Walking the Crimson Road

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Walking the Crimson Road Page 21

by Perrie Patterson

  “I’d definitely like to join you.”

  “How about you come downstairs and meet everyone? I’m meeting them in the lobby in about ten minutes.”

  “Sure, I’m ready to meet your parents,” he says, leaning in for a kiss.

  “First, let’s walk in my room and see if Lauren’s ready.”

  I knock on the door. Lauren peeks out at me through the crack then opens the door to let us in.

  I can tell when Lane and I walk in that Lauren wasn’t expecting to see him.

  “Lauren, this is Lane.” I gesture with a wave of my hand.

  “It’s nice to finally meet you, Lauren. I’ve heard a lot about you.” Lane reaches out to shake her hand.

  “Same, I’ve also heard a lot about you, and it’s nice to finally meet you, too.”

  I can tell by the expression on Lauren’s face she’s impressed with Lane. She looks like she’s trying to hold in a giggle fit.

  We get on the elevator. My palms are sweaty, so I wipe them on my jeans and fan my face. I’m nervous about introducing Lane to Mom and Dad. Lane puts his hand on the small of my back as a calming gesture as we step into the lobby.

  I can see Bella’s family and my parents standing around talking. Lauren, Lane and I walk up to them. Mom notices us and looks startled.

  “Hey, Mom and Dad, this is my boyfriend, Lane.” I say with a cat that ate the canary smile, and the Band-aide is ripped off.

  Dad says, “Boyfriend? This is news.”

  “I was waiting until we were all together to introduce you.” Lane reaches out and shakes Dad’s hand. Bella is looking amused and whispers something to her mom.

  Mom, still looking surprised, says, “It’s nice to meet you, Lane. Is your family here for the game?”

  “I flew in today from Aspen with two of my cousins, but the rest of my family is staying at our house in Aspen for another week. My family usually vacations for two to three weeks in Aspen during Christmas.”

  I introduce Bella’s family to Lane.

  “So how did you and Rebecca meet?” Dad asks.

  “She tripped over me the first day of class.”

  Everyone laughs, I turn bright red, and Lane squeezes my hand.

  “We’re both taking Richard Brigg’s creative writing/journalism class.” Lane’s manner is just the right amount of respect and friendly.

  I butt in, “I know we have plans for dinner, and Lane has plans with some fraternity brothers tonight, but he’s planning on joining us for the Bama tailgate, New Year’s party tomorrow, if that is okay with you guys?”

  Mom nods. “Absolutely, we’d love to have you join us.”

  My parents say goodnight to Lane, and he turns to me. “Bex, let me introduce you to my cousins really quick.” He takes my hand and we turn around.

  Two handsome guys walk up. He introduces me to Conor and John. After the quick introduction, Lane kisses me on the cheek, then he and his cousins walk into the Carousel Bar, and I walk out to the sidewalk where everyone is waiting.

  First thing Mom says is, “He’s the guy you went to the Undertaker’s Ball with.”

  “Yes, we’ve been dating for about a month.”

  “What happened with Grant?” Mom asks.

  I’m glad Bella’s family is wrapped up in their own conversations and are walking ahead of us, so they don’t hear all the embarrassing interrogations I’m getting.

  “I had a talk with Grant and told him I liked him a lot, but I had feelings for a guy in my class who asked me out, and felt I wanted to date him to see how things go.”

  “How did Grant take it?” Mom’s tone is serious.

  “He was nice, understanding, and appreciated my honesty. I know I hurt his feelings, and I felt bad about it, but I had stronger feelings for Lane.”

  “What can you tell us about this Lane?” Dad prods.

  “He is in the Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity. He’s from New York. His Mom is in politics and has written a book. His dad is a professor at Columbia University, and he has three older sisters. You can ask him all the questions you want tomorrow night.”

  Lauren jumps out with, “And he’s really rich.”

  I poke Lauren in the ribs and give her a nasty look. She rolls her eyes.

  We have to wait for a table at Pat O’Brien’s, so our parents go to the bar and order Hurricanes. Bella and I hand Cade our phones and ask him to take pictures of the three of us girls in front of the Pat O’Brien’s sign.

  Once seated, we order alligator bites for an appetizer. I am totally in love with New Orleans’ food and lively atmosphere. The streets are crowded with partygoers and Bama fans yelling Roll Tide across the streets and back again. Walking back to our hotel is quite the experience. Jazz bands play at every corner. People dancing, people in costumes, and Bama fans all mix into one big party scene.

  When we get back to the lobby, we make plans to meet everyone at Café Beignet around the corner for breakfast.

  I blurt out, “I’ll walk Bella back to her hotel.”

  “Take Cade with you, so you’re not walking back by yourself,” Mrs. Campbell says, motioning toward Cade.

  “I’ll come, too,” Lauren adds.

  When we get to the lobby of her hotel there are even more Bama fans mingling around.

  Bella points down a hallway and says, “The ball-rooms where the party will be tomorrow night are that way. You guys will probably want to meet here tomorrow around 6:45.”

  “I’ll make sure to tell everyone. We’ll see you tomorrow at Café Beignet.”



  In the morning, our group wanders out of the hotel, down the street and into the small cafe to indulge in beignets.

  “I’m in love with beignets, I can’t get enough. It’s like heaven in my mouth” I say, picking up a third one from the plate in front of me.

  Lauren and I are covered in powdered sugar and look a mess. Bella and Cade are used to eating them but joined us in pigging out.

  After we stuff ourselves with beignets, we walk down to Jackson Square and the Riverfront to decide on a carriage tour. We choose an hour-long horse-drawn carriage tour through the city and learn all about the history and battles of New Orleans and a little about Napoleon Bonaparte. After our carriage drops us back at Jackson Square, we walk inside Jackson Cathedral. There’s organ music playing. The inside is designed with huge arched ceilings and paintings. We sit and listen to the beautiful music for several minutes while deciding on our lunch destination.

  We choose The Court of Two Sisters. The walk over allows us to experience jazz bands, magicians, and other street performers. At the restaurant the waiter escorts us to the patio, where we delight in the sounds from the water fountain and the live jazz trio. The patio where we’re sitting is covered in the largest wisteria vine I’ve ever seen. After lunch Mom wants us to take a family picture in front of the fountain, and Bella’s mom decides to do the same with her family. After the family photo sessions, we walk back toward the hotel but stop inside several shops along the way. By the time we arrive at the hotel, it’s 5:00. I call “shower first” when we walk into the room.

  I put on a short black dress and kitten heels. My silver satin cropped jacket pulls the outfit together. Lauren is wearing a shimmery dress with boots. Dad looks dapper in a suit and tie, and Mom looks sophisticated in sequins.

  Lauren says, “I hope this New Year’s Eve party is lit.”

  “I’m sure it will be,” I say, posing with a hand on my hip showing off my dress. “Lane is meeting us in the lobby,” I mention as we step inside the elevator.

  When we get out, I see Lane. He’s wearing a black jacket, button down shirt in light purple, black pants with expensive looking loafers, and black socks with purple polka dots. He’s also wearing the scarf I gave him. He looks breathtaking. Seeing him gets me all tingly. He winks at me, shakes Dad’s hand and greets Mom with a dashing smile. He’s always so smooth talking with people. Lane and I walk together down the block
to join Bella’s family for the party.

  The ballroom where the buffet is set up has hundreds of red and white balloons on the ceiling. I see Big Al and a few cheerleaders posing for pictures with families at one end of the room. There are at least a hundred round tables set up with black tablecloths, candles and Alabama themed table runners down the center of each. We stop at the entrance and present our tickets. The parents get coupons for free cocktails. We find an empty table and put our stuff down to mark our places before we get in the buffet line.

  During dinner Lane seems to be charming everyone with his smooth approach to conversation, and I get the feeling that Mom and Dad are quite impressed.

  Lane explains his plans. “I’ll major in art history and English, and I’m thinking about a minor in journalism. My parents want me to go to Law School after I get my first degree. I haven’t completely decided against that, but for now I’m leaning toward a journalism minor which may mean I go another semester at Alabama next year.”

  I look at Lane and grin at him. He smiles back.

  “Rebecca tells us you’re from New York and your father is a professor at Columbia, how did you decide on Alabama?” Dad asks.

  “Most of my family went to Yale or Brown, but I wasn’t interested in going to a school in the Northeast. I did a lot of research on colleges in the South and a few out in California. After touring the Alabama campus, I liked it so much I told my parents that I was thinking about going to school there. They reached out to some family friends and were able to connect me with some families and legacies in the DKE fraternity, and we went from there.”

  After dinner, we move to the next ballroom which seems even larger. There’s a stage set up on one end and round tables set up with black tablecloths, candles and Mardi Gras decor. Each seat has an Alabama shaker lying in it. We hear the band coming, so we move to the side to make a path for them to walk through. Lauren goes to the nearest table and retrieves the shakers and hands them out. There are several hundred people lined up cheering for the band as they march in.

  When Bella and Lexi walk by, we yell, hoot and holler really loudly, and her dad whistles more loudly. The tubas and the drum line go up onto the stage. Marching in next are the Crimsonettes with a short baton routine. They line up on either side of the stage along the stairs.

  Next comes Big Al, running, waving and jumping, followed by the cheerleaders. They run around with Alabama flags and get the crowd pumped. They do a few cheers and some stunting then sit in front of the band at the front of the stage. There’s now a narrow pathway leading to a podium. The band begins the fight song, and we shake our pom shakers to the beat. Coach, flanked by two State Troopers, jogs toward the podium. When the rowdy cheering dies, he greets the crowd and talks about the National Championship game and the team. The band plays another song, and the Crimsonettes and Cheerleaders get the crowds going again with cheers and back flips. The band leads them out with the drum line playing a rockin’ beat.

  Once it’s quiet in the room, Bella’s mom says, “Bella and some of her band friends will be joining us after they change out of their uniforms.”

  The lights get dim, and a jazz band starts setting up on stage, tuning their instruments. Several minutes later, another band with costumed performers enters the room where the Bama band exited. They’re marching very close to each table, and the people marching with them are in full Mardi Gras costumes, some on stilts. They throw Mardi Gras beads into the crowd as they continue playing lively Mardi Gras music. Lauren and Cade jump up and catch several beads. A small Mardi Gras float makes its way inside. The jazz band continues circling the crowd, playing “Mardi Gras Mambo.” Lane and I stand in front of our table next to Lauren and Cade to catch beads being thrown from the float. Another float enters the room. This one has a king and queen riding on it. It makes its way around the room with the king and queen waving to the crowds as they slowly ride toward the stage.

  The king and queen are escorted off the float then graciously walk up the stairs, their costumes dragging in a long train behind them. Their headpieces, tall and stately, glitter in the spotlight as they walk toward the large royal chairs set for them. When the music stops a man in a tuxedo announces, “Ladies and Gentlemen, may I introduce to you the King and Queen of Krewe of Endymion.”

  While the king and queen are pronouncing their blessings upon the party, Bella, Lexi, Jack, and Patrick show up. The band on stage begins to play and the king and queen rise and make their announcement.

  “It’s time for dancing and Laisser Le Bon Temps Rouler. (Let the good times roll.) They extend their hands to the crowd, then return to their chairs. The king and queen sit majestic in their royal chairs, signaling the beginning of the party. Mom, Dad, and the Campbells get up and make their way to the dance floor. The rest of us stand around talking, wandering over to say hello to Lexi’s family.

  When the jazz band takes a break, a DJ shows up and plays music for us to dance to. The younger crowd hits the dance floor for the next forty minutes. I notice the parents heading to the bar for cocktails. When the band comes back to the stage, the lead singer announces, “It’s fifteen minutes until midnight.” He points to a large clock being projected on a screen to count us down.

  Lane reaches out his hand for me to take. “Would you like to dance with me until midnight?”

  “Of course. I wouldn’t do midnight without you,” I say glowing.

  We move to the dance floor and slow dance to a spicy jazz tune. A minute before midnight, the countdown begins. “10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.” The band breaks into “Auld Lang Syne.” Confetti and balloons fall from the ceiling.

  Lane kisses me and whispers, “Happy New Year, baby.”

  I whisper, “Happy New Year.”

  I put my head on his shoulder and soak in the magic of the moment. Confetti still falls like glitter in the air, and the soft sounds of the familiar New Year’s tune plays as we gently sway to the music. My dream state is shaken by Bella and Lexi yelling in my ear.

  “Bex! Happy New Year! Let’s get a group selfie.”

  All eight of us squeeze in for a selfie. Horns are blowing in the background, and I see everyone’s parents out on the dance floor enjoying a slow dance. I hear Jack say to Bella and Lexi that a lot of the guys from the Bama band are heading out to Bourbon Street. They look over at Lane.

  “Lane, do you want to go with us?” Jack asks.

  He responds, “No thanks, I want to stay right here.” He looks into my eyes.

  I put my head back on his shoulder, absorbing the moment, and close my eyes.

  Bella and Lexi say goodbye to Jack and Patrick. Lauren and Cade are sitting back at our table, looking at their phones. Mom walks over to talk to Lane and me.

  “Dad and I are going to call it a night and head back to our hotel. I’m going to tell Lauren to come back with us. Please don’t stay out too long.”

  Lane and I say goodnight to Mom and Dad as they leave the dance floor.

  Lane asks, “What would you like to do now?”

  “I want this moment to last forever. It’s been a dreamy evening. I just want to stay with you as long as I can.”

  “How about we go back to our hotel and hang out there for a while?”

  “Sure, we can go up to the rooftop pool since my hotel room is right next to the pool, Mom won’t be able to say I stayed out too late, if I’m really just outside our door.”

  Lane smiles at me and shakes his head. He’s probably thinking—- Girl logic.

  We walk a block over to our hotel, in the cool breezy air. There’s a lot going on in the streets with people living it up, as if New Orleans could get any crazier. The night seems magical and feels alive. When we get to the rooftop, there’s no one around. The pool is lit up and makes for a quiet and romantic setting. We walk over to the railing and view the New Orleans skyline. Lane reaches inside his coat pocket and pulls out a slender blue box tied with a silver satin ribbon.

  Holding the box, he says, �
��This is a late Christmas gift.”

  I take the box and tug on the ribbon and remove the lid. Inside is a beautiful gold and silver charm bracelet.

  “It’s beautiful,” I purr.

  I pick it up and examine it carefully. The charms dangle and glisten in the moonlight. I touch each one and mention each aloud.

  “My Phi Mu symbol. A heart with the date August 23rd?”

  “The day we met. The day you tripped over me.” He grins.

  “This is so romantic. What a perfect gift.”

  I continue looking at each charm and notice one that looks like a DKE pin.

  “Is this your DKE pin? Have you had it made into a charm?”

  “Yes, I had the entire bracelet made just for you. It’s made of platinum and 18 karat gold. I wanted you to be able to wear it with either gold or silver jewelry.”

  I bite my lip while feelings of happiness overflow and I burst out, “Oh Lane, this is the most thoughtful and beautiful gift I could possibly imagine.”

  There’s one final charm, a round University of Alabama emblem with rhinestones.

  “You can add to it, of course, with other charms if you’d like.”

  “This is so special, its perfect. I love it.”

  I’m teary eyed now, so Lane takes the bracelet from me and places it on my wrist and fastens the clasp.

  He takes my hand and kisses it gently.

  “I’m glad you like it.”

  “I want to wear it every day. I’m thrilled you came up with something so thoughtful and creative.”

  “I want you to know how much I care about you, Rebecca.”

  He leans in and kisses my forehead, then our lips touch gently, and we continue to kiss more passionately. I take Lane’s hand in mine and lead him to my door. We step inside the living room area of my suite. I look up at him and whisper, “We’re planning an early dinner at Commander’s Palace tomorrow at 5:30. I’ve already asked my parents if you can join us. You are welcome to, if you don’t have anything else going on.”

  “I don’t have any plans except going to the game with you tomorrow night. So an early dinner with you and your family would be enjoyable. I think Conor and Jack will be sleeping most of the day, anyway.”


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