Head Hunter

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Head Hunter Page 16

by Layla Nash

  Dodge caught her hand before the grazing, fumbling friction of her touch drove him insane with need. He kissed her palms and then lifted her arms over her head, planting her hands on the headboard. “Hold onto this.”

  “But I want –“

  He kissed her hard, waiting until she melted and relaxed before breaking away, and wrapped her fingers around the smooth wood. “Come on, baby. Keep your hands up there and let me do what I do.”

  She eyed him sideways but her hands stayed where he put them. “You’re going too slowly.”

  “I like to take my time.” He turned his attention lower and teased by moving his fingers closer and closer to her clit, drifting around it, and she groaned in anticipation. Dodge loved watching her reactions. She liked firmer pressure, a little roughness in the way he touched her and sucked her nipples. She almost came off the bed when he sank his fingers deep into her, and held onto the headboard as she lifted her hips to seek out more.

  He could have watched her all night, even though ignoring his hard-on grew more and more difficult with every sigh and moan wrenched from her. Persephone’s thighs clamped around his wrist as she sought release, almost desperate, and Dodge couldn’t deny himself any more. He moved down her body until he lay between her legs, draping her thighs over his shoulders, and breathed against her slit.

  Her head popped up from the pillow and her arms fell at her sides as she stared at him. Like she hadn’t expected phase two. He arched an eyebrow at her and pointed at the headboard. “Hands.”

  Persephone’s face reddened and her lips parted, but she moved her hands back up and gripped the wooden bars.

  The moment his tongue touched her, she groaned with a guttural need that set him aflame. Her thighs closed against his head and he chuckled, squeezing her ass so he could tilt her for easy feasting. God, he loved her ass. Just the feel of it, the softness and weight in his hands, was enough to make him finish in his shorts.

  Dodge tasted her and sucked on her flesh, listening to the tenor of her responses for cues on speed and intensity, and played her body like an instrument. Persephone arched her back and her muscles tensed; her channel tightened and relaxed around his fingers as he deepened each thrust, searching for just the right spot...

  She cried out and froze, body straining as all of her flushed. Dodge watched her expression, memorizing every detail, and moved his hand slow and easy to tease out more of the ripples that tried to break his fingers. Her chest heaved as she drew in ragged breaths, her legs slowly relaxing, and her eyes remained closed even as she whispered, “Wait.”

  He stilled, resting his chin on her thigh so he could watch her, and felt the rest of his heart fall under her spell. He could never get enough of her. He meant it when he told her she could walk away whenever she wanted, but he couldn’t admit that it would destroy him. His world would lose all its color without her in it. He was addicted, completely lost. There was no rehab for him.

  The thought made his throat close on sudden emotions, a rare enough occurrence when in bed with a woman, and he couldn’t drag his gaze away from Persephone as she sighed and smiled and stretched languidly in his bed. She finally pried her hands from the headboard and slid them down her own body, murmuring and wriggling, and his cock jumped at the sight. She opened her eyes and found him watching her; her cheeks were still pink, whether from the orgasm or shyness he couldn’t tell, and she looked sleepy and sated. Well-loved.

  He dragged his knuckles along the inside of her thigh, looking for her reaction, and hoped she’d turn into a boneless puddle of desire in the sheets so he could tease her to climax again. Instead, she touched his cheek. “You going to join me, or what?”

  “I like where I’m at,” he murmured, his voice rocky. “I could stay here all night.”

  Persephone laughed, though goosebumps rose on her arms and legs. She tugged on his beard and dragged him up her body. “I want to feel all of you, baby.”

  The whispered endearment made him groan. He kissed her fiercely, hungry for all of her, and unbuckled his belt at the same time. His jeans almost ripped as he fought to get them off. She already had all of him, she just didn’t know it yet. Whatever she asked for, he’d give without question or hesitation.

  He smiled against her mouth and squeezed her hip. Whatever she asked for. Whatever she wanted. He’d give her the entire world. She just had to say the word.

  Chapter 25


  I saw stars. I almost passed out completely. I lost control of my body and could just hold onto the headboard and moan. I’d never come that hard in my life, even when taking care of myself. It must have been the extended teasing, him denying me the touch I really wanted as he played around and kissed and stroked...

  My mouth went dry at the thought and my thighs clenched. Everywhere I touched Dodge was hard and sleek with muscle, except the occasional ridge of scars providing a roadmap to his history. He had a lot more stories to tell.

  I just hoped we had time for him to tell me. I wanted to hear about him, I wanted to learn everything he’d been through and seen and wanted.

  But in that moment, I wanted him. His body, his hands, his... everything.

  I flushed at the wanton thoughts; I’d never been really bold in bed, I’d never really asked for what I wanted and needed. Dodge was the first man I thought would listen. He cared. He watched me so carefully, it was like he could read my mind.

  Maybe that was why I came so hard I almost had a seizure.

  Dodge pulled off his jeans with enough determination that I figured he was ready for the main event, too. He wore black boxer-briefs that did little to contain the massive erection that surged from under the waistband. I blinked when he snapped off the briefs and all of him was revealed, since his impressive stature was impressive everywhere.

  He must have seen something in my expression that communicated either my uncertainty or my interest, because he chuckled, a low throaty sound that made my skin prickle in anticipation. Dodge stroked himself once or twice, gazing down at the length of my body, as he put a knee on the mattress near my hip. “Baby, we can –“

  “Oh, we’re going to,” I said. No way in hell was I letting him get away without feeling him inside me.

  I sat up and reached for his cock, amazed by the heavy heat against my palm. He was hard as steel and ridged with veins. I dragged my hand down his length, repeating what I’d seen him do, and was rewarded with a deep groan. Dodge slid back on the bed and leaned against the headboard, trying to drag me up to straddle him, but instead I licked the head of his cock. He cursed and gripped handfuls of the sheets, his hips jerking, and I smiled as I repeated the gentle teasing. Turnabout was fair play, that was for damn sure. I could torment him at least as long as he tormented me.

  I kissed down the length and then back up to the head, licking and sucking, and wrapped one hand at his base to help cover more of his impressive shaft.

  Dodge cleared his throat a few times and his head fell back against the wall. “You’re going to kill me.”

  “Payback,” I murmured.

  His fingers worked into my hair at the back of my head, applying gentle pressure to help guide me. He didn’t get rough, but I knew when I’d hit the right spot because his grip tightened and his hips rose and he drew in a shuddering breath that sounded like prayer. I had to clench my thighs together to keep from trying to rub against him, and diverted some of my attention to touching myself as I tried to take more of him in my mouth. Dodge groaned as he watched me, and he squeezed my thigh before replacing my hand with his own.

  He almost distracted me entirely from pleasuring him. He hit the right spot and I closed my eyes, thrusting my hips against the hard pressure of his thumb. I could only absently stroke his cock while I tried to ride through the waves of pleasure that built up around his touch. I moaned and ran my tongue around the head of his cock, hardly able to concentrate, and gazed up at him. He watched me with so much heat in his gaze that it almost sent me over the edg

  It didn’t last long enough. I’d almost reached another climax when Dodge pulled me up, squeezing the sensitive spot where my neck met my shoulder, to kiss me. He still leaned back against the headboard but moved me to straddle his thighs, his cock standing up between us. His arms crushed me to his chest as he kissed me, playing with my hair, and his chest hair chafed against my breasts, sparking a bright spot of need that pulled directly at my clit. Dodge held me tight and his cock pressed against my stomach. I linked my arms around his neck as my breasts distracted him.

  He reached over and pulled a condom out of the nightstand, and had it on before I could offer to do the honors myself. Then his hands tightened on my hips and he lifted me carefully, easing me up. I reached down to touch him and his entire body jerked in anticipation as I stroked the broad head across my slit. Dodge didn’t immediately drop me down on his cock but held me up so I could pleasure myself with him, moaning and whispering and begging him for more.

  He growled as I eased him into me. Dodge slooooowly impaled me until I dug my nails into his shoulders and tensed. He nearly split me open; he was bigger than anyone I’d ever been with, wider and longer and just more. I panted, struggling to breathe and adjust to the invasion while still a few inches above his hips. Dodge held me up so gravity didn’t push me beyond my limits. He kissed my throat and breasts as he waited. He murmured, “Touch yourself, baby. Show me what you like.”

  My head fell back as shivers raced through me. I clenched around him and relaxed, trying to take more of him, and slowly ran my finger around the sensitive flesh above where our bodies connected. The tension melted away and I rose up a touch before sliding down again. Dodge’s breath caught and he clenched his jaw as he helped me with an easy up-and-down that guided more and more of him into me. I kept touching myself and he kept encouraging me, his words rough and dirty as he narrated everything I did and how fucking hot it was.

  The orgasm roared through me like a freight train and my hips jerked against him as my channel clenched and the aftershocks left me limp. Dodge grumbled and let me fall forward against his chest, stroking my back. His hips lifted in a slow thrust and I moaned as the slide and broad invasion sparked more ripples.

  Dodge grumbled and the muscles in his abs tensed. He lifted me, then eased me back down, and I managed to hold onto his shoulders and moved with him. We found a good rhythm, even though my muscles trembled and shook and part of me wanted to flop on my back and let him do all the work.

  Every movement sparked another tremor and frisson of pleasure. Up and down, back and forth, grinding down against him... I could hardly breathe. Dodge held me tight to his chest once more as he started to thrust deep and hard. I pressed my face against his neck and moaned, digging my nails into his shoulders. He squeezed my ass with both hands, growling in an animal tone that made my skin prickle. I held on as a wild lust took over and he fucked me, holding me still as his movements grew jerky and uneven. I shuddered and trembled as the wildness reignited a desperate need, an immense tsunami of ecstasy lingering just beyond my reach. It would be too much, I already knew.

  I held on, breathing hard, and squeezed as tight around him as I could, desperate for that last bit of friction...

  Dodge growled and abruptly lifted me off him, tossing me onto the bed, and I stared at him as I hovered on the edge of an absolutely perfect climax.

  Chapter 26


  He’d never get enough of her. Ever.

  Dodge felt her trembling and saw the flush rising in her chest and knew she was close to coming. He wanted to see her come apart again but didn’t think he’d last long enough to take her there.

  Having her bouncing on his lap, holding on just hard enough to spark pain in his shoulders and feed the lust rampaging through him, was too much, no matter how he tried to distract himself from the pressure building in his lower back. He wanted to finish in her without a goddamn condom, but he wasn’t a dick. He wouldn’t roll the dice with her life, not when an unplanned pregnancy would derail her plans. As much as he wanted to fill her and watch her stomach grow round with his child...

  He snarled as his entire body jerked with need, and pulled Persephone away so the warm heat of her body wouldn’t push him over the edge. She blinked, mouth hanging open, and looked dazed as she stared at him. No doubt wondering what the fuck he was doing.

  Dodge loomed over her and caught her waist, moving her to her hands and knees. “Ass up, baby.”

  She moaned and wiggled her ass in the air as she adjusted, and hugged a pillow under her chest. He couldn’t resist giving her a solid smack on her right cheek, pleased when she murmured with pleasure and arched her back, practically inviting him to do it again. A good spanking would no doubt help them both out, but he’d come by the third or fourth smack and miss his chance to bury himself in her again. Dodge gripped her hips and plunged into her again, all the way to his root, and Persephone immediately clenched around him, her head lifting at the sudden penetration.

  He held on to control by the barest margin. The wolf wanted to mark her, to bite her neck, to cover her with his entire body and pepper her with hickeys and nips. Persephone reacted to the rougher grip of his hands and the forceful thrusts, pushing back to meet him and gasping with every hard collision of his hips and her ass.

  Dodge leaned back to see all of her, then leaned so his chest covered her back and she could feel his weight. He felt every wriggle and pant as she met his thrusts, hooking his arm under her waist to keep her up as her arms weakened and she pressed her face into the pillow. Dodge growled and released her hip so he could reach under and tease her again, goading her into...

  She screamed into the pillow, barely muffling the sound, and froze as her body tightened up and he had to work hard to fuck through the convulsions in her channel. Her body milked him and it was too much. Dodge kept moving, closing his eyes, and covered every inch of her with his body. The pressure built until he nearly choked, growling, and the tide rose up and up and up until stars exploded behind his eyes and the rest of him followed suit.

  Dodge groaned, loud and low and guttural, as he almost came apart. He buried himself in her as his release roared through him, moving jerkily in and out until all the tension and strength drained out of him. He collapsed on top of her, though he managed to land somewhat to the side. The only sound in the room was their panting.

  His thoughts splintered and tangled until the world reordered itself. The center of the universe changed, shifted until it was Persephone who was his shining star, his true north. His world revolved around her. He’d thought it before, but being connected to her, feeling her body against his, tasting her sweat and the most secret parts of her body... He was lost.

  He rested his palm against her ribs, waiting for her breathing to calm, and kissed the back of her shoulder. He didn’t want to break the silence. He didn’t know what to say anyway.

  Persephone lifted her head from the pillow and faced him, though her eyes were closed. A smile played across her lips, just begging to be kissed. “I take it back.”

  He tensed. What the fuck did that mean?

  She sighed and stretched, though her hips stayed pinned under his and his half-hard cock still filled her. “That you have no finesse in bed. I take it back.”

  Dodge snorted and lightly smacked her hip. “You’re just asking for a spanking, girl.”

  She arched an eyebrow and gave him a coy look over her shoulder. “I would certainly never...”

  “Nice try,” he muttered, and slid his hands up her sides to find the ticklish spots that made her squirm and gasp for breath.

  Somehow they ended up nose to nose, prone on the bed, and Persephone gazed up at him with such trust that it scared the shit out of him. How the fuck would he ever be the kind of man she deserved?

  Her hands wandered and slid over his back. His renewed interest pressed against her hip, so there was no way she could miss it. Persephone smiled and lifted her chin to kiss him. “Rea

  “Baby, as long as you’re interested, I’m ready.”

  Persephone’s smile went all slow and sultry, like she was already thinking dirty thoughts. He swallowed a groan. She had no idea what she could do to him with just a look, just a single word. He retreated, though, and moved away so he could deal with the condom and clean her up a bit first. She watched him, more curious than anything, but her eyes softened when he returned from the bathroom with a warm washcloth so he could wipe her thighs.

  He got a little distracted with swiping over her slit and teasing her clit with the rougher texture of the washcloth. She squirmed and sighed and her legs fell open in invitation. Dodge grinned and climbed on the mattress over her, already thinking of the new ways they could join. There weren’t enough hours in the night to feel complete or sated, but he’d do his best to wear her out and make sure she knew how much he loved her.

  Chapter 27


  I lost track of how many times I came. It was like being in bed with a machine. I could glance in his direction and he was immediately hard, even if he’d just finished a few minutes before. I could hardly move, limp and exhausted from orgasm after orgasm, by the time we dozed in a tangle of damp sheets.

  Dodge curled up around me, a warm and slightly sweaty blanket, as I sank into a deep sleep.

  No dreams bothered me, but it was too soon that a phone rang and Dodge answered with an annoyed growl. He listened for a while, then dropped the phone without another word. I tried to sit up but my abs ached from the workout they’d gotten over the previous few hours. I rubbed my eyes and yawned, wanting to curl back up and get more sleep. Or maybe tease Dodge into an interlude in the shower, since we both needed to get clean. “What is it?”

  He rolled toward me and flopped an arm and leg over me, dragging me under him. He nuzzled into my hair and exhaled a huff of air. “Evershaw. Detective has something to talk about.”


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