His Favorite Toy

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His Favorite Toy Page 10

by Nicole Trinity

  “Why would you force him to fight?” She could feel her eyes water.

  “Knock him down a peg.” His grip tightened on her jaw, making her wince. “I didn’t realize it would be so easy.” He laughed. “You’re like a pretty little gift delivered right to my door.”

  “You’re horrible!” Angered, she shoved at his hand.

  His movement was much quicker than she anticipated, his fingers catching her throat and squeezing tightly. She let out a gasp, her eyes darting to his. Both hands prying at his muscular arm.

  “You might not want to piss me off, doll. You’re stuck here until Saturday, so until then I suggest you show me some respect.”

  “Let-” She struggled to pull in a breath of air. “-me go.”

  He released her but forced her backwards. She whimpered softly, the movement making her stomach ache again. She stayed on her side, fearful of him becoming more violent.

  “I’ll have some food and water sent up.”

  With that, he turned and left her in the dark room. The sounds of a lock clicking into place making things all too real for her. Her built up tears spilling over, her head falling to the pillow under her. She wanted to go home, wanted to be in her own bed. She even found herself wanting Theo as she faded out of consciousness.


  The next two days dragged on and on. She was given 3 meals each day, usually a sandwich or something soggy that had been microwaved. She ate what she could stomach but often sent the plate back with food on it. She was allowed to shower both days, plain cotton clothes offered to her. She felt like a prisoner, her every move and action closely watched, her door guarded at all times as if she was going to somehow break the chains around her feet and escape. Thankfully, she didn’t see the man who came to her when she first woke up. He was far more intimidating that Theo ever once. If she had counted right, today should be her final day. She wasn’t actually sure it was Saturday but guessed it was based on the amount of meals and showers. The morning and afternoon went as the past two days had, but around dinner time the door opened to reveal the man with light brown hair and dark brown eyes that made her shiver. She scooted against the far wall, putting as much space as possible between the two.

  “I have something special for you to wear tonight.” A smirk playing on his lips. “Shower and be ready in an hour.”

  She kept her mouth shut, anything she said would piss him off and she wasn’t in a position to refuse. A couple more hours and she would be free. She waited for someone to come take her to the bathroom. A red-haired man came into her room shortly after the other man left. His face in a scowl as he removed her restraints and roughly grabbed her arm. Her whimper only making him tighten his grip as he dragged her down the hall.

  “St-Stop! I’m being compliant, you don’t need to be so rough!”

  The man grunted and jerked her forward. She lost her footing and would have fallen if he had released the vice like grip on her arm.

  “What is your problem!” Her voice raising in irritation.

  “I don’t like being a babysitter.” His voice harsher than it needed to be.

  “And I don’t like being a prisoner.” She grumbled.

  “Just hurry the fuck up.”

  He had the door to the bathroom open and tossed her inside. The door closed when she glanced back at him. She took a deep breath, reminding herself this was it. The final countdown to freedom.

  Aurora spotted the outfit she was told about, at first glance it looked like a simple black dress but the closer she got to it she noticed it wasn’t. The front was cut somewhat low while the sleeves didn’t cover much. She felt the material in her hands, she doubted it was cheap. It was something Tristan would approve of. She groaned when she spotted the pair of red high heels, somewhat thankful she had been practicing wearing them. As her eyes landed on a brand-new set of lingerie, a dark blush colored her cheeks. The red lacy bra was low cut to be hidden under the dress while the underwear was a pathetic excuse for a thong. It was essentially string with a triangle to cover her lady bits. Embarrassment soon turned ugly when anger exploded through her. How dare that man give her something like that to wear. She snatched the set off its hanger, the size giving her another reason to be anger.

  “How in the world does he know my size?” She muttered to herself.

  A loud banging on the door startled her, the set falling from her hands.

  “I don’t hear the water running!” The man’s voice clearly impatient.

  She sighed heavily, the lingerie forgotten for the time being. She stepped over to the stall and turned the water on to heat up. She wasn’t sure where they were but knew they didn’t have a good water heater. It took forever to heat up and once it did, she had a short amount of time before it turned ice cold. She removed the sweat pants and t-shirt she had been wearing and stepped into the shower. It was cold for the first minute, her body shuttering as a shiver rippled through her. She hastily rinsed her hair and body, the water gradually warming. As soon as the water began to cool, she shut it off and dried herself with a towel. Her attention turned to the sexy undergarments laying on the floor and told herself it was better than wearing nothing under the dress. No one would see what she was wearing anyway, even if that man knew.

  She slipped on her new outfit, the dress revealing a lot more once it was on her. It ended half way down her thighs, her hips and butt making it shorter than she thought it would be and the combo of the neckline with the push-up bra accentuated her cleavage. Even the heels changed the look of her legs, making them appear longer than they were. Her stomach rolled with nerves, her eyes moving up and down the reflection in the mirror.

  “You finished yet?” The man outside pounded on the door, his voice angrier.

  Aurora rolled her eyes, frustrated with how this man was treating her. All the others hadn’t said a single word to her and hadn’t handled her nearly as rough either. She looked under the sink and giggled when she found a blow drier. With how long and thick her hair was it would take her easily another 15 minutes. Had he been nicer, she wouldn’t even bother. She plugged it in, set it to warm and began working. She was close to finishing when the door burst open. Startled, the drier fell to the counter with a loud clatter.

  “Times up.”

  She swallowed hard, her fearful blue eyes meeting those dangerously dark brown ones. She fumbled for the hair drier, her shaky hands turning it off as his hand wrapped around her arm and pulled her to him. He was much closer than she was comfortable for, her free hand pressing against his chest to protest.

  “Don’t you look tasty.” He licked his lips, his eyes obviously on her chest.

  She peered up at him, her jaw dropping. She was frozen one second and the next her hand was stinging from slapping him across his smug face. It had been enough force to turn his head, his mouth turning into a hard line. Her anger rapidly drained from her body and was replaced with a terrifying fear.

  “Are you this feisty with Stone?” His eyes burned with fury as he turned back to her.

  Her lips parted to speak, to defend herself but found herself caught off guard for the second time by this man’s lightning speed. His hands landed on her hips, fingers digging into her as he lifted her off the ground, her ass hitting the cold counter top a moment later. She sucked in a sharp breath, her eyes widening.

  “Why don’t we refresh those faded hickeys.” His smirk returning.

  She was speechless by his words, his tall frame towered over her. His body pushing forward to spread her legs and his hands gripped her upper arms, her back hitting the mirror as she attempted to move away. He leaned forward, his mouth latching onto her neck and sucking hard on her sensitive skin. The stubble on his chin scratching her.

  “Stop!” She gasped out, struggling against his brute strength.

  She felt his lips move, another patch of skin claimed by his mouth. She continued to fight him, her muscles straining but unable to faze him. He even chuckle

d at her attempts before switching to the other side of her neck. She could feel tears sliding down her cheeks. She begged and pleaded for him to stop. He nipped at the newest tender spot, the tip of his nose gliding up the length of her neck and stopping at her ear.

  “I told you to respect me.” He licked the side of her face, her tears salty on his tongue.

  Aurora turned her face from him in disgust. She was breathing hard, her face red with embarrassment and anger. She bit into her lip, more tears freeing themselves from her eyes. He released her arms, her instant reaction to slap him again. His hand engulfed her wrist inches from making contact and twisted her arm behind her back. She cried out in pain, her struggling ceasing. He placed his other hand on her bare leg, his thumb pressing into her inner thigh. Her breath trapped in her lungs.

  “I’d love to keep playing, doll, but it’s time to go.”

  He tugged her off the counter, her heels clicking loudly on the tiny square tiles. He didn’t let go of her wrist as he led her out of the bathroom. She didn’t see the rude red-head outside and was somewhat happy. She didn’t want to hear another snide remark. She was brought down a set of stairs and outside where the sun was shining brightly, the rays heating her skin. She glanced behind her, the building they had walked out of must have been a place for storage many years ago and was turned into some sort of hide out for them. A white SUV that was waiting for them out front, engine already rumbling. He opened the door for her, making sure she was completely in then shut it. He turned his back to the car and lit a smoke. She looked around the inside of the vehicle, one of the men she recognized from the other day sitting in the driver’s seat. She scooted along the length of the back seat and placed her hand on the handle.

  “Child locks’ on.”

  Aurora’s eyes shot up to the rearview mirror and was met with a pair of hazel eyes. Her hand fell from the handle, her head dropping as she put on the seatbelt. The smell of smoke filled the inside of the car and the driver taking off down the road. The ride took a good 20 minutes, the SUV stopping in front of another worn out, crumbling building. The driver got out and opened the car door for them. The brown eyed man grabbed her wrist and dragged her into the building. The closer they got, she started seeing a bunch of tough looking men and a couple of scantily clad women. She unconsciously shrank behind the man, her head down to avoid accidentally making eye contact with anyone.

  “Theo, glad you made it.” The man’s voice smug.

  Aurora felt her heart skip a beat, her eyes flickering up to see a pair of green eyes that hadn’t noticed her yet. He seemed tense, the muscles of his arms bulging and the way he was clenching his teeth deeply defined his squared jaw line.

  “Didn’t give me a choice, Luca.” His voice dripping in venom.

  “I look forward to a good show.” Luca yanked Aurora to his side, bringing her to the center of attention.

  Theo’s eyes softened as they moved to her, his jaw relaxing slightly. She wanted to go to him and probably would have if Luca didn’t keep such a firm hold on her. Her lips parted to speak but his eyes turned dark, a brighter anger flashing in his eyes and his jaw tensing again. His eyes returned to Luca.

  “You better keep your part of the deal.”

  Without another glace, Theo turn and disappeared in to the mass of people. She could see the top of his head, his dark hair bobbing up and down as he walked. Luca took her out of the crowd and up into a room that over looked an empty boxing ring. He let her go to get a drink from the bar inside the small area. Aurora walked over to the window, her hands gently touching the glass as she peered down. Her eyes trailed up and down, over and over until she found a pair that was staring back at her. Her heart squeezed in her chest. He didn’t break eye contact while he removed his shirt, her body leaning closer to the glass.

  “He didn’t look too happy about your hickeys.”

  Startled by Luca’s voice, she tilted her head up to glare at him. He held something in his hands that didn’t look like a glass of liquor. She glanced at it and cursed to herself for her sloth like reaction. He scooped up her wrists and cuffed them to the railing in front of her, right under the window. His arm wrapped around her, his hand landing on her hip. She tried to pull away, but between the cuffs and his strength she wasn’t going anywhere. She returned her gaze to Theo, his face in a deep scowl. There we’re already two men fighting in the ring, their hands wrapped in white tape.

  “They aren’t wearing gloves.” She muttered more to herself, her fear for Theo rising.

  “We aren’t the type to need them. In our world, if you can’t use your fists and a gun, you’re not going to make it long.”

  “Why do you even have fights?”

  “Test of strength, sets ranks, and of course it’s entertaining.”

  “Why Theo?”

  “He used to be top dog around here until he stopped. A lot of men want to prove they are better than him and even more are hoping to see him fail.”

  “Is that why you wanted him to fight? To see him lose?” Her eyes stayed on Theo even though he was watching the fight.

  “No. I have a large bet on him.”

  “What makes you so sure he’ll win?” She wanted to kick herself for even doubting Theo, of course he would win; He was huge!

  “I have a feeling.”

  Luca stepped around from her, most likely to get his drink. Aurora’s eyes eventually moved to the fight taking place. Both men were bleeding but one more than the other. They grew tired and sweaty the longer they continued. At some point, they stopped to take a 3-minute break. The blood leaking down their face’s washed away before meeting in the center of the ring to begin again. Aurora was extremely conflicted; her stomach was having a hard time watching yet her eyes wouldn’t move from the scene playing out in front of her. Her mind began to wonder, fear for Theo increasing. She knew he was a good fighter but the thought of seeing him get his ass kicked made her want to throw up. It was definitely something she would not be able to handle.


  Aurora had watched two more fights before Theo entered the ring. He looked like a completely different man as he stared down the other guy. His eyes were dark, a scowl ingrained into his features and his jaw line a sharp edge. She bit her lip softly as the two collided. The other man seemed to have a hard time keeping up with Theo’s speed, he had landed three hits before the other man could even land one. She sucked in a breath when the guy finally got Theo in the jaw. She didn’t realize how close she was to the glass until she let out her breath and fogged her view. As she stepped back to let it clear, Theo caught the guy with another hard hit that knocked him to the ground.

  “He won.” She whispered, excitement filling her.

  The man was pulled from the ring while Theo existed through the ropes. He took his previous spot next to the ring and crossed his arms over his chest. Another set of men stepped in and began to fight. Aurora turned to face Luca with a small smile on her lips.

  “He won, can you uncuff me now?”

  Luca had been sipping at his drink when she spoke to him. He finished it off and set the glass down, a smirk forming and a chuckle raising from his throat.

  “He’s not done.”

  “What do you mean? He fought! He won!” She felt her excitement evaporating.

  “This is the first round.” He stood up and refilled his drink. “Sixteen competitors, eight fights. Those who win their match, fight the other winners. Second round has eight people, four fights. Third is four, with only two fights. The final around is the two that have won all their fights. Theo has three more to get through for him to win.” Luca brought the cup to his lips for another swig. “So, get comfortable.”

  “That’s hard to do when I’m chained to a railing.” She mumbled, her attention back on the ring.

  “I’ll let you sit on my lap.”

  She jumped at his voice whispering into her ear, her body leaning away from him.

fine.” Her words sharp.

  “I think I like the idea.”

  She heard glass on glass as he set his cup down, his hands gripping the railing on either side of her to lock her in place. She stepped forward the small amount she could when his chest touched her back. He didn’t stop until her waist was pressed against the metal bar restraining her. Her entire body tensed up. She looked down and spotted Theo’s eyes staring at them. Her face heated and shamed filled her.

  “He doesn’t look too happy.” Luca laughed.

  “Please stop.” She whined, her eyes watering.

  “You’re sure you don’t want to sit with me.”

  One of his hands slide up her arm, across her shoulder and collar bone, then wrapped lightly around her neck. She gasped lightly, her hands struggling to free themselves. She whimpered as the metal dug into her flesh. Luca tighten his grip and leaned down.


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