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Marionette Page 5

by Celia Crown

  He wants to see her round with his baby, the pregnancy glow on her would be absolutely stunning as his child grows inside her.

  “Sweetheart,” James grunts, it’s hard to find words as he has half a mind to delay his orgasm through slower and rocking motions.

  As she gets used to having his shaft rubbing and tapping her cervix, Mari shudders through her next orgasm with the help of his steady hip rolls to the bundle of nerves. James feels everything she experiences; the tingling sensation from her nipples being crushed to his chest, traveling down to her leaking walls and overstimulated clit, to the little toe shivers.

  He wants to wring another orgasm from her, but two is good for the night as they have things to finish in the morning, and he can clear everything away for the week with her stashed in his arms.

  She hums in dizzy confusion, “Sir, what’s wrong?”

  “I love you, little doll.”

  Everything clears from her eyes at his confession, a beautiful blush sits on her cheeks as she squirms. He gives her time to comprehend the information as she’s momentarily speechless with incoherent noises of distress with her inability to convey her thoughts, so she blurts out the first thing that pops up in her head.

  “I love you too.”

  His heart soars as he grants her a kiss so deep and passionate that desire curls under his cock, dragging her stringy cum as he starts a slow tempo.

  “Love you,” she murmurs shyly on his lips. “I don’t know how to do this, sir. But, I love you. I’m safe with you and I want to stay with you.”

  Stars bursts in his eyes, heart overflows with love for the young girl in his arms as his cock throbs and spurts thick cum. It’s scalding hot, smearing on her twitching walls and it drags the remaining sparking pleasure into a satisfyingly slow orgasm from her.

  “I don’t like it when people look at you, Mr. Novak.” her little body wrecks with shivers and light tremors.

  “I feel weird when people do that, like my heart hurts and my tummy ache. I hate it.”

  His chest rumbles when he drops his weight down on the bed with her straddling his hips and her ears pressing to his heart for those quick beats. She lifts her head and holds herself on the elbow above his ribs. There’s comfort in the way she looks at him that he doesn’t mind the arms pressing in his bones.

  Especially when her lips jut out in a hypnotizing pout.

  Her fluttering pussy stretched around his cock is also a nice distraction.

  “If you own me, then I can have you too,” she said.

  Her demand is hilarious, boldness lingering in her eyes before self-consciousness takes over and she shrinks back to herself.

  “Can I?” Mari meekly adds in the next breath.

  He tips her head up and their lips align, green eyes clashing with brown hues for a battle of dominance as he wins easily because she’s feeling the nakedness on her skin as his hand traces patterns on her spine.

  “I’m yours, sweetheart.”

  She repeats, “Mine.”

  Chapter Seven


  The morning after comes with the calm before the storm vibe.

  Mari just woke up in between strong arms, and the nagging feeling is already there. A phone call ruined the tranquil air; nothing is ever easy when she has fame and a fanbase so big that it scares her.

  With a name as big as Marionette, there’s bound to be crazy incidents.

  She remembers the ones that made it to the news.

  Mr. Novak and Auntie Hayden shield her away from the media the best they can and when scandals surrounding the Marionette name start, they both strike down the problem from the roots. It’s their specialized military training that allows them to plan and execute in a manner of professionalism.

  Those were the times she realizes just how frighteningly powerful they are, how readily they can destroy someone’s life.

  However, people have selfish agendas that they’ll use dirty techniques to get what they want.

  Mari recalls one of the most impressionable events and because it was the first huge scandal, she can’t ever forget it.

  A woman claimed to be the Marionette on a live radio show, it gained so much attention because she said that she’s the artist of the century and that no one can match up to her talent. She promised a piece of art that will change the formation of social media. The woman lied to the fans of Marionette about an exclusive photoset for those who paid for VIP membership to her website of transformative art.

  Mari has never heard a more arrogant lie than that.

  Auntie Hayden was furious, and Mr. Novak promised her that he would take care of it and that stress would not be healthy for her.

  In just under five hours, so many things had happened.

  The woman received more than two hundred thousand dollars from her scam, she was subsequently arrested and paraded on a perp walk into the police station with reporters clicking away on their cameras as she tried to cover her face. Auntie Hayden showered the woman and her lawyer in layers of paperwork for every law she broke with a side of emotional damage.

  Mari never found out what Mr. Novak did, but she thought he had a primary role in the mess of the woman’s life when the new reported that the bank foreclosed her home, children services took away her children for pending investigation of an unsafe home environment, and the maximum sentence the judge had considered.

  Mr. Novak was merciless.

  Mari heard him use physical restraint to put hounding reporters in place when they tried to find the identity of Marionette. He’s had his fair share of accusations and lawsuits from people claiming James had harmed them in some way. James said he would never do that to Mari, tarnishing his name would result in tainting her name and he’d die before he let that happen.

  He had called Mari his pretty little doll and that he would protect her no matter what.

  Other incidents had headlines, but it wasn’t anything her aunt and Mr. Novak can’t handle.

  It had been a while since the last scandal and Mari shouldn’t be surprised when another one rises, but she is shocked to hear Mr. Novak speaking angrily in the phone after taking the call.

  “What the fuck do you mean you don’t have him!”

  She stifles down her yelp. James’ word rises with volume and hostility, she fears for the phone in his clenching hand. Spider cracks would probably appear on his screen after the call, and by the tone of his anger, it’s a serious matter that requires immediate attention.

  Mari wants to soothe the anger from his blistering eyes and crinkled forehead, but she stays seated on the bed with his command to not move when he snatches the phone off the nightstand.

  She tries to pretend that she doesn’t fully hear his conversation, but it’s hard not to eavesdrop when he’s right there speaking at a volume that he would never use on her. Mr. Novak doesn’t berate or use his words to attack anyone’s character, but he will use his words as a threat to hurt. Being on his bad side usually means that everything in their lives will go to hell; Mr. Novak has his ways and he knows people who would help him destroy as many lives as he could.

  “I want him found!” his voice booms, an involuntary shiver tickles her fingers.

  “Get him to me by the end of the day or I’ll have your job!”

  Mari wraps the discarded blanket over her shoulders, blending into the comforter without being too obvious as he shuts off the phone, and he tosses the device to the side without a care as to where it lands or even if there’s damage on it.

  Phones aren’t cheap, especially when he has the newest type.

  The real estate, technology gadgets, and employees; everything is the best quality or Mr. Novak won’t take a second look, all those things add up to so many zeros that Mari wonders if his bank account has endless funds.

  Flaunting his money is a disgrace to his character, he’s not like other people who think green paper buys everything. He’s honest and kind, she doesn’t understand why people are against him as t
he media thinks he’s a money-hungry museum owner who only promotes his own brands.

  Many can’t argue that Marionette is the theme of his museum since it’s built for that purpose; he allows clothing, jewelry, and products he had approved to be featured on Marionette as an advertisement, but none of those photos end up in his gallery. There’re only pure artistic photos portrayed, his museum is a shrine to Mari.

  His chest expands with every breath, his eyes blazing in unhinged anger and he manages to push down the venomous sneer. His gaze softens from her profile angle of his face, he turns to her with a smile and calls her name.

  When he is about to speak, her phone cuts in with its obnoxiously piercing ring. There’s a slight vibration on the bed by her foot as the rattling motion is stronger for certain ringtones. She recognizes that tone anywhere because Auntie Hayden gave her that ringtone. She wants Mari to be able to hear and feel her call coming in and expects her to answer within thirty seconds.

  She fumbles and blindly searches for the phone; her hand knocks it out of its hiding spot and answers it before it stops.


  James’ large hand pulls it away from her ear, her green eyes frantically search his eyes for answers as he cups her face. His soft lips connect with hers in a sweet morning kiss, she flushes when he bites her bottom lip. It’s a little nip, but it has a domino effect where she suddenly remembers all the details from the night before.

  “Mari is with me.” James simply said over the phone as his eyes never leave hers.

  He said it like it’s the only explanation as to why she isn’t home sleeping, imagining what her aunt looks like now is impossible because she can have two different reactions. Cold and calculated as to what to do with Mr. Novak because Mari’s schedule is for Mari so if she’s not where she’s supposed to be, then she’s technically missing or kidnapped. The other option is explosive screaming.

  Which is what she is doing now.

  Auntie Hayden the Banshee.

  She’s proud of the title, and Mari can’t find it in her to agree.

  Muffled shrills and whale screeches, James winces and glares over the phone. As offensive as the device is, he doesn’t crush her phone like she thought he would. He calmly moves it back to his ear, dropping his weight in front of her as she bounces up with the change of weight distribution.

  A mindless caress on her body relaxes her, his touch is familiar and safe as his palm lingers in her hand after memorizing one side of her profile. He rolls her small fingers in his, her eyes take in the difference between them; his big fingers lace with hers intimately as her thin fingers get swallowed by the width of his hand. He holds her as if he’s touching a priceless jewel, careful and protective.

  The endless screaming comes to halt and Mari blinks at him owlishly, the tattoos on his body steals her attention while he holds onto her hand.

  “It’s being taken care of. Don’t call back, we’re busy.” he hangs up.

  No nonsense and straight to the point, Mr. Novak is that type of man.

  Her heart sings with her drunken mind, his commands allow her to be herself without fear and he watches over her with his rules ingrained into her head. It’s an agreement they both need as much as they need each other.

  “Mr. Novak?”

  He squeezes her hand with a scowl on his face.

  “James.” she corrects quickly, and he nods approvingly.

  “Is something wrong?”

  Mari waits as he thinks for a moment, debating on whether how to tell what had happened or if he should tell her at all. Mr. Novak and her auntie deal with the outside world, she’s just there for the ride and the modeling. It’s fun and she can bring a lot of happiness to many people across the world, but they don’t let her interact with the world. She knows that they’re only doing it for her and keep her safe, and she’s disliking their overprotectiveness. She would like to explore the world as Mari instead of being the mysterious Marionette.

  “Yes,” he answers, “You’re now Mari the Marionette, sweetheart.”

  She tilts her head in confusion.

  “I don’t understand.”

  He types something on her phone and shows it to her. Her eyes scan the text and picture rapidly, she gasps in shock and dread settles deep in her belly when she finishes. Her lips tremble and she’s scared to make eye contact with him, he must be so disappointed that his hard work is gone.

  “I’m sorry.”

  He growls, hooking his fingers under her chin and yanks her attention back to him. His dark eyes narrow dangerously, and she abruptly forgets to breathe.

  “Do not say sorry.”

  James kneads her jaws, a reminder of his power over her. “This isn’t your fault, and you will never say sorry again if something isn’t your wrongdoing.”

  She doesn’t answer him back as her mind whirls at the possible repercussion of being known as a real person now that the enigmatic origin behind Marionette is out in the open.

  “Do you understand, little doll?”

  Her throat whines, “Yes, sir.”

  He rewards her with a steamy kiss with his tongue curling around hers.

  “Good girl,” he purrs.

  Suddenly, the news of her being Mari the Marionette doesn’t sound that bad. Not when he’s more elated than her. Dark eyes fuse with sinful intentions as he consumes her with his domineering control over her life.

  “The world will soon know you’re mine.”

  Hot and strong, his grip on her neck tugs on the desirable tinge on her clit, forcing a whimpering cry out of her lips.


  A moan ripples through her throat, “You’re mine too.”

  He hums, rubbing the silky strands of her hair in his fingers, reading every emotion that flickers across her face. Some are too quick to read, but Mari knows he’s gotten the general idea of how she’s feeling because Mari’s heart is filling with more love than it can handle and spills over on her lips as she smiles with happiness reflecting her green eyes.

  “Get dressed, sweetheart. We have an interview.”

  Her lips round in bewilderment, “Interview?”

  He confirms with a grin, pearly whites gleaming predatorily.

  “I want the whole world to know Marionette belongs to me and Mari is the only woman I love. You never have to hide anymore; you’re going to stand by me till the end.”

  Thumping heart warms with admiration, Mari giggles with her cheeks pulling wide with unrestrained giddiness.

  “Does that mean I can go see the Northern Lights, Time Square, Tokyo Tower and—”

  Dark eyebrow cocks calmly and she sweats under his gaze, Mari is too excited by the news of her not being a mystery anymore and now she can travel and experience things without the dark cloud looming behind her. Even though people will recognize her and there will be fans bombarding her for autographs, but she can proudly stand beside Mr. Novak and let him deal with them while she admires the views.

  “Trying to get rid of me already, little doll?”

  She squeaks when his hand comes down on her ass.

  “Never, sir. Just want to hold hands with you in public.”

  James purrs with a smirk, “You can hold them anytime, even now.”

  Long fingers wiggle in suggestion and she jumps to the chance of touching him.

  Her small hand fits perfectly in his like she is made for him.

  “Mine.” Mari smiles.

  Chapter Eight


  After Hayden’s threat of castrating his family jewel if a hair is out of order on her niece’s head, James defends his stance; he can protect Mari because he’s been doing it for the last three years. Not a living thing can put their hands on his precious little doll without him knowing and when he finds out she’s been harmed or grazed without permission, he’d have their whole life destroyed.

  This exclusive meeting between a reporter and them is designed to make Mari less frightened; he had everyone carefully s
creened for anything that’ll put a bump in their day and the security around the build is set up to his standards.

  The reporter is a senior journalist within a large and clean company, which is one of the reasons why he chose this route over any other reporters in the states.

  He’d be damned if a mistake on his part caused a bigger scandal than the owner of Marionette videotaped groping the doll.

  Groping, he scoffs.

  The papers had blown the entire ordeal out of proportion with outrageous accusations of him being a predator trying to hurt Marionette. Apparently, everyone’s favorite doll being a walking, breathing human being is the second thing they notice.

  “What’s your relationship with Marionette?”

  Right off the bat, the journalist throws a difficult question out. The older woman on the opposite chair smirks with her stack of paper, more questions to fire at one of the richest men.

  “It’s Miss Collins to you, and she’s my fiancée.”

  He’s not playing nice either, Mari’s eyes bore into the side of his face as she freezes in his lap. Having her so close to him makes it easier for him to concentrate on the questions without worrying about her being off somewhere even when she has a seat beside him. However, it also does the opposite of alleviating his lust, her soft ass rubs on his suited thigh as the custom-made three-piece suit fits him seamlessly.

  Every nook and cranny are at its perfection; his broad shoulders stretch the suit, the clean white button-up sinks into his muscles like a second skin as the cufflinks take all of Mari’s attention. He encourages her to keep her eyes on the accessories, just in case she overhears a question that’ll upset her.

  The woman nods, a fixed smile plays on her dark red lips.

  “Miss Collins,” she gets Mari’s attention, “Everyone is shocked to know that you’re real. How does it feel to have your entire branding come to light?”

  James had ordered Mari to not entertain the woman and allow him to answer all questions, she just needs to sit and be pretty on his lap.

  Having her secret exposed by a revolting fan still doesn’t negate her position as his little doll, and good girls listen when they’re told to do something.


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