by Sasha James
If you’re sitting, it’s best to choose a surface that is not too soft, in order to keep your back fairly straight. Sit comfortably, with both feet firmly touching the ground. Relax as much as you can and breathe naturally. Do not cross your legs and arms if possible. Breathe in and out, two or three times, before the start of the exercise.
Look up or extend your intention above, lifting up your energy to about 300 feet above your head, all the way up to the ABOVE center; this is a place where you can feel, sense, or see the source energy. Simply reach out to this place, to the dimension where the source energy is freely available. Take a deep breath and do not worry about how the whole process will go, because no matter how this happens, you will be fine. This ocean of golden source energy is the space or region from where you take your life energy; it is a place where all living entities in this universe get their power to move, create, and grow. Once your attention reaches this place, connect to it and allow the source energy to flow downwards. You can feel or visualize a strong beam of golden energy flowing down and reaching the top of your head. Now, you can ask this golden light to clean all of the negative energies and patterns in you and around you. Let this golden light go further down, and reach your eyes, removing all negative programs and beliefs you have ever accepted.
Allow this golden liquid energy to move further down and reach your throat, removing all blocks that do not allow you to create your future. Then, let this light penetrate your heart area and clean you from all accumulated anger, fear, and frustration that weakens you. Bring this molten golden light toward your torso and stomach area, entirely deleting energy related to giving up, as well as feelings of being stuck and powerless.
Then go further down, bringing energy to your hips and root, where this cleansing power melts away all self-doubt and blocks to growth. Let the light travel down your legs and once it reaches your feet, let it ground you with absolutely new and inspiring energy. You are now connected to the center Above and this cleansing energy is flowing from the top of your head, all the way down to your feet.
From there, project the energy downward, right toward the center of the earth. The energy of Earth is felt as a mother's love; it provides wonderful feelings of safety and security, peace and happiness. When golden energy reaches the center of the source energy that beams from the center of the planet, it becomes strongly catapulted back upward and toward your feet, hips, and stomach, and finally it reaches back to your heart area. When these two energies meet, your heart area, body and mind, is filled with an abundant energy of creation.
Take a deep breath … you are connected to the source. You feel safe and secure. You feel this connection with the source energy from above and below. Feel the energy flow from both directions. Now, you are full of the energy of creation, abundance, safety, and security. You are completely soaked in powerful source energy and your heart area now becomes a center where these energies meet.
Now, from your heart, start expanding this energy out, beyond your body. It is easy to do; just ask it to expand and it will happen. Expand your energy in a radius of 12 inches (one foot) around your body. Continue and expand your energy further out, reaching out to a radius of to 5 to 10 feet around you. Fill the room you’re in with energy and continue beyond that. Fill the building where you are with energy and expand beyond that. Go further and expand it as far as you can. Reach out to the borders of your city, region, and country.
You are now connected with limitless source energy that can be expanded from your heart all the way around the globe, then all the way around the entire universe. Now, you are connected with the source of all wealth, knowledge, abundance, and creation - and this most powerful creative source energy is streaming through you. Unlimited possibilities are being created for you right now. All parts of your body and mind are healing and becoming stronger. You are now becoming the best version of yourself. You are taking a shortcut to Having More.
This is the end of the Connecting to the Source Energy exercise. If you are ready to practice it regularly for at least 21 days in a row, you can be sure that it will not only become a powerful, pleasing experience but also it will happen more and more by default, so much so that you will find your way to using it in practically any life situation. To be connected with the source energy is something you can (and should) use for your own benefit. It will bring abundance, not only of financial growth but also improvement in other aspects of life (health, physical, mental, and emotional).
Again, once you start practicing, you will probably need help. You can use the Connecting to the Source Energy MP3 or video; if you think you don’t need it, you can do this exercise by help of the text above. You can practice this at any time of day; however, the best time for it is early morning, before the sunrise. Gradually, you will find the process becoming natural and easy as time passes, depending on the amount of practicing and focus that you invest in this exercise. After a short while, you will notice that you do not need the help of the recorded MP3-guided meditation, video, or even the text. As with anything else in life, “practice makes the master.” In any case, please do this exercise for the next seven days, at least once a day, before moving to the next part of this book. By all means, you can certainly read it, but please be patient. Do not begin applying the next method until you get tuned into Connecting to the Source Energy practice. It is really important and will help you derive much more from the upcoming parts of the “Shortcut to Having More” system.
PS: This following short piece of advice is for the restless readers who are feeling the urge to jump right to the next part without practicing this method for at least five to seven days, once or (much better) twice per day. I admire everyone who is eager and ready to invest time and energy in order to grow faster; however, I feel that a strong word of advice is necessary for you to hear. If you jump-start the process by working with the next part of our method before getting accustomed to Connecting to the Source Energy, the time needed to materialize results (that we would really like to see you achieve) will be unnecessarily prolonged. I am quite sure that you don’t want that to happen. There are enough things slowing you down anyway, so for that reason, please stick to the plan. After getting accustomed to Connecting to the Source Energy, at least once a day for the next seven days, then you can safely move to the next part.
By now, I hope you are familiar with the Connecting to The Source Energy practice. Again, that will multiply your results many times over. For many of you, this will create all of the necessary conditions for our new start. Over my years of working on my own issues and then becoming a coach, it became very clear to me that one of the biggest things we need to get very specific about (when pursuing great and measurable outcomes of transformational work) related to money and wealth. Many people are generalists – they do general work around abundance and the Law of Attraction, without getting specific. I learned that it’s one of the biggest problems that causes people a lot of pain, suffering, and disempowerment. It breaks up families and individuals’ careers, stopping people from doing what they love–yet it’s not addressed in a very specific way.
This exercise is based on Margaret Lynch’s approach and teaching; it is definitely one of the most complete and powerful clearing systems available today. As a certified ‘Tapping into Wealth’ coach, I have been using her approach to bring light and clarity to very specific blocks, and it has worked wonders with me and my clients. Once we have clarity about the five different forms of money, we can actually start clearing away obstacles with much better results to open possibilities into an entirely different world. It is very difficult to act properly or even have a good plan without having clarity. This is essential because everything with value is born from clarity. Without it, we can’t progress, be decisive, or even focus on what we want because we are confused.
Most of us know that inner impediments and barriers are stopping us from earning and keeping more money, but rarely does anyone get specific and clear on the exact types of blocks in our way and how to remove them. Why should you lose time and energy on anyone else’s issues but your own? One very important point is a mind-body money connection. All of you know of the ‘mind-body connection’–the way our autonomic nervous system transmits and causes change in the body based on what we are thinking about. Images and thoughts in our minds trigger emotions and feelings flowing through the nervous system. In a “mind-body money” connection, as you are about to see, different specific forms or types of money will trigger very specific mind-body reactions, blasting through the nervous system. Those reactions are responsible for all emotions and feelings that are spinning through our heads, causing unconscious self-talk and thinking patterns.
The first phase in this exercise will provide you with amazing clarity about the three aspects related to all five kinds of money. You will receive clarity about what is actually happening and (in my opinion) it will set you up to use one of the greatest mind-body shifting tools, tapping – also known as the Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT. If you have experienced it, you have already felt the power in this technique, or perhaps, you may be in contact with a less effective approach, so the results you got were less than you expected.
In any case, this version of Tapping is very different. We will be shifting and moving the energy that resides in our nervous system and our body, plus we will be changing the thinking patterns that loop habitually, like some sort of recorded message that plays over and over in our heads. Our Tapping is laser-focused. It will clear and shift what’s needed; from the other side of clearing the blocks, we will use it to open up and tap into more energy. This Personal Wealth Blueprint is only a starting point in the complete process, but it is a very powerful starting point that will provide you with the necessary clarity and practicality to clear out your main blocks. The recorded version of this exercise can help you to go deeper; you will get it five days after you first subscribe and confirm your subscription (Make sure you use this link, My other books, videos, and webinars can assist you to advance further as well.
In any case, we will begin with where you are now, working on your unconscious programming and keeping you on task. The process in front of you is very comprehensive. Its six parts cover everything, from the past that hides most of the set points related to money and wealth, then going forward to discover everything that stops you from having not only more money but also energy: confidence, power, action, focus, decisiveness, etc. We have to be clear about what stops you from being the type of person who stands confidently in your power, creating your life the way you want. There are no instant pushbutton or turnkey solutions. When we apply this process and the money mind-body tool, we start growing and evolving into the version of ourselves that stands tall with more power, more brilliance, and more awesomeness; the people who take more necessary, laser-focused action. We grow into people who easily earn and create wealth. We really want to take you toward a complete process that creates wonder, as I have promised since the beginning of the book. So, let’s do it!
Maybe you have already viewed one of my webinars (if so, thank you!), or you may have had some exposure to this approach of clearing blocks to wealth and money. If that is the case, feel free to use your notes in this process of creation of your “Confidential Wealth Blueprint.” If this is the first time for you to begin this exercise, now is the time to prepare the first handout we have provided. (If you do not have it, please request the subscription from this link, confirm your subscription and you will get all of the necessary support and materials.) You also have received a second handout, a Tapping script that you can customize based on the work done in this exercise. Your practice sessions will be greatly helped by these tools.
When she began working with multiple clients, Margaret discovered the five kinds of money, particularly when she worked with middle-class clients or those individuals in working-class families. The same thing has been confirmed by many of my colleagues. We have found that, during a general discussion about money or its various related topics (wealth, abundance, prosperity), there is a sort of generalized reaction; as soon as we start to use a specific approach, a much more intensive reaction appears.
As we approach the five aspects of money, we will help you see that there are three pieces of deeper complexity that attach to each of these specific kinds of money.
1) Firs will always be the emotional, nervous-system reactions: feelings, sensations, anxiety, stress, sadness, and fear. Emotions with the accompanying sensations are literally driven through the autonomic nervous system, until they pop up instantaneously at the very second we start talking specifically about various aspects of money. They’re slightly different for each one. Margaret agrees and uses the same word to describe the reaction (“interesting”), because we find it fascinating that our nervous system is wired to instantly react to different aspects of money.
2) Second, there are programmed loops of thinking; Margaret calls them “habitual self-talk.” As soon as you start thinking about and working with a certain kind of money, you hear a dialogue in your head of which you probably aren’t aware. This process will help you not only to become aware, but also solve the issues connected with these self-talk loops.
This is the sensational thing about self-talk; in a very damaging way, we never question it. These thoughts simply play inside our heads like a recording, over and over, over and over; it is never questioned. We never ever ask ourselves, “Is this truth?” or “Is this beneficial to me?” We normally reinforce the power of these self-talk loops by listening and allowing them to run throughout our nervous system. For this reason, they are “sensational” in a very bad way. Becoming conscious and aware about habitual self-talk is the real “ah-ha” moment that has the power to create an incredible boost for your advancement. The Personal Wealth Blueprint that you will create has the power to transform every aspect of your life.
3) Third, some aspects of money can include an additional important piece: trauma. Although this is not always true, some types of money can be connected to a type of trauma—we call them ‘Financial Trauma’. Very often, when tuning into different aspects of money, some sort of dramatic or traumatic experience pops up in your head. That remembrance can be about some type of emotional trauma related to physical issues, relationships, or finances—like when you went bankrupt, or were stolen from, got cheated, or had a battle over money. When you remember the event, you can say something like, “If that hadn’t happened, my financial situation probably wouldn’t be like it is today.” Usually it will still trigger emotion, so we know it’s still active in actually amplifying a nervous system reaction you’ve already been programmed with.
Now, we’re going to focus on four aspects of money, because not everyone has the fifth one. I will explain it a little, but we won’t get too far into it. Then we will look at the three aspects under each one.
(Friendly reminder: Before you start, it is warmly recommended that you go through a Connecting to the Source procedure described in the previous chapter.)
Take out your Personal Wealth Blueprint or a piece of paper, and write down the exact amount of money in your savings account right now. (I don’t mean in your retirement account or any investments—we are looking at your liquid savings.) If you had an emergency or an unexpected need to repair your car or a household appliance, and you had to pay for it, what is the amount of money that you can tap into easily—what amount do you have in your savings account? Write down that number. This paper is only for you, so be honest with yourself and simply write down the amount of liquid money that you can access easily, in case you need it.
YOU HAVE IT? Okay great.
bsp; Take a look at your number, and then take a deep breath.
What thoughts are running through your head right now? Do you hear something going through your head about it, something that you’re saying to yourself? Of course, a lot of people will say, “This is not enough, this is not enough money.” If you’re hearing those types of thoughts in your head (or something similar), I want you to do something that will help you assess how true that feels:
Say these words aloud:
“It’s not enough.” (Or, you could use the version of the words that you feel is nearer to what you are actually thinking right now; however, these short three words usually are enough).
Say that aloud now, a few times, while looking at the number representing the amount of money in your savings account.
Now, as you look at it and speak it aloud, most times that can increase the intensity of any feeling you’re experiencing. Write down what you’re feeling on your sheet or paper.
What is blasting through your nervous system, through your head, right now? What is the feeling that you feel? Do you feel something like embarrassment, or more like fear, anger, or frustration? Do you feel a mixture of a few related feelings or opposing feelings? Try to be as honest and defined as possible in this step. Write it down.