Valeria, the Martyr of the Catacombs: A Tale of Early Christian Life in Rome

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Valeria, the Martyr of the Catacombs: A Tale of Early Christian Life in Rome Page 14

by W. H. Withrow



  "Do you remember buying or selling a slave named Demetrius, a Jew?"asked Isidorus of Ezra, the slave-dealer of Milan. He wasted no words incircumlocution, for he knew that there was no use in trying to deceivethe keen-eyed Jewish dealer in his fellowman; and that his best chancesof success were in coming directly to the point.

  "Selling a Jew? Oh, no! I never sell my own kinsmen. That's against ourlaw. It is like seething a kid in its mother's milk. I often ransom themfrom pirates and set them free."

  "But this Demetrius was a Christian Jew--a convert from Moses to Jesus,"said the Greek.

  "A Christian dog," cried Ezra with a wicked execration. "He was no Jew.He had sold his birthright like Esau, and had no part nor lot withIsrael. Of course, I'd sell him if I got him--to the mines, or to thegalleys, or the field gang, to the hardest master I could find. But Iknow naught about your Demetrius, who was he?"

  "He was a Jew of Antioch," said Isidorus, "captured by Illyrian piratesand sold in the slave market of Ravenna."

  "That is a common tale," replied Ezra. "There are many such. How longsince this occurred?"

  "'Tis now five years since he was last seen by her who seeks him, andwho will pay well for his recovery."

  "Just my luck," grumbled the greedy Jew. "Some one else will gain theprize. 'Tis not for me."

  "Then you cannot help me in this quest?" said the Greek.

  "How can I remember the scores and hundreds of Christian dogs that Ihave bought and sold? Go ask these monks, they know more of the verminthan I do."

  Acting on this hint, Isidorus made his way to the Convent of SanLorenzo, the ancient chapel of which still remains. Knocking at abronze-studded gateway he was admitted to a quadrangle surrounded bycloisters or covered galleries upon which opened the doors of thedifferent apartments. It was more like a hospital and alms-house thanlike what is now understood as a convent. It served as a sort of schoolof theology, youthful acolytes and deacons being here trained for theoffice and work of presbyters in the Church. Isidorus presented hisletter from Adauctus to the good Bishop Paulinus, and was most cordiallyreceived.

  "Right welcome art thou, my son," said the bishop, "bearing, as thoudost, the commendation of the worthy Adauctus; and right glad shall webe to promote thy search. I myself know naught that can throw light uponit, inasmuch as I lived not at Milan, but was bishop of Nola at the timeof which thou speakest."

  The scriptor, or secretary, of the convent was also consulted withoutavail, no record being found in the annals of the house that gave anyhope of discovery.

  "Come lunch with us in the refectory," said the bishop, "and I will askif any of the brethren know aught of this mystery."

  The refectory was a large bare-looking room--its only furniture being along and solid table with a shorter one across the end for the bishop,and presbyters, and visitors. Of this latter there were frequentlyseveral, as such houses were the chief places for entertaining thetravelling clergy or even lay members of the Christian brotherhood. Uponthe walls were certain somewhat grim-looking frescoes, representingBiblical scenes and characters like those in the Catacombs described inchapter VIII. At one side of the room was a _bema_, or reading-desk, atwhich one of the lectors a distinct ecclesiastical office,[30] with itsspecial ordination--read, while the brethren partook of their meals, thelessons for the day from the Gospels and Epistles, as well as passagesfrom the writings of Clement, Ignatius, Justin Martyr, and Origen. Forthis usage the scarcity and high price of MS. books, and the desire toimprove every moment of time was deemed a sufficient ground.

  After the meal--which was almost ascetic in its simplicity, consistingchiefly of vegetable pottage, lentils, and bread was over, and thereading ended, the bishop explained the cause of the presence among themof a stranger from Rome.

  "My brethren," he said in conclusion, "this is a common story. Many arethe victims of cruelty and wrong in this great empire. Be it ours, sofar as God may give us power, to succour the oppressed and redress theirwrongs."

  As he sat down a venerable presbyter rose and said, "Father, five yearshave I been under this hospitable roof, ransomed from bondage by yourpredecessor in office. Five years have I mourned the loss of a son anddaughter, sold from my arms to I know not what cruel fate. It may bethat God is about to restore me my children, the flesh of my flesh. Hastthou, stranger, any sign or token by which I may be assured of theiridentity?"

  "Of thy son I have no tidings; but know thou if this be a token of thydaughter's rescue," and Isidorus exhibited the small cornelian _tessara_of the fish of which we have spoken.

  Eagerly the old man clasped it, and scanned the inscription, andjoyfully exclaimed, while tears of gladness flowed down his aged cheeksand silvery beard, "Thank God, my child yet lives. I shall again beholdher before I die. See, here is her very name, 'Callirho[e:], daughter ofDemetrius.' I carved it with my own hands one happy day in our dear homein Damascus. God is good. I never hoped to see her again. Tell me,stranger, is she, too, a slave?"

  "Nay," said Isidorus with emotion, for even his careless nature wastouched with sympathy at the joy of the old man, "She is the freed womanof the Empress Valeria, and high in favour, too, I should judge, fromthe interest her august mistress showed in seeking for thee."

  "_Benedic, anima mea, Domino,_" exclaimed the aged presbyter withfervour. "_Et omnia, qu[ae] intra me sunt, nomini sacro ejus_--Bless theLord, my soul: and all that is within me bless His holy name. He hathheard my prayer. He hath answered my supplication."

  The old man's story was soon told. He had been rescued from the slavepen of Ezra, and employed in the service of the convent. His familiarknowledge of Greek led to his appointment as instructor in that languageof the young acolytes and deacons who were in training for the office ofthe ministry. At length his superior gifts and fervent piety led to hisown ordination as a presbyter of the Church of Milan.


  [30] This office was possibly derived from the synagogue. As requiringgood scholarship it was one of much honour, and was even sought bylaymen. The Emperor Julian, in his youth, and his brother Gallus, werereaders in the Church of Nicomedia. Many epitaphs of readers occur inthe Catacombs.


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