymen of our colour, as well as whiteones; looked down upon and despised, I grant, although they do teach theWord of God; but I was very unfit for that profession, as you maysuppose. I was very proud and haughty; I felt that I was as good as awhite man, and I very often got into scrapes from my resenting injuries.
"However, my education went on successfully, much more so than that ofmy brothers, who could not learn. I could, and learnt rapidly but Ilearnt to hate and detest white men, and more especially Americans; Ibrooded over the injuries of people of colour, as we were called, andall my father's advice and entreaty could not persuade me to keep mythoughts to myself. As I grew up to manhood, I spoke boldly, and morethan once nearly lost my life for so doing; for most Americans think nomore of taking the life of one like me than of a dog in the street.More than one knife has been directed to my heart, and more than oncewas I then up before the judge, and sentenced to imprisonment for nofault; my evidence, and the evidence of those of my colour, not beingpermitted to be received in a court of justice. Any white villain hadonly to swear falsely--and there is no want of that class in America--and there was no appeal. At last I was sentenced to be whipped; then myblood boiled, and I vowed a vengeance which I have fearfully adheredto."
"I do not wonder at that," said I; "I would have done the same."
"The man who had sworn falsely against me in this last instance had comeup from the South; I obtained what money I could from my father, andwent away in pursuit of him. I found him--dogged him, and one evening Iaccosted him, and plunged my bowie-knife into his heart. I fled thatState, and crossed the Mississippi.
"I had not been long in Arkansas before a man--a cotton-grower, whoowned about a hundred and fifty slaves--inquired who I was, and whetherI had a pass; I replied that I was a free man, born in Pennsylvania, andwas there on my own affairs. The next day I was taken up, broughtbefore the magistrate, and this scoundrel swore that I was his slave,and had absconded from him ten years before.
"My defence--the proof which I offered to bring, was not listened to. Iwas made over to him, and the rascal grinned as the constables broughtme away with him. His plantation was at the Red River. It wasdifficult to escape and indeed, almost useless to attempt it: but thefact was, that I did not wish to do so; I remained to have my revenge.I tried to make the other slaves rise against him, but they were toocowed; they even informed against me, and I was tied down, and floggedby the drivers until the flesh fell from my shoulders.
"As soon as I recovered, I determined to do--or die. I heard that therewere some pirate vessels in the Barataria lagoons on the other side ofNew Orleans; I resolved to join the crews, but first to have my revenge.I did so: I set fire to the plantation house--struck the scoundrel whohad made me a slave senseless as he attempted to escape, and threw hisbody into the flames; I then made the door fast, and fled. I was met byone of the overseers, who was armed, and who would have stopped me: Ibeat his brains out with his own musket, and then gained the woods. Yousee that I am powerful; you hardly know how much so. After severaldays' travelling, I arrived at the lagoons. I found this very vessel atanchor. I offered myself, and they accepted me immediately.
"There were several of my colour on board--runaway slaves--and all gooddetermined men. These were the people I required, for they understoodme. Even on board of a pirate vessel, the same contempt was showntowards us--still considered as inferior beings. All the heavy work allthe dirty work, was for the negro race; and we often worked like slaves,while the captain and the rest of the crew caroused. I was three yearson board of this vessel. Our rendezvous where we are going to now, is asmall land-locked bay on the island of Cuba. No vessel in it can beseen from seaward, and there is but one narrow pass by which itcommunicates with the interior, and it is far from any habitation. Abetter retreat for a pirate vessel could not well be found. We usedvery often to go in to refit
, and take in provisions and water; for in acave there, we keep the provisions which we take from other vessels.
"In a desperate fight which we had with an English man-of-war brig, welost nearly forty of our men. The captain, Chico, as he was called, wasobliged to fill up with black men, until he could procure others. Theconsequence was, that with the ten before on board, there were fiftyblacks to seventy whites. It was then that I made up my mind that Iwould retaliate for all that my race had suffered. I was sure of theten with whom I had sailed so long; I sounded the others, and found themall willing.
"We sailed from the Mexican Gulf, and made for the Rendezvous Bay, inCuba. As soon as we arrived, of course, as with all pirate vessels, thefirst day was dedicated to revelling and intoxication--that is, by thewhite portion of the crew. We negroes were employed in getting thecasks ashore for water. That very night, when they all lay asleep anddrunk, we put every soul of them to death, and the Stella belonged to meand my brave black who chose me for their captain, and swore by theirwrongs eternal enmity to the European race.
"As you may suppose, I was short-manned; but we soon found plenty ofmen, and have now as fine a crew as ever trod a deck."
"How long is it since you took possession of the vessel?"
"About eight or nine months, during which time I have spared none exceptyou. The usual death is drowning; but if I fall in with a slaver,then--you know what took place yesterday."
I was silent for a time. "I do not wonder," said I, at last, "at yourhatred of the whites, especially of the Americans. As for your wreakingyour vengeance upon those employed in the slave trade, dreadful as itis, I scarcely pity them; but in your general warfare against thewhites, recollect that you may murder those who are your friends, andwho have done all they can to put an end to slavery. Even in America,there are many who are opposed to it."
"It is impossible to make a distinction," replied the negro.
"What is your name?" said I, musing.
"Why do you ask? You may as well know; I wish it to be known: it isJames Vincent."
"But tell me, if you were to meet with a very superior force, what wouldyou do?"
"Run if I could; if not, fight."
"But you might be captured, and then--"
"Never, boy; never."
"Well," said I, "as you have begun by sparing me, I hope you will spareothers now."
"I don't know why I spared you. Had you shown any fear of death Ishould not have done so; but I felt that you would not care about it. Ibelieve it was that."
About ten days after, we made the east end of the island of Cuba, andran into the Bay of Rendezvous, as it was named by the pirate. It wasvery small, but completely land-locked, and the land so high on everyside that the masts of the vessel could not be seen from the seaward.The bay on the land side was met by a deep, narrow ravine, betweenmountains which were almost perpendicular, the ravine itself beingaccessible from the main land by only one narrow path known to thepirates, and which they seldom made use of, except when a spy was sentto the Havannah to ascertain what vessels were about to sail.
On the high land which shut in the bay from the sea, the pirates had aman constantly on the look-out, to report any vessel which might be inthe offing, and Vincent himself passed much of his time there, as thebreeze was fresh and the air cool to what it was down in the land-lockedbay. I was, for the same reason, very fond of being on the look-outhill, and generally followed up the captain when he went out there. Hecertainly now showed a strong affection for me, and I liked him betterthan I ever thought I could have done. He was constantly telling me ofthe treatment he and the other poor blacks had received in America, andI could not help feeling my blood boil, and a conviction that, had Ibeen so treated, I should probably have been equally under the influenceof revenge. It is the world, and the treatment we receive from it,which makes us chiefly what we are.
One day the captain told me he was going that evening to obtaininformation, as the spy he had sent had returned unsuccessful, and thathe should be absent for three or four days.
Although I was not discontented with my position, still, as the readermay well suppose, I had a strong wish to be out of it as soon aspossible, and I had determined to escape if I could; it immediatelyoccurred to me, that his absence would give me the opportunity.
I replied with a laugh, "Had you not better take me with you?"
"Very likely, indeed, you would be so very useful; I shall have quiteenough to do to take care of myself; besides, you might betray me,"added he, with a fierce and penetrating look.
"Thank you, for your good opinion," replied I, indignantly. "So youthink, because you have saved my life, that I would take yours. I amnot yet such a rascal, whatever I may become by keeping bad company."
"Well, well," replied the negro captain, "I believe I am wrong, so don'tget into a passion; but, at all events, you must see that it isimpossible I can take you with me."
"If you don't choose, I can't help it," said I; "but I don't likeremaining here without you; I shall run away if I can, so I give youfair warning."
"You won't find that quite so easy," replied he, laughing; "and Irecommend you not to attempt it."
Here the conversation dropped. About midnight the captain commenced hisascent of the ravine, and I resolved that I would not lose theopportunity, if it offered, of following him. I watched him as long asI could see him, that I might know the direction of the secret path, andthen I joined the crew, who were lying down by the tents which they hadpitched on the shore. Shortly afterwards, the Spanish Indian, who hadcoloured me, passed by me, and, as I intended to make the attempt beforeit was quite dark, I thought that I would remove any suspicion, and Itherefore requested him to stain me again. This he consented to do, andin half an hour I was again naked among the negroes and undergoing theoperation. Having received the two applications, as before, I thenquitted them.
As soon as it was quite dark, I armed myself with a pair of pistols, andcrawled underneath the back of the captain's tent, in which I alwaysslept, and, without being perceived, gained the narrow path in thebrushwood by which the captain had left.
I continued in the path for some time, by feeling the brushwood oneither side; but before I had crawled half way up the ravine, I foundthat the brushwood had not been cut away any farther and I was at a losshow to proceed. All traces were gone, and all I had to do was to climbup to the summit, and to take my chance of finding any egress. I toiledon with difficulty, sometimes stopped by a rock which would take meminutes to climb over at others, holding on by the brushwood for mylife. By twelve o'clock I had gained more than two-thirds of theascent, and then the moon rose, and assisted me with her light. I mustsay, that when I looked up and saw the rocks towering above me, andoverhanging my path, I felt that escape was nearly impossible: however,I recommenced my labour, and gained some ground, when, as I was clingingto the side of a rock by a small shrub, it gave way, and I rolled andfell down many feet, between that rock and another opposite to it.
I was not much hurt, and I regained my legs. Looking up and about me, Ifound that I was in a narrow passage, between the rocks, leading both upand down--in fact, I had tumbled into the secret path that I had been insearch of. Delighted with this discovery, I now set off with greatspirit, and in half an hour found myself on the other side of the lullwhich formed the ravine, and looking down upon an expanse of country inthe interior. Being very tired, I sat down, that I might recover mystrength before I continued my journey.
"I am free at last," thought I, and my memory wandered back to my mothermy ship, and my captain--old Culpepper, Tommy Dott, and Bob Cross. "Ishall see them all," I thought, "and what a story I shall have to tell."As soon as I had rested myself and recovered my breath, I thought Imight as well start.
I had not proceeded more than a hundred yards before I thought heard anoise, as if some one was approaching. I listened--I felt sure thatsuch was the case, and I also heard the deep baying of a hound. Thenoise increased
rapidly--it was that of one forcing his way through thebrushwood, which covered the side of the hill.
In a minute afterwards I perceived a man coming up the hill at a swiftpace, directly towards me. As he approached I could almost swear thatit was Vincent, the negro captain; but when within ten yards of me, Iperceived, him turn round and flourish his sabre in the air, while, atthe same time, three large bloodhounds sprang at him. One fell by theblow of his sabre, but the other two flew at his throat, and fastened onhim, tearing him to the around, and holding him in spite of all hisstruggling and his immense strength.
I recollected my pistols: I cocked them, ran up, and putting one to thehead of the nearest dog, blew out its brains. I was equally successfulwith the other--they both lay dead by his side, and Vincent wasreleased. He started up.
"It is me, Cato," said I.
"Cato!" replied he; "but there is not a moment to be lost. I understandit all."
He seized me by the arm, and dragged me with him to the narrow entranceof the pass, and as soon as we came in he rolled three large rocks,which had evidently been used for such purpose before, so as completelyto block up the entrance.
"There," said he, leaning back quite exhausted; "be quiet, Cato. We aresafe now; they will be on the top of the hill directly."
We remained where we were about ten minutes, when we heard voices notvery far from us. They were the pursuers of the negro captain who wereevidently baffled. After a time the sounds receded from us, and weheard them no more. Vincent then spoke:--
"You were escaping, Cato."
"I had escaped," replied I: "I told you that I would."
"Strange that you should have discovered the path; did any one betray itto you?"
"No one," replied I: and I then told him how I had fallen into it.
"Well you have returned all obligations, and more than ever you owedme," said he: "you have saved my life this time, and that when allchance was over."
"Then," replied I, "although I shall be very sorry to part with you,give me that liberty which I had gained, and which I lost in defendingyou from the dogs."
"I would have let you go then, Cato," replied he, "but your life wouldhave been sacrificed. My pursuers would have hurried you to prisonbefore you could have explained who you were. You forget your colour ischanged; they were not seeking me, but a runaway slave, and thebloodhounds came upon my track. Those white men show no mercy; theyhave more pleasure in seeing a runaway slave torn to pieces by thosedogs than in recovering possession of him. It is a sort of fox-chase tothem," continued he, grating his teeth after he had said so. "Cato, Iwill give you your liberty, if you wish it, and I know you do wish it,as soon as I can with any prudence; that I promise you, and you knowthat I will keep my word."
"I am quite satisfied," replied I.
"And do you promise me that you will not attempt to escape a secondtime?"
"I promise you that I will not," replied I.
"Enough," said Vincent. "Now let us go down the hill, for I am verymuch torn by those infernal brutes, and must have the wounds washed andattended to."
We descended the hill, in silence, and in a quarter of an hour hadgained the tent. Vincent was severely bitten and torn: as soon as hiswounds had been dressed he lay down on his mat, and I did the same.
It was some days before Vincent recovered from the severe injuries whichhe had received from the bloodhounds; and he did not appear to beinclined to run any more risks of that sort. Although he said little, Icould perceive that he was brooding over future vengeance and he was nownearly the whole of the day with his glass on the look-out hill.
One morning a schooner hove in sight, steering from the Havannah to thesouthward and eastward, either for the islands of the Spanish Main. TheStella had for many days been ready for instant sailing, and havingwatched her till near sunset, Vincent sent down orders for every soul tobe on board, and the anchor hove up. Just as it was dark we towed outof the bay, and made all sail.
At daylight the schooner was but a few miles ahead of us and not being afast sailer, in little more than an flour we were alongside of her. Sheproved to be bound to the island of Curacao, being the property of anold Dutch gentleman, who was on board with his daughter, a little girlabout seven years old. The crew consisted chiefly of negroes, slaves tothe owner; the master of the vessel and the mate being, with theexception of the old gentleman and the little girl, the only whitepeople on board.
As usual, the crew were brought on board by the pirates, who reported tothe captain that the vessel was in ballast, and of no value. As thecrew of the Stella were already more than requisite, Vincent did notrequire the negroes; he told them that they might go on board theschooner again, and take her into any port they pleased; with the whitepeople, however it was another affair.
I had remained below, not wishing to witness a scene of butchery; but Iwas induced to look up the ladder, in consequence of Jose telling methat there was a little white girl come on board. At the time that Idid so, Vincent had just done speaking with the negroes belonging to thecaptured vessel; they had fallen back, and there was then standingbefore Vincent, the master and mate of the vessel, the old Dutchgentleman, and the little girl.
A more interesting child I never had seen, and my heart bled at the ideaof her being sacrificed. I could not help hoping that Vincent wouldhave a similar feeling, but I was mistaken. The master and mate werepointed at, and immediately seized by negroes and tossed over into thesea. The old gentleman bowed his head over the beautiful child, and sheknelt to him, as if for his blessing before she died. At that verymoment Vincent gave the sign--I could remain quiet to longer--I sprangon the deck.
"Stop!" cried I to the men who were about to seize the oldgentleman--"stop!" The negroes did fall back at my voice.
"What is this?" cried Vincent.
"Captain Vincent," cried I, "do you call yourself a man, to war withchildren and old grey-headed men? You must not, shall not, touch thesetwo. You have wreaked your vengeance upon the white men; be content--let these go."
"Cato," replied Vincent, fiercely, "it is well that it is you that havedared to snatch the prey from the fangs of the wild beast. Had it beenanother, this pistol should have sent a ball whizzing through his brain;as it is, go down below immediately."
"I do not fear your pistol, Captain Vincent, nor will I go below; thatvery pistol, in my hand, saved you from the fangs of the blood-hound. Itell you, therefore, that you must not destroy that innocent child--ifyou love me, you must not; for I will hate, detest, and scorn you everafterwards. I entreat you--I implore you to let them go: they are notfit objects for your vengeance; and if you destroy them, I tell you, youare a coward."
"What!" roared the tiger, "a coward!" and, no longer able to containhimself he levelled his pistol at me and drew the trigger. It missedfire; Vincent looked very confused--he tossed the pistol on deck, foldedhis arms and turned his face away.
There was a dead silence. The negro crew looked first at me and then atthe captain, as if awaiting orders, and uncertain of the issue. TheDutch gentleman seemed to be so lost in surprise, as to almost forgethis impending fate; while the little girl clung to him and stared at mewith her deep blue eyes. It was what on the theatres they would call atableau.
I followed up my advantage. Stepping forward, and placing myself beforethe old man and the child, I first broke the silence.
"Captain Vincent," said I, "you did once promise me that you would neverinjure me or attempt my life; that promise you have broken. Since that,you have made me another promise--you may recollect it--which was, thatyou would allow me to leave you on the first favourable opportunity;there cannot be any opportunity more favourable than the present. Thenegroes whom you are to send back to the schooner do not know how tonavigate her. I request, therefore, to know whether you intend to keepthis second promise, or to break it as you have the first? I ask myliberty."
"If I broke my promise just now, it was your fault," replied Vincent,co
olly. "I am sorry for it, and I can say no more; I intended to keepit, and, to prove so, I now keep my second--you may go."
"I thank you for that. I only wish that, now I leave you, I could leaveyou with feelings of good-will and not of--I must say it--of horror anddisgust. Captain Vincent, once more let me beg, as a last favour, thatyou will spare these poor people."
"Since you are so particularly interested about this useless old man andstill more useless child," replied Vincent, sarcastically, "I will nowmake a proposal to you. You have your liberty. Do you choose to giveit up and remain here, provided I let them go away in the schooner?Come now--take your choice; for I swear by my colour, that if you goaway in the schooner, the moment you shove off, they shall go over thegunwale."
"My choice is then made," replied I; for I knew that when he swore byhis colour he was in earnest: "release them, and I will remain here." Ilittle knew what I was to undergo in consequence of this decision.
"Be it so," said Vincent: then turning to one of the mates, "let them goback with the negroes; hoist the boat up when she returns, and sail forthe Rendezvous." So saying, he went down into the cabin.
"You are saved," said I, going up to the old Dutch gentleman; "lose notime; get into the boat as fast as possible, and make sail on yourvessel as soon as you get on board. Good bye, little girl," said I,taking her hand.
"I thank you," replied the gentleman in good English--"I cannot say howmuch; I am so surprised at what I have seen but recollect the name ofVanderwelt, of Curacao; and if ever we meet again, you will find megrateful."
"I will; but ask no more questions now--into the boat--quick," said I,shaking his proffered hand. They were handed down into the boat by thenegroes.
I remained on deck until they were put on board; the boat returned, washoisted up, the schooner made sail again, and then I went down into thecabin. I found the negro captain stretched upon the sofa, his facecovered up with both his hands; he remained in the same position, takingno notice of my coming down. Although my confidence in him wasdestroyed after his snapping the pistol at me, yet when I reflected howI had bearded him in his rage, I did make some excuse for him; moreover,I knew that it was my interest to be on the best terms with him, and, ifpossible, make him forget what had passed, for I felt that his proudspirit would make it difficult for him to forgive himself for havingbeen induced by his passion to break an oath which he had sworn to byhis colour; I therefore, after a little reflection, went up to him andsaid--
"I am sorry that I made you so angry, Captain Vincent; you must forgiveme, but I thought that deed beneath you, and I could not bear to have abad opinion of you."
"Do you mean to assert that you have not a bad opinion of me now?"replied he, fixing his eyes upon me.
"No, certainly not; you have released those I pleaded for, and I am verygrateful to you for having done so."
"You have made me do what I never did before," replied he, raisinghimself and sitting with his feet on the deck.
"I know I have; I have made you spare those of my colour."
"I did not mean that; you have irritated me so as to make me break myoath."
"That was my own doing--my fault rather than yours. I had no right tospeak as I did; but I was in a great rage, and that is the truth. I dobelieve that, if I had had a pistol in my hand, I should have fired itat you; so we may cry quits on that score."
"I am angry with myself--the more so, that I little imagined that youwould have remained with me after my breaking my oath. Either you musthave felt great interest about those people, or you must have greatconfidence in me, a confidence winch I have proved that I do notdeserve."
"That you did forget yourself, I grant; but I have that confidence thatit will be a warning to you, and you will not forget yourself again; Itherefore remain with you with perfect confidence, feeling I am quitesafe, until you think proper to give me my liberty."
"You will wish to leave me then?"
"I have relations and friends--a profession to follow. What can I gainby remaining here, except your friendship? I never will be a pirate,you may be assured, I wish from my heart that you were not one."
"And who should be pirates if the blacks are not?" replied Vincent."Have they not the curse of Cain? Are they not branded? Ought nottheir hands to be against every one but their own race? What is theArab but the pirate of the desert--the sea of sand? Black is the colourfor pirates. Even the white pirates feel the truth of this, or why dothey hoist the _black_ flag?"
"At all events, it's a profession that seldom ends well."
"And what matter does that make? We can die but once--I care not howsoon. I have not found life so very sweet as to care for it, I assureyou. Cato, there is but one thing sweet in existence--one feeling thatnever clogs and never tires, and that is revenge."
"Are not love and friendship sweet? I certainly know nothing about thefirst."
"I know no more than you do of it. They say friendship is the morelasting; and as a proof of how lasting that is I snapped my pistol atyou, and, had it not missed fire, should have killed the only one forwhom I ever felt friendship in this world."
"That's a bad habit you have of carrying your pistols at all times; theyare too handy, and give no time or reflection. Only suppose, now, youhad blown out my brains, you would have been very sorry."
"Cato, I have many lives on my hands, and hope to have many more beforeI die. I never have repented one act of my life--a murder, as you maycall it--and I never shall. But I tell you frankly, that had Idestroyed you in my passion I should have been a miserable man. I knowit; I feel it."
"Let's say no more about it: that I'm just as glad as you are that youdid not kill me, I assure you most positively. Here's Jose coming withthe dinner."
Here ended our conversation, which I have given just to show thepeculiar disposition of this extraordinary man, with whom I had becomedomesticated. Verily and truly was I, as he said, "like a little dog inthe cage of a tiger," and, from familiarity: just as bold as dogs becomeunder such peculiar circumstances.
Before morning we were again at anchor in the Rendezvous Bay, and thetents were pitched as before. We remained there for more than afortnight, during which my intimacy with the captain was even greaterthan before. He appeared to endeavour to do all in his power to restoremy confidence in him, and he succeeded. Still, I must say, that I beganto be weary of this sort of life. My dreams were ever of murder andbloodshed; and more than once I felt inclined to make my escape: but Ihad promised, and the remembrance of my promise prevented me.
One afternoon the man on the look-out made the usual signal for a vesselin sight. Vincent went up immediately, and I followed him. It was aschooner, very long, with very taut, raking masts. Vincent examined herfor some time, and then gave me the glass, and asked me what I thoughtof her. I replied, that I thought she was a man-of-war schooner.
"You are right," said he, "I know her well; it is the Arrow, and she hascome out to cruise for me. This is the third time that she has beensent after me. Once we exchanged a few broadsides, but anotherman-of-war hove in sight, and I was compelled to leave her. She shallnot accuse me of running from her, now that she is alone, and byto-morrow morning I will give her the opportunity of making the reportof my capture if she can; but if I capture her, you may guess the rest."
We remained till nearly sunset watching the motions of the schooner.Vincent then went down the hill to give orders for sailing, leaving mewith the glass. I again directed it to the schooner, and perceived thatshe was making signals.
Then she is not alone, thought I; and Vincent may not capture her quiteso easily as he expects. I looked in vain for the other vessel; I couldnot see her; I therefore concluded that she must be somewhere under theland, and hidden by it from my sight.
The signals were repeated till dusk when I went down the hill, and foundthat all was bustle and activity, Vincent superintending himself thepreparations for sailing. I did not interrupt him to tell him that Ihad
perceived the schooner making signals. I had an idea, somehow oranother, that I should regain my liberty, and was as anxious as Vincentthat the Stella should be under weigh.
Before ten o'clock everything was ready. Vincent had told his men thatthe English man-of-war schooner was outside, and that he intended tofight her; the men appeared delighted at the proposal, and as resoluteand determined as men should be.
As soon as the Stella was clear of the bay, everything was got ready foraction, and I must say that nothing could be more rapid or more quietthan their movements. We stood out until we had gained an offing offive miles, and then made a reach along the shore towards the Havannah.
As soon as the Stella had laid her head towards the Havannah, Vincentcame down below. I had latterly slept on one of the cabin sofas, buthad this night remained with my clothes on, for I was not sure that wemight not be in action before the morning.
The Arrow had gained the knowledge that our Rendezvous Bay was somewhereabout the east end of the island, and had cruised accordingly, but couldnot discover it.
Vincent threw himself on the other sofa, and I pretended to asleep; as Idid not wish to enter into conversation with him was too much occupiedwith my own thoughts, and felt that there would be nothing in commonbetween us at such a moment. He was very soon asleep, and he talked inhis sleep. He was evidently in action, and gave his orders, every nowand then speaking a few words aloud, and then it appeared as if he hadtaken the English schooner, and that he was fulfilling his vows ofretaliation. I shuddered as I heard the half-broken menaces--theexulting laugh which occasionally burst from his lips. I arose andwatched him as he slept; his hands were continually in motion, and hisfists clenched, and he smiled. Merciful Heaven! what a tale of savagecruelty that smile foretold if he were successful! I knelt down andprayed that he might be foiled in his endeavours. As I rose I heard anoise and talking on deck, and one of the mates came down in the cabin.
"How does she bear?" cried Vincent, starting up from his couch, as if heinstinctively knew what was to be told.
"Two points on the weather bow, captain," replied the negro. "I thinkshe has her foresheet to windward."
"What's the time?"
"One bell in the morning watch; it will be daylight in an hour."
"Very good. How far is she off?"
"About four miles."
"Pipe to quarters; I will be up directly."
Vincent took down his sword and buckled on his belt; then his pistols,which after having examined the primings, he fixed in his girdle. Istill remained as if asleep, and as he was going out of the cabin, heturned to me. "He sleeps, poor boy; well, why should I wake him?--theguns will rouse him up soon enough." So saying, he went on deck.
I considered what I should do. To be on deck was hardly safe for me asa white person; and, indeed, what business had I there? Why should Iexpose myself to the shot of my countrymen, or run the risk of losing mylife from the rage of the negroes? I therefore resolved on remainingwhere I was--at all events, for the present.
The negroes now came into the cabin, for the after-magazine was underthe forepart of it. The hatch was taken up, the screens let down, andall was dark. I had nothing to do but to catch now and then thecommands given by the negro captain, and draw my inference as to whatwas taking place.
Although for the first half-hour I gained little information, after thattime had elapsed I knew what was going on. I heard a voice hailing usfrom another vessel, and the reply of the Stella was a broadside. Therecould be no mistake in that. The Stella was then put about, and theother broadside given without a return from her opponent. At last itcame, and as the shot whizzed over or tore up the planking of thegunwales, I certainly did feel very strangely. I had never been inaction before, and the sensation was, I confess, that of alarm; but itwas so mingled with curiosity as to what was going on, that it wasimpossible to say what my feelings were. I longed to be on deck, andcertainly would have been, if I had thought that I was safe with thepirate crew: that alone prevented me; I remained, therefore, in a mostunpleasant state of ignorance and suspense.
The broadsides were now exchanged rapidly and the wounded, brought downbetween decks every minute, told me that the action was severe. Theorders of the negro captain were occasionally heard--they were cool anddetermined. Every minute some fresh manoeuvre was executed, and theguns still worked as if there was nothing else to attend to. At last,the daylight came down the hatchway, and I left the cabin and walkedforward between decks; I found the deck strewed with wounded and dyingmen, calling for water. I was glad to be able to do something which Icould consistently do, and I brought water from the cask and gave it tothem, one after another, as fast as I could; I think there were at leastthirty men lying about the lower deck, some in pools of their own blood,and sinking fast, for there was no surgeon on board of the Stella.
Some more wounded men were brought down, and a conversation took placebetween one of the mates of the schooner, who was hurt, and the men whobrought down the wounded, and listening to them, I found that atdaylight they had discovered that an English frigate was under all sail,beating up to them, and about five miles to leeward; that inconsequence, the Stella was now carrying on a running fight with theschooner (who was to windward of her), and trying to escape. Thisaccounted for the signals which I had perceived that the Englishschooner was making the evening before. My anxiety at this intelligencewas naturally much increased. The Stella was trying to escape, and hersailing powers were so remarkable, that I was afraid she would succeed.
The action was still continued between the two schooners, but now theshot no longer hit the Stella, nor were there any more wounded menbrought down; it was evident that the two vessels were now firing ateach other's masts and rigging, the one to prevent, and the other toeffect her escape, by dismantling her antagonist. I felt as if I couldhave given my left hand to have gone on deck. I waited half an hourmore, and then, curiosity conquering my fear, I crept gradually up thefore ladder. The men were working the guns to windward, the lee-side ofthe deck was clear, and I stepped forward, and got into the head, whereI could see both to windward and to leeward. To leeward I perceived thefrigate about four miles distant with every stretch of canvass that shecould set on a wind; I knew her directly to be the Calliope, my ownship, and my heart beat quick at the chance of being once more on boardof her.
To windward, as the smoke occasionally cleared away, I saw the Arrowschooner close hauled on the same tack as the Stella, and distant abouta mile, every ten seconds the smoke from her guns booming along thewater's surface, and the shot whizzing through our rigging; she had notsuffered much from our fire: her sails were full of shot-holes, it istrue, but her spars were not injured. I then turned my eyes upon themasts and rigging of the Stella: apparently, the damage done was aboutequal to that received by the Arrow; our sails were torn, but our sparswere unscathed.
The water was smooth, although the breeze was fresh, and both schoonerswere running at the rate of six or seven miles an hour; but the Stellahad evidently the advantage of sailing, and fore-reached upon heropponent. I perceived that everything depended upon a lucky hit andhaving satisfied myself with what I had seen, I hastened down below.
For more than half an hour the firing continued without advantage oneither side, when a yell was given by the negro crew, and I heard themcry on the deck that the Arrow's foretop-mast was shot away. I heardthe voice of Vincent cheering his men, and telling them to be steady intheir aim. My heart sunk at the intelligence, and I sat down on achest.
The firing now slackened, for the Stella had shot ahead of the Englishschooner, and the negroes on deck were laughing and in high good-humour.For a few minutes the firing ceased altogether, and I took it forgranted that the Stella had left her pursuers far behind; when of asudden, a whole broadside of guns were poured into us, and there was aterrible crashing and confusion on the deck.
I ran up the ladder to see what had happened. It appeared that as theStella was c
rossing the bows of the Arrow, the latter had, as a lastchance thrown up in the wind, and discharged her whole broadside intous: two shots had struck our mainmast, which had fallen by the board. Iperceived at once that the Stella's chance was over--nothing could saveher; she might resist the schooner but could not escape the frigate.
I ran down below, and went into the cabin; I was afraid that the negroesmight perceive the joy in my countenance. I heard the angry voice ofthe negro captain--I heard him stamping with rage, and I thanked Godthat I was not by his side. The wreck of the mast was soon clearedaway; I heard him address his negroes, point out to them that it wasbetter to die like men at the guns, than swing at the yard-arm likedogs. Some of them came down and took on deck a quarter-cask ofspirits, which was plentifully supplied to all.
The English schooner had borne down upon us, and the action nowcommenced at pistol-shot. Never shall I forget what took place fornearly three-quarters of an hour; the negroes, most of them intoxicated,fought with rage and fury indescribable--their shouts--their screams--their cursing and blasphemy, mingled with the loud report of the guns,the crashing of the spars and bulwarks, the occasional cry of thewounded, and the powerful voice of Vincent. It was terrific betweendecks; the smoke was so thick, that those who came down for the powdercould not see, but felt their way to the screen. Every two seconds, Iheard the men come aft, toss off the can of liquor, and throw it on thedeck, hen they went to resume their labour at their guns.
At the end of the time I have mentioned, the shot flew from to leeward,as well as from to windward: the frigate had got within range, and waspouring in her broadside; still the firing and the shouting on the deckof the Stella continued, but the voices were fewer; and as the firing ofthe frigate became more severe, they became fainter and fainter; and atlast but an occasional gun was fired from our decks.
I became so uneasy, that I could remain where I was no longer; I wentforward on the lower deck again, and tumbling over the wounded and thedead, I crept up the fore-ladder. I looked over the coamings of thehatchway; the decks were clear of smoke, for not a gun was being fired.Merciful Heaven! what a scene of slaughter! Many of the guns weredismantled, and the decks were strewed with the splinters and plankingsof the gunwale, broken spars, and negroes lying dead, or drunk, in alldirections--some cut and torn to pieces, others whole, but mixed up withthe fragments of other bodies: such a scene of blood I have never sincewitnessed. Out of the whole crew, I do not think there were twenty menleft unhurt, and these were leaning or lying down, exhausted withfatigue or overcome with liquor, on various parts of the deck.
The fighting was over; there was not one man at his gun--and of thosewho remained still alive, one or two fell, while I was looking up fromthe shot, which continued every minute to pierce the bulwarks. Wherewas Vincent? I dare not go aft to see. I dare not venture to meet hiseye. I dived down below again, and I returned aft to the cabin; therewas no more demand for powder; not a soul was to be seen abaft.Suddenly the after-hatchway grating was thrown off; I heard some onedescend; I knew it was the hurried tread of the negro captain. It wasso dark, and the cabin so full of smoke, that, coming from the light, hedid not perceive me, although I could distinguish him. He was evidentlybadly wounded, and tottered in his walk: he came into the cabin, put hishand to his girdle, and felt for his pistol, and then he commencedpulling down the screen, which was between him and the magazine. Hisintentions were evident; which were to blow up the vessel.
I felt that I had not a moment to lose. I dashed past him, ran up theladder, sprung aft to the taffrail, and dashed over the stern into thesea. I was still beneath the surface, having not yet risen from myplunge, when I heard and felt the explosion--felt it, indeed, sopowerfully, that it almost took away my senses; so great was the shock,even when I was under the water, that I was almost insensible. I have afaint recollection of being drawn down by the vortex of the sinkingvessel, and scrambling my way to the surface of the water, amidstfragments of timbers and whirling bodies. When I recovered myself, Ifound that I was clinging to a portion of the wreck, in a sort of patch,as it were, upon the deep blue water, dark as ink, and strewed withsplintered fragments.
There I remained some minutes, during which time I gained myrecollection: I looked around and perceived the Arrow schooner, lyingabout one hundred yards off, totally dismantled, and my own frigateabout a quarter of a mile to leeward, as bright and as fresh as if shehad just been refitted. I observed a signal, made by the Calliope tothe schooner, which was answered. I looked in vain towards theschooner, expecting her to lower down a boat. The fact was, that theCalliope had made the signal for her to do so, and the schooner hadreplied that she had no boat that could swim. I then perceived that thefrigate had lowered down a boat which was pulling towards me, and Iconsidered myself as safe.
In a few minutes, during which I had quite recovered myself, the boatpulled into the mass of floating fragments, and then the sailors ceasedrowing to look about them. They perceived and pulled towards me--hoisted me in over the gunwale, and laid me at the bottom of the boat.I scrambled on my feet, and would have gone _aft_, when the midshipmanof the boat said to the men, "Pass that cursed young pirate forward--don't let him come aft here."
"Oh, oh, Mr Lascelles," thinks I--"so you don't know me; you shall knowme by-and-by." I quite forgot that I was stained black, till one of themen who seized me by the collar to pass me forward, said, "Hand alongthe nigger. He's a young one for the gallows, any how."
They handed me forward, and I did not choose to say who I was. My loveof fun returned the moment that I was again with my shipmates. Afterlooking well round and ascertaining that I was the only one left alive,they pulled back to the frigate; and the midshipman went up to report.I was handed up the side and remained at the break of the gangway, whilethe captain and first lieutenant were talking with Mr Lascelles: duringwhich Mr Tommy Dott came up to me, and, putting his finger to his leftear, gave a cluck with his tongue, as much as to say, "You'll be hanged,my good fellow."
I could not help giving the first mason's sign which I taught to MrGreen in return for Tommy's communication; to wit, putting my thumb tomy nose, and extending my finger out towards him; at which Tommy Dottexpressed much indignation, and called me a precious impudent varmin.The men who were near us laughed, and said that I was game at allevents. No one knew me; for not only was my face well stained, but Iwas covered from head to foot with a solution of salt water andgunpowder, which made me still more indistinguishable.
I had remained at the gangway about two minutes, when the firstlieutenant said, "Bring the prisoner here."
I immediately went aft; and as soon as I was standing before CaptainDelmar and the first lieutenant--(and behind were all the officers,anxious to hear what I had to disclose)--I put my hand to my head,having no hat, as may be supposed, and said, "_Come on board, sir_,"reporting myself, as is usually the custom of officers when they returnfrom leave or duty.
"Good Heavens! that voice!--why, who are you?" cried Captain Delmar,starting back a pace.
"Mr Keene, sir," replied I, again putting my hand to my head.
Bob Cross, who was, with many of the seamen, close to me, quiteforgetting etiquette, ran up and caught me round the waist, looking mefull in the face: "It is him, sir--it is him! Huzzah! huzzah!" and allthe seamen joined in the huzzahs, which were, however, mingled with agreat deal of laughter.
"Merciful Heaven! and so you have been blown up in that vessel," saidthe first lieutenant, coming to me, with great kindness. "Are you muchburnt? Why, he's quite black--where's the surgeon?"
"Aren't hurt at all, sir," replied I.
"Let him be taken down and examined," said the captain with someemotion; "if not hurt, let him come into the cabin to me."
The captain went down the ladder, and then I shook hands with Tommy Dottand all the other officers and midshipmen; and I will say that myre-appearance appeared to give unusual satisfaction. I went down intothe gun-room and was stripped. They were mu
ch surprised to find that Iwas not hurt, and even more when they discovered that I was black allover, and that washing would not restore my colour.
"Why, Keene," said the first lieutenant, "how is it that you havechanged your colour?"
"Oh, sir, I've been playing the nigger for these last three months. Itis a long story, but I will go with you to the captain, and I will tellit there."
As soon as I had put on my uniform, I went up with Mr Hippesley to thecabin, and having, at the captain's request, taken a chair, I enteredinto a full explanation, which lasted more than an hour.
As soon as I had finished, Mr Hippesley who had plenty to do on deck,but who could not leave until he had heard my story, quitted the cabin,and I found myself alone with the captain.
"I must say that I gave you up for lost," said Captain Delmar; "theboat's crew were picked up the next morning, and reported that you weredrowned in the cabin of the vessel. Scoundrels, to desert you in thatway."
"I do not think they were to blame, sir; the water being so high in thecabin, and my not answering to their call."
"But did they call you?"
"Yes, sir; I heard them call when I was half asleep, and I did notanswer."
"Well, I am glad to hear you say so; but so convinced have we been ofyour loss, that I have written to your mother on the subject. Strange,this is the second time that she has been distressed in this way. Youappear to have a charmed life, Mr Keene."
"I hope I shall long live to do credit to your protection, sir," repliedI.
"I hope so too, Mr Keene," replied the captain, very kindly; "Isincerely hope so too. In all this business you have conducted yourselfvery manfully. It does you great credit, and your mother ought to beproud of you."
"Thanky, sir," replied I, for I was overjoyed at such language fromCaptain Delmar, and I thought to myself, if he says my mother ought beproud of me, he feels so himself.
"Of course, you cannot do duty under such a masquerade as you are atpresent," continued the captain, who referred to my stained skin. "Ipresume it will wear off by-and-by. You will dine with me to-day; nowyou may go to your messmates."
I left the cabin, bowing very respectfully, and pleased with what hadoccurred. I hastened to join my messmates, not, however, until I hadshaken hands with Bob Cross, who appeared as delighted to see me as ifhe was my father.
I leave the reader to imagine the sort of levee which I held both on thequarter-deck and below. Mr Hippesley could not get any of the officersto mind their duty. I certainly was for two or three days the greatestpersonage in the ship. After that, I had time to tell the whole of myhistory quietly to Bob Cross.
Bob Cross, when he had heard me without interruption, said, "Well,Master Keene, there's no telling what a man's born to till after he'sdead, and then it's all known: but it does appear to me that you areborn to something out of the common. Here you are, not sixteen, notonly playing a man's part, but playing it manfully. You have been putin most difficult situations, and always have fallen upon your feet inthe end. You appear to have an old head upon very young shoulders; atone moment to be a scampish boy full of mischief, and at another aresolute, cool, and clever man. Sarcumstances, they say, make men, andso it appears in you; but it does seem strange for one and the same ladto be stealing the purser's plums at one moment, and twisting a devil ofa nigger pirate round his finger the very next; and then you have hadsuch escapes--twice reported dead at head-quarters, and twice come tolife again. Now Master Keene, I've very good news to tell you: youdon't know how high you stand with the captain and officers: there's afeeling of envy against a lad who goes ahead (as well as a man) whichblinds people to his real merits; but when he is supposed to be dead andgone, and no longer in the way of others, then every one tells the realtruth; and I do assure you that not only the officers, but the captainhimself, grieved most sorely at your loss. I saw the captain's eyeswink more than once when speaking of you, and the first lieutenant wasalways telling the other mids that he had not one worth his salt, nowthat you were gone. And now that you have come back and gained so muchcredit for what has passed, I do really think that the captain is proudof you. I overheard a little conversation between the captain and firstlieutenant the day you came on board, after you had been in the cabintelling your adventures, and all that I can say is, that the game is inyour own hands, if you only play your cards well, and never let CaptainDelmar have the least idea that you know that you have such claims uponhim."
"That I certainly will not," replied I, "as it might check his feelingtowards me."
"Exactly: I've often thought about you, and now that I like you so much,I watch the captain for your sake, and listen particularly to what hesays after dinner especially, when I've the opportunity; for you see,when gentlemen drink wine, they speak more freely as to what they reallythink, just as we foremast-men do when we get our grog on board. Thegreatest misfortune which could happen to you in your position would be,the captain marrying and having children on the right side of theblanket as they call it. Now I've often heard the captain express adislike to matrimony, and laugh at people's getting married, which haspleased me very much for your sake, Master Percival. You see, a mandon't think much of marrying after forty, and the captain must be fifty,if not more."
"Yes: but if his brother dies--and he is a very infirm man--the captainwill then be Viscount de Versely, and inherit very large estates, andthen he will marry to have an heir to the title and estates even ifthere is no love in the case."
"So he may," replied Cross--"there's no saying; but still, even if hedoes, it ain't certain that he has a family; chickens must not becounted before they are hatched. All you have to pray for then is, thatthe brother may prove as tough as our old admirals, whose senses gettired of staying any longer in their bodies, and leave them long beforetheir hulks are worn out."
"Why do admirals live so long?"
"Well, I suppose it is for the same reason that salt meat keeps so muchlonger than fresh; they have been forty or fifty years with the saltspray washing in their faces and wetting their jackets, and so in time,d'ye see, they become as it were pickled with brine. Talking aboutthat, how long will it be before you get that tanning off you?"
"I don't know; but as the captain says I'm to do no duty while it lasts,I hope it won't wear off too soon."
"Spoken like a midshipman: now take my advice, although not ordered toyour duty, come up on deck and take your spy-glass."
"I've lost it, unfortunately. That was a good glass, for it saved mylife."
"Yes, it turned out as good for you as a Freemason's sign, which is morethan Mr Green can say. I don't think he'll ever make a sailor--he'dbetter bear up for clerk, and then he might do very well for a purserby-and-by. There's eight bells, Master Keene, so I think we had bettersay good night."
Percival Keene Page 19