The Merger

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The Merger Page 18

by Loni Ree

  Tonight is the fucking Autumn Ball. I'll be so happy when this shit is over and concentrating on DRS Security is my only responsibility again. Something about Annie Ryan fucks with my head, and I can't forget her. Since the first time I laid eyes on her, my mind has been full of dirty thoughts about the Ryan sister. It’s pissing me off that she isn’t forgettable like every other woman in my past. Fucking her has only given me a taste of something real to insert into my fantasies, and my mind and dick refuse to forget that taste.

  Arriving early at the Autumn Ball, I check the location out. Nate assures me the event is secure, so I find a place over by the bar and watch as people slowly begin to arrive. Before long, most of the Ryan family members are present. George Ryan walks in with Bradley and Annie who are hand in hand, which pisses me the fuck off.

  Max, Lukas’ best friend, talks to me for a while about the security at the Ball and the ongoing investigation at Sterling-Ryan, but I barely pay attention to the conversation because I am so focused on the sham of a couple across the room. Unable to keep my attention, Max finally gives up and moves on. I stay at the bar and drink for quite a while, and can't help but glare at my useless fucking nephew every now and then. The little bastard is a pussy whipped motherfucker.

  Finally, Blake comes over and talks to me. “You know, if you keep staring at Bradley and Annie all night, everyone here is going to figure out that you’re in love with her.”

  “You of all people should know I don’t do love. Hell, I fuck them maybe once or twice, and I’m done. I’m tired of being a goddamn babysitter is all.” Lying to convince the fucker doesn’t work. When I catch his smirk out of the corner of my eye, I barely stop myself from punching the asshole in his mouth.

  "You've fucked her twice, and you don't seem to be done with her. I think you’re lying to yourself and to me," the smirking bastard replies, and I turn to him ready to explode, but he leans close and tells me, "I'm on your side. Get your ass to the back and calm the fuck down before everyone in here knows your business." Since I’m done making a fool of myself, I take his advice and stomp off to one of the rooms.

  Blake texts me when it is time to come out for dinner, and the path I choose to my table takes me right by Bradley and Annie. Passing them, I notice his arm draped all the way around her bare shoulder and his fingers lightly tracing the skin above her right breast. Rage courses through me, and controlling myself is impossible, so I lean over and whisper to him, “When you fuck her, you do realize she is thinking of me, right?”

  He looks over his shoulder at me and grins. “Nah, my dick drives all thoughts of you from her mind. She can’t manage anything but screaming.” Then he leans in and bites her ear before he stands and looks me right in the eye, ready to fight me.

  My body goes numb, and the room goes dark around me. The urge to kill the fucker overtakes me, and I reach to grab Bradley by the throat, but Blake hastily steps between us. Blake is sweating and frantically shaking his head at me. He grabs my shoulders and furiously whispers, “This is not the time or the place for this discussion. Both of you need to leave it the fuck alone tonight.”

  He turns furiously to Bradley and exclaims, “Goddamn it, Bradley, do you have a fucking death wish? Sit your stupid ass down with your date.” Then he shoves the stupid shit down into the chair with one hand while pushing me in the direction of my table with the other.

  “Drew, go to your table, and the two of you stay apart for the rest of the night.” As he is dragging me away, I look down and see the stunned and terrified look on Annie’s face, which causes me to take several deep breaths to try to bring myself under control.

  “You aren’t finished with Annie, and this shit is going to blow up in your face if you don’t deal with it soon. You’re giving me goddamn hazard pay from now on,” he insists before he walks back to his table with Lucy where he watches us until dinner is finished.

  As I watch Bradley touch her a thousand times throughout the meal, I have the urge to tear his hand from his body and shove it up his ass. Admitting to myself that I will never let my asshole nephew leave here with her tonight allows some of the rage to leave me. This girl is so far under my skin that there is no way I am going to get over her anytime soon. I want to kick my own ass for encouraging her to stay with Bradley. My huge fucking mistake is going to be fixed tonight.

  After dinner, I watch Annie leave their table to go to the restroom, and I follow her. Waiting in the hall when she emerges, I grab her hand and drag her into an empty side room.

  "What the hell? Have you lost your mind?" Annie demands as soon as I close and lock the door.

  “That is the motherfucking question of the night, sweetheart.” I take in her luscious scent all around me then lift her and place her tiny bottom on the table. Leaning in, I touch my forehead to hers and stare into her eyes so she can see how serious I am. "Are you trying to get a motherfucker killed? Is that your plan? Because let me tell you a little secret; I have discovered that I am not willing to let any other motherfucker touch you. If you keep throwing my nephew in my face, I'm going to finish off the little fucker."

  Her gorgeous blue eyes flash with her outrage, and the urge to pound her sweet hole in this small room for the whole Ball to hear slams through me. "You are nuts! Remember your speech about me being better off with Bradley? You told me to stick with him, you asshole, so fuck off. Ugh. You need help,” she furiously whispers as she tries to push me out of the way.

  But I push her up against the wall and let her feel my raging erection as it pushes against her soft belly. "I need you. Fuck what I said in my office. You're mine. That useless motherfucker can’t have you." Before she can respond, I hold her face between both of my hands and take possession of her mouth. By the time we come up for a breath, her eyes are glazed over, and my point is made.

  "Come home with me, and we can talk about how we are going to make this work between us. We will find a way to make this happen. I won't give you up," I demand.

  Annie pushes me away and takes her time pulling her dress back into place and reinserting pins into her messy hair. After she has herself fixed up, she looks at me and declares, “I’m not embarrassing Bradley by leaving here with you."

  The thought of her staying with him for the rest of the evening pisses me off, but the determination in her eyes leaves no argument so I reluctantly agree. “When I can get the fuck out of here, I’ll go straight to your place. We’ll talk about where we go from here. Let me warn you; unless you want Bradley’s death on your conscience, don’t let my nephew fucking kiss you goodnight.” I walk away after issuing my warning before the temptation to mess her up again is too much.

  The rest of the night drags on so fucking slowly, and watching as Annie tries to discretely move every goddamn time my nephew touches her is torture. By the end of the Ball, my blood pressure is sky high. Not only have I had to watch Bradley paw after Annie all evening, but Lukas’ former secretary, Marta, tried to cause a huge scene. Lukas dragged her to the side of the stage and gave her hell before too many people could realize what was happening, and we got the situation under control fast. She has been stalking him since he ended their relationship, and he transferred her to a new department. The crazy broad tried to act like she was going to be his date for the Autumn Ball and had to be escorted out by security. I can’t take another minute of this hell. Ordering Nate and Teddy to finish for me because I have someplace to be, I head to see my fucking woman.

  The whole ride to her apartment, I plan how I’m going to kill the little fucker if he kisses her. They haven’t arrived yet when I get to her apartment. Waiting for them, I tap my fingers on the steering wheel while glancing around the parking lot. Finally, Bradley’s car pulls-up. Luckily for him, Annie gets out of the car without her lips touching his and walks straight into her building. I take a few seconds and a few deep breaths to calm myself and then follow behind her, eager to finish our conversation from earlier.

  Annie answers the door with her dress
unzipped and tells to wait while she changes clothes, then she saunters away with her naked back on display. My growing arousal turns hard as stone from the glimpse of her flesh, and I have to limp to the sofa while trying to gain some control of the fucker.

  An earsplitting hiss from the sofa catches my attention, and I turn and stare down her fucking furball as he reclines on the armrest, flicking his tail back and forth. The ratty furball’s eyes are glowing as he glares at me before he arches his back and stretches around to lick his own ass. We are going to have to come to some kind of understanding. This is going to be a problem.

  Annie returns wearing some kind of thin shorts and tank top combination that drives all thoughts right out of my head and sends the blood rushing straight back to my distended flesh. "Sweetheart, if you want to have a meaningful conversation, go put on some fucking clothes."

  She looks down at herself and rolls her eyes before she tells me, "Get over yourself. I'm going to be comfortable during this conversation. Would you like something to drink before we get started, Mr. Caveman?"

  "I didn't come over here for a fucking social call. If you refuse to change your clothes, be prepared for me to fuck the shit out of you before the night is over. Why don't you sit your little ass down, and we can have our discussion.” She shakes her head as she walks over to the sofa and sits at the opposite end.

  After she sits, tucking her tanned legs underneath her, Annie looks over at me and raises her eyebrow, and I ignore her sassy attitude for now. "I've never done this before, so you're going to have to be patient with me, but I fucking refuse to picture another day of my life without you in it. I know I'm going to make mistakes. Goddammit, I fucking need you."

  A stunned look crosses Annie’s face before she gets up and paces the room. She stops to pet the goddamn cat, and I'm jealous of the fucker. Right when my patience is running out, she bites her lip and then answers. "You know I'm attracted to you. I'm willing to give you a chance, but there's more to consider here than just us. I begged Bradley to go with me tonight so no one would know there is a problem with our relationship. I don't want to ruin the merger or the marriage between Madison and Lukas."

  She steps in front of me and holds her hand up to keep me from interrupting right as I'm about to cut her off. Placing her hands on her hips, she keeps talking. "Wait, I realize this is going to piss you off, but I think we should keep our new relationship a secret until after the merger is complete."

  Laying my head back on the sofa, I take several deep breaths to try to stay calm before I reply, "Hell yes, I’m fucking pissed, but I understand where you're coming from. You fucking stay away from my goddamn nephew. If I find out about you going on another pretend date with Bradley, I will fuck the little sonofabitch up and spank your ass until you can't sit for a month. Have I made myself clear? The merger will not include you marrying Bradley, so I don't care what you have to tell your grandfather and brother, but make sure they know that your engagement to Bradley is over.”



  Looking down at his angry face, I can’t help myself when I needle him a little more. “I want to remind you that this merger was partially your idea…”

  Before I finish speaking, Drew reaches up and pulls me down to straddle his lap. His angry eyes pierce me, and I feel his rock hard shaft pressing against the thin material covering my hungry center. My breathing gets erratic, and he reaches between us and unzips his pants to free his erection while tearing the lightweight fabric of my shorts. He lifts me slightly and drops me down on his engorged manhood, and we both groan when he starts pumping.

  “God, Drew,” is all I can moan because his rapid hammering is stealing my breath.

  “I told you I planned to fuck you before the night was over. Fuck, you feel good, baby.” Drew pants against my skin as he gently bites then sucks my breast through the thin material of my camisole. I am powerless as his large hands wrap around my hips and pull me up and down to meet his powerful thrusts. When he reaches one thumb over between us and rubs my oversensitive clit, I throw my head back and scream as my orgasm rushes through my body. After two more thrusts, he jerks me down hard onto his pulsing dick and groans against my throat.

  Flopping forward to lie across his chest, I try to catch my breath while he runs one of his hands through my wild hair and the other hand up and down my back. His breath tickles my temple as he leans over and places a small kiss on my head. A little while later, he lifts me and carries me to my room and lays me on my bed.

  “Holy shit,” I exclaim, drooling a little while watching as he strips for me. “You can’t make promises with your show and not deliver,” I insist as he slowly runs his hands down his abdomen and dances to imaginary music. When he leisurely lowers his pants to reveal his magnificent cock, my breathing gets choppy. The man may be forty-two, but his body is a piece of work with well-defined muscles, powerful legs, and a firm ass. He could easily pass for a thirty-year-old. His dick is huge; even flaccid, it hangs halfway to his freaking knees.

  “I plan to deliver all night long, baby doll,” he promises before he stalks over and pushes me back to straddle me. When his cock thumps onto my stomach, wetness runs from my core onto the sheets under me. He plunges into my soaking pussy then stops and stares down at me before leaning down to take my lips in a scorching kiss.

  After intertwining our hands over my head, Drew proceeds to fuck me until a massive orgasm sneaks up on me. My fingers and sex clench at the same time, and Drew swallows my choked cry. His thrusts speed up, and his dick swells before he rips his mouth away and throws his head back to groan as his cum fills my sex. The veins stand out in his neck, and a tremor passes through his body before he falls on top of me. A few seconds later, he rolls to the side and takes my limp body with him.

  “Maybe all night was optimistic. You are going to kill my old ass,” he jokes after he catches his breath.

  Drew has been spending most nights at my apartment since it’s closer to DRS than the apartment he is renting. He says his house should be done any day, which will make things much nicer. We go to the new house often to check the progress, and I fall in love with it a little more each time we are there. The only real test to our new relationship so far has been the strain between Drew and Mr. Whiskers. My two loves seem to have a hard time seeing eye to eye.

  It’s been a hell of a day at La Femme, and I see a text from Lukas that says:

  Get your ass to my office now.

  Well, shit, this can’t be good. I try calling Aiden, my twin brother, to see if he has any idea what the hell is going on, but he doesn’t answer so I will have to go see what the asshole wants.

  When I get to Sterling-Ryan, Jose, Lukas’ new assistant, has a look of pity on his face that tells me things are bad. “Lukas asked that you go right in as soon as you arrived,” Jose says. While giving myself a silent pep talk, I head to my brother’s office door and walk in.

  Lukas is sitting behind his desk, and Gramps George, my grandfather, is sitting on the sofa in the corner of Lukas’ office. The gravity of the situation hits me.

  “Annie, have a seat,” Lukas demands.

  Moving closer to his desk reveals how pissed he is. His eyes are narrowed to slits, and the muscles are jerking along his tightly clenched jaw.

  “Dear sister, it looks like you literally screwed the pooch this time. What the fuck were you thinking? Have you lost your mind? What the fuck?” As the questions spew from his mouth, his face gets redder and his eyes grow wilder.

  “Lukas, you haven’t given her a chance to talk. Calm down, my boy.” Gramps George cuts in and turns to me with disappointment in his eyes.

  “Annie, this really is a horrible mess you have put this family in, my dear. The whole merger could collapse because of your lapse in judgment.” Gramps George shakes his head while he scolds me.

  Getting up, I walk around to calm myself before responding. “I was never going to marry Bradley, and I should have said that up front. I’m sor

  “You’re fucking sorry?” Lukas interrupts, but Gramps George holds his hand up to Lukas and signals for him to let me continue. Lukas swallows hard and punches his fist on the desk but signals for me to continue.

  “I can’t help how I feel. I have strong feelings for Drew; I may be falling in love with him. You fell for Madison. Would you give her up if someone told you to?” I throw back at Lukas and watch as his chair sails across the floor when he stands suddenly.

  “Motherfucking son of a bitch. Don’t throw Madison in my face ever again. You and Drew lay low until after my wedding and don’t cause any fucking trouble with Bradley or the merger. If this shit causes any problems with my relationship with Madison, I will kill Drew and disown you. Now, get the fuck out of here and stay away from Bradley Steele.” Grabbing my purse, I turn to leave but stop at the door.

  “You aren’t going to fire Drew’s company over this, are you? I would never forgive you,” I warn Lukas from the door.

  Lukas’ mouth drops open, and he looks ready to kill me. “You worry about yourself and let your boyfriend take care of his own business.”

  “You’re such an asshole.” My last parting shot makes him laugh. Jose has a look of complete shock on his face as I sail past him; I guess he heard my last comment to the great Lukas Ryan.

  When I get back to La Femme, I throw myself into straightening out the mess in my office. I’m kneeling in my office closet when I hear, “I heard you tried to protect me today.”

  Drew’s voice is so unexpected, it causes me to jerk up under a shelf holding old catalogs and hit my head hard.


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