The Bad God Wins: A Dark Romance (Possessive Gods Book 2)

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The Bad God Wins: A Dark Romance (Possessive Gods Book 2) Page 8

by Loki Renard

  They dare keep me captive? Try to preserve innocence I don’t have any more? I don’t care. I want to be spread. I want to be used. I want to feel my pussy pillaged until this god is done with me. And Tanuk is more than happy to oblige.

  “My naughty goddess,” he growls, tugging my hair to pull me up from my prone position. He tosses me down on my back, lifts my legs in the air and holds them spread wide. I am utterly exposed to him now, not a part of my body a secret from his knowing dark gaze.

  He rises above me, plunging inside me with triumphant growls and animal snarls. There is more than a little of the beast inside Tanuk. He is more than an old god. He is an ancient god. He is a primal god. He is overwhelmingly powerful in all the right ways. My toes curl with every thrust, my ankles held securely by his hands as he reclaims me more thoroughly than before.

  I have to stuff my pillow into my mouth to keep from screaming out when he makes me come, which he does more than once, his talented cock taking me to heights of pleasure I’ve dreamed of every night since I left his enchanted island.

  The first time we were together, he was gentle and sensual. Now he shows me more of what he is and what I can be with him. My cries become harder and harder to stifle even with the pillow.

  “Shhh,” he urges me. “Quiet.”

  How can I be quiet when his thick cock is ravaging me, when my delicate inner lips are gripping his hard shaft and every part of me is thrilling to this illicit tryst.

  “Quiet,” he warns me again with one of those sexy smiles of his which tell me he knows full well I cannot be quiet. “Or I’ll gag you.”

  Moments after that threat, he pinches my clit lightly. My hips buck, my inner walls clench, my eyes roll back and I let out a scream which I am sure everybody in the palace must have heard.

  “I warned you,” he chuckles darkly as he grabs at the sheet, rips a length of cloth free from the fabric and uses it to gag me.

  My teeth meet the gag, my saliva making it instantly wet. I am practically drooling from pleasure as he makes further use of the sheet, ripping at the silken fabric to fashion more than a gag. He ties my hands together and fastens them to the bed post above my head. He has me captive, and though I know it makes no real difference when being claimed by a god whether I am bound or not, there is somethings symbolic in those ties.

  Now he has me where he wants me, he takes his time inspecting me, his fingers playing with my lower lips as his gaze locks on my wet, pouting, utterly used pussy.


  This is the best sex of my eternal life. My raven haired, blue eyed beauty bound beneath me, her thick thighs spread, her wet little cunt wrapped around my cock.

  It’s not just the physical act of taking her, of thrusting inside that once virgin sheath and stretching it to fit my desires once more. It’s not even the supreme joy of doing it right inside the palace, right under Helios’ nose.

  It is how beautiful, willing, and desirous she is. She arches against her bonds, not fighting them, but using them for leverage to make her hips work her greedy little hole on my cock. I love that she is half-human. It gives her an animal realness which no full goddess can ever match.

  I have needed this ever since she crawled out of my den and returned to the palace. I have missed her as I have missed very few people in my life. Binding her is my way of trying to hold on to her.

  “You like that, hmmm? Being tied up?”

  She nods swiftly, the corners of her mouth pulled down slightly by the gag in a way which could make her look unhappy, if not for the way her eyes flash and her hips work for even more of my cock. I don’t need to hear her tell me she missed me. I can feel it.

  I pull myself free of her body and run my hand down between her full breasts, over the soft swell of her body, and cup the mound which rises over her ravaged sex. Squeezing lightly, I massage her, grinding that clit of hers for a few strokes before pulling my hand away and slapping her pussy lightly.

  She lets out a grunting guttural animal sound and draws her knees up to her chest before relaxing them again.

  “Spread your thighs,” I order firmly, but gently. “I’m going to spank your sweet cunt, princess.”

  I can see her pulsing in response, her inner walls clenching for what she cannot have.

  “This,” I say, landing another sharp swat to her sex, “is for being a naughty girl and leaving my lair. You should have stayed, princess. We would not have had to suffer these weeks of separation. I could have had my cock inside you every day. You would have liked that, wouldn’t you?”

  She nods emphatically, and I reward her with another one of those sharp little swats which makes her pale outer lips turn a very pretty pink color.

  “If you’re going to run from me, then I can’t fuck your pussy the way you deserve to have it fucked. So instead, I have to spank your naughty little cunt, don’t I, princess? I have to teach you a lesson about depriving us both of what we want.”

  She’s panting and moaning with every swat, her back arching, her thighs spreading to give me access to the parts of her body I want to dominate and claim.

  I came to see if I could take her again. Now I know that I can never let her go. It is madness for me to be here. It will inevitably end in disaster, but I don’t care. It’s worth it to be here with her, to have her body, to feel the sweet energy of her soul mingling with mine.

  One last swat to her spread lips makes my point and I drive my cock back home, bending down to kiss her deeply as I pound inside her hard and fast, making her take all I have to give, giving her all she can take. Her body is mine. All mine.

  She reacts as if that is the inexorable truth I believe it to be, her legs wrapping around my waist as I fuck her hard and fast, branding her with my scent, my sex, and my seed.


  He’s going to come inside me. He’s going to fill my bare pussy up. I can feel his godhood pulsing inside me with the promise of his climax and I know I should ask him to pull out, but how can I with my mouth gagged and my hands bound, and my legs wrapped around him, holding him inside me as he approaches those last fateful strokes which herald the release of the hot flood of his seed, filling me all the way up and spilling out of me too, covering my thighs and the sheets. I can smell our mixed juices. I am sure the air is thick with our scents as he falls back, rubbing my pussy as if to say, good girl.

  He doesn’t release the bonds right away. He leaves me tied and covered in his seed and simply lies next to me, holding me, letting me feel what it is to be his sated captive. I truly wish I had never left his den. I wish he had kept me there and thrashed me for trying to leave. I would have taken all the discipline he had to give if I knew it would mean feeling like this.

  After what seems like a very long time, he first unwinds the gag from my mouth, and kisses me deeply.

  “I love you," he says simply.

  Tears spring to my eyes. I was thinking those words, but I was afraid to say them in case I was being a silly fanciful princess and falling for a god who could never love her.

  “I love you too,” I whisper.

  He embraces me and kisses me and tells me he missed me, and I am happier than I have ever been, free-er too, even though I am still tied to the bed.

  I am mystified that Helios doesn’t seem to have noticed what is happening inside him, this cosmic violation.

  “Why do you want me?” I ask Tanuk the question softly and earnestly. I need to know what is going on between us. Am I just a willing pawn in his game?

  “I want you because I love you. But,” he says, pressing a kiss to my nose. “Never forget, Raine, that you are important. The daughter of the raven king, and of the last believer. You are the key to a great many eternities.”

  “I don't understand what any of that means.”

  “Of course you don’t. They’ve kept you ignorant. Helios knows what you are worth. So does Ragnar. Your mother may not, and if she does not, it is because they have chosen to keep that from her too.”

  “So this is just about some kind of power play.”

  “It may have begun that way,” he admits. “But I did miss you, Raine. I have no equal on Okeanus. No match. With you, I have my foil.”

  “We will never be allowed to be together,” I say. “Helios and Ragnar bound Lucy and me to the palace for several days, and even now they barely take their eyes off us.”

  “Of course they don’t. Remember, Raine. We are forgotten gods. We grow stronger by virtue of belief. You are part human. Your belief matters. Helios and Ragnar have been hoarding the belief of one full human and two half-humans. They have been growing stronger and stronger with every passing year, and now you are fully adult, your belief is something to hoard.”

  “If that were true, why would they have had the party?”

  “To flaunt their power. To make it clear to all those who attended that they were growing ever greater.”

  “I don’t think Ragnar has any aspirations to power. He thinks he is above it all. He cares about Yggdrasil and nothing else.”

  “Helios has higher aspirations. He remembers being powerful. He would like to feel that way again.”

  “What the…”

  We are no longer alone. We have been caught, just as I knew we would be. Helios has arrived without fanfare or warning. I do not know how long he has been standing there, how much he has heard, or for that matter, how much he has seen. His face is a mask of rage as he looks upon the pair of us. I cannot deny that nothing has happened. I am naked and wrapped in Tanuk’s embrace. My sin is written all over me, and I feel a cascade of shame and recrimination about to pour down on the pair of us.


  Helios’ cry of rage is earth shaking. It rattles the palace and so it seems, the entire isle. For the first time in my life, I am deeply, truly, afraid to the very core of me. This is how a war begins. This is how a world ends.

  Tanuk wraps his arms around me, tightening his grip, and a moment later, we are gone. There is a moment of blackness, extreme void, and then there is light. Golden, liquid light pouring through the air and filling me with hope.



  “Where are we?” I look around and see bushes and grasses and trees. For a moment, I am terrified we are just outside the palace and that Ragnar will be here any moment. Helios’ rage was one thing. I cannot fathom what Ragnar’s would be like. The two of them would tear Tanuk apart, or die trying.

  “Somewhere Helios won’t find us,” Tanuk reassures me. “Don’t worry. I have you.”

  “But Helios is king of Okeanus.”

  “He is, isn’t he.”

  “So he can find us anywhere on Okeanus.”

  “I am sure he could," Tanuk says with a sly smile.

  Cool air is flowing around me. I feel a chill. I've never felt a chill before without some godly intervention. But I don’t feel godly intervention either. I don’t feel a hint of deity. Whatever I am standing on is just stuff. Matter. Rocks. Dirt.

  “This isn’t Okeanus, is it?”

  “You are the intelligent one, aren’t you. No. This isn’t Okeanus.”

  “Where are we?”

  “This is Earth.”

  I stare at him.

  “No fucking way," I say, using the old Earth curse I once heard my mother use.

  “The last place any old god would come,” Tanuk says. “It’s perfect.”

  It is not perfect. It is exceptionally far from perfect, in fact.

  “This is the planet my mother fled from. This is the last place anybody would come. We have to leave. Immediately.”

  “Why? Because she did? This is the cradle of human life, and still home to the only breeding population of humans.”

  “That's not true. My mother is a breeding population of one on Okeanus.”

  “The only breeding population of true humans, mortals without godly interference. They’re limited to this place.”

  Looking around, I don’t see anybody here. This place doesn’t feel inhabited. It feels empty. Weirdly so. I thought I would be comfortable here, where the humans are. But I’m not. I feel… itchy?

  “Why is this place so itchy?”

  “You’re not used to Earth’s atmosphere. It is quite different from Okeanus. More texture. There are pollens from dust, and dander from animals. Everything here is alive in the truest, most mortal sense of the word. You’ll get used to it.”

  Will I? I am immediately stricken with homesickness. I want to go back. I want to be back in my room and I want to still be a good girl and I want to never have seen that expression on Helios’ face.

  “Why did we have to run?”

  “Because Helios was going to try to kill me, and I thought I would rather not have to slay your father in front of you,” Tanuk drawls.

  "So we ran to the most dangerous place possible?”

  “It’s not the most dangerous possible. The most dangerous place is anywhere within Helios’ powers.”

  “You’re afraid of him?”

  “No. I’m afraid of what killing your father would do to our relationship.”

  I swallow. Hard. This has become very serious very quickly.

  “Why does it have to be this way? Why do you have to hate each other?”

  “We have our reasons,” Tanuk says. “Trust me, Raine. It is better for us to be here. It saves everybody the trouble of having to kill or be killed, and saves you the trauma of being at the center of it. I’ve found over the centuries that women react poorly to losing their family members to their lovers.”

  “Can we go back?”

  “I can send you back,” he says. “If you wish. But if I do, I fear that will be the last time I see you. Helios and Ragnar will imprison you somewhere I can never find you. They will hoard your belief, and nothing besides outright war will ever free you. Hundreds may die. Maybe thousands.”

  My heart sinks as my eyes fill with tears. This is unfair in the deepest kind of way. Why can I not simply love Tanuk and be with him? Why do Helios and Ragnar have to make war on the one god I have connected with?

  Tanuk holds me until I stop crying. It feels like a very long time, for I have a lot to mourn and even more to regret. Eventually though, I have to stop crying. I am curious about this world, a place I never thought I would come. And I am especially curious about those who live here.

  “Where are all the people?”

  “Over there,” Tanuk says, pointing to looming dark towers. “They live in little dream bubbles, each of them unique. It’s quite magical in its own way.”

  “My mother thought it was so hellish she put herself into a garbage receptacle and hurled herself into space. I don’t want to be here, Tanuk. Let’s go somewhere else.”

  “There isn’t anywhere else for me. There’s here, or Okeanus. We can enjoy ourselves here. It’s an empty planet more or less, now all the humans have gone ahead and stacked themselves…”

  “They didn’t stack themselves. They’re imprisoned! If we are here, we have to free them.”

  “We do not have to do anything of the sort,” Tanuk says. “That is a them problem. Not an us problem.”

  "We have to try to save them. That’s what we do. We’re deities. Or you are, at least.”

  “Deities have never saved humans. Punished them, plenty. Dictated rules, absolutely. Saved? So rare as to have basically never happened at all. If we save these humans, we’re breaking with thousands of years of convention. Besides, what are we saving them from, precisely?”

  “From those prisons they live inside. The ones like my mother escaped from. If I’m going to be on Earth, I want to at least try to make her proud.”

  “That's a very poor reason to save people. You should save people because… well, actually I don't know why. That’s something you’ve yet to convince me of.”

  “What else are we going to do here?”

  He reaches out and traces a finger down my arm with a lustful smile. “I can think of a number of things.”

; “Sex while millions suffer? How could you think of such a thing?”

  “We were having sex while millions suffered not an hour ago, and you didn't seem to mind. Does being physically closer to a problem change your perception of its importance?”

  “Yes. It does.”

  “That’s illogical.”

  “I don’t care.”


  This was a mistake. Well, not a mistake so much as the inevitable conclusion to a chain of events started when I first laid eyes on Raine at her birthday party. This woman bewitches me. I will not let her go again. Not at any cost. Earth is a place where I can defend her. My power is still strong here, unlike Helios’ whose waned centuries ago.

  I made a serious mistake when I let Raine flee from my den. I was briefly arrogant enough to think I had taken what I wanted and would not need her again, but the following hours and days were filled with thoughts of her. Even the smallest observation of a flower or a cloud could not be made without reference to her. The sky was the color of her eyes. The bells chimed stridently like her voice, lecturing me with all the hopeless enthusiasm of the young. When I closed my eyes, I saw her face, and when I looked into my soul, I saw her name written there.

  It was a cliche of a situation — a human cliche to which gods should not find themselves subject, but I couldn’t help myself. The truth is, I fell in love with Raine before slept with her. I suspected it, but I lied to myself. I tried to fight it. I thought that it was a crush, something brought on by lustful desire for revenge. But this is the real thing. Real love is something all consuming. It is a condition which makes even a powerful god weak, and I cannot purge it from my system.

  Raine looks at me now with those intense blue eyes and I know I will do whatever I can for her. She is my goddess, not marred by her human blood, but enriched by it. If she wants to save humanity from the consequences of its collective actions, then I will do what I can to help her.

  She’s pouting, expecting me to keep disagreeing with her. She has not heard the word ‘yes’ very often in her life. I want to give her as many yesses as I can. I want to spoil her. I want to make her happy.


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