The Tycoon's Baby Revelation (The Abbot Sisters Book 1)

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The Tycoon's Baby Revelation (The Abbot Sisters Book 1) Page 7

by Elizabeth Lennox

  But Josh had other plans.

  Chapter 8

  “I’m not doing it!” she declared with absolute resoluteness.

  Josh stared down at her, toying with the square casino chips. “Why not?”

  She looked around at the golden lights and the red décor. It wasn’t nearly as tacky as she might have thought. This casino was elegant and refined. The low hum of conversation was the perfect backdrop to the classical music playing from discreet speakers as beautiful women dressed in shimmering gowns walked alongside men in tuxedos. Everyone seemed to be drinking sophisticated cocktails or sparkling champagne.

  Pepper had literally squealed with delight when Josh had handed out the gambling chips, telling her to have fun. Rayne had stared at the chips with her normal intensity, then lifted her blue eyes to smile politely at him, but with a sincerity that could never be contrived. “Thank you,” she’d whispered, glowing with quiet happiness, and followed Pepper’s exuberant trail towards the tables.

  Sloane was the only one that didn’t want to gamble.

  “Because gambling gives me an upset stomach.”

  “It’s only a few dollars,” he pointed out, reaching out and taking her wrist, pulling her hand forward. With his touch, he saw something in her eyes, a flash of…awareness? He wasn’t sure. She started to pull away, but his fingers tightened around her wrist. With his touch, the moment expanded, tension flared. Awareness roared around them and he could have sworn that she felt it as well.

  Josh almost asked if she felt it, but someone bumped his arm and he looked around, ready to punch whoever had disrupted them. It took a moment for him to get his thoughts back under control. When he looked back at Sloane, she looked just as dazed as he felt. Unfortunately, the moment was gone and he couldn’t ask her…anything.

  “Come with me,” he told her firmly. “I don’t trust you to have a good time on your own.”

  She huffed a bit and Josh smothered his amusement. It was so typical and he loved that about Sloane. She was determined and dedicated, but also predictable. It was one of the small joys in his life when he threw off her routines and he got to see her luminous blue eyes flare with irritation. Or when he got too gruff with her and she waited, those eyes boring into him. He loved it when she demanded he say “please” and “thank you”. There was just something so damned sexy when she tapped her foot impatiently, waiting for him to behave.

  “I’m not gambling,” she repeated firmly.

  “Sloane, you watch me gamble with billions of dollars every day. What’s so different about a few dollars at a casino?”

  She shifted and he pulled her closer as they made their way through the glamorous crowds. “First of all, you never gamble when investing money. You and I both know that everything you do is perfectly calculated.” She shifted to pass an overly excited couple that had just won at the roulette table, but the woman unexpectedly threw her hands in the air. Josh pulled her closer, feeling Sloane’s soft body press against his for a brief moment. Quickly, she stepped back, glancing up at him nervously as she put more space between them.

  “And secondly,” she continued, “I don’t believe that the chips in your hand represent only a few dollars.” She frowned at him. “How much money are you holding in your hand, Josh?”

  He smiled down at her, pulling her close again as another couple passed them. “Enough,” was all he would tell her. “Relax, Sloane. Think of this as a business adventure. I’m ordering you to figure out how to gamble.”

  Predictably, Sloane rolled her eyes. “No,” she replied firmly.

  He laughed, wanting to pull her close and hug her. What would she do, he wondered?

  “Why does it bother you so much?” he asked. “It’s just money.”

  Sloane turned and looked up at him. “To you, it’s just money. But to me, it’s more than that. Its security and shelter. It’s power.”

  He tilted his head slightly. “If you’re so sure that money can provide those things for you, why haven’t you married one of the rich men you’ve met over the years?” he asked. He didn’t add, “Why don’t you marry me?” Because…well, because…he wasn’t the marrying kind? Of course, if it were Sloane then…!

  “Because I refuse to rely on any man for my security and shelter,” she replied stiffly.

  “That’s admirable, but there are many women who would disagree with you.”

  She shrugged. “Everyone chooses their own path,” she replied, looking around curiously. “I just think that I’m safer, and my sisters are safer, if we ensure our own security.”

  He liked that about her. Hell, he liked a lot of things about her! Too many things, actually.

  “Okay, so why not gambling?” he probed.

  She looked around, appreciating the splendor of the elegant casino, but he knew that she was holding herself separate from all of it. She isolated herself, even from her sisters sometimes.

  “Because it’s basically throwing money away, something I’m morally opposed to doing.”

  He grinned, thinking that she was magnificent. “Okay, fine. Then you can watch me throw my money away. Let’s play.”

  She shook her head, trying to push his hand away when he tried again to offer her some chips. “Nope. You’re on your own.”

  He grinned and shook his head, then leaned in close to whisper in her ear. “You don’t really believe that I’m going to lose, do you?”

  He felt her shiver. Interesting, he thought as his body reacted. Very interesting!

  Sloane’s lashes fluttered for a moment before she replied, “Um…it’s your money. You do what you want with it.”

  She folded her hands in front of her, trying to appear demure. But his eyes caught the sparkle of challenge. Challenge issued, he thought. And accepted.

  “Let’s go,” he said, wrapping an arm around her waist to lead her over to the roulette wheel. “Here,” he said, forcing a chip into her hand. “Put this on the number you like best.”

  “Nope,” she replied, trying to hand the chip back to him. “You do it. I don’t want to be responsible for you losing whatever that amount of money this might be.’

  He chuckled, and kept his arm around her waist as he leaned forward, placing his chip on a number. Because he was basically wrapped around her, he didn’t even notice which number. When he was touching her like this, he didn’t care what he was doing, as long as he could keep touching her.

  Sloane gritted her teeth, trying not to make a noise that might alert him about how she felt when he touched her. She couldn’t let him know, couldn’t reveal her true feelings. Especially when she wasn’t sure what her true feelings were. She hated that she shivered every time he touched her. But that didn’t really mean anything. She was just cold. Yep, that’s it. She was cold and he was warm. That sounded like a good enough excuse, she thought. The sleeveless black, crepe dress was simple and elegant, but it didn’t keep her warm. While Josh was hard packed muscles that emanated enormous amounts of body heat.

  He moved back, standing behind her and, because of the crowd surrounding the roulette table, she could feel his body press against hers. Someone nudged her, trying to get a closer look as the ball bounced around the roulette wheel and Sloane moved closer to Josh. He understood what was going on and wrapped his arm around her waist again. She looked up at him, but he was watching the roulette wheel and she told herself that his touch was only because of the crowd. He was simply being protective. Yes, that was all it was, she thought. But even as she thought it, Sloane leaned closer and felt his hand tighten on her waist. It felt wonderful, she thought and pretended, for just a moment, that they were a couple instead of just employer and employee. It was an innocent fantasy, she told herself.

  And it felt incredibly good!

  Chapter 9

  Sloane sighed as she stabbed another breaded, sauce-covered piece of shrimp, closing her eyes as the sweet and sour sauce hit her starving taste buds. “Oh, this is so good!” she sighed. “I don’t care that Rayne
and Pepper get to sit down by the pool while you make me work, as long as you feed me.”

  Josh groaned, shaking his head as he grabbed another piece of broccoli with his chopsticks. “I don’t know how you can eat that stuff,” he grumbled, as he pressed a few more keys on his computer. “But I’m grateful for your help, so eat away. Trevitech stocks went down twenty percent because of their last product launch.”

  Sloane smiled down at her plate. Josh, in tune with every aspect of her personality, caught the flash of amusement. “What?”

  She looked back up at him, startled by his question. “What?”

  He waved his chopsticks at her. “You made a face.”

  Her eyes widened in feigned innocence. “I made no face.”

  “You did. What was the face for?”

  She laughed, looking down at her unhealthy but delicious Chinese food. “You’re imagining things.”

  He leaned back, watching her closely with those scary green eyes of his. Those eyes saw everything. Sloane was just tired and punchy enough that she didn’t care.

  “I’m not. I never imagine. What was that look?” he demanded, taking another piece of steamed broccoli.

  She shrugged, put her chopsticks down, and flipped the page on her report. “Six months ago, you predicted that Trivitech would go down by nineteen percent because of their current product launch.”

  He nodded slowly. “And?”

  She grinned, not bothering to lift her eyes again. “And…you were wrong.”

  There was a long silence as he contemplated her smug expression. His initial instinct was to pull her over his knee and spank her for being so smug. And impertinent. But damn, he loved her teasing tone. She was usually so serious and business-like. Yeah, he admired the hell out of her for her work ethic, but…well, he liked her.

  Not that he would do anything about his attraction to her. First of all, he remembered his interview with her that first day eight years ago. She’d very firmly told him that she had zero desire to be in his bed. And also, she was a damn good assistant. Better than even he could have predicted. He’d seen it in her eyes that first day. That hungry, desperate determination to succeed had been vibrating through her. Over the years, she’d proven herself over and over again. He would never diminish her success by suggesting anything other than a professional relationship.

  Although, he’d been playing with an idea for the past year. Something that would make her more of an equal than a subordinate. And the more he thought about it, the more he thought the idea had merit.

  And because he’d usually gone with his instincts and been proven right over and over again, he made the decision at that moment. The fact that she remembered one of his predictions from six months ago only confirmed how involved she was with the success of every aspect of his company.

  “By the way, I’m making you a partner in the firm,” he announced, then watched for her reaction.

  Josh wasn’t disappointed. Sloane’s gorgeous blue eyes stared at him, the reddish-orange sauce dripping from the momentarily forgotten battered shrimp held aloft with her chopsticks.

  “I’m sorry?” she blurted out finally.

  He shrugged. “I’m making you a partner. You’ve been with me from the beginning and have done an excellent job here. You’re an integral part of the company and a large reason for the success. So, I’m making you a partner.”

  With that, he turned back to his computer. “We need to shift some of these stocks in the Montegro Fund. It’s not performing well enough yet.”

  Sloane continued to stare at Josh, not sure that she’d heard him correctly. A partner? He was making her a partner? What did that even mean?

  But since he started throwing instructions to her, she needed to focus on those and figure out the meaning to his other comment later.

  A half hour later, he sighed and stretched his arms over his head wearily. “Okay, that’s enough for today,” he said, leaning back against the sofa. “You look exhausted. Why don’t you go out and sit by the pool with your sisters for a while?” Josh stood up and began gathering up the papers.

  It was almost dinner time, but she was reluctant to leave him, knowing that he’d keep working if she left. “I’m fine,” she replied, not wanting him to think she couldn’t keep up with his schedule.

  “Why don’t you date?” he asked softly.

  When Sloane turned, she found him leaning a shoulder against the wall. He looked amazingly virile in khaki slacks and a loose shirt, the muscles of his forearms drawing her gaze. She noticed the tanned column of his neck and his broad shoulders, his lean waist, and…well, all of him. Every time he did this, she couldn’t seem to keep her eyes from surveying him.

  And yeah, she knew he was muscular. Not because she’d ever been privileged to touch him. No way! But because she’d felt that strength last night in the casino, plus she’d seen him in workout clothes and after a long run. Many times actually. They traveled together, always shared a suite, and she knew the man. She’d even seen him swimming several times. He was...extraordinary!

  “Sloane?” he prompted softly.

  Was his voice huskier than a moment ago? She looked up at his face and noticed the intensity in those emerald eyes of his.

  She cleared her throat, pushing the thoughts aside. She turned away and focused on packing up her bag. “I think that you date enough for both of us,” she teased.

  There was silence behind her and she turned, hoping that he hadn’t taken offense. “I mean…”

  “I know what you meant. But I don’t date that much,” he said. He smiled briefly. “Okay, so I used to. But recently…” he trailed off and shrugged. “So why don’t you? There were several men admiring you last night in the casino, but you didn’t even notice them.”

  She shrugged. “No one bothers to ask me out,” she laughed.

  “I don’t believe that. You could have had any man in the casino last night, but you were oblivious to the attention.”

  Sloane sighed, leaning against the back of one of the hotel chairs. The truth was, she’d been too aware of Josh last night to notice anyone else. The way he’d touched her had felt…different.

  Unfortunately, Josh was in one of his moods where he’d discovered a mystery and was determined to ferret it out. When Josh Starke discovered a puzzle, he was merciless until he figured it out.

  She could offer him nothing more than complete honesty. Well, not complete. He didn’t need to know about her interest in him, but she could explain why she didn’t date other men. At least, she could tell him enough to satisfy his curiosity…she hoped.

  “Well, there’s the fact that my father vanished as soon as my mother informed him that she was pregnant.” She laughed harshly, crossing her arms protectively over her chest. “Apparently, my father thought that my mother was enchanting enough for a roll in the hay, but when it came to anything more, he wasn’t interested.”


  She interrupted him, not wanting pity. “It’s fine. I’m sure a therapist would tell me that I have abandonment issues. But since Rayne’s biological father, and Pepper’s too, did the same thing, I prefer to say that I have a healthy distrust for the romantic inclinations of men.”

  He waited, watching her carefully. “And?”

  “And what?” she shrugged self-consciously. Damn the man for being so spookily perceptive.

  “And what are the other reasons?”

  She rubbed her forehead. “Well, there’s also the issue of freakish levels of fertility among the women in my family. And men aren’t interested in dating someone who refuses to have sex.”

  “You don’t have sex?” he demanded, more than slightly stunned.

  “Well, I’ve…um…” she blushed, wishing that the overhead lights weren’t so bright. “No. I’ve never trusted a man enough to get to that point. Again, refer to issue A.”

  He stared for a moment, then nodded. “Abandonment issues and freakish fertility. What else?”

; “Do I need more issues?” She asked, refusing to tell him that she’d never found any man that was more fascinating than he was. Boy, that would be a career killer, wouldn’t it?!

  “Probably not,” he replied, still watching her with a strange look in his eyes. “But even if you don’t want a long term commitment, why not dabble a bit? Why not try casual dating?”

  “Like you do?” she replied, trying to tease him and lighten the mood. He was too intense at the moment, and it worried her for some reason. Why did she always want to make him feel better? He was so intense most of the time and it felt as if the sun came out whenever he smiled or relaxed. It gave her a triumphant feeling. Why, she didn’t know. It had sort of evolved over the years.

  Of course, when he sounded all grumpy and angry, she didn’t bother him, preferring to keep her distance.

  Odd, how their relationship had evolved over the past eight years together.

  “What are you thinking about?” he asked, jerking her back to the present.

  She stiffened, startled by what she had been contemplating. “Oh, um…well, just…?” she didn’t have an explanation for what she’d been thinking.

  “Can’t come up with a good lie fast enough?” he teased, but she saw the truth in his eyes and sighed.

  “No. I was thinking about how you’re grumpy sometimes and…well, I just…?” she wasn’t sure how to finish the sentence. No way would she admit that she enjoyed teasing him out of his bad moods, making him smile or, when he was being overly grumpy, silently demanding that he be more polite.

  “And you tease me until I get so annoyed that I threaten to fire you?”

  She laughed. “You’ve never threatened that, Josh,” she said and stood up. “I’m going out to the pool. Will you join us? Or are you going to stay inside and work some more?”

  Josh hesitated and Sloane wondered what he was thinking about. “You go ahead. I have some phone calls to make.”


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