His Favorite Toy

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His Favorite Toy Page 13

by Nicole Trinity

  "You're really not mad at me, Caleb?" She peeked at him from behind her hair.

  "Better him than some punk." He scooped a large bite of food into his mouth. "Besides, he's obviously doing a lot for you. I'm happy." He smiled at her.

  "Thank you, Caleb." She smiled back.

  "You guys got TV yet?" Caleb turned his attention back to his food as he stuffed his face.


  "Yea, I had someone set it up before we moved in." Theo re-entered the room with his food and grabbed a remote off an end table.

  "Smart man!" Caleb gave him a head nod.

  "What do you want to watch?"

  "I think there's a football game on."

  Theo switched to the sports channels with ease and let Caleb pick a game. Aurora didn't recognize either team planning and assumed it was a college level game. Caleb had always been into football despite being a tech geek. They sat in silence as they cleared their plates.

  "That was good. I can't remember the last time I've had takeout." Caleb patted his fully belly.

  "You need to dump that chick." Theo blurted out.

  "Theo!" Aurora scolded. "Don't say things like that."

  "Naw, I get it." Caleb shook his hand as if to brush the comment off. "But I promise you there is a side of her you don't know."

  "An even bitchier side?"

  "Theo!" Aurora yelled.

  "Rory, its fine. I get it all the time. I do love her though, as much as I complain. I wouldn't put up with her shit if I didn't" He laughed. "She has been a lot harsher lately though." His words trailed off at the end.

  "What do you mean?" Aurora turned to him.

  "I don't know. Little things set her off more than usual and the other day I found her crying in the bathroom over her weight."

  "Maybe she's on the rag." Theo scuffed.

  Aurora gave him a glare that clearly read it was his last warning. She collected the three plates and brought them to the kitchen to stop herself from lashing out at Theo.

  "It's not that, trust me."

  "Do you want me to try talking to her? I know I'm not really her friend but-"

  "Actually, that would be great!" Caleb jumped on the opportunity. "I've run out of things I can try and she doesn't really have any friends to talk to."

  "When do you want me to talk to her?"

  "Well, you could today. When I left, she was crying."

  "You left her alone while she was crying?" Aurora almost shouted.

  "Nothing I did was changing her mood." He shrugged. "Plus, I had to come see the new place."

  "Caleb." She shook her head. "You're freaking clueless."

  Aurora stood up only to be pulled back down by Theo for a kiss.

  "Now that's something I'll have to get used to." Caleb joked.

  "Hurry back." Theo whispered into her ear.

  "I will." She blushed lightly, then headed toward the kitchen.

  She grabbed a couple cookies and threw them into a Tupperware container she found in the kitchen. While Theo and Caleb discussed players in the game they were watching, Aurora slipped out the front door and made her way up to see Ruby. She knocked before entering but was met with silence. She cracked open the door and poked her head inside.

  "Hello?" She called out.

  Nothing. She stepped inside and closed the door behind her.


  "Go away!" She cried out from what Aurora guessed was the bathroom.

  She set the cookies down on their counter before making her away to the door she knew Ruby was behind. She knocked softly, her ears picking up the sound of the other woman sniffling.

  "Ruby, it's Aurora. Can I come in?"


  Her voice was shaky, but nothing like the mean tone she had used in the past.

  "Please? I just want to talk."

  "I don't want to." Another sob.

  "Ruby, please. What's wrong?"

  There was a good five-minute silence that stretched out between them. Finally, the door opened. Ruby stood there in only a tank top and a pair of booty shorts. Her make-up was smeared down her cheeks and her bleach blonde hair was a complete mess. Aurora wasn't sure she'd ever see her brother's girlfriend in this sort of state.

  "Oh my gosh, what happened?" Aurora panicked, worried Caleb hadn't told her part of the story.

  "I gained 5 pounds." She whimpered.

  "That's not-"

  "Look, I know weight it's a big thing to you but it's my career." She snapped out.

  It was Aurora's turn to be silent. Not because she was offended by what the woman said, but to give her time to register what had come out of her mouth. They had never been close but they didn't hate each other either. Ruby came off rude and stuck up but Aurora usually brushed it off.

  "I-I'm sorry, Rory." She eventually caved. "I've been so emotional lately and work has started to comment on my gut."

  "What's been going on?"

  "I don't know. All I want to do is eat and I can't seem to stop myself."

  "Are you getting your period?"

  "No. I haven't gotten my period in years due to my eating habits."

  Aurora sat there for a moment, glossing over the fact that Ruby had admitted to dieting in a rather unhealthy way and tried to figure out what could be causing this.

  "Mood swings, cravings, weight gain." She paused, a light bulb going off. "Ruby." She licked her lips and gently placed a hand on the woman's shoulder. "Is it possible that you're pregnant?"

  Ruby's eyes narrowed into slits and Aurora braced herself for whatever nasty thing she was going to spit at her. It never came. Instead, her eyes slowly widened and her mouth parted slightly. Tears began to well up in her eyes and her bottom lip trembled.

  "I-I can't be pregnant. Oh God. What if I really am?" She slowly sank to the floor, her arms curling around her legs as they bent up to her chest.

  "It'll be okay." Was all Aurora could muster.

  Ruby let the words sink in. It would be okay. Her tears gradually subsided and she peered up at Aurora from her spot on the floor. Her chocolate brown eyes were red and puffy.

  "It will?"

  "Of course." Aurora smiled sweetly, surprised but pleased at how well this was going. "Do you want me to go out and get a test?"

  She nodded her head but stayed quiet as she wiped her nose and tears.

  "Okay, while I'm gone why don't you take a shower? There are some cookies in the kitchen, too. I know you don't normally eat them but you might like the chocolate."

  "Thanks." She spoke softly but remained where she was.

  "I'll be back soon." She smiled, then left the bathroom.

  She stood in the hall for a second, trying to get a grasp on everything. She knew there was a convent store nearby and wouldn't have to bother Theo for the car keys. That would have been an awkward situation explaining to him why she needed to go there and for what. The trip took her 25 minutes total. Ruby was in the shower so she sat on the couch and waited for her to come out. The two didn't speak as the small plastic bag was transferred from one to the other and it didn't take long to figure out it was positive.

  "What am I going to do?" Ruby whimpered.

  "I think you should talk to Caleb."

  "Do you think he will be okay with this?"

  "Of course, he will." She smiled. "And I'll help you tell him if you want."


  Over the next 9 months, Aurora grew closer to Ruby. Not that she replaced Harper, but that she was actually able to talk to and hang out with the woman. She was extremely excited about the baby growing in Ruby’s swollen belly. She couldn’t wait to be an aunt and helped Ruby almost daily with cooking, cleaning, and getting ready for her little niece. She also helped with any emotional break downs, since Caleb seemed to be incapable of handling it. Theo had convinced her to quit her job and for the time being, she didn’t mind since she could help with Ruby during this time. The blonde needed co
nstant support as she pushed herself to gain weight, something that had always been extremely hard for her.

  After the baby arrives, Aurora agreed to be her caretaker while Ruby and Caleb went back to work. Ruby planned on going back to the modeling business but as a higher-up. She was tired of the stress and constant low-calorie diet she had been on for years. Not to mention the toll it took on her health and mental well-being. She wanted to help women who were starving themselves eat better and find a workout routine that would help them stay slim without gaining too much muscle. Aurora couldn’t believe the change Ruby had made but wasn’t complaining at all. She loved it.

  Theo began to tease her about when they would have a baby. She always laughed it off and told him eventually. She was shocked to see him excited about wanting to be a father in the future while her brother who would be a father soon was panicking. Caleb worried about whether he’d be a good dad or not. He didn’t want to mess things up for his daughter and he really didn’t want to think about all the boys who would be running after her. Aurora and Ruby both had to tell him to calm down and take things day by day. It would be many years before they needed to think of boys and in the meantime, he could teach her to stay away from them. Or at least to spot their games.

  Today, Aurora was curled up on the couch in nothing but Theo’s shirt and a pair of black panties. She had a cup of tea in her hands and the TV on even though she wasn’t watching it. She had a hard time sleeping and decided to wake up. Theo was in bed, snoring away. He hadn’t even noticed her slip out. She thought about what she could cook for Ruby today when her phone went off next to her. It was Caleb, the baby was coming. Aurora screamed loudly in excitement, causing Theo to bolt into the living room completely butt naked. His hair was a mess and his eyes were barely open.

  “What’s going on?” He blinked heavily as he searched the surrounding area.

  “Caleb and Ruby are on their way to the hospital!”

  His eyes shot back to her and somehow narrowed more.


  “And I’m happy.” She grinned at him.

  “Are you wearing my shirt?”

  She glanced down at herself, her tea cup now on the coffee table. It amused her how quickly he changed the subject on her.

  “Yes, its comfy.”

  “Are you wearing anything under it?” His nostrils flared, a sign of his arousal.

  She noticed the way his cock twitched and gradually began to stiffen.

  “Only panties.” She playfully smirked and spread her legs for him.

  He let out a deep growl and pounced on her. Her panties tossed to the floor in mere seconds and his throbbing member rammed into her. She gasped out, her body stretching to take in his full length.

  “The-o! Not so rough!” Her breathing already heavy as he pumped in and out of her.

  “That’s what you get for waking me up.” He grunted, his large hands gripping tightly on her wide hips.

  Aurora gave in and wrapped her arms around his neck, her nails digging and scratching at his back as she held herself together for him. His lips crashed into hers, melting away any discomfort she felt from his relentless pounding. His mouth molded to hers and his tongue gently caressed hers. She fell into his rhythm and could tell when he was about to climax. He gave one last thrust and emptied himself inside of her. She had been on birth control ever since finding out Ruby was pregnant. Theo wasn’t too happy, but Aurora said she simply wasn’t ready yet. He was, however, happy he didn’t have to play the pull-out game anymore.

  “Can you get ready to go now?” She struggled to control her breathing.

  “Why can’t we lay in bed longer?” He pouted, snuggling into her.

  “I want to meet my niece!” She cried out as his giant body smashed her into the couch.

  “You do know it can take hours or days, right?”

  “Yes, Theo, I’m aware of that.” She rolled her eyes, her hands pushing at his chest. “But I want to be there for Ruby and I’m sure Caleb wouldn’t mind some extra support during this.”

  “Fine.” He sighed. “Then can we at least shower together?”

  “Yes.” She giggled.

  She allowed him to lift her off the couch and carry her into their bathroom where he sat her down on the counter and went over to the shower to get the water to warm up. She watched as he did this, the movement of his bare body igniting her core and making her ache for the release she hadn’t received. She reached for the hem of the shirt she wore to remove it when he scolded her.

  “I’ll do that.”

  His hand consumed hers and pulled it away from the material. He pulled the shirt up and over her thick frame to reveal her naked form. His cock sprang to life for the second time, hungry for more. He curled an arm around her waist and pulled her off the counter. His engorged member rubbing between her legs and creating a delicious friction that made her moan.

  “Is it my turn now?” She rocked her hips back and forth against his length, her voice husky with need.

  “Of course, baby.”

  Theo brought her into the shower, the hot water heating her skin and soaking their bodies. He set her on her feet, then kneeled down before her. She laid back against the wall, anticipating his next move. He grabbed her behind her knees and lifted her enough to spread her legs and open her pussy to him. He teased her with the tip of his tongue, circling her clit and making her moan. She sunk her nails in to his scalp, pushing him closer to her center and forcing his tongue to enter her. He started to wiggle and swirl his tongue, hitting every single sweet spot. He didn’t let her come too quickly, he wanted her to enjoy her pleasure until he felt she’d had enough. Her hands clenched tightly around his hair as her orgasm wrecked through her, her insides pulsing around his tongue as he continued to gently stoke her as she rode out her waves of ecstasy.

  “Oh my gosh.” She gasped out, her hands releasing their grip as her muscles relaxed.

  “Happy?” He grinned up at her and licked his lips.

  “Oh, yes.”

  “Good, because its round two.” He smirked, catching her off guard and lifting her off her feet yet again.

  He swiftly pushed into her but was much more merciful this time. His pace was tender, his arms holding onto her for dear life. She rested her head on his shoulder and kissed his neck, encouraging him to increase his movement until the two each reached their second climax of the morning. They took a few minutes to recover, then washed each other to remove all the evidence of their love making. Theo didn’t take long to dry off and get dressed, but it was another hour and a half for Aurora. She wanted to completely dry her hair and do her make-up in case there was a change of pictures being taken.

  She could barely contain herself as Theo raced off to the hospital Caleb said they were at. Ruby was five hours into her labor and they anticipated another five. They were all pleasantly shocked when she hit her seven-hour mark and the baby was born. Perfectly healthy, with all ten toes and ten fingers. Caleb informed them that they were moving mother and baby to another room and then they would be allowed to come in.

  “What name did you decide on?” Aurora was practically bouncing on her feet.


  “Sapphire?” Theo echoed, disbelief in his voice and an eye brow raised.

  “You know, Ruby and Sapphire. Both gems.”

  “That’s. That’s a beautiful name.” Aurora chimed in.

  Caleb couldn’t conceal himself any longer and burst out into laughter.

  “Kidding guys!” He clapped a hand down on Theo’s shoulder. “Her name is Olivia, Olivia Grace.”

  “Oh, Caleb, what a perfect name!” Aurora gushed.

  “Ruby picked it, I approved it.” He grinned, it was obvious he was already a proud dad. “Come on, you can meet her now.”

  Aurora and Theo followed Caleb to the maternity ward and into a room marked 112. Ruby laid on the medical bed, a pink gown on, and a tiny bundle in he
r arms. She was feeding the baby a formula from a small bottle the hospital offered. Theo hung back with Caleb as Aurora moved closer to catch a glimpse of the feeding infant. She placed her hands over her mouth to hold in her emotions.

  “She so precious.” She swooned, her voice almost a whisper.

  “You can hold her when she’s done eating.” Ruby turned to her and smiled. “She’s almost done.”

  Aurora hand a hard time containing herself as the newborn finished off the last of her bottle. Aurora took the bottle from Ruby to set it on the table, then reached for little Olivia Grace.

  “Oh my gosh.” Her face lit up and she had the biggest grin on her face.

  “So, when you guys having one?” Caleb teased, nudging Theo.

  “Ask your sister, she said she’s not ready yet.”

  Aurora gave Theo a playful glare, then went back to staring at her niece. She had a pink and blue hat on her head and the blanket around her was white with a bunch of baby foot prints all over it, both provided by the hospital. Her eyes watered with joy at the miracle in her arms.

  “Maybe I am ready.” She smiled at Theo.

  Bonus: Harper


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