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Apollyon's Saint The Collection: Books One through Ten

Page 18

by Zachary Koukol

  Chapter Eighteen

  Kingdom of Celt

  Brighid, Celt Hearth Goddess

  Thee, swine do defile in Kildare. Me thee Christian saint? Thee say of it St. Brigid of Kildare. Oh if only I, the goddess Morrighan. Kildare would quake, the world I would shake. Thee speak to me, you are but this!

  This meager tongues speak. St. Brigid the daughter of but a Pictish slave, baptised by St. Patrick, and founded by nuns at Kildar. This is not I, GODDESS is me. Magic I have, Healing I do, long before the earth's time. I am no daughter, but thee mother! Soon Kildare, you will see.

  Cailleach, Celt Goddess of Winter

  The dark mother, that is I. When earth is dieing, and her leaves fallen. I come to take my harvest. I sit with her, in the fallen as she die's. I coddle her in my embrace as she slowly fades into a frozen tundra. Then once dead, I rise from her ashes to preserve her life. I live in the funeral of the earth, the cemetery of earth's caretaker. I dig her hole, and then let my sisters dig her back up from the dead.

  Cernunnos, Celt Wild God of the Forest

  Sing, singing songs to the dead of my woods as they pass through the timbers and into the after life. I am the last song you shall hear, no fear of the wretched bards song. No his tongue will not lead you from the forests of life, but mine. Lost in my woods, do not struggle, simply listen. Await, wait for the sounds of my songs. No reason to find your way, let my song find you.

  Cerridwen, Celt Keeper of the Cauldron

  Oh you moon, within your night my cauldron does glow. Three hundred and sixty, six of you shall pass over me and my brewing. From you it gains potent, not bitter, nor sweet. Opening doors in ones mind it will, drink, drink it. Crone they say of me, darkness it entails. Darkness of the moon, my cauldron. Witch they have said, but souls I do take. Within, I make alchemy of clues.

  The Daga, Celt Father God

  Large, large father they cry. Feed me of infinite resources of ones Cauldron. Its ladle two men can lay. Yes, yes I will feed, take all, all of me. Goodness I have, so take, take it all. Good can have, as can evil, for I provide goodness to all. A feast for all, a free for all, but what is the cost they say, Cerridwen knows. Cernunnos sing's, and Cailleach keeps, for I provide, what you weep.

  Lugh, Celt Master of Skills

  Wow what a gift, so much talent. I can give, or take. Talent for only you, or for all to amuse. What's the use, with so much abuse. One of many, or just a few. Toil in the sun, or abuse one's fun. Want to be the one, you do. For all to see, creativity, is the key. Toiling will not provide, for that is only I. But what if none could see, such creativity. I do, do see, of what you shall be. No, not this, this century, or for this life to see. But within the echo's of time, they will see, that it is me.

  Morrighan, Celt Goddess of War

  How the warriors fear, when the crow's shall play. Me, washing one's defense thou will see. You then know I came to say, that Cerridwen will take. Then crows cry, the tears for me, and the battlefield falls, falls asleep.

  Rhiannon, Celt Horse Goddess

  Ride, ride with me. The most magnificent of god, or beast. Intimidation I can bring, but do not fear and come with me. Lead, to pastures, or new beginnings we seek. Loyalty into any of the deaths I keep. Warning, warning of the coming threats I speak. When all others fail, eternal companionship I reap. So come, and ride with me.

  Taliesin, Celt Chief of Bards

  Words, we will not find. Sound, will it find the emotion in time. Pull it out on the strings, make a song, but will they smell. Smell the feelings of which words can't speak. Feel it, feel it now, the sound I feel. Can you taste it, the word of empty in me. Plant, the sound, emotion on time.

  Finishing reading about the final god in the kingdom of celt's the door burst open. The cool air blew in, blowing the pages of the book. Smoke from the fire retreated to the back of the room where Gabriel was reading. Turning around he could see, Lura, Tiffany, and Odin coming into the longhouse. Lura had a look of shock on her face seeing Gabriel still there. Tiffany on the other hand had no faith lost in Gabriel.

  “Gah, here I thought he would be back with his masters!” Lura said.

  “Lura hush, he is not going anywhere.” Tiffany said.

  “Yeah because he wants another glimpse of your bare ass!” Lura said laughing. Gabriel could see a faint blush in Tiffany's pale skin. Maybe he was the flame that might thaw a frozen heart in Asgard.

  “So, the kingdoms of old, are you finished?” Odin said sitting down at the table with Lura and Tiffany.

  “I have not had the time to read all of it yet.” Gabriel said walking over to the table and sitting down as well.

  “Time? while you are here we made precautions with time. Loki had a hard task, even for him. You know Loki, if there is a challenge it will consume him to the brink of insanity. Maybe all of his hours of meaningless ventures paid the toll to make time stop for the moment. Just another pelt to wear while you are here. Once you choose to leave it will begin again.” Odin said

  “So am I not allowed outside of this longhouse, because though it's spacious, the walls are starting to close in.”

  “Not while you are here in Asgard, you may leave anytime you wish. But you cannot walk freely amongst Asgard. It is far to dangerous, for if he found you we would need to keep him contained. I told you we would protect you, and this is the only way. I hope you can understand.”

  “Yes I do, the book it's very strange. You would think the god's would have...Well much more to say. It's vague, and the book is huge, yet when I read it I only get a simplified version?”

  “You read the version you want to see, each god has an endless amount of pages defining them and their tales of how they came to be. But humans only see as far as their mind allows them to. So it is not the book that is vague, but your mind.” Odin said getting up from his seat.

  “I see, the Norse I understood for the most part. The Celt kingdom I struggled with. They have a much different culture than the Norse, and myself.”Gabriel said rubbing his eye's.

  “Yes, Norse literature is straightforward. Well that is if it does not involve Loki, he is very....Complicated. The Celt kingdom are much more poetic and even passionate than we are. I read their tales many times, and with each time they seem to change.” Odin said somewhat confused.

  “So when this war come's will it be all kingdom's for themselves?”

  “I do not know, as of now there is no allegiances. The other kingdoms are not friend, nor foe. The god's are not normally involved with god's outside of their kingdom. But soon when the war comes we will be forced from our underworlds, and heavens. Then we will know where allegiance of all are.” Odin said getting up and leaving the room.

  “Come, let him finish the kingdoms. I forget the dreadful waiting it takes for man to read. Even longer for them to understand!” Odin said laughing. Lura and Tiffany followed him out of the longhouse. Tiffany was in the back and took a moment to look back at Gabriel as to soak him in. Then she closed the door and left Gabriel to his study.

  Kingdom of Rome

  Bacchus, Roman God of Wine, and Fertility

  God of wine and Fertility? I am the god of drunken orgies! That party where you drank to much and slept with god only knows who? I am the god who knows who. Do you know how when you drink my wine you loosen up. You can speak freely, and think the same. That is my blessing through the grapes of the harvest. How now you look so much more pleasing to one's eye? Give thanks, to me you children born from a single nights delight.

  Bona Dea, Roman Fertility Goddess

  Not just of fertility but I to am of chastity. Those who keep their flowers from Bacchus's reach how I adore you. Respectful you are in my eye's, innocent and not yet tortured by the suffering of love and lust. You don't wish to bring harm to other lustful lovers. You don't play in their hurtful games, and so you hold me close. When you do decide to give your guarded treasures. I fill the chest of the womb with the greatest treasure of all.

  Cupid, Rom
an God of Love

  I was once dark, and filled with so much lust. But I changed my way's to a matchmaker of lovers. Though sometimes I try to match up the oddest of couples. They fight, tooth and nail, bitter with the love of my arrow. You love another you say, well my arrow can change its course. It can inflict many wounds leading to a life of confusion. Stuck, in love you say, well try to remove my arrow and see what happens.

  Diana, Roman Goddess of the Hunt

  I am a virgin, not necessarily of love, but lust. None have laid with me in the forests of my home. Some have tried to pull me into their traps or catch gaze of my besoms. Once after a day of hunting I decided to bathe in a stream. In my nudity a young huntsman approached. Rather than turning his gaze and honoring my beauty, he looked on. I felt his gaze sting my innocence. Then the fool came to say that I was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. Well of course I was, in the nude. As would any woman nude in a stream would be after a day of hunting. I was very angry. In my fit of rage I turned the young huntsman into a stag. Then I watched as his own hounds came chasing in the hunt. They drug him to the forest floor and slowly devoured him!

  I don't just protect the Forrest I can also be a midwife goddess and help you in bearing a child. I too am a lunar goddess, daughter of Jupiter and twin brother of Apollo. Just remember I am not a goddess to be defiled by petty lust. I protect my body, with any shroud of magical power I can. But if it is my heart you come for, then I may drop my guard for the right one.

  Janus, Roman God of New Beginnings

  Yes a new year has dawn, a fresh start. Wake on this day and start a new journey, or any day. You don't a maker to start a new. Dislike the path you are on? Take my hand and lets make a new one. Doors keeping you out? I will open them for you. A gate stands before you, you can see what's on the other side. But there it stands in your way, keeping you from your vision. I will open it, and let you start over.

  Mars, Roman God of War

  All able bodied men should take a military path. No man should grow old without the scars of battle. After all how can you call yourself a man, when you have not seen war. War is the path to manhood, and those who fall in battle are the greatest of men. I can also teach the way, and tactics of war. Its not all about the clashing of two swords. But the glory of victory by any means necessary.

  Venus, Roman Goddess of Love and Beauty

  Youth is me, I have had many lovers in my days. I am not of martial status though. A lover seems lost in love with many. As I have been, even Mars has been loved by me. Young woman do you want to stay beautiful and keep your youth. No need to plaster on man made products or ingest foul things. I can help you remain the envy of all.

  Kingdom of Egypt

  Anubis, Egyptian God of Funerals

  The day has come, the sands have ran out. Be sure to follow the proper burial rituals. Or the jackal will come out and devour. I will weigh your soul and decide its worth. I was the first to make a mummy, when Set killed Osiris. I had to find a way to bring him back from my scales. So I mummified Osiris, and though Set tried to stop me, I brought Osiris back. Many great pharaohs have followed my ritual, and so they still walk the earth today. Be warned you tomb seekers, and gravediggers, my jackal is coming for you!

  Bast, Egyptian Cat Goddess

  You seek protection, sex, and comfort. A feline is the embodiment of those you seek. Majestic and powerful in magic, a cat is a goddess. Need protection for a newborn, what better way than to have a goddess in your home. Want many suitor's, then the feline goddess will lead them to your bed. Want warm embrace, and good company, why not have your own goddess at your throne?

  Geb, Egyptian God of Earth

  My twin sister, Nut, and only love. How I miss her pleasuring touch. We made love wildly and without any shame. Then one day our Grandfather Ra found us making love. I believe Ra was jealous of our love and vicious pleasure. Maybe he even wanted Nut for himself. So he went to our father Shu who drove us into.

  He threw me into the ground, and nut to the skies. But before he could do so me and Nut had children, Horus, Osiris, Set, Isis, and Nepthys. Our wild and sacred love could not be shaken and so it lives on with our children. I produce all earthly things, and when I laugh the earthquakes.

  Hathor, Egyptian Goddess of Women

  How they want us, we are of much more value than those men and pharaohs. From us they come, without us there would be but none. They might have strength, honor, talents, and knowledge. But it is us who gave it to them. We must take back what is ours, our rights. They should bow at our feet, and we should rape them. Do not serve your man, but make him serve you. So your man is great, NO I say not without you he is not.

  Isis, Egyptian Goddess of Magic

  Want to wield the powers of spectral forces. Looking to undo laws of physics, or rewrite them. I am practiced in all forms of magic. Dark and necromancy was but a taste. Fire, air, water, earth, all bend to my will. From your hand's my bolts of destruction can fly. Do not wish to wield magic's of the hands, then I have those of the tongue as well. Want to convince those to do your bidding, then Isis is the one you must seek.

  Maat, Egyptian Goddess of Truth, and Balance

  Justice must be just, no man should fall victim to lies. But no man can bring justice. Nor civilization, how can your politics and greed decide what is just. I define the laws, and find those who break them. Though if you believe you are a bringer of the just, then I will bring justice upon you. I am the hammer of the just, driving the nail of law into the conscious sands of humanity.

  Osiris, Egyptian King of the Gods

  I was born from my father Geb, and mother Nut. Just one fruit of their forbidden love. I was the first great pharaoh of man and with a few simple teachings I changed the grains of all mankind. I was once a part of Egypt, not just in paranormal shadows but reality. First I showed them how to fertilize the soil with the dead. Then the revolution of planting seed, before me it was all hunters and gatherers.

  I brought man from the endless sands of Egypt to one place, one home, one farm, one kingdom. With one simple grain, I fed the power of greed and rewrote history. Man was no longer a free explorer of the sands of time. But enslaved to the sowing of his greed, in the pastures of consumption. Now all of mankind could consume as the pharaohs, and gods.

  Ra, Egyptian Sun God

  The father of the heavens, and many unruly gods and man. I bring light to the earth as I ride my chariot through the heavens. I watch down on my children from above in awe in the wonders and chaos they have cause in my name. The many pyramid's, not just of Egypt but all over the world built in my name. The centuries they took, and engineering marvels. Millions of slaves, and free men toiled under me to build their great wonders. Though without my warm embrace, and scorching discipline, no things would be possible.

  Thoth, Egyptian God of Magic and Wisdom

  The mighty tongue of Ra, who despises the evolution of words that I make from his mind. Though unloved I translated his word into the creating of the heavens and earth. I might not have created what he wanted, but I created regardless. I, like an insane author of all, and he the word of conscious. Looking down on my insanity of words as though to change them. Without a voice though he must accept it, and all of its imperfections.

  Ra, is a perfectionist as are the great monuments in his name. I, just an artist of magic who must break laws of perfection to create the illusion of physics. Maybe I am not perfect, or even good, but I am still a conjured force to be reckoned with. If you need me to send a message to, or from the gods. Simply take a deck of cards and we will make messages for all to see.

  Kingdom of Greece

  Aphrodite, Greek Goddess of Love

  Born out from the sea's I came with so much potent potential. Then the mighty Zeus saw of my powers over mortals, and immortals alike. He shunned me to be wedlock to a deformed craftsman. The power of love is greater than any vow's forced, as all would find out. All fell madly in love with me, except one deformed craftsm
an. Looking into my eye's he would see the mere sea's. Sea's of other lovers that he yearned to sail.

  Ares, the god of war loved me with his deep arts of war. One day love and war were frolicking on earth and Helios the sun God caught us in his rays. He captured us in a ray of light, so that all of the gods could come and mock our love, and war. None found it of entertainment though, and we merely laughed at the foolish sun.

  Ares, Greek God of War

  Artist of war, that is all I am. Many believe my art is amongst mere army's. My art is practiced by all, and some are poets of my art. Clashing and disputing all things since birth, shouting you are wrong and I am right. Oh but you are just practicing, but one day you will be great. So many I have killed, some ignorant to the true art form that they perform.

  Artemis, Greek Goddess of the Hunt

  With bow and quiver I hunt the creatures of the land. Defending my chastity as I do my vast forests. I am often confused with other gods and goddesses. Those of faith know my true powers. The first idea that would lead to all great feats. We shall go, stalk our prey, take it, and honor it by consuming it all. After the hunt, our minds will be nourished with the thoughts of all things.

  Athena, Greek Goddess of War

  My mother Metis, merely one lover of the feverish lust of Zeus. Though I know my father loved the sowing of seed, like his father he feared the great harvest. When his lust would be taken into account and overshadow him. With me in the womb, Zeus was horrified at the thought of me. So he swallowed my mother whole.

  A slave inside of Zeus, my mother prepared garments of war for her unborn daughter. The clashing of bronze from my mother making armor made Zeus's head throb in pain. Zeus went before his son Hephaestus, the smith and begged for relief. Hephaestus smashed Zeus's skull open to relieve the pressures of his lust. From the opened skull I came, fully grown into my gown of war!

  Demeter, Greek Dark Mother of the Harvest

  I am not a mother to be tormented by worry. Those who look to harm my daughters will find that I might be a simple mother. But to the birth of all things I hold in my hands with the harvest. One of my beautiful daughters caught the eye of the despicable god of death. Hades is the name he goes by but it does not define the hate I have for him.

  He stole my daughter from me, and drug her down with him. My grief for my daughter caused all crops to wither and die. With it storms of dust and death came from the earth. The underworld was all but filling up and Hades could not handle my great wrath. So he gave my sweet daughter back to me and with her came the crops.

  He had defiled her though, she took part in a simple, yet enslaving pleasure. Eating put only six pomegranate seeds from the underworld. The small pleasure of Hades forces my dearest daughter into the underworld for six months. Six wicked months she spends in the violation of Hades. So for six months I spend in grief, causing the world to wither and freeze until she returns.

  Eros, Greek God of Passion, and lust

  Erosexual, I am pleasured by all things. Want to gain my knowledge, simply look at your most pleasurable desires.

  Hera, Greek Goddess of Marriage

  My husbands ways are well....Wounding, and wondering. How he knowingly hurts, and humiliates me with his passionate ways. Imagine me, the Goddess of Marriage. I cannot even hold our vows together to save my sanity. Here I am struggling to bound down a wild beast. How can anyone be with just one lover.

  I know I can, but for all others it's like fighting their nature. They just want to skirmish about life free to take and break hearts. Then once in heaven they can sit next to their god who does the same thing in the afterlife. Then too you can sit next to me, the goddess of humiliation and ghosts unknown.

  Nemesis, Greek Goddess of Revenge

  Of course I am of femininity, so is revenge and retribution. I am the one god that you will not hide from. You will get what you have coming to you and I have the will to ensure it. There once was a great sea man who went out to his most favorable ship. In his possession a rare golden ring of priceless value. He threw it out into the sea in retribution to me.

  Once back at port he went home with a vast catch of fish. He told his cook to prepare a great feast. The sea man was gloating for himself by having the feast. Rather than truly offering his finest possession to me, he fattened himself with the idea he was great enough to spare it. After cutting open all of the fish, the cook found the great ring in the last fishes belly. The sea man became so afraid and nervous that I did not accept his offering that he could not eat and fell ill, dieing.

  Zeus, Greek God of all

  I am the ruler of all things, but I will not share my power with you. From these words on, none will be known of my kingdom from this sacrificial book, or bible!


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