Game On

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by Britney Bell

  Game On


  Britney Bell

  Game On © 2020 by Britney Bell

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are a product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual people, living or dead, or to businesses, companies, events, institutions or locales is completely coincidental.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Game On

  Chapter 1 | Gaia

  Chapter 2 | Blaze

  Chapter 3 | Gaia

  Chapter 4 | Blaze

  Chapter 5 | Gaia

  Chapter 6 | Blaze

  Chapter 7 | Gaia

  Chapter 8 | Blaze

  Chapter 9 | Gaia

  Chapter 10 | Blaze

  Dear Reader,

  Football, fútbol, soccer, calico: all these names have the same meaning. My own definition: a game played with two teams and a round ball where a bunch of guys run around on a green turf or grass field and are not allowed to touch the ball with their hands. So, they use every other body part imaginable, but mainly they kick it with their feet and pray to God that it lands in a big net placed on the other end of the field. This, in turn, causes an eruption of thousands of fans in the audience to scream and jump around in celebration, yelling, “GOALLLLLLLLLLLLL!”

  I’m a Texas girl, and we call this great sport soccer here. With that in mind, for the sake of this story, and on a small grasp of sanity, we will call the game soccer in this little tale.


  Britney xoxo

  Chapter 1


  I’ve always been able to get out of experiencing the craziness of San Sira Stadium in Milan during the soccer match that is called the Milan Derby. This competition between the two inter-city rivals is by far the most intense game all season. I mean, extremely crazy on the crazy chart. Firecracker bombs thrown from the audience down to the field are a normal occurrence at these events. Don’t believe me? Just look it up online. They’ve even made Top 10 videos out of this ridiculous shit. That’s the kind of crazy I’m talking about. Who wants to be a part of that? I’m not in favor. I would much rather be tucked away in my little bookstore on a downtown street in Venice, helping a quiet tourist find that perfect piece of reading to mentally escape and relax with while on vacation.

  However, my family is all about the hype of tonight’s game. They are super excited to attend this year, especially because this is the first year my brother Luca has played professional soccer in Italy. Milan is only two-and-a-half hours away by train ride and a four hour car trip from our family home in Venice, and this is the closest he’s lived to us in the last six years. He moved to America and began playing there when he was just seventeen years old, but now he’s back in Italy and close to home. I do admire his dedication for the sport because all of his hard work through the years has served him well.

  Growing up, my parents loved us dearly. Even though, they tell us often that we are total opposites, Luca with his sports, and me with my head always in the books, family is everything to us. Overall, we are a tight unit, and our love is abundant.

  Mid-March weather is cool, and rain falls just about every day. Today is no different, and as we stand at the ferry station’s car park, waiting for the driver Luca sent, I’m glad I dressed warm. I have even brought a nice thick book for the journey. Of course, it will be a fast two-day trip because I have to get back to my shop. Before I left, I placed a sign on the door stating that I had left town to watch the soccer match. Everyone will understand because to them, they believe that the world stops when the rivalry takes place in Milan.

  Finally, the car arrives. It is sleek, roomy, comfortable, and I’m able to relax and get lost in my book. My parents are preoccupied in a discussion about the game, debating who will take home the trophy between the two Milan teams.

  Time passes fast, and I’m deep in the pages of my book when I realize we’re pulling into my brother’s driveway. We quickly put our bags away in his guest bedrooms. I don’t think my travel clothes of choice, which include sweatpants and an old t-shirt, will be an appropriate ensemble for tonight. I use the room I’ve claimed to change into skinny jeans, a jersey with my brother’s name and number on the back, and my white Converse low-top tennis shoes. I also pull my hair into a quick ponytail and fluff it a little before I refresh my makeup with a little more powder, mascara, and lip gloss. Maybe I should dress up, but I think comfy is the direction I need to go to tackle this madness. There’s going to be an extreme amount of people there. No one will even notice me anyway, so it really doesn’t matter what I wear. We all head outside at the same time, only to hop back in the waiting car and rush to get to San Sira on time.

  After arriving at the stadium, it is just as I thought, wall-to-wall cars and people scattered over the parking lots. It looks like a sea of ants all bunched up together in one small space. There is no way to bypass the enormous crowd because our seats are smack in the middle, just a few rows up from the field. Luckily, we are able to get in before everyone else and sit to watch warmup.

  We are cozy in our seats, just as all the players from Luca’s team enter onto the field. It’s a really laid-back atmosphere, and the players all jog over to their home bench. Their coach meets them and talks a few minutes before releasing them for a short while to say hello to the family and friends who have arrived early to cheer them on. It’s hard to believe that in one hour every single one of these seats will be filled, as the stadium is entirely sold out. Taking it all in, I slowly turn my back to the field and look straight up to the top of the bleachers. The sheer size of this place is totally intimidating.

  “There’s my baby sister!”

  Startled from my thoughts, I jump and turn around to find Luca. He is so close that I run into him and wrap my arms around his waist to hug him tightly. I’m elated with excitement at seeing him, and I take in the moment, closing my eyes to enjoy the happiness that he’s here. When I finally do open my eyes again, I expect my brother to be looking back at me, but not so far from us, I spy new eyes staring back at me, ones that are the clear crystal blue of the sea, and they most certainly aren’t my brother’s.

  Luca feels me loosen my grip from our hug, and he follows my head as it turns slightly to stare at the man in the distance. While waving him over to us, he says, “Oh, yeah. Mom, Dad, Gaia, remember me talking about my roommate while I played on that team in Texas? This is Blaze.” His introduction finishes just as Blaze jogs up to greet us.

  “Howdy, ya’ll,” the new member of our group greets.

  Blaze’s voice is low, and it rumbles with a distinct Texas accent. As the pleasant sound works its way down my spine, my eyes wander of their own accord, taking all of him in, admiring his tall, slender physique. His defined muscle tone lets you know that beneath his way too many layers of clothes, he has lickable abs. His light brown hair is combed over, and I note how it’s the perfect length to run my fingers through. I bet it is so soft. My hands twitch to touch it, and I’m forced to stuff them in my jean’s pockets to keep from doing just that. I rock on my heels, hoping the movement will distract me. Those damn bright eyes from just a minute ago meet mine yet again, and all background noise turns off.

  They only thing that remains are my brown eyes to his blue.

  Chapter 2


  Fuck, Luca’s sister has certainly grown up since the pictures I saw of her years ago when he roomed with me. My mind goes to places it shouldn’t in the presence of her parents. Her smile and chocolate brown eyes are silently guiding me to come closer to her.

  “Nice to finally meet you.” Luca’s dad breaks the pull and brings my attention back to reality.

  Obviously, I have a professional soccer game to play, and win, in a foreign country where soccer is at the upmost seriousness. This is what they pay me to do, keep my head in the game.

  “Yes, sir, it’s great to meet all of you. I must go. Enjoy the game.” I clap my buddy on the shoulder, turn to the field, and jog off to regain my focus and concentrate on the reason I am here.

  Despite my best efforts, my attention keeps being drawn back to the brunette in the stands.

  Get your head in the game, Blaze. You know dating is out of the question until you retire.

  Who said anything about dating? A quick fuck is all I need. After the game, I’ll just find some pretty little thing at the after-party to scratch that itch. Until then, focus on winning this game so the after-party will be even more enjoyable.

  The next hours of the day are the most interesting and intense I have ever lived. During the game the atmosphere in the stadium is purely electric, and it confirms the Italian’s love and dedication for the sport. It is simply awe-inspiring. The excitement of a Texas Tornados football game at home is meager in comparison to the liveliness of this crowd. As expected, the game is back and forth, proving to be a title match of the ages. Honestly, it’s the hardest game I have ever played, but we end up pulling out the win, with a magic combination play, placing the ball just out of reach of the goalie’s fingertips in the top right corner of the net. When the final goal is called, the audience goes absolutely ballistic. I may have thought they had energy before, but now it’s completely insane. Standing on the sidelines with my team, I glance around to take it all in, but my eyes drift to the dark brown-haired beauty jumping up and down in the stands. She’s clapping and truly lost in the moment of celebration. She is magnificent.

  While we hang around for the trophy presentation, Luca invites me to eat with his family at a small, discrete restaurant. My internal, very short, debate with myself ceases when I look over to his family in the stands and see his sister looking back at me. There goes my after-party quick fuck.

  “Yeah, I’m in. Let’s get this shit done and get out of here.”

  We hurry to wrap up the festivities and rush to shower before we head to the restaurant.

  As everyone else is there already, there are only two chairs left sitting around a crowded table. The pizzeria has a few customers, but they are all courteous to give Luca and me our own privacy. A few heads turn, but everyone turns back to carry on with their own conversations. Luca sits at the empty seat next to his mom, leaving me to sit next to his sister. I scoot the chair back with an audible squeak, and the sound causes her to look up in my direction. Damn, she has the prettiest eyes - ones I could get lost in for days.

  “Hey,” I say.

  In response, her plump pink lips turn up in a smile, and her cheeks turn a slight pink. She ducks her head to look at the table, tucking wayward hairs that have fallen from her ponytail behind her ear. Shyly, she replies, “Hi.”

  She is adorably cute. If I kissed her on the neck, right below that little ear that just came into view, I bet she would flush even more. As my name is called from the other side of the table, I am brought out of my thoughts of kissing her on that gorgeous, naturally tan skin.

  “Everyone, I brought Blaze, so he wouldn’t get lost late at night in the Milan streets,” says Luca.

  Luca’s mom responds in kind towards me, “Of course, dear. You are always welcome, Blaze. Any friend of Luca’s is family.”

  “Thank you so much, Mrs. Giovati,” I reply and scoot my chair in closer to the table. My outer thigh glides softly along Gaia’s. The contact feels comforting, and I leave my leg there against hers, acting as if I’m too big for the space. Really, it’s just an excuse to touch her.

  She finally glances my way, and I take the opportunity to start up a conversation. “Did you enjoy yourself tonight?”

  “Surprisingly, yes. You and Luca were amazing.”

  “Oh, so you watched me then?”

  “Well, there are twenty-one other players on the field. I watched them also, and they all played great, as well.”

  The waiter interrupts us to ask what we want to eat. There were already glasses filled with wine and others with water sitting at each place around the table when we first sat down, but right now, after the long game, I am starving.

  I lean back to see the waiter, but rather than break my neck to meet his eye, I lift my arm up and rest it on the back of Gaia’s chair. This way, I can shift back and give my pizza order to the waiter without having to shout from our end of the table, but again, it lets me get a little closer to Gaia. After the waiter’s long gone, I still continue to invade her personal space. She doesn’t seem to mind it. Everyone around us is talking, laughing, and carrying on with their own discussions. It sure seems like Gaia and me are the quiet ones at the table, so I lean in close to her ear and whisper, “Are you okay?”

  Her head swiftly turns my direction, and we are a hair’s breath from touching noses.

  “Why would you ask me that? Do I not look like I’m okay?” she says curiously.

  “No offense, but you just are not as talkative as the rest of your family. I was making sure you are fine; that’s all.” At my words, her flush is back, and she ducks her head again.

  “Yes, I am the quiet one of the bunch,” she confirms laughingly.

  “Well, that’s quite all right. I’m actually the same way in my family.” I can’t seem to break myself from looking at her, and the fact that her family is all around us doesn’t even bother me.

  “Blaze, how are you liking living in Italy?” Mr. Giovati pulls my attention away from Gaia, and I turn toward him but leave my arm to rest on Gaia’s chair.

  “It’s good, sir, for what I have been able to see of it so far. As you know, as soon as Luca and I moved here, we jumped right into the season, and there’s not really time for anything else. I am sure glad we got picked up by the same team in this league; it made the move a lot easier since he’s from this area.”

  Mr. Giovati nods his head in agreement. “Yes, indeed, that was good. Welcome to Italy. Try to get out and see the sights when you can.”

  “Thank you. I will sure try.”

  Our pizza comes, and Gaia and I sit in comfortable companionship, listening to all the conversations taking place while we eat and drink a few glasses of wine. We literally say nothing else to each other, yet we remain connected with the small touch of our thighs.

  “Excuse me. I’ll be right back,” Gaia announces and moves back to leave before heading in the direction of the restrooms. I immediately miss the contact of her being close. The air around me is suddenly cold and unsettling.

  It’s strange, but all of the sudden I’m antsy without her next to me. Surely it’s just my dick wanting to follow her. It’s probably the worst decision, yet I think now is a great time to use the facilities also. After quietly pushing my chair back, I hope not to call too much attention to myself as I walk toward the hallway I previously saw Gaia go down.

  Just one step around the corner behind the wall to the restroom’s hall, I’m halted by a warm body. Out of instinct, my hands come up to her waist to catch her from falling as she stumbles back. With many apologies quietly spewing from her gorgeous lips, her eyes are squeezed closed in what is probably embarrassment.

  “Shhh, Gaia. It’s me. I got you,” I coax in a soft tone. My hand rises gently to rub her back to calm the racing heart I can feel pressed against my chest, but really, I’m not sure if it’s hers or mine.

  Her head tilts up to look at me, and the movement causes my hands to shift involuntary to the back of her neck, feeling the soft,
exposed skin just under her ponytail. Those damn chocolate brown eyes of hers transfix me, I get lost, and before I know what is happening, the distance between us closes, and our lips lock. Passion, desire, want, need, it’s all there in one kiss, and I can’t - no, I won’t - pull away. Holding Gaia close, exploring her mouth and the way her body feels against mine is overwhelmingly powerful. The sheer force of it pulls me against her and pushes us both back to the wall for support. Though I need it, I physically can’t get any closer to her with all these fucking clothes on.

  Somehow, I remember where we are, her parents are sitting less than twenty steps away. Frustrated that I can’t take this any further than right here and right now, I lighten up on the kiss. After giving her two last soft pecks on the lips and the cheek, I rest my forehead against hers. We are both breathing hard, but I pause here a moment, to just be with her and gather my bearings.

  I thought the stadium was electric, but it doesn’t hold a candle to our electricity.

  Chapter 3


  What the hell just happened? How did that happen? Did that actually just happen?

  I am more than confused right now, but I have no reason to protest with this man’s body pressed against mine. I probably should feel something, anything other than what I do, but my body is quite cozy here, forehead to forehead with Blaze.

  There is a small movement from Blaze and another kiss pressed to my forehead before he takes one step backwards toward the bathroom. He didn’t say a word, he just left. Cold air replaces his warm body, making me feel lost without him in my space. I know I have to return to the table, but I pause as I mentally struggle to collect the rampaging thoughts in my head. I take a deep breath in and let another out, repeating this comforting exercise until my heartbeat returns to normal.

  When I return to the table, no one is the wiser to the fact that their daughter and baby sister just made out with Blaze... or that I was on the verge of dry humping that ultra-fine specimen. As I say his name to myself again, he walks back into the room right behind me. We reach the table, and he pulls out my chair for me to sit.


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