His Favorite Toy

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His Favorite Toy Page 15

by Nicole Trinity

  She wasn’t sure why she was even thinking of him that way. He may have saved her but that doesn’t mean she needs to develop a crush on him. She shook those thoughts from her head and took a much needed, well deserved hot shower. She took longer than she normally would, making sure to scrub her entire body from head to toe; Twice. She even shaved and relished in the feeling of her clean, smooth skin.

  After stepping out and drying off, she noticed something hanging on the back of the door. Luca really had prepared everything for her because under a protective bag was a dress and undergarments for her to wear. An odd choice of clothing, unless he lied about selling her off to the highest bidder. With no other choice, she slipped on the clothing and found that everything fit perfectly. Maybe Aurora had told him her sizes.

  Harper stared at herself in the mirror and couldn’t help but admire the dress she wore. It was a dark, earthy green that fell half way to her knees in a flowy manor. The bodice wrapped around her slim waist and cupped her small breasts in a way that made them appear larger without making them the main focal point. It was sleeveless and she noticed it brought out the small flecks of green that were in her otherwise all brown eyes. There was no way a man like Luca picked this out.

  The sound of a door opening in the room made her jump. She bolted to the bathroom door and yanked it open. She had assumed it was Luca and had planned on demanding him to let her go. She assumed right, but her plan flew out the window when she saw him dressed in a tux. His hands were placed behind him, giving him a bodyguard vibe.

  “Did I pull you away from a meeting or something? Do you even have meetings in your line of work?” She was nervous rambling. “What do you even do?”

  She wanted to smack herself, this was nowhere near what she had wanted to say to him. He gave her a smirk and a chuckle which reignited her anger.

  “I’m healed now. Can I leave?” She snapped. “And, uh, thank you for the dress. And everything.” She softened her tone, blushing lightly at her behavior.


  “No? No, what? No, you didn’t have a meeting? No, you don’t have them? Or no, I can’t leave?” She cursed at herself for not keeping her words shorter.

  “No, you can’t leave.”

  “Luca.” She glared at him. “If you plan on-”

  “You look lovely.” He cut her off.

  “Don’t you distract-”

  He pulled his hands out from behind him and in his right hand held a dozen red roses peppered with sprigs of babies breath and greenery. Her breath hitched, her heart skipped a beat, and confusion slammed into her. Those couldn’t be for her.

  “Um,” She cleared her throat. “If-If you have somewhere to be, you didn’t need to come see me.”

  “They’re for you, Harper.” He rolled his amusement-filled eyes.

  “Why?” She gasped out.

  “I wanted to take you on a real date. Or at least what one is supposed to be.”

  “How did you know about that?” She eyed him skeptically.

  “You told me the night I rescued you. Parts of it, that is. You were in really bad shape.”

  “Oh.” She bit her lip. “I don’t need a pity date.”

  “It’s not.”

  “You also don’t need to show me, I know what one should be like or at least-”

  “Harper, stop.” His voice kind but stern. “I want to take you for a date, if that’s okay.”

  She hesitated, unsure of what motives he might have for doing this. She clearly wasn’t his type.

  “We’re already dressed for it.” He added, a smiling reappearing on his face. “And if you really need more of a reason, then think of it as payment for saving your ass.” His smile turned in to a grinned and he winked at her.

  She couldn’t help but let out a giggle, he couldn’t be serious. Her mind had filled with every horrible thing he could force her into and all he wanted was a date. She lightly stepped over to him and accepted the roses.

  “And where should I put these?” Her eyes on him and her nose buried in the flowers.

  “You could leave them here.” He shrugged. “I’m sure there is a vase around somewhere.”

  “Here? You’re still keeping me here?” She felt her shoulders slump and her smile droop.

  “Don’t think about that minor detail.” He sighed. “Our reservation is in a half hour, we need to get going.”

  “Right now?” She gaped. “But I haven’t done my hair or make-up.”

  “You don’t need to.”

  “Oh, yes I do!”

  She turned to head back into the bathroom when he grabbed her upper arm gently, spun her around, and pulled her to his chest.

  “I promise, you don’t need it.” His hand reached up to stroke the side of her cheek. “Let’s go.”

  Harper felt as if the air from her lungs had been sucked out. Her body tingled at every are where their bodies connected. His gentleness surprising her and words stirring up emotions she didn’t want to have for him. Then again, people deserve second chances. Right?

  “Okay.” She breathed out.

  He released her, his hand dropping to take hold of her hand and lead her from the room. He made sure to set down the roses and told her he’d have someone place them in water. He led her through a reasonable sized home and out to some type of black Mercedes Benz. Luca opened the door for her, allowed her to take her time getting in, then closed it and came around to the drives side. He raced them off down the street and took her to a place that made the Italian restaurant she had gone to seem like a fast food chain.

  “I, um, don’t really have the money for this.” She muttered out.

  He raised an eyebrow at her and parked the car in a reserved spot.

  “See, I usually pay for myself on the first date. You know, in case the date doesn’t go well and you don’t feel like you’ve wasted your money.” She was rambling again.

  He stared at her, making her more nervous that she thought possible.

  “Relax, Harper.” He placed his hand on her shoulder, catching her attention. “You’re not paying for anything and I don’t want you to worry about the price of anything. Just-” He placed his other hand under her chin and swiped her bottom lip with his thumb. “-enjoy yourself.”

  Harper couldn’t seem to push out anymore words, which after all the things that at tumbled out of her mouth a moment ago was probably a good thing. She nodded her head softly and felt as if she was melting when his smile widened. He removed his keys from the ignition and stepped out, rounded the car, and came to her side to open her door for her. She graciously took his offered hand and allowed him to lead her into the wonderfully decorated building.

  The two of them were escorted to a quiet area in the back of the restaurant, next to a window that over looked a lake behind the establishment. She was struck at how beautiful the sight was, there were lights placed all around to illuminate the area and reflect off the water. Menus were set in front of them and as she peered over the page she realized her plan to order the cheapest item was foiled; there were no prices. She glanced at Luca who wore an all-knowing smirk on his face.

  “What did I say?” He chuckled.

  “Fine.” She teasingly pouted.

  Once drinks and dinner were ordered, the menus removed and the waiter gone, she finally asked the question that had been bugging her.

  “Why me?”


  “Um, the date. Why did you want to take me on a date?”

  “Boy, do you know how to start a conversation.” He laughed, causing her to blush. “I don’t know. You’re Aurora’s friend and-”

  “I’m not like Aurora.”

  He raised that damn eyebrow at her again. She had stopped talking but he didn’t pick up what he had been saying.

  “I’m sorry.” She blurted out. “This is probably why I can’t find a man. I talk too much, I’m awkward and hot headed. I don’t even look like all those be
autiful women with the long hair and-”

  “Have you ever lived with a woman with long hair?” He butted in.


  “It gets everywhere. The floor, the bed, the shower. In your mouth and on your face. Constantly getting in the way and taking forever to prepare.” He rolled his eyes.

  She was stunned by his words and was pleased that her non-sense had been replaced by him speaking instead.

  “I didn’t mean that you’re like Aurora in appearance, I meant that I felt you are a good person like her.”

  “Oh.” She breathed, blushing deeper than she had previously.

  “I wanted to take you on a date to get to know you more. You weren’t looking for money or sex. You’re not afraid to speak to me. And you’re different.” He paused to let his words soak in. “Does that answer your question?”

  “Yes.” She glanced down, then faced him again. “But what makes you so sure I’m interested in you?” She let a small, teasing smile grace her lips.

  Luca let out a laugh, his eyes lighting up and filled with a much warmer look than she had ever seen from him.

  “Give me a chance and I’ll prove it to you.”


  Dinner with Luca was passed quicker than she realized. The two had talked through their meal, dessert, and a couple more drinks. He admitted to convincing Aurora to help him with the date. She hadn’t been happy about it at first, but he was so adamant, along with a threat that he wasn’t going to let her go, that she finally caved. Of course, she returned his threat with one of her own; to cut off his balls if anything were to happen again. Luca wasn’t concerned with that. He also claimed he had grown bored of women throwing themselves at him. He wanted more, wanted someone to be close to. He saw the way Theo was with Aurora and as the months went by after their encounter, he realized that’s what he was missing. Harper hadn’t let him get by with that without being teased on how cheesy that sounded.

  The two were currently in his car and headed back to his house. She felt giddy and happy, the way she had hoped to feel after having her first date. She knew some of her feelings were coming from the wine, she had been so nervous at first that she drank more than she was planning, too. She hadn’t gotten herself drunk, but she was in a rather blissful moment. Luca remained a gentleman until they made it to his house. They were barely inside before his lips locked with hers.

  Luca wrapped his around her hips and lifted her off her feet as he carried her down a hall and to a different room from the one she had occupied the previous week. He closed the door with ease and brought her to a king-sized bed. Her back hit the plush comforter, her mouth gapping open as she took in a deep breath of air. His lips traveled away from her mouth, across her cheek, and slowly down her neck in a carnivorous way. Her body had never felt so heated in her life.

  His hands hooked the shoulders of her dress and yanked them down to reveal her bra clad breasts. A loud moan escaped her lips as he hungrily made his way toward him. His hands gripping them firmly, then pulling the undergarment down to show her perky chest with hardened nipples. He quickly sucked one into his mouth, another mewl of ecstasy escaping her. His tongue swirled around her bud, his hot mouth covering her sensitive skin. She wrapped her long legs around his waist and pulled him between her thighs, his erection pressing into her core and making him grunt with need.

  Luca lifted from her breasts, his eyes dilated and his breathing heavy. His fingers frantically pulled at the button and zipper of his pants, then pushed down both his jeans and his underwear. In one hand, he gripped his cock and in the other he ripped away the thin material of her underwear. Seconds later, he was filling her insides and pleasure was shooting through both of them.

  “Luca!” She cried out as he pumped in and out of her.

  He responded with a rough thrust, her legs holding him close to her and his arms keeping her pressed to him with enough room to keep his movement going strong. Their lips collided in another passionate kiss, their tongues fighting with each other. Harper had never felt this connected with someone and if Luca was serious about settling down, she didn’t think she could refuse him. She found herself liking the idea while lifting her hips to allow him deeper thrusts. His muscles rippling in his arm as he held himself above her and she heard herself cry out as an orgasm slowly unfolded inside her, shortly followed by him pulling out and a making a mess of the blanket under them.

  “We need condoms. Lots of them.” He panted, untangling her from him and reaching over to his nightstand.

  They spend the rest of the night in a tangle orgasms, working their bodies to a sweaty exhaustion and eventually passing out naked next to each other. In the late afternoon, Harper awoke to Luca’s arms wrapped around her and their bodies spooning each other. She took in a deep breath, her mind going over everything that had happened in such a short amount of time. From the worse night of her life to possibly the best.

  “Good morning.” Luca’s groggy voice filled her ears.

  “Good morning.” She giggled softly, finding it nice to see the soft side of him.

  “I think you will make me a lot of money.” He lifted himself up on his elbow to look down at her, a lopsided smile on his face.

  “It would be nice to find someone who can do better.” She countered back, knocking the smile off his face.

  “I’m kidding, doll.” He nuzzled her neck, giving her a firm kiss. “You’re mine.”





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