Apollyon's Saint The Collection: Books One through Ten

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Apollyon's Saint The Collection: Books One through Ten Page 22

by Zachary Koukol

  Chapter Twenty Two

  Baldur Lifted his ax from the sands and swung it sideways at Loki. The blade cut into a puss filled Wart and it exploded.

  "Aaaaarrgh!" Loki cried out in pain. Just as Baldur prepared to swing again Loki unloaded a massive hook. Baldurs whole body shook from it as he wobbled backwards trying to stay on his feet. Stumbling with rolled back eyes, Baldur swung his ax and it missed Loki. Baldur fell to the ground and as he did Loki jumped in the air. While in the air Loki had his fist cocked back. When he landed he let out a vicious punch to Baldurs unconscious head. Loki landed in the sand next to him.

  Baldur tried to sit up, rolling over on his side he shook his head. He looked confused and dizzy, as though he did not even know where he was. Loki jumped on his back holding on to Baldur's neck with one hand and punching him with the other. Baldur fell face down in the sand and tried to cover up from Loki's troll punches. They were slow but when they landed Baldur's head bounced off them with violent force. Finally one landed and it refueled his rage for Loki.

  Baldur's eye's rolled back and then back again. With a grimace he grabbed onto Loki's leg and pulled with all he had. Baldur took a few hard punches but he was able to pull Loki off his back. Baldur's face was bloody, swelling, and covered in sand. Loki fell to the sand with a shock wave and it blew sand all around him. Looking up at the sun Baldur held his hands up at it. His eye's glowing with pure white radiating light.

  From the sun came a ray of light, it landed and swirled around in his hands. The ray of light formed a white streak of brilliant light. It quickly formed into a glowing javelin. As it did Loki rose to his feet and started a tired and slow charge. Loki was sucking as much air as he could through his troll nostrils. But it was as though he could not get enough to fuel his troll blood.

  Just before Loki reached him, Baldur threw the radiating javelin. Loki turned sideways so the javelin would not pierce his heart. It tore into his shoulder, and shot out midway through his back. When the javelin hit the sand it vanished into a pile of ash. Loki collapsed into the earth holding his shoulder in pain. Gabriel could see through the hole where the javelin pierced.

  Looking through the hole he could see scorched flesh. It barley grazed Loki's darkened troll heart. Gabriel could see the bottom corner of his heart pounding through the hole. Light from the sun peered onto his heart and smoke smoldered from it. Until nothing but smoke filled the hole in his body and his heart glowed with fire.

  “ERRGHH!” Loki cried out in pain as he turned his heart from the light of the sun. The light faded from the hole and the fire burned out into a charcoal corner of his heart. Loki no longer sucked for air but took short, quick breaths. Each breath was filled with pain from a scorched heart. Baldur grabbed his ax as Loki withered in pain.

  Standing just above his brother, Baldur raised his ax one more time. Pausing with it raised to the sun, the blade glowed in orange flame like his hatred for Loki. Springing up from the ground, Loki lunged for the ax. Baldur swung it down just as he did but Loki caught it before it could smash into him. For a moment they struggled and Loki opened his giant troll mouth.

  Teeth rotten, black, and missing bit down on Baldur's throat. Ripping away from his neck, Loki tore flesh away and left broken teeth behind. Baldur released the ax and tried desperately to guard from another bite. It was no use, Loki plummeted back into his neck with so much force that they both fell to the ground. Like a pit bull Loki stayed latched to his jugular.

  With each of Baldur's struggles he would rip harder into his throat. Until finally no air would reach the god of lights lung's. As Baldur looked up at the sun a tear fell from Odins blind eye. It crashed into the sand and changed it and the rocks of the shore line black. The darkness spread all around him. The berzerkers in its radius fell to their knees. Their skin turned to black and then they crashed, dead on the ground. The spreading darkness stopped before it got more than twenty yards from Odin. It retracted  and slithered back towards him. It shrunk down into a little black tear drop. It was like a solid stone tear drop. Odin picked it up and held it in his hands.

  "Stop!" Odin shouted as Loki let go of Baldur's torn throat.

  "I shall be the one to finish my son!" Odin said with a sad grimace. Odin walked up to Baldur and Loki backed away. His face was covered in Baldurs blood and he had a crooked troll smirk.

  "You were trapped away for so long, my son and my light." Odin said holding Baldurs head in his hand.

  "Now I shall free you from your prison!" Odin said as he placed the black tear drop in baldurs mouth. As he did baldurs skin turned from a radiant white to black. Ravens circling in a cloud above swarmed down. They completely engulfed baldur and then they flew to to the sky. Baldur was now gone and no where to be found. Blood was all that remained from where Baldur once was.

  "When a god dies, and heavens fall, where do souls go?" Gabriel asked as though someone could hear him. For the first time the kingdom of norse wept. Their heads were held low and tears ran down their faces. Loki just looked up at the sky smirking.

  "Baldur! Not my baldur!" Frigga cried out. Odins face turned from sadness to anger. It was all loki's doing and it was him who fueled Baldurs blood lust. Loki condemned Baldur to non exsistance the day he cast him to the underworld. Odin knew this just as well Gabriel did. Loki now starred into Odins enraged eyes.

  Instantly loki turned around and started to run for his life. Troll legs plotted along the sand and made the ground shake. As he ran his troll skin exploded and from it ran a coyote. Though no matter what form he took he could not outrun his wounds. The coyote fur was covered in blood, and the hole to his heart was still there. Though he now moved much faster than he did on two legs.

  "After him!" Odin yelled to the berserkers. The look on their faces was the same anger as Odins. They ran after him just as fast as they could. Though it was just a light jog since they carried weapons and shields.

  "No need to hurry my love." Frigga said to Odin as she walked behind Odin. The other gods followed as well and Gabriel was left on a shore line of broken ships. Gabriel did not see a point in watching gods kill each other. Though it was either that, or play out the life and death cycle over and over. Gabriel got up and followed a short distance behind the gods. He could only hear sounds of their whispers but not words. Why were they whispering Gabriel thought. Maybe they are just as deceitful as mankind. Like any moment they could strike their frail king.

  They had only made it a few hundred yards when another fight broke out. This time it was mighty Thor, who pushed Hel to the ground.

  "You and your poisonous tongue! You have no reign here old woman!" Thor shouted to Hel who was covering up to defend herself. Thors fuse was just as short as any Norse.

  "Must we kill each other!!" Odin shouted throwing down his staff.

  "Just strike me down now and spare me the humiliation! " Odin said.

  "He is a mad man, plotting against me!" Hel shreiked as she got to her feet.

  "I do not plot, I strike!" Thor shouted back as he smashed his hammer into the ground. The earth shook and the air smelt of electricity.

  "Should us Norse not unit? Should we be the laughter of gods as they see us self destruct? Or do we take back our rightful homeland...MIDGARD AWAITS! Or the emptiness of death without Asgard. No Valhalla, no loot o plunder, only a void in the hearts of the living. So let us decide here and now. Do not wait for me to fall, bring me down here and now." Odin shouted in anger.

  The other gods reluctantly change from their battle stances. It was clear that there was still unfinished business. But for now they had to make peace to wage war. Odin began walking again and so did the others. The berserkers had already made it over the hill. Sounds of gunshots cried out from over the hill. First a few, followed by many. They rang out in a automatic hailstorm. Odin began running to see what was happening.

  Gabriel started to run as well and quickly passed Odin. Once over the crest of the hill, he saw where the shots came from. A small city, of
maybe five hundred was below him. On the edge of town was military infantry, police, and civilians all armed and firing at the berserkers. Round after round hit the hillside. The berzerkers withstood many gun shot wounds. Some held their shields high as the were torn into by bullets. The berzerkers were not like an average human. Only after many shots would one fall dead. Odin made it to the top of the hill near Gabriel. Bullets buzzed past them though none hit odin.

  "Man and their wretched ego! Egos are for those scared of the dark unknown. So they create ghosts rather than face fear. Now they shoot at god's with their ego rather than embrace them....Must war be the only way?" Odin said.

  "There can be no other way. Though they go to battle as cowards behind their weapons. They fight, but fear true combat or the glory of being a combatant." Tyr said.

  "Valhalla only awaits true warriors, and so we must create it here. We should destroy these cowards so that Valhalla can be reborn among Midgard!" Thor shouted as a bullet grazed his armor.

  "Warriors of Asgard may you build the halls of Valhalla with their blood." Odin said. Just as he did the berzerks made it to the edge of town. Some had fallen riddled with bullets. But it was not enough to stop their army. They crashed into men with guns and began tearing them apart. Some humans turned and ran, while others were being sliced through. Slowly the ringing of gunshots ended. While the sounds of cracking skulls and screams were all that remained.

  One man dropped his gun and rather than running away he walked into the battle line of the berserkers. With a solid thud a berserker hit him right between the eye's with a one handed battle ax. The blade sunk in and the man dropped dead. A few of the men were able to run away and flee from the skirmish. Those who didn't were slaughtered without mercy.

  In the street was a cop who tried to run but was hit in the leg with a throwing ax. With hands held tight he looked up to the sky and began praying. Another throwing ax flew through the air and landed in the police officers chest. The blow knocked him back but he was still moving. A berserker approached him and stood above him watching the man suffer. Almost instantly the police officer pulled his pistol from his holster and shot the berserker multiple times until he fell dead next to him.

  Looking up the officer could see the other berserkers coming for him. His comrades were now all brutally killed for choosing war against a warrior divinity. The officer fired two more shots at the berzerkers. Though he failed to kill any of them. Gabriel watched as the officer then turned the gun and fired his last shot. It was to his own head and his misery was over.

  Odin and the other gods did nothing but sit and watch in silence. It was as though they were spectators in the opera of savagery. Gabriel knew that mankind would turn on the gods. They did not understand them, and they seek to destroy the unknown. By using the only thing they know of, war. But maybe it was Loki who murdered that man by the same logic. Both the gods and man were corrupt beings. Gabriel wondered what their differences were if any.

  His heart ached as he watched those men being killed. It was as though they were cattle for the gods amusement. Looking at Odin he wondered if he felt the same suffering that Gabriel had. Maybe only for his own warriors, though the motives and emotions were unknown. Now the battle was over and the edge of town was left with deaths silence. Mangled and mutilated corpses backed in the sun as swarms of crows flocked above.

  The crows circled into a funnel in the sky and suddenly they began their decent. The berserkers stood and watched as crows dived from the sky to begin a feast of flesh. Thousands came down from above landing on the defeated corpses. Beaks tore flesh as they quickly devoured the body's of men. Bones crumbled to their beaks as though they were made of glass.

  A young boy stood in the street with a toy truck in his hand. Tears had ran down his face but they no longer fell although the streaks remained. He just watched with a horrified curiosity and the first pains of loss on his face. Gabriel watched the boy as Odin and the other god's strolled through the now devoured corpses. Crows pecked at the ground cleaning up any scraps that might remain.

  There was nothing but blood and torn clothing remaining. It was one example of how easily disposable man was to the gods. Fear and disbelief was all that was left for the small town, and the world. It did not make sense to Gabriel since they could have easily disarmed the men and spared them. Maybe the gods had no more lessons for mankind. Mistakes were paid in blood, and blood would build the halls of Valhalla.

  Odin approached the child with open arms, though the child stayed frozen. Odin clasped his hands together and as he did a vibrant light glowed in them. Separating his hands he presented a black lizard to the boy. It was as though he was performing a magic trick to impress the child. Though the child simply turned and ran screaming for his life. Odin looked surprised at the child's reaction but the gods had no control over the power of choice.

  Gabriel could tell by Odin's face that the Norse were losing the war already. They were warriors who could earn respect only on a ancient battle field. Now they were nothing more than a legion of Apollyon. They did not have the weapons for the war they were facing. Faith in fear could not spread like faith in love. Mankind feared the Norse which is why they faded into mythology. The Norse were now marked as the enemy and blood cannot build a kingdom.

  Men, women and children all fled the town with no time to take any belongings. The town was now empty as Odin and the god's walked through the streets. Berserkers broke into building and pillaged through houses. Though it seemed their plunder and loot was man, but none remained.

  “We will make our fortification here, Berserkers set watch and make defenses. God's of Asgard, let us meet and decide or course here in Midgard!” Odin said as he walked into the towns courthouse. As the god's walked in they looked around at the set up of the seats. Most of them were confused and just sat down where ever. Hel sat down in the judges seat, while Odin sat in one of the defenses chair.

  “This is where man decide what is just? Judging a rivers currents is as though judging man. You will never know until the undertow drags you down to the depths of its soul. ” Heimdall the god who protects Asgard said.

  “Ha! why not settle it on a battle field? Why here, where there is only seats? These are no warrior's simply children playing with words!” Tyr the warrior god said.

  “Silence, we are not here to judge man. We are here to decide the fate of the Norse kingdom.... I do not know why the people of this town all fled. We cannot win this war if they do not worship us. We will fade in the silence of defeat.” Odin said.

  “We must fight them!” Tyr said.

  “As we did today?” Odin said.

  “Why are we fighting man, they are our weapons against the other kingdoms?” Freyja the goddess of fertility and abundance said.

  “They choose to fight us as the sea choose to guide us to war!” Njord god of the sea said.

  “You decide the course of the sea Njord, it too can guide to peace.” Frigga goddess of prophecy said.

  “Peace! what is our kingdom in peace!” Hel shouted as her eyes turned from black to glowing amber.

  “So should we make war with our ax to defeat our enemy?” Odin said standing.

  “These people are our axes, and we have many enemy's here in Midgard. Shall we fight them unarmed in blood lust and watch our kingdom fall? Our pride, courage, honor, and culture must not over come our senses. We are a defeated kingdom coming back to claim victory once more. Though we cannot do it without our wisdom of defeat.” Odin said walking down the isle.

  “We must face many battles, but not all can be won with brute force! Odin shouted.

  “So we must give up all we believe in for victory? Then we are already defeated!” Hel shouted jumping from her seat.

  “Would you prefer we fight here amongst each other? Or out there against the seven kingdoms? We must come to reason, we cannot fight this war without mankind.” Odin said.

  “Then let us vote!” Heimdall said.

  “Now it
is you who sounds like a child of words!” Tyr yelled.

  “Then face me without your words!” Heimdall yelled back. Both Heimdall and Tyr sprung to their feet with weapons drawn.

  “BE SILENT IGNORANT FOOLS!” Odin screamed as the whole building shook. Paint and dust fell from the ceiling to the floor. Both Tyr and Heimdall sat back down with heads slumped in defeat.

  “Yes dearest let us vote for what we shall do with man.” Frigga said in a soft voice.

  “When you wish to vote simply stand, do not speak!” Odin said.

  “Those who wish to wage war with all of Midgard stand now” Odin said. Just as he did Heimdall, Tyr, Hel, Njord, and Thor all stood.

  “Now be seated.” Odin said.

  “Those who wish to face our true enemy and spare mankind stand now.” Odin said as he stood. So did Frigga, and Fryja. Then Heimdall, and Thor stood once more.

  “What are you fools confused!?” Hel said.

  “Its....A draw? I know how to settle an even match.” Tyr said drawing his ax. Odin sat back down rubbing his head as though it ached.

  “We will not fight amongst ourselves as Loki and Baldur did today. The votes were invalid, we will destroy all who oppose us.” Odin said pausing. As he paused Tyr held his weapon in the air cheering.

  “But!.....If they do not oppose us, we will welcome them in our kingdom.” Odin said.

  “Hah! We once welcomed those who fought with courage. Now we welcome cowards?” Hel shrieked.

  “So you are suggesting we welcome those who want to destroy us? Then kill those who don't?” Frigga said.

  “My words are final, all who disobey me will be banished. Now we must decide the fate of Loki.” Odin said.

  “You once told me that words are like moments, we can have thousands of them to find one sentence of brilliance. I have heard your word many times, and still no brilliance!” Hel said. The gods looked around the room.

  “Baldur picked the fight while Loki's back was turned.” Tyr said.

  “Yes it was unfortunate that Baldur died, but Loki had no choice.” Fryja said.

  “Yes but Loki picked that fight when he sent Baldur to the underworld.” Odin said.

  “Then Loki finished it, even when he was out matched.” Tyr said.

  “They are right Odin, although my agony and yours has blinded us. Baldur was the light of Asgard but must we lose two children?” Frigga said as a tear ran down her face.

  “From this point on, Loki is no longer banished from our kingdom. We will send scouts to track him down and bring him home.” Odin said.

  “Let us now focus on the war?” Hel said.

  “Yes Frigga has located most of the Kingdoms and some of the rebels. Tiffany is with the rebel Cain as he searches for Gabriel. Right now they are just outside of Gabriel's home waiting for him. For now we must build our defenses and prepare to attack.” Odin said

  “Hel, I want you and some of the berserkers of your choosing to scout the surrounding area. Return to us with any threats, or with Loki.” Odin said as Hel rose from her chair and headed out.

  “Heimdall you are in charge of our defenses. Make our walls appear weak but as strong as Baldur. Frigga we must map out where our enemy's are and figure out what their plans are. Fryja you will be our diplomat. Find the local Villages and seek to make peace. Tell them that they will be protected here in the Kingdom of Norse. Though you must be a lone diplomat Tyr will shadow you. Do not let the people see you Tyr. Your army will move in stealth behind her. Ready to attack any threat that she might face. The crows will watch over you both, when they swarm so shall you Tyr.” Odin said.

  “And I?” Thor said.

  “You will stay here with me, and Frigga. We must stay together because there are many threats coming our way. We will need your hammer and bolts to fend off the gods.” Odin said standing from his chair. The gods began leaving the room with their orders. Gabriel's mind wandered to what Odin had just said. Tiffany and Cain were in Axal searching for him. Though how could they ever find him buried in the ground? It was still a small glimmer of hope. The thought of Tiffany searching for him was more hopeful than the thought of being free from his dirt prison.

  It was a intriguing thought to use the pendant to find Tiffany. But he could not help but follow Tyr out of the courthouse. Gabriel was still searching for his kingdom in the war. He had to see if Odin's words were enough to bring some hope for mankind. It was clear though that his kingdom was one divided. So he had to see if they would remain that way.

  Once outside Gabriel could see that the town had already changed significantly. The houses were being torn down for wood. Berzerkers worked all around him dismantling things. began gathering a small army of berzerkers outside of the courthouse. They fell in ranks and only the soldiers that were fresh gathered. Those who had been injured were left to work on defenses.

  Hel had already gathered her force of only five men. They dropped their gear and took only their axes. The men she choose were the smallest of the berserkers. Fast and agile they made perfect scouts. Gabriel watched as they quickly ran out of the town. Heimdall was standing around a group of berserksers. Gabriel could not hear him but he was pointing as though he was ordering them on what to build where.

  As soon as the issues were ordered men started digging and building where he was pointing. The berserkers were void of choice, they just followed orders instantly and without question. Though the other Norse gods could control them as easily as Odin. They were the perfect army but their generals made them seem weak and easily manipulated.

  Fryja began walking out of the town alone, but with a swarm of crows above. She truly was a irresistible beauty. Her grace was nothing of the other Norse. She was muscular but still had all the features of femininity. Blond braided hair, blue eyes, and the perfect proportions of power and beauty. It would be hard to resist her as a diplomat.

  As she left the town Tyr and his army marched behind her. Gabriel followed them and they stopped just on the edge of town. They let Fryja walk as though she was defenseless and alone. Just as she faded from their site over the hill they quickly marched to the top of the hill. Even Gabriel had to jog to keep up with the men.

  Once at the crest of the hill they all laid down and began crawling towards the top. Tyr was in the lead and was also crawling. with one motion of his hand they all stopped. Looking up Gabriel could see the flock of crows getting farther away. Walking to the top of the hill Gabriel could hardly see Fryja who was vanishing once more.

  Loud bursts of thunder and lighting came from behind him in the town. Turning around Gabriel looked back at the town. Just in that short amount of time it now looked more like a Norse village. It had a complete wall of scrap wood around it. Watch towers were placed every thirty or so yards on the wall. Lightning lit torches around the town. It looked even weaker than the walls in Asgard. A mesh of colors from different types of timber.

  Changing his attention back to Tyr and the men Gabriel turned around again. But they were already gone. He was standing right next to them and now they silently sneaked off. They were already running across another ridge and the crows were no longer visible. At full speed Gabriel ran as fast as he could trying to catch up. His legs and lungs burned running down the hill and then up the other.

  Luckily the men crawled to the top of the next ridge and waited laying in the grass. Gabriel ran up to them and they remained perfectly still. Stopping Gabriel tried to catch his breath as he walked to the top of the hill. They had only gone a few miles but another small town was in view. This town even smaller than the previous one.

  Men with fire arms lined roof tops and windows. Fryja held her arms in the air to signal that she came in peace. Some of the men watched the cloud of crows while others were mesmerized by her. Gabriel could hear the men shouting orders but could not understand them. It sounded like they wanted her to stop but he was not sure.

  A shot rang out that was well off target and landed in the dirt a yard away from Fryja
. It was now clear that it was a warning shot and they wanted her to halt. She kept calm walking towards the town as another warning shot rang out. This time it was a little closers to Fryja.

  “Charge!” Tyr shouted with a blood red face of anger. The Berserkers once again charged another town. The god's did not understand man and man did not understand the god's. Shots erupted from the town and began bombarding the hill side. On a far away hill Gabriel could see Hel and her five men. They watched for a moment and then ran off over the other side of the hill. They did not get involved with the conflict, but their orders were to report threats.

  “Please stop! Please!” Fryja cried out falling to her knees. A bullet ripped through her shoulder and shot blood into the air. Her white gown now turned red over her heart. She fell clenching her shoulder. The crows began plummeting from the sky and attacking the men on rooftops. One man lit a large bundle of wood and kindling on top of a roof. It was a signal fire maybe for other men in the area. The fire started out under control but quickly started burning the building and engulfing the man in flames.

  Tyr had made it to Fryja and lifted her from the ground. Bullets zinged past him and a few hit home. But Tyr did not even flinch he simply picked her up and ran from the battle. The berskers were taking heavy loses as automatic rifles tore them down. This was not even one tenth of the force that they took the other town with. Tyr carried Fryja over the hillside and set her down where Gabriel was standing. She was crying though not in pain but sadness.

  “Why didn’t you wait!” Fryja cried.

  “They were going to kill you!” Tyr said.

  “I don't think they would have shot a woman!” Fryja shouted.

  “They would have shot a goddess and that is what they did, just look at you. We cannot make peace with these people. They do not understand us, or our language. To them we are just invaders looking to destroy them.” Tyr said. Gabriel looked back and could see that the Berserkers had suffered defeat. They never even made it into the town before they were shot down. The hail of bullets was even stronger than the first attack.

  Crows continued to swarm the town though as the men directed their fire at them. Though the crows could devour flesh in monstrous fashion, they could not withstand a gun shot. Crows and feathers fell from the sky and rained down black. The crows had killed all the men on rooftops but those inside shot them from their window seals. They were now like fish in a barrel and thousand of crows littered the ground dead.

  Looking around Gabriel could see Tyr was gone. Over a far hillside he could see him carrying Fryja is his arms as the sun set in the distance. It was their second defeat in a day of many losses. Watching the sunset Gabriel pulled the pendants out from his pocket. The Yellow pendant glowed in his hand. It was his link to forever be with Tiffany. Though the same link he always had with her. Imprisoned with emotions that could never be set free. Gabriel placed the yellow pendant around his neck and held it in his hands.

  “Uhhh....Frigga?” Gabriel said. As he did he was sent into darkness.


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