Partners #1

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Partners #1 Page 2

by Christopher Lee Cousino

  Chapter 2

  The suspect in this case was Edgar Poole, a 42 year old cokehead who murdered a young married couple a month ago. Steve and Elizabeth Baker had been out on a late night walk, walking their dog. Poole was jonesing for his latest fix and needed some cash. The Bakers picked the wrong sidewalk to walk down at the wrong time. Poole tried to rob them, and when he discovered they didn’t have any money on them, he stabbed Steve 8 times while Elizabeth watched in horror. Then he killed Elizabeth, but not before having his fun. The son of a bitch raped her right there on the sidewalk, next to her dead husband’s corpse. Then he slit her throat.

  An elderly woman had seen it all through her window. Her description of Poole, along with the deal an attempted robbery suspect made with police by saying his friend Edgar Poole bragged to him about killing a young couple the same night the Bakers were murdered, made him the DPD’s top suspect. Poole was scum, he deserved what was coming to him. Once they found him, Herbert was going to enjoy introducing the piece of trash to his secret partner.

  The friend that Walter’s informant had told them about lived in an apartment complex on Hubble. As his partner pulled into the parking lot, Herbert studied the environment without even needing to think about it. Over 20 years on the force can make it second nature. Either that, or it made him paranoid as hell. The building didn’t look the greatest, stained with dirt, grime, and algae. Windows weren’t the cleanest, looked like they hadn’t been cleaned in a solid year if Herbert had to guess. Definitely the kind of place you would expect to find someone who was longtime friends with a murdering bastard like Poole. There were a few tenants scattered about, but they quickly disappeared when they saw Herbert and Walter park. Herbert had always found it funny that the guilty type could spot a cop just like that, even when it was two plain-clothes detectives driving an unmarked car. Then again, Herbert could spot a bad guy from a mile away.

  The cool air hit Herbert in the face as he and Walter exited the car. Good thing it was so damn sunny out, he thought. Octobers in Michigan could be brutal. Heading towards the office, Herbert got his young partner’s attention.

  “So, what is this friend’s apartment number?” Walter shrugged.

  “Dunno, my informant didn’t know the address, just the complex. I figured we could just ask the office.” Herbert sighed. Hopefully the kid’s informant wasn’t full of shit. Entering the office, Herbert was surprised at how nice everything looked. Fresh coat of paint, clean and new looking carpet, nice paintings, well maintained furniture, a comfortable temperature, and an inviting, pleasant aroma. Guess it was obvious where all the complex’s money went. Herbert let the kid take point.

  “Hello, I am Detective Ryan, this is my partner Detective Vale. We are DPD Homicide detectives and are investigating a recent murder. We have information that an important person to our case lives here at this complex. Hoping you could give us an apartment number.” Herbert huffed, resulting in a glare from Walter. Sorry kid, he thought, but you never say “Hoping you could give us…”. They’re cops, they tell people to give them the apartment number, no questions asked. Luckily for Walter, the secretary was nice.

  “Of course, detectives. Paradise Ridge is always in full cooperation with the police. What was the name?” Herbert didn’t miss that she had said they were always in full cooperation with the police. This wasn’t her first request for information from the DPD, and from the looks of the complex and its tenants…it wouldn’t be the last. He also hadn’t missed the name of the place…Paradise Ridge? No matter how nice you tried to make a pile of shit sound, it was still just a pile of shit with a nice sounding name. With a ton of maggots living in it. Hopefully Poole’s “friend” would actually be one of those maggots.

  Walter pulled out his notebook and flipped a couple pages until he got what he was looking for. The pretty blonde secretary, Charlotte was her name, had her fingers poised and ready over her keyboard as he rattled off the name.

  “Nate Mckey is the name.” Charlotte’s fingers went into a typing frenzy. Herbert was always amazed when he saw office people type. Hell, the old detective could hardly get a computer to turn on, let alone type something. Even then, if he was lucky enough to figure it out, it was the ol’ one finger and one letter at a time approach. He preferred using his fingers to write things with a pen and paper. Made more sense to him. Charlotte furrowed her brows as she searched her screen. Suddenly her eyes relaxed and she smiled, turning to face the detectives.

  “Yes, Mr. Mckey is in apartment B18. It will be around the side, B is your second entrance once you get around the corner. I will call Mr. Mckey to let him know you are here so he can buzz you in.” Walter started to thank her but Herbert knew better.

  “That won’t be necessary miss. You see, we don’t want Mr. Mckey to get antsy. We prefer the element of surprise.” Charlotte’s smile faded a bit, but stayed in place as she responded.

  “Sorry Detective…Vale, was it?” Herbert just nodded as she continued, not liking where this was going. “But we have protocol and I have to let the tenant know what is going on…unless you have a warrant, which I didn’t think you had. You don’t have a warrant, do you?” Good lord, Herbert thought, office people. He put his hands up in a gesture of surrender and walked away as she made the call.

  “Hello, Mr. Mckey? Yes, this is Charlotte in the Paradise Ridge office. How are you today? Great…what’s that, I am doing well thank you. There are two police detectives here to speak to you about something. I’m going to send them your way but you will need to buzz them up so tha-um hello…Mr. Mckey? Are you there?” Charlotte held the phone away from her ear and looked from it to the detectives with a puzzled look on her face.

  “Um, I think he dropped the phone…” Shit, Herbert thought. Walter and him took off, sprinting through the door and towards Mckey’s apartment, just in time to see the weasel little bastard running the opposite direction. Huffing and puffing, Herbert slowed as Walter sprinted ahead and after the fleeing Mckey. Damn, he shouldn’t have eaten that extra plate of steak and eggs Marci offered at the diner this morning. Doubled over, he caught his breath and fought off the urge to vomit. Come on old man, get it together, he mentally scorned himself. Sucking it up, Herbert rejoined the chase, rounding the other corner of the complex.

  Luckily for his lungs and heart, he saw Walter had already caught Mckey. Herbert’s young partner stood over a subdued Mckey, the failed escape artist sitting indian style with his hands cuffed behind his back. Slowing to what Herbert was sad to admit was more of a hobble at this point than a walk, the old detective approached the odd pair. Before he got within twenty feet, he could already hear Mckey whining. Herbert hated when they whined.

  “Come on office-ah, I was jus’ goin’ out for a jog. I don’t und’stand why you had to chase me down and tackle me like that. I got rights!” Close enough to smack the whiny dirtbag in the back of the head now, Herbert did just that…resulting in another glare from Walter.

  “Shut up dipshit, we both know you weren’t going out for a damn jog. We don’t care about whatever two bit bullshit crime you think we are after you for. Relax. We just need to ask you some questions about someone else.” Mckey flashed a seaweed colored smile.

  “I don’t have to say nothin’ fatboy. Like I said, I got rights.” Herbert was really starting to wish the Chief would have let him work alone. That way he could take Poole and this comedian to his partner…give him a nice two for one special. Unfortunately, Walter was here and he was a good little detective. Herbert knew he would have to stay as close to the books as was possible.

  “Alright asshole, have it your way. Way I see it, we got you for resisting and obstructing, failure to comply, fleeing an officer, and of course, attacking an officer.” Mckey looked up at Herbert with big eyes.

  “What you talking about man!? I didn’t attack neither one of yous!” Herbert smiled.

�You called me fat…you hurt my feelings. Anyways, I figure with all those charges you are looking at some serious time. Even more considering I can pretty much guarantee you’ve got more charges on your record. If I were you Mckey, I’d talk to us.” Mckey’s eyes resumed their normal size as he relaxed.

  “Sure, sure of course office-ah. I always be cooperatin’ with you alls. Now, how about you take off these cuffs so we can have a civil conversation.” Walter looked at Herbert and, once he got the okay nod, he began to unlock the cuffs. Before they were completely off, Herbert leaned forward and grabbed hold of Walter’s arm, stopping him. Looking into Mckey’s eyes, the salt and pepper bearded detective glared at the still-cuffed man.

  “Don’t try anything funny boy.” The desired effect was accomplished as Mckey dropped his calm and cool demeanor, and his gaze, long enough for Herbert to see the man wasn’t going to be a threat. Releasing Walter’s arm, Herbert watched as Mckey was freed of the cuffs and helped to his feet. Question and answer time.

  “Alright Mr. Mckey, I am Detective Vale and this is Detective Ryan with DPD Homicide. We are investigating a murder from last month. Young married couple not too far from here…woman was raped after her husband was killed right in front of her. Maybe you heard about it?” Herbert watched closely to see Mckey’s response. No matter how good a crook was at hiding emotions, they could never hide familiarity. He’d been around long enough to see in someone’s face when they knew what he was talking about, even in the smartest criminals. And Mckey was far from the smartest. The man’s eyes got big again, only for a second before returning to normal, but it was enough for Herbert. Poole was friends with Mckey, but more important…Poole had told him about the murder.

  “No…no man, I ain’t heard nothin’ about that. Killed…raped you say? That’s terrible. What’s that got to do with me?” Walter piped in.

  “Well, Mr. Mckey, I have it on good authority that you are longtime friends with our prime suspect. A Mr. Edgar Poole. I also have it on good authority that Mr. Poole was at your apartment for a party, just last night.” Mckey was really sweating it now, literally. Herbert watched the sweat start to bead on the man’s forehead, curious as he waited to see what his response would be.

  “Yeah…Yu-yu-yeah that’s true. I know Edgar…we go way back. Went to school together, see. But he, uh, he would never hurt nobody. You got the wrong guy.” Herbert figured the dumb sack would try to play it that way. Time to turn up the heat.

  “Well Nate, can I call you Nate?” Mckey nodded vigorously as Herbert continued. “Thanks. Nate, you see, we have hard evidence and a concrete witness that puts your buddy Poole at the murder scene…they saw him do it Nate. So, if you are covering for him…hiding him in your apartment…well, you would be aiding and abetting a murder suspect and could be deemed an accomplice.” Herbert whistled for effect before continuing. “We are looking at some serious time for you then, Nate. The kind of time that forces you to decide which big man on the cell block you want to be your boyfriend so that you only have to take it up the backside from one of them. You catch my drift, Nate?” It worked, Herbert smiled to himself. Mckey lost it, hysterically talking with his hands as he finally cracked.

  “Whoa, whoa office-ah! Back it up, back it up! Okay, Edgar isn’t a great guy…he might have mentioned something ‘bout killin’ somebody but he was high as shit and I thought he was just kiddin’, you know? Anyways, he isn’t even a good friend, I just know him from school. Actually, I hate the guy…never liked him. You want, I can set him up for you. How’s that sound, huh?” Herbert loved when scumbags sold each other out.

  “Do you know where Poole is, Nate?”

  “Not really, but I can call him, get him to meet me somewhere.” Herbert looked at Walter, who motioned for them to step to the side for a private conversation. “Nate, give me and Officer Ryan a moment to discuss our options here. Stay put a minute.” Mckey nodded as Walter and Herbert walked out of hearing distance. Walter spoke first.

  “What do you think, Herbert? Should we trust Mckey, I’m not sure we can.” Hell no they couldn’t trust him, Herbert thought.

  “Nah, we shouldn’t trust him. But we should use him. We just need to make sure we control whatever it is he does.” Walter looked at Mckey and scratched his head.

  “Well, do we have him call Poole now, set up a time and place and then bring him there and watch him, wait for Poole to show up?” Made sense, Herbert thought. It was the perfect plan for this situation…normally. But Herbert needed to get his hands on Poole, alone. If the kid’s plan went down, Walter would help with the snatch and grab, Poole would be arrested “by the book” and put into the system. Who knew if the bastard would get convicted, and even if he did, he wouldn’t get the punishment he deserved. Only one…”person” could give Poole what he deserved, and Herbert needed to snatch Poole on his own to make that happen.

  “Sounds good, only problem with that is-” As Herbert started to explain to Walter why the plan wouldn’t work, he realized he didn’t have a reason. The plan made sense, it would work. They had the evidence they needed to arrest Poole, there was a warrant out on him for his arrest…so all they had to do was find him. Didn’t matter how. Damn, Herbert thought. He would just have to agree with Walter, go along with the plan, and then figure out something later. Refocusing on the present, Herbert noticed Walter was staring at him confused, waiting for Herbert to continue. He obliged.

  “Nothing, there is nothing wrong with the plan. Seems pretty fail-safe. Let’s see what Mckey has in mind.” Walter nodded slowly, then turned back towards the fidgeting Mckey. As they headed that way, Walter’s phone went off. Stopping, he pulled it out and checked it, making a face.

  “It’s Chareece, I should take this.” Chareece was Walter’s wife.

  “Go ahead, kid. Tell her hi for me.” Walter just nodded, turning back around and walking away as he answered the call. Herbert thought about trying to get Mckey to make the call to Poole and set up a meet before Walter got off the phone, but knew that wouldn’t work. Before Herbert finished his thought, Walter was back by his side. He looked upset.

  “Everything okay at home, kid?”

  “No, Chareece said she got a call from Ben’s school. Poor little guy fell off the playscape, broke his arm. He’s asking for me.” An idea was forming in Herbert’s head.

  “What did you tell Chareece?” Walter shook his head.

  “I told her I couldn’t go, I have this case with you. We are about to get Poole, I can’t just take off.” Herbert put his hand on Walter’s shoulder.

  “Sure you can, kid. Your son needs you more than I do. Don’t worry, I will take it from here and I will fill you in later on. Go, be there for your family.” Walter looked at Herbert suspiciously for a moment, then his shoulders slumped and he smiled, scratching his head.

  “Okay, I really want to be with him and make sure he is okay. I appreciate it Herbert. I will call you later.” As Walter turned to leave, Herbert smiled an evil grin. Although he hated that Ben had gotten hurt, it had all worked out perfectly. Now Mckey, and more importantly, Poole, were all his. Walter stopped and turned back towards Herbert.

  “Hey Herbert, be careful alright. Just because I’m going to be busy doesn’t mean you have to do anything alone. Call for backup if anything gets out of control. Actually, maybe I should call the Chief and tell him what’s up so he can send you someone to stand in for me.” Herbert cursed to himself as Walter began to pull his phone out. No, Herbert thought, he needed to fly solo on this.

  “Whoa, Walter put that phone down. I will be fine, don’t worry. I’ve been doing this for a long time, kid. If things go south, I will call for backup. Besides, the Chief ain’t exactly big on time off, you know. He may get pissed at you for running off in the middle of a case. What he doesn’t know, won’t hurt you…know what I mean? I will cover for you. Now just get out of here and
see to your son.” Walter paused, thinking it over. Herbert was relieved when his partner finally relaxed and slipped his phone back into his pocket. Waving goodbye, Herbert watched as Walter disappeared around the corner. Damn, he thought as something crossed his mind, now I don’t have a ride out of here. Mckey’s voice broke his train of thought.

  “Hey office-ah, what’s going on? I ain’t got all day here, got shit to do.” Idiot, Herbert thought as he rolled his eyes.

  “Yeah, yeah don’t get your panties in a bunch. Let’s do this. Make the call.” Walking towards Mckey, Herbert watched as he fished out his phone and punched in Poole’s number. Here we go, he thought, won’t be long now. Herbert’s partner was going to eat well tonight.


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