Apollyon's Saint The Collection: Books One through Ten

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Apollyon's Saint The Collection: Books One through Ten Page 39

by Zachary Koukol

  Chapter Thirty Nine

  In an instance both men were dead before they had a chance to fight. Horrified, and shocked Gabriel just watched the dead men petrified on the ground. Gabriel could feel Twella's eye's still locked on him. He wasn't sure if she ever even looked away from him as she killed the man. Qwella closed her legs and turned away from Gabriel so he could not see her breasts.

  With a quick glance Gabriel looked over at Twella. Her smile was so big that her white teeth shined in the light of the lantern. She was stunning, but Gabriel dashed his eye's back over at the dead men. Though the image of her was now etched in his mind. Qwella's eye's burned like an ember and then the light of the lantern went out.

  “Why did you go and do that?” Twella asked.

  “I guess you didn't notice that we are nude? Not to mention my boy is right here!” Qwella said.

  “Well I was enjoying my view.” Twella said.

  “Only you would enjoying looking at the dead.” Qwella said.

  “I wasn't looking at the dead..” Twella said.

  “Its ok dear you can open your eye's now.” Qwella said.

  “Well Qwella, how do you expect me to get the key out of his pants without the light?” Twella said.

  “Fine hurry up.” Qwella said as her eye's light up with embers. The flame in the lantern almost made it explode. But then it quickly died down and light up the room. Qwella was still covering up her body but Twella was focused on one of the mens pants. She braced herself against the cage and stretched he leg out and pointed her toes towards the pants.

  “Euh!” Twella moaned as she stretched out as far as she could. Qwella rolled her eye's and Gabriel fought back his laughter. Gabriel glanced over at Twella and looked down at her body. When his eye's made it back up he saw her eye's on him again. Gabriel quickly looked away and stared at the floor. Twella's toe came down on the end of the pants. She used one of her other toes to lock on them like a pair of tongs. Slowly she slid the pants over and Gabriel could not help but to watch.

  “Hudini!” Gabriel said laughing. Twella smiled but stayed focused on the pants. She slid them over and then moved them around with her feet until she could get in the pocket. Her whole foot went inside and then came out with the key in between her toes.

  “You could have done that a lot faster.” Qwella said.

  “I prefer not to waste my energy, unlike you.” Twella said.

  “Oh please like your powers would be sapped by getting a key. You just want to show off at any chance you get. But you need to hurry up so I can wash this foul man's stench off of me!” Qwella said.

  “Well if you quit your yapping I will hurry up.” Twella said as she maneuvered her leg around so her hands could get the key. Unlocking her hands Twella rose to her feet. Gabriel looked away again and watched the dead men. Twella twirled her hair up in a makeshift bun but took her time.

  “I will get you first since you don't complain!” Twella said laughing as she squatted down next to Gabriel. Jolting back Gabriel could feel butterflies swarming in his stomach. Twella pressed her body up against his as she reached around to unlock him.

  Gabriel was jolted into hell's waiting room. Everything went dark and then he was sitting around a fire. A full moon was in the sky above him and the light of the fire danced off forest tress. Gabriel looked around the fire and saw two little girl's and an older man. The girl's were Twella and Qwella sitting on tree stumps. Qwella looked older, but Twella looked only five or six.

  “Ever since your mother died, when she had you I have waited for this moment.” The man said with fire glowing in his eye's. His hair was a mess, as though he had not combed it in months. Gabriel looked behind him and could see an old house. It was very small and looked like it was only one bedroom at the most.

  The man got up and walked into the darkness for a moment and then came back. In his hand was a tray with ink's and a tattoo gun. As well as a few vials of blood that rolled around the tray as he walked up to Twella. Setting the tray down, he combed the hair out from Twella's face with his fingers. Twella jerked back a little, she seemed afraid of the man.

  “Tonight we are going to reunite our family once again.” The man said. Qwella watched her sister with a worried look as flames danced off of her face.

  “One big happy family......To see your mother's face in the moonlight once again...” The man said with his hand shaking.

  “Is it going to hurt daddy?” Twella asked as she looked into the flames.

  “No sweetheart, not like the pain we have felt these last few years. Don't you see you are the only one who can bring her back to us.” The man said as he opened a vial of blood and started mixing it into the ink.

  “Why does it have to be me?” Twella asked.

  “Don't you want to see your mother?” The man asked.

  “Yes.” Twella said as the man laid her down next to the fire. Holding out his hand's the man looked up at the moon.

  “We are the descendants of Salem!” The man shouted at the moon.

  “Cursed by the gifts our ancestors have given us. Though tonight we will use our gifts to bring back a dear mother, wife!” The man said with madness in his eye's.

  “Hear me god's of darkness, you have taken her from us. Now we will reunite her with the light of the last descendant of Salem.” The man shouted as the flames grew higher in the sky. Looking over at Qwella, Gabriel could see the embers in her eyes.

  “Bzzzzzt” The tattoo gun went into the ink mixed blood. The man's eye's where now white as the moon. Slowly he moved the gun over his daughters chest. Twella was not in a trance and was laying on the ground horrified.

  “Bzzzt.” The gun went off on her flesh.

  “AWWW!” Twella cried out and her cries seemed to bounce off the tree's. Twella didn't move but her cries were deafening. Gabriel couldn't watch and just looked off into the forest. Light of flames were playing trick's on Gabriel's eyes. It appeared as though women in cloaks would come out from one tree and then vanish before the mind could process them.

  Gabriel looked back, and the girl's were now teen's. The man was even older and his hand's trembled as he tattooed Twella. Her skin was now covered all over and the man feverishly covered her flesh in tattoos. Qwella was making the fire dance and turned the flames into images of witches. Finally the gun stopped buzzing and the man moved away from Twella. Tears fell down from her eye's and the flames flickered off of them.

  “Why won't it work! They won't come back!” The man shouted at the night.

  “You have gone mad old warlock!” A voice shouted from the forest.

  “Who is there!” The man said as he almost stumbled over the flames.

  “We have been watching you raise the girls. Though your pain has blinded you to love.” Another woman's voice shouted. Witches in cloaks started to come out from the trees, and surrounded the fire. Gabriel knew that he could not have been just imagining them.

  “You painted the dead all over your child. But you don't realize it was you who killed them!” One witch yelled with a beat red face.

  “Let us see how your love feel's about what you have done to your daughters.” Another witch said helping Twella up from the ground. Twella's head shot up at the moon and her eye's turned black and then the moon filled the darkness in her eyes. Her skin was shaking and trembling, the warrior on he chest started to come out from her skin.

  “AHHHH!” The warrior shouted as she jumped from Twella's chest with the swords in her hands.

  “You're back!” The man shouted as he knelt down at the feet of the warrior. She looked down at the man with her swords at the sides of his neck.

  “Do you not remember me my dear?” The man said looking up at her. Her arm drew the swords back and then in a flash they slashed through the man's neck. In a gush of blood his head rolled off and his body fell next to the fire.

  “Fool, the dead are not to be brought back!” One of the witches said as the warrior fell back and deflated like a balloon into Tw
ella's chest. She shrunk back down into the tattoo and laid still on Twella's skin. Coming out of her trance, Twella looked down at her dead father. Tears had dried to her face, but none fell from her eye's. Qwella looked down at her father with a blank look in her eye's.

  “It's ok my dears, we will take care of you.” One of the witches said just as Gabriel jolted into darkness and then back to the ship.

  Gabriel could feel Twella's breasts pushing up against him as he realized he was back in the cage.

  “Hmm darn thing!” Twella said pushing herself against Gabriel harder.

  “Oh, there we go.” She said as she uncuffed his hands. It was a relief to be able to move his arms again. Twella backed away and then knelt down to get the cuffs on his feet. Gabriel watched her as she fumbled with the key. She looked up at him with a smile and then looked back down and unlocked the cuffs.

  “There!” Twella said jumping up to her feet.

  “Thank you!” Gabriel said with a smile.

  “You're very welcome!” Twella said as she turned to her sister who was becoming impatient.

  “It's about time!” Qwella said with a sigh. Twella unlocked Qwella almost instantly and got back up. Qwella stood up covering her breasts with her hand.

  “Phew you do stink!” Twella said as she handed Qwella the key. Qwella uncovered her breast and glared at her sister. With a snap she grabbed the key out of Twella's hand.

  “Here look I'm Twella!” Qwella said bending over exposing herself to Gabriel. She looked back at him and jokingly batted her eyes. Gabriel didn't mind at all and was glued to her hourglass shape as she got the chain off Charlies leg. Qwella was trying to make a joke of it but she blushed and her face went red when she saw Gabriel watching. Twella rushed over and shut the lantern off.

  “I was not doing that!” Twella said in the darkness.

  “Oh you were!” Qwella said.

  “Well what will we do, our dresses are ruined!” Twella said.

  “Here put it on and shut up.” Qwella said. Gabriel could not figure out what was going on but could hear rustling around.

  “What are we going to do now?” Gabriel said in an unsure tone.

  “We will have to wait for nightfall, but we are going to take over the ship.” Qwella said.

  “Why nightfall, won't they realize the two men are gone?” Gabriel asked confused

  “It's when we are our most powerful.” Qwella said.

  “Yes, my sister is weak and needs to rest!” Twella said with a sinister chuckle.

  “Fine, young powerful one...Lets see you take over the ship?” Qwella said.

  “You know I was only joking....Are you decent so I can turn the lantern back on?” Twella asked.

  “One moment.” Qwella said with some rustling. The lantern came on before Qwella was ready. Gabriel was looking in her direction when it came on. She was bent over trying to fix her breasts in the dress.

  “You bitch!” Qwella said as she straightened up still holding her breasts. With a tug she pulled the dress up around them. Twella unlocked the cage door with a smirk. She was wearing her blue dress again like it had never been torn.

  “Why don't you get the door?” Twella said looking at her sister.

  “I thought you were the powerful one?” Qwella said with a smirk.

  “Well only you can melt the hinges.” Twella said.

  “Why not just have your battle maiden hold it shut?” Qwella said as she walked past them and went over to the door leading to the upper decks. Placing her hand on the hinges her eyes glowed with red flames. The hinge turned red hot and welded together. Qwella touched each of the hinges and welded the door shut.

  “That should give us some time.” Qwella said.

  “We can only hope.” Twella said looking up at the ceiling.

  “So why couldn't you just melt the cuffs off before?” Gabriel asked.

  “Those sacks we had on were soaked in holy water and blessed. They made our senses blind and we could not use our power.” Twella said.

  “Yeah I would have never let that disgusting man on me but we had to get the masks off.” Qwella said looking at the burnt corpse in disgust.

  “I am sorry Gabriel we would talk more but we must get ready. You might see us do some strange things, but don't disturb us or we might attack you unwillingly.” Twella said as she picked up her dress and knelt down on the ground.

  “Keep on eye on Charlie for me?” Qwella said as she spread out her arms and looked up at the ceiling.

  “We have to channel our powers so that tonight they can be unleashed.” Qwella said as her eyes turned to embers and her hands trembled.

  “See you soon sexy!” Twella said as her eyes went black and she knelt down in prayer.

  “Charlie I will keep watch on the door ok bud?” Gabriel said and Charlie nodded his head. Gabriel walked over to the door and sat down in front of it.

  “Argha stormhom cratha.” Twella mumbled as she sat up from the prayer and started to bend backwards. Her spine cracked as she went back and her elbows busted out of place. Gabriel cringed as her joints popped and snapped. Eventually she froze in one contorted position and stayed there. A strange gurgling sound came from her mouth that was stretched open.

  Charlie was looking at the two dead men smiling as though something was amusing him. His smile would retract but then come back once again like someone was entertaining him. The whole thing was very disturbing to Gabriel, and he was feeling dizzy. Thoughts of fresh air outside of the stuffy lower deck crossed Gabriel's mind.

  Qwella's eye's went brighter as time passed. As though at first it was just a small ember, that was fueled into a camp fire, then a bonfire. Now it looked like a whole city was engulfed in flame. Her eye's were glowing much brighter than the lantern. With each passing minute the room got brighter and brighter. Until finally Gabriel had to turn his back to them because it was so bright that it hurt his eye's.

  Almost like the ark from a welder, it was enough to burn the eyes just by looking. Even Charlie had to turn away from his entertainment. Gabriel tried to imagine how strange his life must be. Not only strange but horrific for all the things he must have seen. Gabriel turned around to check on him and he was making shadow figures on the wall with his hands.

  A few hours had past until finally the witches were coming out of their trance. The light in Qwella's eye's grew dimmer. While Twella contorted back and knelt down in prayer once again. Charlie had fallen asleep over the passing hours. The light from his mothers eye's seemed to bring him comfort. Though he became restless as the light grew dim.

  Twella came back up to her feet, Gabriel looked into her black eye's and saw a half moon. The darkness on the moon faded until there was a full moon in her eyes. The moon slowly went dark while the black around it went white. Until the moon darkened into her pupil and the blue in her eyes. Until they went back to completely normal.

  “Did we miss anything?” Twella asked smiling at Gabriel.

  “Nope nothing, I am surprised no one came looking for the two men.” Gabriel said.

  “Qwella will be awhile longer, she likes to take her time.” Twella said looking to her sister.

  “Charlie fell asleep about an hour ago.” Gabriel said.

  “Well that's good maybe me and Qwella can have the boat free of rats by the time he wakes.” Twella said as she walked over to Gabriel and sat down next to him.

  “I can help you guys too you know?” Gabriel said.

  “I know, but maybe its best you stay down here with Charlie. You think what you have seen so far is bad, wait until we go up there. I would prefer you don't see that side of me. Twella said grabbing Gabriel's hand and looking at his palm.

  “Are you a plam reader?” Gabriel asked.

  “Yes, I see you and me have a bright future!” Twella said smiling. Gabriel smiled back but wasn't sure what to say since he knew his future wasn't bright.

  “I am not really a palm reader, I just wanted to do this.” Twella said as she
held Gabriel's hand. It felt odd to Gabriel though, after all the last man who was affectionate with her died a horrible death. Gabriel even felt a little intimidated by her and just stared off into space.

  “Do you like my sister?” Twella whispered into Gabriel's ear.

  “Yes, she is a very nice woman.” Gabriel said.

  “No, not like that.” Twella said as she got closer to his ear.

  “Do you want her.” She whispered so close to his ear that it tickled.

  “No, I am not really interested in anyone like that.” Gabriel said.

  “You don't want me?” Twella whispered again in his ear.

  “Twella any man who doesn't want you is a fool.” Gabriel said moving his head around so she would stop tickling the hairs in his ear. Twella smiled and tilted her head to move in for a kiss.

  “I am a fool Twella.” Gabriel said moving his head away so he could not be kissed. The smile from Twella's face faded and she moved away.

  “Oh I see, I thought maybe you liked me.” Twella said in a defeated tone.

  “I do like you, and want you....Thing's are just confusing for me right now.” Gabriel said. Twella grabbed a hold of Gabriel's hand again.

  “I get it, we will just be friends.” Twella said looking at him and smiling.

  “Yes.” Gabriel said back but even he didn't want that. She was irresistible but Gabriel knew she would only hurt him. She moved so fast and was very flirtatious, playing with a woman like her was playing with fire.

  “My sister is so pretty.” Twella said jealously.

  “Yes she is a very pretty woman.” Gabriel said as he could feel Twella's grip loosen.

  “Look at her skin, so pale and unblemished.” Twella said.

  “She has nice skin...' Gabriel said knowing that he was being tested.

  “Not like my skin, all covered in ink.” Twella said with a sigh. Gabriel pulled his hand away from Twella and set it in his lap.

  “Look Twella, I am not one for playing games. You and your sister are both stunning women. I haven't found an ounce of imperfection on either of you. Any man in my position would be the luckiest man alive. Any man except me, I am cursed in more way's than you can begin to imagine. You two are better off without me, I will only get you killed.” Gabriel said.

  “Well thank you Gabriel!” Qwella said smiling as the light in her eye's faded. Twella's lips pouted out and she glared at her sister.

  “Gabriel once we get to shore you are welcome to go as you please. I know you say you are cursed but we are your friends now. If you want to go, fine, and if you want to stay well even better.” Qwella said still smiling.

  “Shall we?” Twella said getting up and staring at her sister.

  “I can help too.” Gabriel said getting up.

  “Yes, you can watch Charlie....If we don't come back..” Qwella said as she went over and kissed Charlie on the top of the head.

  “Let me go up there, if anything I will make a good distraction.” Gabriel said.

  “We already have thossssse.” Twella said as she lowered her wrist towards the floor. Twella had a tattoo of a black mamba wrapped around her wrist. It's tongue flicked from out of her arm. Then its head came out and slowly it uncurled itself. Almost like a snake shedding its skin but instead her skin shedded a snake.

  Qwella's eye's started to glow again as she walked over to the door. She placed her hand in the middle of it and this time everything metal melted away. Hot molten metal dripped on the floor and slid away from it smoldering. Gabriel walked over to the door and waited for it to come open.

  “Ssssstay!” Twella said as the snake came all the way out of her skin. It was huge, at least seven feet long, and its tongue flickered at Gabriel. Qwella's turned and looked at Gabriel, her eye's smoldered and she glared. Gabriel stepped backwards almost tripping. He knew they were not women to be messed with and he took a seat next to Charlie.

  “Arghh!” The battle maiden yelled as she came out of Twella's chest. The farther she got out the larger she became. It was as if watching a balloon being blown up. She came from her skin very fast and dove into the floor and rolled to her feet. Gabriel looked at Twella, her eye's were black again as though she were possessed. Her body was now trembling as spiders, bats, a crow, three black cats, a skeleton, two owls, and a toad all spewed out from her skin.

  Gabriel looked on in disbelief as the tattoo's came to life. It was like nothing he had ever seen before. The door thumped as it fell to the floor free from its hinges. Qwella stepped aside as the battle maiden and other creatures ran through the door. Looking at Twella's body Gabriel could than see some of the tattoo's had not come to life. The one's that did were no longer on her skin.

  “AHH!” Gabriel heard a man scream. Twella's arched back and lifted inches off the ground. She started to hover out the door as Qwella waited for her. Looking down Gabriel could still see the boy sleeping. A surge of adrenaline came over him and he jumped to his feet and ran past them and out the door. Gabriel did not stop to look, or think he just knew he would help them.

  Running up the steps Gabriel could see the carnage at the second level. Templars were in their bunks sleeping. With two quick slashes, the battle maiden cut two men's throats. Their eye's opened from their slumber as their hand's went for their necks. Blood rushed through their fingers as they tried to stop the bleeding.

  “Swoooosh” A ball of flame flew past Gabriel and crashed into a man getting out from his bed. The black mamba dug its fangs into a man's face who also laid in his bed. Spiders ran up the bunks and under covers of those still sleeping. It all happened so fast that they had no time to wake. Looking up Gabriel saw a man with a shotgun coming below deck.

  “Hey!” Gabriel shouted to draw his attention.

  “Chick, chick, boom!” The man pumped the shotgun and fired into Gabriel's chest. His lungs instantly ceased up and he could not draw another breath.

  “NOOO!” Twella cried out still floating above ground. A bow came out from one of her belly tattoo’s and before it could emerge an arrow was shot. It cut through the air and hit the man right in the heart. With a clang the shotgun fell from the man's hands. Shortly followed by him as his body bounced down the steps.

  It was a female Elvin archer with blonde hair and tight elvish clothing that came out from her belly. She knocked another arrow and released hitting a man in the eye who came in from a back room. Struggling Gabriel got back to his feet. Still unable to breathe but he could be used as a meat shield. To deflect the bullets.

  Grabbing a hold of a hand rail he climbed the steps one step at a time. His shirt was now so riddled with holes that it hardly stayed on him. Before opening the door to the main deck he looked down one last time. All the men below deck were dead before they knew what had hit them.

  “Heeeeh” Gabriel struggled to breath and pain filled his lungs. He was going dizzy from lack of air and knew he had little time. Pushing the door open he looked up at the night sky. It was a clear night on the ocean and the stars were sparkling.

  “Pew!” A bullet hit the door as it came open. Gabriel ran out out the door and firing squad was waiting. Templars were focusing in on the door and unleashed a hail of bullets. Many zinged past him but some hit home. Things went dark and he collapsed to the ground. Waiting for the darkness of death Gabriel laid there still hearing bullets wiz by. Although he was able to open his eye's again after he hit the ground.

  Death had not disabled Gabriel yet, and he watched the door behind him. Something came crawling out the door like a wave of shadows. One came right past Gabriel's view and he was able to see what it was. It was the spiders who crept across the deck of the ship. The gun men could not have even seen them coming.

  “Boom, boom, boom!” A man tried to shoot the snake as it slithered out. Though he missed it and it too faded into the darkness.

  “AHH!” A man screamed.

  “Boom, boom!” His gun went off and then Gabriel heard a thud as he fell to the ground.

; “Swoosh......Thunk!” Gabriel saw an arrow come out from the door followed by the thud of a man.

  “Swoosh....Clang...Clang.” Another arrow came out but had missed.

  “Wait!” Twella cried out.

  “RAAAAH!” The battle maiden charged out from below deck. Gabriel watched as she came up with both swords knocked back.

  “Whoph, Whoph, Whoph.” She threw one of the swords and it tumbled through the air.

  “TAAT, TAAT, TAAT, TAAT, Thunk!” Hit with bullets the battle maiden dropped to her knees. Though her sword had silenced the gunman too late. She knocked back the other sword but it fell at her side. Falling face first she hit the deck motionless.

  “Awwww.......Splash!” A man cried out as he jumped into the sea.

  “Clank!” A man dropped his gun.

  “Please don't, Please don't kill me!” The man pleaded.

  “Wait!” Qwella yelled out.

  “Is it clear?” Qwella asked Twella.

  “All except him!” Twella yelled. Gabriel's wounds had healed and he got up to his feet. Bodies of men were all around the deck. Holding his hands above his head a man slowly backed up. The black mamba was striking inches away from him until he could back up no more.

  “It's ok dear!” Qwella said amerging from below deck. Stopping the black mamba curled up right in front of the man. Qwella walked up to the man and offered her hand.

  “You surrendered I won't hurt you!” Qwella said urging the man to take her hand. Reluctantly the man took her hand and his started to smolder.

  “AHHHH!” The man cried as he fell to his knees. With a quick snap the mamba bit into the back of the man's legs.

  “Awww, I wanted to finish him!” Qwella said letting go of the man's hand. Curling up the man hit the floor. His eye's blinked a few time's and then they blinked no more. Floating up the steps Twella came up on deck with her arms sprawled back. Creatures from her tattoo's came running back to her. Slithering up her body the snake headed for her arm and took his place. Diving into her stomach the Elvin archer returned to her place. Her body trembled again as they all entered into her again. Until they all had taken their place. All except the battle maiden who lay dead on the deck. Twella's eye's went back to normal and her feet planted in the deck. Rushing over to the battle maiden, she picked her head up and started weeping.

  About The Author

  “I don't write for money, or for my words to be read. I write because it takes me to dark corners in my mind that I was to afraid to go.”

  He is not the typical writer, if there even is such a thing. His resume most likely is not suitable for fast food chains let alone literature. But that's the beauty in writing, it doesn't really matter who you are. But if you must know..

  He is 28 years old, born and raised in Craig Colorado. He dropped out of high school to join the working world. Another failure in the public school system. He has worked as a butcher, casino cook, truck driver, concrete truck driver and finisher, now he works for the government. The Colorado Rockies are still his home.

  Zach loves psychology, mathematics, physics, nature, and the outdoors. His daughter and wife are his world and he thrives to give them the best life he can.


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