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His Favorite Toy

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by Nicole Trinity

  His Favorite Toy

  By Nicole Trinity





























  Bonus: Harper






  Aurora Fowler was a small, shy girl with long brown hair and bright blue eyes. She was always hiding behind her older brother, Caleb. He shared the same eye and hair color but was about a year and a half older than her. They were close for the first few years of Aurora's life. They always played together and did the same things. Until Caleb met Theo Stone. Then everything changed. Aurora was six, Caleb and Theo were seven. Theo quickly became Caleb's best friend, making them inseparable. The only problem was, Theo was trouble. Call him the kid from the wrong side of the tracks. Besides doing things he shouldn't, he also liked to bully. Aurora being his favorite target. Theo loved making her cry or yell at him. It made him laugh, enjoying every moment of her turmoil.

  His teasing started with simple name calling. From something about being a tomboy to about how short she was. Caleb told her to ignore him, so she did. Theo didn't like that. He started pushing her into puddles, tripping her when no one was looking, or smearing mud in her brand-new clothes. He made it harder and harder for Aurora to ignore him. His teasing continued through middle school. Theo loved to snap her bra, tug on her hair, or knock her books out of her hands. Aurora told Caleb yet again, but he shrugged it off. He said Theo was just messing with her and that he would eventually stop.

  When she had caught Theo smoking behind the school, she thought she could finally get him out of her life. Her parents would see him as a bad kid he was. She ran off to tell on him, but he tackled her to the ground. He threatened to burn her with the cigarette if she told anyone, even Caleb. She had begged and cried, swearing she wouldn't say a word. He held on to her, listening to her beg and pled for a while before letting her go. She had one year in middle school without him, but he still came over to their house every day to hang out with Caleb. He never missed his chance to bump into her. She started baking as a hobby when she was at home, something to keep her busy and away from Caleb while Theo was over. Every time she made chocolate chip cookies, Theo had some comment to make. Too soft, over baked, not enough chocolate. The list went on and on but it never seemed to stop him from eating the whole plate.

  She dreaded the thought of being in high school with him. It scared her more than middle school. Especially because it would be possible for her to be in the same class as Theo. Her first day she was so nervous she could feel her hands trembling and her stomach knotting. She tried to ignore him again but of course he wouldn't allow that. She groaned when she found out they had gym class together. Their uniforms consisted of thin blue shorts and a gray t-shirt. His eyes had trailed up and down her body, a weird look crossing his face. She assumed he thought she was disgusting or something, she wasn't nearly as tall or thin as the preppy girls he was usually seen with.

  One of the days in class, he was able to sneak up on her and snap her bra. She had rolled her eyes and asked him if he was still in middle school. She was proud of finally having a comeback, but when he lifted her over his shoulder and smacked her ass, she didn’t feel so proud. She screamed and yelled at him to put her down. She struggled and kicked but he wouldn’t budge. His friends joined in and asked how he could even lift her. Her body froze and her heart sunk, she felt completely shattered. Her weight had always been an issue for her but it wasn’t something she made fun of for. At least not to her face. She had felt tears prickle her eyes, a few slipping down her cheeks and fueling his friends even more. Theo put her down after that, another odd expression on his face. She didn’t want to hear what he had to say and ran off. She faintly heard him speaking to the guys calling her names but she blocked it out, afraid it would only hurt her more.

  All freshman year Theo somehow always found her in the halls, no matter how much she tried to hide from him. She started to notice she was the only one he teased and would even go out of his way to do it. He had dropped bullying for fighting, punching any guy who bumped into him. Sometimes he didn't even need a reason to hit someone. She could remember the countless times he would come to their house after school with a bloody lip or black eye. It never seemed to bother him, in fact he was usually boasting about it. Caleb told him he need to calm down before he got expelled.

  Sophomore year, she managed to build up the courage to confront him. He simply laughed at her and told her it was fun. She pushed the subject more but he only ruffled her hair and walked off. At school, he was the worse. Most likely because Caleb wasn’t around, not that he would really do anything to help her. Caleb never saw Theo’s darker side or would brush it off as harmless teasing. While it was worse at school, at home had started to get easier. She would make the two of them food and watch them play their video games. At some point, she was able to play with them like she had with Caleb before Theo.

  Junior year was the year Aurora decided she wanted a boyfriend. She had been so shy and quiet her first two years of high school that she had no idea where to begin. The only guys she talked to were her brother and Theo. She tried asking Caleb, but Theo jumped in and said she would never have a boyfriend. Instead of letting it hurt her, she yelled at him and said she would definitely get one this year. She pushed herself to talk to a few guys that sat by her in class. A few seemed really nice but after a couple of days they would completely ignore her. She didn’t understand what she had done wrong. One claimed it was Theo, that had didn’t want to get into a fight with the schools “bad boy.” This only confused her more. Theo always had a girlfriend, usually not for long but there was never a shortage of girl want their shot at being with him. And she was definitely not one of those girls, not that he would ever date someone like her.

  The last day Aurora saw Theo was the best and worst day of high school for her.


  Aurora was talking to a boy named Alex who she had recently started talking to in one of her classes. They had a project due together and they were talking about who was going to do what part. She was happy he wasn't afraid to speak to her; However, it was his first year at this school. They had spilt the work down the middle and we're making plans to join up during the week to put everything together. She felt a smile spread across her face, her mind momentarily forgetting why she hated high school. Before she knew what was happening, she was shoved backwards and Alex's head was slammed sideways into the lockers. The way his head cracked against the hollow metal made Aurora sick, a scream ripping through her throat. Everyone within ear shot instantly stopped their gossip and turned their attention to what was happening.

  Aurora's hand covered her mouth as her blue eyes shifted to Theo Stone. His pitch-black hair long enough to cover the top of his ears. There was a murderous look in his green eyes as he glanced at her. Her heart skipped a beat and her breath caught in her throat. He turned back to Alex who had fallen to the ground, groaning in pain. Theo crouched over him, one knee on the ground. He grabbed the collar of Alex's shirt and started punching him in the face. Aurora's eyes widened, she was stunned at what was happening. A crowd had formed around them, a few people cheering on Theo but no one trying to stop him.
Alex tried to struggle from his grip, but he was much smaller than Theo. His face began to swell and his lip split open. When blood began to ooze from Alex's mouth she screamed again, the dark red color snapping her from her daze.

  "Theo, stop it!" She screeched at him. “He hasn’t done anything!”

  He grunted a response but otherwise ignored her. She stepped closer, only to be shoved back again. Anger boiled up inside of her. He had no right to attack this kid, he didn't even know who Theo was.

  "I said, stop!"

  She threw her body onto his back, her arms reaching for the hand that was curled into a fist. Theo instantly froze, his grip tightening on Alex's now bloodied shirt and his knuckles turning white.

  "Plea-Please stop, Theo." She was sobbing uncontrollably, her body trembling against his.

  "Say you're mine." He spoke low, making sure she was the only one to hear him.

  "Wha-What?" She didn't understand, couldn't even comprehend what he was saying to her.

  "Just say you're mine, Aurora, or I'll kill this fucking kid." His voice sounding as dark as his eyes had looked.

  "I-I'm yours." Her voice barely above a whisper, she would agree to anything as long as he stopped.

  Theo dropped Alex's shirt and straighten his back. Aurora slipped back onto her feet. Theo turned to face her, blood on his fist and spattered on the front of his shirt. She craned her neck up to look at him, her body still trembling. She took a step back from him, her arms half up in a feeble attempt to protect herself from him. He easily stopped her by grabbing her upper arm and yanked her back to him. His other hand lightly wrapped around her throat, then he roughly pressed his lips to hers, her eyes widening in shock and her stomach doing a flip flop. Theo Stone, her bully of 10 years, was kissing her in front of the entire crowd that had gathered around them. She heard some gasps and mumbled comments but didn't know what anyone was saying. She couldn't even think at the moment.

  "Don't forget your deal." He whispered to her as he separated their lips.

  Her jaw dropped slightly, unable to speak. The only thing she could fully process was that he had stolen her first kiss as her hand slowly lifted to her lips. The last imagine she had of him was three teachers dragging him away from the crowd. She had rushed to Alex's side the moment Theo was out of sight but she was pushed away. As he spoke, blood dripped from his mouth.

  "Sta-Stay away from me, Aurora." His voice broken and slightly muffled by the swelling.

  She felt her eyes tearing up, she hadn't asked for this. She never wanted anything like this to happen. She was angry and confused, her eyes stinging as tears began to build up. She didn't say anything to him, only turned and ran in the opposite direction. She had been thankful the crowd let her through.


  That night Aurora went home thinking over everything that happened. She didn't understand why Theo had acted the way he did. Fighting, she understood only because he liked to. But making her say she was his and then kissing her, she didn't understand at all. Theo had never been truly kind to her, he was always teasing and poking fun at her.

  The next day at school, she noticed Theo hadn't bothered her once. Halfway through the day, she heard rumors that he had been permanently expelled. She hoped they were true but felt somewhat bad for Caleb. When she arrived home, Caleb had confirmed what she had heard at school. He said Theo was being sent off to live with his father in another state. Aurora contained her excitement, she knew how much this upset Caleb. She held in her smile until she had made it to her room. He was gone. Her bully was finally gone!


  A year later, Aurora was celebrating her graduation from high school. Her final year hadn’t been easy with all the rumors about her and Theo. His exes were nastier than they had ever been, one pouring water on her during lunch and another constantly bumping into her. She confronted the last one when she was knocked to the ground and was told that if she was smaller it probably wouldn’t happen. She ignored them the best should could and kept her head down to avoid any more problems. After graduation, she started classes at the community college and in another 2 years earned her associates in art. She couldn't decide what she wanted to do and ended up taking a break from college. Another year passed and she moved to the city to finally live on her own. Her brother didn't live far from her but had a much bigger and nicer apartment than her. He also had been dating the same girl for about 3 years now.

  His girlfriend's name was Ruby, she was tall with bleach blonde hair and brown eyes. She was extremely thin due to being a model and keeping up with their demands. She was always running and eating very little to keep her figure slim. Since Aurora wasn't nearly as thin, Ruby always frowned upon her. She was mean, calling her names or making comments when Caleb wasn't around. Aurora ignored Ruby, after everything with high school it was easy to deal with one nasty person. Caleb was obviously happy with her and she didn't want to say anything. Not that Caleb would do anything about it anyway, he never did when she was bullied in school.

  She eventually found a job at a beauty supply store, where she met Harper and Tristan. She was very thankful for the two because she didn't have a clue about make-up. She was very good at putting it on others, but she didn't like the way it made her skin feel or how long it would take in the morning. Harper was a quirky girl with a pixie haircut. She had brown hair that usually had color streaked through it. Her brown eyes had specks of green in the middle framed by long lashes. Her nose and cheeks were peppered with freckles and whenever she laughed she ended up snorting. She helped Aurora with applying make-up and knowledge about different products as well. Being a tomboy, Aurora didn't really wear make-up and only did when she was at work. Tristan was a very flamboyant gay man. His hair was the perfect shade of blonde and maintained his image very well. He loved to playfully tease Aurora about how shy and prude she was. He made sure to tell his hook up stories in the most vulgar way possible to see her squirm and blush. However, he was also there for her if she had questions about anything, whether make-up or men.

  Both of them were the same age as Aurora. Harper was a shopping or relax at home type of person while Tristan loved to go out, drink, and party. Although, sometimes the two flip-flopped and Harper was the one dragging her to clubs while Tristan just wanted to watch a movie. She had the best of both worlds with them. She was finally happy.


  8 years. It had been 8 years since he'd seen his little Aurora. 8 long fucking years.

  Theo Stone had gotten into some trouble at his dad's house shortly after moving there, which took up 3 years after he had turned 19. While in jail, he established a high reputation with some of the well-known gangs. When he left, he had been told that wherever he decided to set up there would be a group ready for his lead. It wasn't what he had planned but at least he'd have some back up. And some extra eyes to watch what's his.

  He smirked at that thought. His little Aurora wouldn't be able to get away from him. He went back to their home town and was pissed when he found out she didn't live at home or even in the same area. It was going to take some time switching locations again. Which only irritated him farther. Eventually, he reconnected with Caleb. He enjoyed seeing his old buddy but it only made him want to see Aurora even more. 8 years was a lot of time for things to change. He met Ruby, Caleb's girlfriend. He didn't understand how he could be into a walking stick but shrugged it off. Each man had their own preferences.

  He nonchalantly asked about Aurora during one of his visits and was pleased to find she lived in the same city. Caleb even told him which apartment complex. The next day he was talking to the owner of the building. It was small and rather trashy in his opinion. It angered him off that she was living in a place like this and that Caleb would even allow that. He had been told there were no vacant apartments but after some pressure and a large chunk of cash, he was able to get the one right next to Aurora’s. He just had to wait one more day for the owner to kick out the guy living there.
/>   One more day. He could wait. One day was nothing to 8 years. Everything was finally coming together. He had one of the strongest gangs in the area. And right next door was her.


  Theo made his way to the run-down apartment complex first thing in the morning. He wanted things to be set up as soon as possible. He picked up the key from the owner and headed up to the third floor. He was hoping to run into her but knew it wasn't likely. As he got closer to his room, his eyes glanced at the door he knew she was behind. He was only a few feet away when he saw her door open a crack, a smirk pulling at the corner of his lips. She was coming out backwards, a plastic bag filled with something in one hand and a thermos in the other. His eyes trailed over her, his tongue running over his lips as he did. He stopped where he was to see if she would recognize him.

  She seemed a little taller than he thought she would be but once he spotted the heels on her feet it made sense. She was wearing a tight black knee length skirt with a short sleeve white blouse. It was a rather girlie outfit that made his nose scrunch slightly. Although, what did please him he was that she wasn't a twig like Caleb's woman. She had wide hips, thick thighs, and a chest that had his palms itching to touch. Her hair had gotten even longer, it was at the middle of her back now. He couldn't see her blue eyes because the way she had her bangs swooped to the side and her head tilted down. He was, however, able to catch a glimpse of her pump, glossy pink lips. She looked like she was in a rush, probably off to work now that he thought about it. Instead of her noticing him, she ran directly into him. He groaned softly, her body completely pressed against him for a split second. He could smell her sweet perfume, and did he smell chocolate?


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